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Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2)

Page 20

by Willow, Jo

  I was nodding slowly. Aside from the waking up thing, this day was starting to suck.

  Did I say, “starting to suck”? As I heard the grouchy booming voice coming towards my door, the day slipped into full blown, turbo charged, suckage. Austin ran his hand through his hair and shrugged.

  “...And another thing! How come you Professionals, and I use the term fucking loosely at this point, had no clue my wife was awake? Huh? I got it from a bartender via a cell phone call! You people are fucking pathetic. I swear by all that’s holy...”

  I looked at Austin.

  “Did he just call me his wife?”

  “He did. He’s been calling you that since they found you in the park.”

  “Have you been dealing with this the whole time?”

  “We have. He’s been an absolute nightmare.”

  The door crashed open and his eyes nailed me to the bed. He crossed the room in four strides, sat down on the bed, and pulled me into his arms. My head raged against the sudden movement, he felt warm and soothing. He was also shaking. This series of events had taken it’s toll on him and guilt flooded me.

  I pulled back and took his face in my hands.

  “I love you baby. I am so sorry you had to go through this.”

  The tears came and I was powerless to stop them. He gently moved the gauze aside, and pressed his lips to mine. He was pulling me closer until his tongue touched mine, then he pushed me back and leaned away.

  “Jesus Mel’. Talk about morning breath.”

  And there was the douchebag I knew and loved.

  I fell back to my pillows and glared at him. He just grinned and then grinned at Austin.

  “So what were her first words when she woke up?”

  “She called me bartender and asked for a scotch. Neat.”

  Anton bellowed with laughter and I’d never heard anything that sounded sweeter.

  He winked at me and patted my leg.

  “That’s my girl.”

  His face flattened and he leaned closer.

  “Seriously though babe. You need a toothbrush and half a bottle of mouthwash.”

  “Fuck you Spouse. I was busy bein’ in a coma. Oral hygiene was next on my list after offering you my patented oral pleasure package.”

  He and Austin both slipped a hand down their bodies in a gesture of self protection.

  “Don’t even kid about that Mel’. That’s scarey. Hell it’s scarey that the thought even entered your mind, much less that you acted on it. I mean I’m impressed and all, but jeez louise, that’s cold.”

  “Cold? Handcuffing me to a bed spread eagle and offering it up for dessert didn’t warrant drastic action?”

  “All I’m sayin’ is, your mouth is a magical place and should only be used for nice things.”

  “Fuck you Anton. And why are you perpetrating the myth that you’re my husband? Did something happen while my brain went out to play?”

  He leaned closer conspiratorially and whispered like he was giving me the code to the red phone.

  “They wouldn’t let me in the ambulance with you unless I was your spouse. Once we got here, that’s how they introduced me. It’s even on your chart that way. Mrs. Melody Elizabeth Sloan.”

  “They can’t do that! What’s gonna happen when it’s time to pay the bill?”

  “Already taken care of. No worries. So how are you feeling baby?”

  I blew out a breath, lost in information overload.

  “I’ve got a headache I’d only wish on Tony and I’m tired of being wrapped up like a mummy. This tube in my side is starting to poke at me and I need drugs. Serious drugs. The kind that make me believe in dancing bears and dragons.”

  “Have they not been in to see you yet? Seriously? No one’s taken vitals or checked your eyes or anything?”

  He jumped off the bed, balled up his fists, and started for the door. I grabbed his arm and he stopped, looking down at my tear filled eyes.

  “Honey, honey, honey, what’s wrong? Don’t cry babe. Everything will be fine, I promise. We’re gonna get you home as soon as they give the okay. I’ll line up round the clock nursing care and you’ll want for nothing. Please, sweetheart, don’t cry...”

  Who knew? My overbearing spouse came unglued at the sight of tears.

  “Please don’t yell anymore babe. It makes the headache worse and it makes me anxious. They’re doing the best that they can and I’m fine. Right?”

  He exhaled sharply and relaxed his stance.

  “I’ll go out and see what I can do about some medicine for you.”

  I smiled and he smiled back.

  “Ask nicely, okay? Please? For me?”

  “I’ll charm the scrubs off of them. There’s a hot blonde out there that’s been giving me the eye. I’ll ask her.”

  He grinned like a teenager and swaggered out the door.

  Austin shook his head and watched him go, only commenting once the door was closed again.

  “Is he for real?”

  “One hundred percent. That’s Anton, and I for one am glad to have him back. Would you do me a quick favor before he returns?”

  “Anything Mel’. Just ask.”

  “Go in the bathroom and see if you can find something that resembles a toothbrush and the accessories to go with it. I’ll need a glass of water and a rinse cup too.”

  He disappeared and came back a minute or two later, placing the objects I requested on a bedside table, then positioned it over the bed. I quickly took care of my breath and then pulled out a small drawer to hide the mouthwash in. Inside, was a flip up mirror.

  Should I? Would I be freaked out? Of course I’d be freaked out. I was so wrapped up, I couldn’t even tell if I still had hair or not. I had to know regardless.

  Austin saw what I was about to do, and he reached out to stop me.

  “Mel’, you don’t want to do that yet. Trust me.”

  “I do trust you. Now trust me. It’s my face and I have to know.”

  I flipped up the mirror before he could say anything else and gasped at my reflection.

  The bandages covered everything except my eyes, nostrils, and mouth. There was oxygen tubing taped to the side of my head and two prongs delivered the required amount into my nose. So that’s why I felt as dry as a raisin.

  I gingerly touched my face and cringed at the pain when I pressed on my cheekbone. The wrapping over my nose seemed large to me, but I chalked that up to swelling. I mean come on. No plastic surgeon worth his money in New York City was going to give me a Jimmy Durante, right? If anything, he’d attempt to improve on perfection. I knew how this worked.

  I folded the mirror back down and closed the drawer as the nurse came in, quickly followed by Anton who had his eyes glued to her ass.

  She was smiling and had a syringe in her hand. I liked her already.

  “Hi Melody, I’m Heather. Your husband said that you’re having pain. Would you rate it for me?”

  “I’d rate it as nicely executed in it’s sneak attack, and I’d applaud it’s tenacity.”

  Austin chuckled and she began blinking rapidly trying to process my sarcasm. Anton rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me.

  “Babe, the nice lady is trying to do her job. Could you answer her question without being a smart ass please?”

  I looked up at him and batted my eyes.

  “Gee babe, I’m sorry my ASS isn’t as pleasing as hers.”

  He turned a nice shade of deep rose at being caught ogling and I turned back to Heather.

  “Sorry Heather. I’m trying to keep my sense of humor. I’d say it’s about a six.”

  She smiled, back in her comfort zone. She injected the magic elixir into my IV and a few minutes later I was back in Pleasantville. She handed me my call light and explained the thirty seven buttons on it with the grace of a speed reader on acid and told me she’d be back later. All I could do was smile and nod.

  I reached over and tugged on Anton’s sweater until he leaned
down. Then I took his mouth in the kiss I was denied earlier. He growled and kissed me back.

  He had one knee on the bed and was climbing in to join me, when Austin cleared his throat. Twice.

  “Guys, we’re not alone.”

  I leaned back and kissed Anton again before I answered. Damn I’d missed his kisses.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s a regular alien invasion...”

  A familiar voice that was squeaking with laughter answered from somewhere behind Anton’s ass.

  “More like a Sloan invasion.”

  I peeked around my fiance and there stood Deacon and Dor’. Next to them stood Chase, Ayla, and Pierce.

  With a voice thick from the medication I’d just received, I grinned and gave a limp wave.

  “Hi guys! Good to see ya’! Where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting here for days. Have you met my husband Anton? He’s the one perched over me getting ready to violate hospital rules.”

  I patted Anton on the cheek and kissed him again.

  “Honey, say hello to the nice people.”

  I leaned over and in a voice that I thought was a whisper, said, “I think they’re ogling your ass babe. Better stand up. You can do me later.”

  My sister started laughing and holding her very pregnant belly. Deacon reached for a chair and pushed her down into it. Pierce winked at me and something about that made me focus on him.

  “Teddy Bear? Are you okay? Your eye is twitching.”

  “I’m fine Jaws. You okay?”

  I started guffawing like a donkey giving birth and no one could hold it in any longer. We were all laughing and just as I’d slow down, I’d start laughing again.

  “Jaws... you called me Jaws... good one Teddy...”

  I dried my eyes and calmed myself as I took in everyone around me. Everyone looked exhausted but relieved.

  I slapped my thighs with my palms and scanned their eyes.

  “So. Anybody see a giant limping asshat?”

  My sister started giggling again and I made an effort to wink at her. My body seemed to have a mind of it’s own at the moment. Anton happened to be standing right next to me, and I watched as my hand snaked up the back of his thigh. He had great legs.

  He jerked away from me and narrowed his eyes. I threw out my bottom lip in a pout and he raked his hand down his face.

  “Sweetheart, you can’t play grab-ass right now, we’re not alone.”

  I clucked and rolled my eyes.

  “That never stopped you. I’ve seen you grab plenty of asses in crowded bars, events, parties...”

  He patted my head and I growled at him.

  “That’s enough babe. We all get your drift.”

  I looked up and grinned.

  “Wanna grab my ass? This thing I’m wearing is wide open in the back, wanna see?”

  I started to roll over and seven people yelled, “No!”. I shrugged and settled back down. Chase had moved a little closer and was now standing next to Austin. I smiled up at him and he smiled back at me.

  “You need something Chase? You’re looking at me like I just bit some guys...”

  Anton sighed and grabbed my shoulder.

  “Mel’, baby please. You’re stoned.”

  Pierce started humming the theme from Jaws and Anton shot him daggers.

  “You’re not helping here little brother.”

  “What? Are you afraid of her now? Still wanna borrow a flogger?”

  Something about that word perked my interest.

  “Flogger? Does that come with handcuffs?”

  I heard a distraught voice next to me mutter, “Remind me to tell them she has a morphine allergy.”

  I grinned up at Anton and patted his hand.

  “Always taking care of me babe. I love you Anton.”

  He let out a deep breath and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “I love you too Mel’.”

  I sighed.

  “He loves me.”

  Deacon silently chuckled, his shoulders moving up and down as he raised tear filled eyes to his freaked out brother. Anton narrowed his eyes.

  “Just wait until Dor’ gets pain meds for the birth asshole. We’ll see who’s laughing then.”

  Deacon straightened up and seriously looked at my sister who shrugged.

  My day had greatly improved.

  At some point, I’d fallen asleep. I woke once again to a silent, well lit room. At least I hadn’t slipped back into a coma. At least I didn’t think I’d done that. For all I knew, I could’ve lost another three days.

  I looked around and I was alone. It was nice to have a moment to myself and I was surprised that it didn’t frighten me. I’ve read that after a traumatic event, people often have trouble sleeping or being alone. Not me. I had a feeling that my alone time would be a rare and beautiful thing from here on out. I’d given them no reason to trust my judgement and I was ready to accept the consequences of my actions.

  I was still wired to everything but the security camera and there was nothing liquid on my bedside tray. I pressed the button, hoping that it wasn’t the one thing wired to Anton. My nurse (wasn’t her name Heather?) appeared almost immediately, her perfectly practiced smile on her face.

  “There’s our girl. Glad to see you awake. Naps will take on a whole new meaning for awhile Melody. You’ve been out about four hours. What can I do for you?”

  I smiled because I knew she was trying. Anton had worked his charm on her and I had no idea what kinds of promises he’d extracted from her in reference to me or my care. My feelers weren’t as tuned as they usually were, so I’d have to tread gently with this one.

  “Hi Heather. Where is everyone?”

  “I’m not exactly sure. Your husband went home to shower, eat, and change his clothes. He was in the middle of that when your bartender friend called him to tell him that you were awake. That’s quite a support system you have there. I’m envious.”

  “Don’t be. They’re all gorgeous but it’s a ruse to rope you in. Once you’re entangled in their web, it’s all over but the sad singing and the digging.”

  She looked put off by that bit of knowledge. Time to switch tactics and enlist an allie.

  “I’m sorry Heather. They’re lovely people and they mean well, it’s just that sometimes a large family can have a tendency to smother you a little. Know what I mean?”

  She relaxed and gave me a genuine smile. Bingo.

  “I understand more than you realize. My folks are both from large families and I have three sisters and two brothers. Been there, done that.”

  “The pregnant one that was here? That’s my actual sister Dorothy. The one that hovers over her like a kite on a string is her husband Deacon. My husband is his brother, Anton. The tall one that lives in Armani and stays close to the pretty redhead? That’s the youngest Sloan, Pierce. He’s the sweetheart of the group. Austin is the bartender and he’s Pierce’s girlfriend Ayla’s, brother.”

  She was absorbing all of this like a sponge. Speaking of sponges, I needed water.

  “Who’s the tall good looking guy? The one that looks like a surfing poster.”

  He’d been as quiet as a church mouse, but at the tone of his voice we both jumped.

  “My name’s Chase. Chase McCartney. Nice to meet you.”

  Chase came to my bedside and placed a tall styrofoam cup on my bedside table. He carefully unwrapped a straw and slipped it through the lid, then smiled at me. I smiled back and reached for my salvation. I took a long sip and my eyebrows shot up.

  “Gin and tonic? Chase, you charmer you.”

  Heather looked horrified and reached for my drink. I laughed and waved her off.

  “I’m only kidding. It’s a vanilla malt. Chase is a cop Heather. He’d never bring alcohol into a hospital.”

  She relaxed again and narrowed her eyes at Chase.

  “I’m watching you.”

  He winked and she started blinking. Chase had charms of his own it seemed. When she finally turned back to
me, I was openly smirking and sipping.

  “Can I get you anything Melody?”

  “I needed something to drink, but it looks like Chase took care of that. Thanks anyway Heather.”

  She nodded once and started backing towards the door like she didn’t want to stop staring at Chase. I didn’t blame her. His ice blue sweater made his indigo eyes pop and he had a cleft chin and dimples. His hands were in the pockets of a pair of dark stonewashed jeans that looked like they were made just for him. I couldn’t have done any better if I’d dressed him for the runway myself.

  “Hit the button if you need anything Melody. By the way, I think they’ll be moving you out of ICU in the morning. You’re as stable as a rock and you’re clogging up the unit.”

  That last bit was said with a twinkle in her eye and I twinkled right back. Heather was alright.

  Once the door closed behind her, I looked up at Chase.

  “Thanks for the malt, I needed it. Are you my babysitter?”

  He took the chair that Austin had occupied earlier and put one ankle upon the opposite knee before sitting back, trying to look casual and nonthreatening. Something was up.

  “How much do you remember about your time with Tony Mel’?”

  I thought about his question and took another sip before putting my cup back on the table.

  “Most of it I think. Why?”

  “Because I’m gonna ask you some tough questions and I wanted to wait until everyone else was gone. That’s why I volunteered to stay.”

  I folded my hands on my lap and looked him squarely in the eye.

  “Okay Officer Hottie. Shoot.”

  He grinned and looked down.

  “Officer Hottie? Is that what you really think or are you trying to distract me?”

  “That’s what I’ve always thought. Don’t try and tell me that you don’t use your looks to your advantage, Chase. I’ll call bullshit if you do.”

  He looked up and raised his hands in surrender.

  “I’m not denying anything. I will say it takes one to know one.”


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