Tokyo from Edo to Showa 1867-1989

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Tokyo from Edo to Showa 1867-1989 Page 74

by Edward Seidensticker

323“the repellent kind.” Collected Works, XXIX, 1982, 232-34. A more recent version of the collected works than that cited elsewhere.

  340“after a rain.” Op. cit., 197.

  340“into the mirrors.’’ Collected Works, VIII, 236.

  341“on their way.” Collected Works, Tokyo, Shinchosha, III, 1977, 14.

  342“medical science marvelous?” Collected Works, II, 28-29.

  343“just like Osaka.” Collected Works, III, 28.

  343“not with dew.” Shōwa Ryūkōkashi, 51-52.

  344“a chain store.” Op. cit., 14.

  348“spring and autumn.” p. cxc.

  355“for the dancer.” Shōwa Ryūkōkashi, 48-49.

  353“into new ones.” Collected Works, II, 30-31.

  354“song and legs.” Ibid., 31.

  355“the Fourth District.” Ibid.

  359“was really listening.” Collected Works, III, 356. The passage is a single sentence in the original.

  360“stroll down Ginza.” Collected Works, II, 33.

  362“bags of sweets.” Ibid., 128-29.

  362 “quite radiates eroticism.” Ibid., 109.

  363“world doesn’t have.” Ibid., 86.

  365“only in Asakusa.” Collected Works, III, 75.

  376“want to flee.” Chikamatsu Shūkō, quoted in Tōkyō Hyakunenshi, V, 1972, 900.

  384“of a room.” New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1957, 483.

  386“make haste, sing.” Collected Works, XII, 1963,402-3.

  386“at my breast.” Ibid., 408.

  386“make the sacrifice.” Ibid. ,413.

  387“in the hall. Ibid., 422.

  387“to be in.” Ibid., 430.

  387“from human affairs?” Ibid., 432.

  388“breaks the silence.” Ibid., 437.

  389“together are removed.” Collected Works, Tokyo, Keisō Shōbō, 1, 1970, 153.

  340“of their dream.” Ibid., 241.

  392“letting things go.” Collected Works, XIX, 1974, 551-52.

  392“going to ruins.” Collected Works, XXIII, 1964, 439.

  393“moral from this.” Collected Works, XIX, 570.

  393“neglect the place.” Asakusa, edited by Takami Jun, Tokyo, Eihōsha, 1955, 272.

  408“that odd building,” p. 96.

  418“a modest gift.” Collected Works, Tokyo, Chikuma Shobō, IX, 1978, 17.

  452“how agreeable.” Shōwa Ryūkōkashi, 141.

  458“a different route.” Collected Works, XXIV, 1964, 180.

  463“with Edict 9.” Murata Hiroo, in Takami, Asakusa, 240.

  465“of us Japanese.” Quoted in Shōwa no Sesō (Aspects of Shōwa), edited by Harada Katsumasa, Tokyo, Shōgakkan, 1983, 140. The Harada volume is an appendix to the Shogakkan history of the Shōwa Period.

  494“came back again.” Akatsuka Yukio, quoted in Edo Tōkyō Gaku Jiten (The EdoTokyo Encyclopedia), edited by Ogi Shinzō et al., Tokyo, Sanseido, 1987, 239.

  506“things a bit.” Quoted in Harada, op. cit., 254.

  515“oversaw the destruction.” It may be a mistake to say that nothing else survives of Mitsubishi Londontown. Fragments of the Ginza Bricktown of early Meiji, thought to have been utterly lost, have turned up in the course of demolitions, excavations, and rebuildings.

  523“helpful of police.” When a friend and I tried to photograph the mammoth police box we were told that regulations forbade it. Inquiry with police headquarters revealed that there are no such regulations.

  527“villa of Kikugorō.” Collected Works, IX, 1964, 111-12.

  530“use of space.” Arthur Koestler, as we were having a stroll.

  535“Sanyūtei Kimba.” Quoted in Shōwa no Sesō (Aspects of Shōwa), edited by Iwasaki Jiro and Katō Hidetoshi, Tokyo, Shakai Shisōsha, 1971, 269.

  542“had a point.” The lady, obviously American, winked and smiled and made the remark as she got off the riverboat from Asakusa. I was waiting at Shibaura to board the same boat in the opposite direction.

  544“going to win.” Tamanoumi, in Bungei Shunjū ni Miru Shōwa Supōtsu shi (A History of Shōwa as seen in Bungei Shunjū), II, 1988, 526. The article is reprinted from the magazine Bungei Shunjū for April 1970. Tamanoumi became a Yokozuna in 1970 and died while still an active wrestler.

  570“have a home.” Shōwa Bungaku Zenshū (a uniform edition of Shōwa writing), Tokyo, Shōgakkan, IX. 1987, 44.

  573“edge of bankruptcy.” Fukuda Shintarō, president of the Jiji News Service, in conversation.

  599“goes on developing.” Tōkyōjin (The Tokyoite), March-April 1988, 134-35.

  600“not be easy,” Tōkyōjin, special issue, July 1988, 22-23.


  Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

  ABCD encirclement, 404

  Abe family, 239

  Abe Sada (O-sada), 402

  addresses, 228-29

  Adults’ Day, 144

  advertising, 118, 271, 213, 558

  air raids, 416, 418

  Aishinkakura Eisei, 534

  Akasaka, 511-12

  Akasaka Detached Palace, 40, 230, 236

  Akasaka Ward, 228, 232, 249

  akasen (red line), 532

  Akihabara district, 211

  Akihabara electronics market, 471

  Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, 24, 110, 214, 321

  Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 81, 221, 224

  alleys, 96; broad, 163, 568

  American Occupation, 420-94; end of, 473; housing and, 439-40; pleasure quarters and, 457; street stalls and, 433; theaters and, 449; wards and, 443-45; see also postwar period

  ameshon, 451

  Ameya Yokochō (Ameyoko), 426, 427

  Anchūha, 536

  Angoha, 536

  anti-Americanism, 459

  Anti-Japanese Armed East Asian Front, 585

  Aoyama Avenue, 499-500, 507, 508

  Aoyama Gakuin (missionary school), 202, 488

  Aoyama Gakuin University, 488

  Apple Song, The,” 452

  “apres-guerre,” 405

  aqueducts, 95, 275

  Arakawa Drainage Channel, 72, 219, 257, 308, 386, 408, 415, 419, 542

  Arakawa River, 180, 257

  Arakawa Ward, 376, 379, 380, 441, 545, 579, 603

  “arbeit salon,” 462

  architects, 81

  architecture, 81-89, 231, 252, 519-20, 345; aesthetics and, 603; brick buildings, 74-75, 90; Edo (Tokugawa period), 81; following 1923 earthquake, 312-13; government buildings, 228-31; 1930s, 406-08; of department stores, 316; skyscrapers, 550-51; Western buildings, 81-82; Yoshiwara, 532 and illus; see also individual buildings

  Arishima family, 234, 242

  Arishima Ikuma, 242

  aristocracy, 32, 186, 187, 242, 244

  Ark Hills, 563-64, 603, 605

  Arnold, Sir Edwin, 129

  art, see prints; woodcuts

  artists, 209, 244, 345

  Art Theater (Geijutsuza), 266, 556

  Asahi Shimbun (newspaper), 283, 309, 356, 559

  Asakusa Kannon Temple, 138, 205, 312

  Asakusa opera, 261-64, 353-54

  “Asakusa Mynah Bird, The,” 365

  Asakusa park, 128, 163, 342, 255, 356, 379, 397, 434-35, 456

  Asakusa Twelve Storys (Ryōunkaku), 84-86

  Asakusa Ward, 52, 99, 152, 191, 206, 209-10, 376, 456, 545; character of, 363-65, 390-92; decline of, 456, 566; Ginza compared to, 390-92; literature and, 668-70; new, 207-08; rebuilding of, 455; reviews, 353-67, 361, 365; as sakariba, 324-25, 353; during Taishō, 260-64, 2
61; temples and cemeteries in, 206; theaters, 566, 567; World War II and, 385-89, 394; see also Kawabata Yasunari; Scarlet Gang of Asakusa

  assassinations, 146, 308, 405, 586

  Asuka Hill, 138, 579

  Asukayama Park, 128, 134, 135, 136, 579

  automobiles, 34, 64, 294, 302, 334, 422, 433, 466, 474, 492, 513, 537, 581

  Azabu Ward, 325, 563

  Azuma Bridge (Azumabashi), 71, 72, 216

  Azuma Ryūtarō, 496, 525-26

  Baldwin (balloonist), 117

  balloons, 117

  Banchō district, 235

  Bandō Mitsugorō, 478

  Bandō Tamasaburō, 449

  bankara (style of dress), 111

  Bankers’ Club, 514, 515, 577

  Bank of Japan building, 87-88, 90, 188, 192, 196

  Bank of the Big River, The (Okawabata) (Osanai), 69-70, 160

  Bank of Tokyo, 515

  banzai, shouting of, 105

  barbershops, 103-04

  barracks, 296; military, 242

  bars, 309, 311, 338, 339, 341, 386, 460, 493, 558, 560, 567, 593

  Barton, William, 84

  baseball, 105, 169-71, 274, 303, 347-49, 398-99, 450, 463, 464-67, 544, 545, 590; night games, 466, 478; World War II and, 398-99, 364-65

  bataya (ragpicker), 380

  bathhouses, 103

  baths, public vs. private, 103

  Bauduin, E. A. F., 126

  Baxter, Anne, 507

  bay front, 603-04

  bazaars (kankōba), 123

  beaches, 114

  Beard, Charles, 51, 268-69, 276, 297, 561

  Beatles, 589

  beauty school, 104

  beef, eating of, 111-12

  beer, 105

  beggars, 379

  benshi, 351-52

  Bird, Isabella, 74, 81, 205

  Bird Fair (Tori no Ichi), 140, 176

  birds, 137

  Black, JR., 203

  black markets, 425 and illus., 426, 569

  blossom-viewing, see cherry blossoms; peach blossoms; pear blossoms; plum blossoms

  “Boatman’s Song, The,” 277

  boats, pleasure, 38, 68

  bombings, 585; see also air raids

  Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands, 47

  boundaries of Tokyo, 47-48

  Boys’ Day, 142

  bread, 111

  brick buildings, 74, 75, 90, 515, 540

  Bricktown (Ginza), 61, 74 and illus., 86, 90, 122, 188, 197, 198

  bridges, 68, 69, 71-72, 313-14; see also specific bridges

  British embassy, 228-29, 231, 235

  British legation, burning of (1863), 31

  broad alleys (hifokōji), 163, 568

  brothels, 55, 174-75, 177, 487, 530, 532

  Buddhism, 408

  Buddhist clergy, 317

  Bummei Kaika, see Civilization and Enlightenment

  Bungei Kyōkai (Literary Society), 266

  building, 540; see also architecture

  bunka jūtaku (cultural dwelling), 328

  Bunkyō Ward, 441, 528

  buses, 61, 332, 333, 369, 402-03, 493, 563

  bureaucracy, Edo, 3

  business girl, 533

  butchers, 112

  cafés, 309, 310, 311, 324, 336, 337, 338, 339-45, 386, 396, 460-61; see also bars; coffee houses; tea shops

  calling cards, 106

  canals, 59, 68-69, 96, 190, 197, 298, 314, 408, 423, 497, 498, 542

  Capital District, 48, 409, 540-41

  cartoons (comics), 397-98, 594

  “casino,” 323-24

  Casino Folies, 355-67, 378, 390

  cemeteries, 39, 125, 131, 139, 171, 205, 206, 209, 222, 327, 417

  chairs, 110

  Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 106, 162, 214, 258

  chanoyu (tea ceremony), 36, 37

  censorship, 410, 447, 450

  Chaplin, Charlie, 346, 347

  Chaplin caramels, 267

  “Charleston,” 323, 366

  cherry blossoms, 125, 126, 127, 135, 138, 139, 168, 176, 579

  Chiba Prefecture, 52, 456, 458, 501, 596, 597

  chikan (masher), 597

  children, 142; reviews and, 356, 362

  Children’s Day, 142

  China Incident, 381

  Chinese cuisine, 112

  Chinese people, 429, 568

  Chiyoda Ward, 440-41, 472, 498, 568, 596

  cholera epidemics, 40, 94, 114, 116

  Christianity, 40, 244

  Christmas, 318

  chrysanthemums, 109, 135, 138, 176

  Chūō University, 212

  Chūō Ward, 186, 440, 498, 542, 558-59, 568, 592, 593

  Citizens’ Day, 48

  city council, 48, 368, 375, 442

  City Hall, 90

  Civilization and Enlightenment (Bummei Kaika), 34 38, 49, 93, 102-03, 105; meaning of, 52, 53

  clams, 134, 137, 219, 223

  class distinctions, 97, 190, 233

  clock tower, Hattori, 199, 203

  clothing: footwear, 315; men’s, 509; women’s, 319, 326, 510; see also dress

  cod, 432, 433

  coffee houses, 113, 461-62; see also cafés

  colleges, 601; see also universities

  comic monologues, 37

  comics, see cartoons

  communists, 514, 526, 572

  commuting life, 597

  Conder, Josiah, 81-82, 83-84, 90, 124, 231, 239, 240, 312, 577

  conformity, 549

  conservatism, 36, 141, 145, 190, 196, 363, 392

  constitution, Meiji, 35-36, 49, 105, 202, 404, 462

  cooking, 345-46

  corporate offices, 600-01

  cosmetics, 326

  courtesans, 171-72, 174-75, 337; see also geisha

  crime, 401-03, 573, 584-88; gangs, 429-30, 556; and criminals, 43, 102-03, 165-68, 203-4; in Olympic years, 524-25; organized, 429-30, 584; political, 584-87; postwar period, 475-76, 478-82; sōkaiya, 524-25, 587; white-collar, 524-25, 587

  crosswalks, overhead, 582

  cultural center, Tokyo as, 99

  Daiei Building, 87

  Daiichi Hotel, 407, 437

  Daiichi Insurance Building, 421

  Daiichi Kangyō Bank, 192-93

  Daimaru store, 62, 63, 187

  dairy products, 111, 271

  dances, Niwaka, 176

  dancing, 109, 113, 320-21, 432, 447

  danchi, 540, 605

  Dangozaka, 138, 238

  Danjūrō (Kabuki actor), 27, 116, 155-57, 159, 167, 416

  Dazai Osamu, 493

  de Beauvoir, Simone, 589

  democracy, Taishō, 255, 276

  department stores, 118-19, 119-20, 314-15, 516, 559; fires in, 318-19, 533; Ginza district, 559-60; see also specific stores

  detectives, private, 105

  depression, economic (1930s), 378-79

  Diary of a Mad Old Man (Tanizaki). 514

  diet, changes in, 111-12

  Diet building, 228, 508

  DiMaggio, Joe, 451

  diving girls, 363

  dollar, value of, 547

  Doolittle, James A., 413

  doraibu (pleasure driving), 537

  “double life,” the, 101, 118, 145

  doughnut effect, 329, 492

  drainage channel, 219, 257

  drama, see theater

  dress: Meiji, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 120, 174; Taishō, 252, 270

  Dream Island,
526, 542, 573, 574

  Drifting Clouds (Hayashi), 569

  drug problem, 494, 573

  During the Rains (Kafū), 309-10, 338, 340, 344

  Earthquake Memorial Hall, 299 and illus., 417

  earthquake of 1855, 26, 40

  earthquake of 1923, 23-27, 33-34, 295-99, 296, 319-23

  East Ginza, 425, 528

  Ebara, 327

  Echigoya (store), 193

  economy, 300-01, 377-80, 547

  Edo (the pre-Restoration city), 24-44; architecture of, 81; aristocracy of, 32; as capital and bureaucratic center, 31; demise of, 28, 184-85; foreigners in, 40; literature of, 245-46; pleasure quarters of, 30, 36, 37, 38-39, 150-51; population of, 32, 42; renamed Tokyo (1868), 44; rice riots in (1866), 41-42; stores in, 118; streets and alleys of, 96; theaters of, 37-38; transportation in, 37-38; Yose (variety or vaudeville halls) of, 37

  Edo castle, 46, 498, 500, 517

  Edo culture, 30, 36-39, 49-50, 98, 150-51, 245-46

  Edogawa, 440

  education, 99, 202; during Taishō, 272-73; see also colleges; schools; universities

  Eight Ginza Blocks (Takeda), 341-42, 344

  Einstein, Albert, 267-68

  Ekōin Temple, 163, 214

  elderly people, 425

  Electricity Hall, 128, 566

  electric lights, 93

  electric power companies, 94

  elevators, 120, 519, 547

  Elocution Hall (Enzetsukan), 76

  embassies and legations, 53, 228-29

  emperors: Shōwa, 307, 308, 420, 445-46 and illus., 475, 546-47; Taishō, 301-06, 304, 305

  Enchō (Yose performer), 160-61

  English period in architecture, 81

  enkashi (street minstrels), 167-68, 168, 171

  Ennosuke (Ichikawa Ennosuke), 446, 449

  Enomoto Kenichi (Enoken), 356-57, 358, 393, 394 and illus., 456, 487

  epidemics, 33, 35, 40, 482

  era names, 40, 305

  Ernie Pyle, 395, 449, 451, 453, 560

  eroguro (erotic-grotesque), 341-43, 362, 378-79

  Essence of National Polity, The, 404

  ethnological museum, 566

  “event”, 508-09

  exchange rate, 547, 595-96

  exports, 547

  expositions, 93, 123-24, 126, 127, 251, 487

  factories, 98, 114, 115, 212, 214, 328, 604

  fads, see vogues

  fairs, see expositions

  Faltering of the Virtues, The (Mishima), 536

  farmland, 99, 231-32, 328


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