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SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6)

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by Walker, Kylie


  Chloe felt herself floating back towards the surface. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been out. She could hear voices again...this time they were familiar voices...Was it Jake? Kevin? Why isn’t Derek here? She needs to see Derek. There’s another voice too...a female voice, maybe a nurse? No, it’s Roxi. Roxi’s here...did I call her? These people are my family. I’m not alone any longer....Jesse’s dead. The monster lives no further to torment her. He can’t hurt anyone ever again. Oh God! I killed a person...a human being...No! Jesse was a monster. It was kill or be killed. This time, he didn’t win.

  She had to concentrate hard again, but finally she felt her eyelids lifting and this time a more subdued light shone into her eyes. She opened her mouth but before she could say anything there was another nurse right above her.

  “Hey there! You’re awake.”

  She cleared her throat again. The room had gone silent. “Yes,” she said in a whispered croak.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “A little sore,” she said. The medication still weighed heavily on her muscles, but the pain was beginning to seep back in. She blinked a few times and then she said, “Is Derek here?”

  Jake stepped into her line of vision. He smiled at her, but his eyes looked worried. “Not yet, but he’s on his way. Trevor and Samantha too.”

  She tried to smile back at him, but it hurt too much. Roxi stepped up next to Jake and Kevin was on the other side of the bed. Her family. “Hi,” she said.

  They all smiled. “Hi, you scared us,” Kevin said.

  Chloe licked her sore, dry lips. “I’m sorry.”

  Roxi reached down and took hold of her hand. “You don’t have to be sorry, kid. Just get better so I can kick your ass.” Chloe started to laugh and she felt like someone had stuck a knife in her ribs. Damn! When she recovered she said,

  “I’m fine. Tough.” she looked at the nurse who was fussing with her IV line and said, “Right?”

  “That’s right. You’re like Muhammed and the baby.”

  The room went silent once more. Chloe was staring at the nurse and the other three were staring at her. “The what?” Chloe squeaked.

  Chloe could tell by her face that the nurse suddenly realized that none of them knew.

  “Um...I’m sorry, but could I ask you folks to step out for a few minutes?” she looked like she was going to be sick. Chloe actually felt bad for her. None of them looked like they wanted to leave...but they mumbled their assent. Roxi winked and squeezed her hand and said,

  “We’ll be back.”

  Chloe tried another smile. It still hurt her face, but it was getting a little easier. Once they were gone she looked back at the nurse and said, “The baby? I’m pregnant?”

  The nurse looked embarrassed as she said, “I’m sorry. I just assumed that you knew. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I’m pregnant?” That was said as much to herself as it was the nurse.

  “Yes. They did STAT labs when you came through ER last night. The pregnancy test was positive, so the doctor ordered a sonogram then before they took you to surgery. You’re about six weeks along.”

  “Wow...I’m pregnant...Last night? How long have I been here?”

  “Just about five hours,” the nurse told her.

  “It’s still dark...”

  “It’s about three a.m.” Chloe closed her eyes again. Her foggy mind suddenly remembered...she wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant. She opened her eyes again and said, “Are you sure?”

  The nurse nodded. “They did the sonogram, it was confirmation. There’s a little one in there.”

  “Wow...what about all of the medications...?”

  “It’s okay. That’s why the doctor did the pregnancy test before they gave you anything that would be harmful to the fetus. The baby is fine. The heartbeat is strong according to the chart and he or she is right on track as far as weight and development go.”

  Chloe smiled and closed her eyes again. “I’m pregnant,” she said out loud. Then to herself she said, Jesse’s dead. I’m free.

  Chapter 3

  The next time that Chloe woke up it was easier to shake off the sleep and open her eyes. The sun was peeking through the slats in the blinds now and when she blinked it out of her sore eyes she saw the most beautiful thing in the world. Derek was asleep in the chair next to the bed. His face was covered with a day’s growth of stubble and he was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. He looked so sweet and sexy that she could hardly stand not being able to touch him. He’s the most beautiful man in the world...and he’s hers...and now they’re both free. She just watched him for the longest time, imagining his full lips pressed against hers and his hands wrapped up in her hair...his tongue pressing against hers with the kind of passion she’d never felt with anyone but him. She loved him so much that it hurt...and now they were going to have a baby. She wondered what he was going to think of that. She was still watching him when he suddenly pulled open his eyes. Those crystal blue orbs took her breath away no matter how many times she saw them.

  “Hi,” she said. Her voice was getting louder and less raspy.

  He sat straight up and smiled. “Hi baby. God, it’s so good to see you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay, how are you?”

  He laughed. “I’m fine, but what a pair we are, huh?”

  “Yeah, nothing like spending the bulk of your time together in an ICU, huh?”

  “As long as it’s with you, I don’t care where it’s at. I would prefer that we were both conscious.”

  Chloe giggled. “I missed you.”

  He rolled his pretty eyes. “I missed you too. I can’t believe you did this...”

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to worry anyone. I just needed for this to end. We could never have a real life together as long as Jesse was out there on the fringes.”

  “I have no idea what I would do without you, Chloe.”

  “I feel the same way about you. That’s why I had to do this...I hope you understand.”

  “I understand, but I feel badly that I wasn’t able to help you. You shouldn’t have had to go through that baby. You shouldn’t have had to face that monster alone.”

  “I know that I didn’t have to. I have so many wonderful people in my life now, thanks to you. But he wasn’t going to rear his ugly head when anyone else was around. He was such a coward and he thought that I would be the weakest one. I needed to do it myself, or I was never going to heal.”

  “He was wrong. He’s always been wrong. You were strong before Max taught you how to kick ass. You had to never would have survived otherwise.”

  “I know that, rationally,” she said with a smile. “But I had to stand up to him. I had to prove to myself that there was no reason for me to be afraid of him...or anyone. I simply needed to heal myself. I want to travel this path with you, but I had to be the one to find my own way. I hope you understand that. I’m not sure that the police are going to understand all of this. Are they waiting for me in the wings?”

  “No, they left. It is advantageous having attorney’s in the family,” he said with a grin. “Dad and Jake told them what happened. They said they’ll still need to talk to you, but Dad doesn’t think they’ll file any charges.”

  Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad, but even if I knew I’d have to face jail time...I wouldn’t have done anything differently. I have a family to look out for now too.”

  He smiled at that. “Yes you do.”

  “Speaking of family, where did Jake, Roxi and your dad go?”

  “I sent them to get some sleep on the yacht. Trevor and Samantha were here too. I told them to all get out so I could have some time with my girl.”

  Chloe smiled. “My girl, I like, I love it. Derek?”

  “Yeah baby?”

  “Kiss me.”

  “Your lips don’t hurt?”

  “Yes, but I don’t care. I need to feel your
lips on mine.” Derek stood up and leaned down over the bed. He let his soft, full lips brush softly against hers. Chloe felt her breath catch in her throat. The pain was a non-issue. “Mm, I like that,” she said. He let his tongue come out and he traced her lips with it.

  “I love you, Chloe.”

  “I love you too, so much. I have something I need to tell you.”

  Derek’s eyes looked worried. He pulled the chair as close to the bed as it would go and sat down. “What is it, baby?”

  Chloe smiled. “It’s good least I think it is. I hope you will too...”

  Derek’s lips twitched upwards. “Are you going to share?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so excited, this is huge...”

  He cocked an eyebrow.

  God, he’s beautiful. I hope our baby looks just like him. “I’m pregnant Derek. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Derek’s face went through a myriad of emotional responses in seconds. First he looked shocked and then confused and then happy. “Are you sure?”

  Chloe giggled, “That’s exactly what I asked. I’m told that they double checked.”

  His eyes filled with tears then and he stood up and leaned back down to kiss her again. This kiss was still soft enough not to hurt her, but it was filled with intensity. When he pulled back he looked into her eyes and said, “I wish there were words to describe how I’m feeling. I’m happy, ecstatic even. I can’t imagine how I could possibly ever be any happier...but that still doesn’t describe it. I love you so much and I can’t wait for you to get out of here so we can start our life together finally.” He rested his hand softly against her belly. “This little miracle is never going to know a single day without love.” He stroked the back of her face with his hand and said, “Thank you.”

  Chloe had tears rolling down her face, they were happy tears. She rested her hand over the one he had on her belly. She felt so safe and protected with him. He was going to be such a good father. This baby was one lucky kid. “He...or she really is a miracle. I thought that I’d never be able to have children, and it’s funny because I thought that was actually a good thing. I thought that I didn’t want children. But the second she said I was pregnant...I wanted this baby more than I’ve ever wanted anything...except you...I wanted you this badly too.”

  He kissed her again and said, “Now you have both of us.”

  “Now I have everything. I love you, and thank you too...for him, or her.”

  Derek put the side rail down on her hospital bed. Chloe scooted herself over and he lay down next to her. He’s such a big guy that it was a tight fit...but neither of them cared, they wanted to fit tightly together. They were still laying like that a half hour or so later when the doctor came in. Derek jumped up like a teenager caught by his parents. The doctor only smiled indulgently.

  It was a female doctor. She was wearing green scrubs and he long black hair was tied back at the nape of her neck in a low pony tail. She had large brown eyes and the easy smile of someone visiting an old friend.

  “Good Morning Chloe. I’m Dr. Singh. I did the surgery on your arm, but we never actually got an opportunity to meet.”

  “Hi doctor, thank you.”

  She smiled a white, toothy smile. She looked like she was only about Chloe’s age and when she moved around the side of the bed to shake Derek’s hand; Chloe thought she looked like a sleek little black cat. She smiled because when she’d pictured the person who had worked on her arm, she had the image of an elderly white man for some reason. This little woman was the exact opposite of that. Derek introduced himself as they shook hands and the doctor said,

  “So, you had a very deep cut that went along this way,” She showed them a diagonal pattern on her own arm from just above the wrist to the antecubital area in front of the elbow. “It went through your skin, tissue and muscle, taking out arteries, veins and even nerves with it. We repaired first what was life-threatening, which was the major arteries. We re-routed some of the veins and then we closed up the tissue and the muscle underneath it. You do have some nerve damage there but with time and therapy, your other nerves will learn to send impulses to different muscles and the use of your arm and hand should eventually return to normal. You might have numbness and tingling at first, but that will also go away with time as the arm heals. Does that all make sense? Do you have any questions?”

  “Is there going to be a really ugly scar there?” Chloe knew that wasn’t the most important thing...but so far most of the scars she’d had to live with could at least be covered up and forgotten for a while.

  “There will be scarring, yes. There was no way to avoid it. The cut was made with a serrated edge...that means jagged so it wasn’t a clean line. But the good news is that before you leave we will have the plastic surgeon meet with you. There are lots of great things he can do so that you don’t have to live with the scarring forever.”

  “I don’t have insurance.” Chloe didn’t mean to say that out loud, but it was definitely something that had been on her mind once she was fully alert.

  The doctor smiled and said, “I realize that. But what you do have is a guardian angel.”

  Confused Chloe said, “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Someone has authorized the hospital to do whatever you need and it will be paid for in full.”


  The doctor shrugged. “The financial office made those notes, so that’s as much as I know. Count yourself very lucky, Chloe. You’re alive and you’re obviously loved.”

  Chloe looked at Derek. He shrugged. “It wasn’t you?”

  “No. I wish it was. I didn’t get here until early this morning...around one or two. The financial office was closed then. I’ve been here with you ever since.”

  The doctor smiled again and asked, “Any more questions, Chloe?”

  “When can I go home?”

  “I’m discharging your case today and you’ll be assigned to a hospitalist. He and the Ob/Gyn will consult on your discharge. Congratulations by the way.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but smile broadly at the suggestion of her and Derek’s child. “Thank you, doctor.”

  “Of course.” Once the doctor left Chloe asked Derek,

  “Do you think my parents are paying for this?” She had her brow furrowed. She was grateful and touched, but at the same time she didn’t like the idea that someone had to pay her way.

  “I think you shouldn’t worry so much,” Derek told her. “Whoever is doing it obviously loves you and isn’t concerned about the money. If it will make you feel better, I can find out and pay them back.”

  “How does that help? That leaves you stuck with it then.”

  He laughed. “First of all, I won’t even miss the money...but most importantly of all Chloe, I plan on taking care of you and this little one forever. We are forever linked, we’re a family and what’s mine is yours, don’t forget that.”

  “Will you be intimidated once I become a teacher and start making my own thirty or forty grand a year?”

  He looked like he was thinking about it and then he said, “Actually, it might be nice to just quit working and let you take care of me then.”

  Chloe laughed. “I’ll take care of you alright. Kiss me again.” Derek did as she asked and then climbed back into the bed next to her, pulling her in close. Chloe felt tears stinging her eyes again. She was lying in a hospital bed with a freshly repaired gash in her arm...she wasn’t sure whether or not she would be charged with murder...yet, she felt like the luckiest woman in the world...even when the nurse came in and told her the police were here to see her.

  Chapter 4

  “You can let them come in,” Chloe told her.

  “Baby, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea without Dad or Jake here.” Derek was no attorney, but he’d spent plenty of time over the years listening to his father and Jake talk about things. He was so happy that she was okay. He couldn’t fathom the thought of her being taken from him and locked away in a cage

  “I’m only going to tell them the truth,” she said.

  “I know, but I’d prefer...” he started. Jake walked in the door just then.

  “Hi guys! Chloe, how are you feeling?”

  She smiled. “Better. The nurse says the police are here.”

  “Yes, they called and asked me to come down this morning so they could interview you. Are you ready to talk to them?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “If you don’t feel comfortable answering any of their questions, you defer to me, okay?”

  “Okay, thanks Jake. I hope you know how grateful I am that you’re doing this. I don’t know how I’ll re-pay you.”

  “Please, family doesn’t pay. If they did, Derek would owe me millions.” Derek laughed.

  “I thought we were just trading much of a discount did I manage to get you on your last real estate investment?”

  Jake rolled his eyes, but he smiled. “You ready?” Chloe nodded. Jake went to the door and called the two detectives inside. They looked like Mutt and Jeff to Derek. The first one was over six-three probably with white blonde hair and ruddy cheeks. His suit hung loosely on his thin frame and if Derek had to guess his age, the only thing that would give away he was over eighteen would be that he was a detective. The other man was older, almost a foot shorter and had a belly that protruded over the top of his polyester pants. His suit jacket was open in front, but didn’t look like it would button across his rotund belly if he tried. He was bald...mostly. He had a ring of dark hair he was hanging onto and a full mustache to match it. The blonde was smiling, the darker man looked like he was about to attend a funeral.


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