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The Tear of Gramal

Page 18

by Phillip Jones

  With Anahita’s eyes still closed, Michael lifted his head toward the ceiling and spread his resplendent wings. He commanded BJ and Helga’s souls to join them. With the trio standing side-by-side, the archangel enclosed them within a shroud of feathers. As the brightest of lights filled the shack, he commanded, “Become whole once again.”

  A long series of moments passed before the glory filling the room faded. All that was left behind as Michael folded his wings to the flat of his back was a remade Anahita with wings of her own that protruded from openings on the back of a new, white gown.

  Part human, part angel, the incoherent, un-ascended Anahita collapsed. Michael caught her, lifted her into his arms and then carried her across the room. After lowering her to the cot, he made sure the feathers of her wings were laying properly before he kissed her forehead. “Be strong, my love … for I long to be with you again.”

  Michael vanished.

  Fellow soul … I feel the moment has arrived for me to apologize. By now, you must realize that I, your spirited storyteller, have misled you about a great many happenings. I ask you to forgive me. I did not want to spew deception, but as I said at the very beginning of this tale, the gods gave me no choice. I despise misdirection.

  That said, there was a reason I was forced to unveil this story as the gods on Ancients Sovereign saw fit. If I had not agreed, they would not have allowed this series of tales to be told.

  I ask that you hold steadfast … for I intend to share many more truths as we move forward. I can now share these truths because the balance of power is beginning to shift within the heavens. But to reveal the entire truth at this moment would be dangerous, and it would not provide good entertainment. Please allow me some leeway as I interject these truths when the proper moments arrive.

  Ancients Sovereign

  Beneath the Peaks of Angels

  Lasidious and Celestria’s Home

  After teleporting out of the Hall of Judgment, Lasidious appeared with Sharvesa inside his home. The Mischievous One waved his hand in front of the fireplace and smiled as the green flames erupted. Walking around the table, he took a seat and then motioned to an empty chair. “Please, sit.”

  Sharvesa refused. Instead, she walked around the table and stood in front of the fireplace with her hands extended toward the flames. “I haven’t come for pleasantries or the enjoyment of your company. I want to know your terms for offering my kind a peaceful existence on Dragonia. I cannot allow my daughter and those she rules to suffer.”

  Lasidious took a seat at the end of the table. Leaning forward, a sincere look appeared on his face. “I’d like to apologize, Sharvesa. I hated speaking to you the way I did in front of the others. I often despise the games we play, but I cannot allow the others to see weakness. Your kind served me for more seasons than I can remember, and I harbor them no ill-will. When the vote was taken to turn Dragonia into the new Hell, I voted against it.”

  Sharvesa turned around and placed her hands on the back of the chair nearest her. “Why would I believe you?”

  Lasidious’ eyes filled with sorrow. “For thousands of seasons, I watched as your kind was forced to do the will of a fallen angel. Your people suffered because he pulled them into a hell that was created for him. Before that Peak, your kind thrived on a plane where happiness filled your moments.”

  The demon-goddess held up her hand to stop the Mischievous One from continuing. “Your manipulations won’t work on me.” Sharvesa scooted the chair aside and then leaned over the table toward Lasidious. The muscles beneath her red skin tightened as her hands pressed against the stone. “Though I do not remember your face, nor do I remember how my kind escaped the burning of an everlasting torment … I do remember the Peaks of old, and I know you were there.”

  The demon’s yellow irises flashed. “My mind is not absent of those memories as you proclaimed it was inside the hall. I remember falling from grace, and I remember the screams that filled the depths of a Hell that was created for the Morning Star.” The demon-goddess shook her head. “How could I have been so stupid?”

  Though surprised, Lasidious shoved his shock at the demon’s admission aside and responded without allowing a wasted moment to pass. “All was not lost. The gods saw to that.” Lasidious rocked back in his chair. “We saved you. We pulled your kind from the fire and placed you on Dragonia. We did our best to erase the memories of the past. In your case, it appears we failed.”

  The demon-goddess returned to the fire and once again extended her arms toward the flames. “You didn’t fail entirely. For many seasons, my mind functioned without ill effect. But those seasons were short lived. Eventually, my mind moved toward a state of confusion as my memories slowly returned. Soon, I was questioning my existence, but when I confided in my soul mate, Dogmay, he proclaimed me mad. For many seasons after his passing, I agreed with his declaration. I agreed that is … until he came to me.”

  Falling forward onto the front legs of his chair, Lasidious urged, “Who came to you? Who is ‘he?’”

  “Gabriel,” the demon responded.

  Confused, Lasidious queried. “Gabriel? Do you mean the Book? Why would the Book come to you?”

  Again, Sharvesa turned to face him. “I speak not of the Book.”

  “Then to which Gabriel do you refer, for I know of only one?”

  Sharvesa paused. “You’d know him best as an archangel.”

  Lasidious shouted, “What?” The force in which he stood from his chair caused it to fall backward. “Gabriel is here? Where can I find him?”

  Sharvesa laughed. “He said you would ask that. Gabriel also said that those who claim to be gods would one Peak try to steal the free will of my kind.”

  The demon-goddess pulled the chair back from the table and took a seat. After she crossed her arms, she continued while the Mischievous One paced on the far side of the room. “When the archangel came to me, I called him a liar and sent him away. After that, I never saw him again, but I didn’t forget his words. I accepted my confusion and ruled my kind while showing strength. Now that I know Gabriel spoke the truth, I won’t allow the races of demons to serve you.”

  The demon put her elbows on the table and allowed her chin to fall into the palms of her hands. “It was not until this moment that I truly believed you cared nothing for my kind. There’s nothing you can offer that will ease the suffering they’re about to face.”

  Lasidious stopped behind the chair on the side of the table opposing the demon. “If I harbored your kind any ill-will, I would not have voted against Dragonia becoming the new Hell. If you don’t believe this claim, ask the Book. He’ll confirm the truth.”

  Trying to reclaim his dominance, Lasidious pulled back the chair and took a seat. He pushed the vase filled with fresh flora to the right side of the table. “As for sparing your kind the injustice the Book will release upon your world, I can still offer you a solution. I’ve spent more than 1,000 seasons preparing for this. I don’t need your kind to serve me to remain benevolent toward them.”

  The Mischievous One placed his chin in the palms of his hands just as Sharvesa had done. “Tell me … did I ever mistreat you or your kind at any moment during their seasons of service to me?”

  Leaning back, the demon-goddess responded, “Never.”

  Lasidious could see the confusion return to Sharvesa’s eyes. “Then why do you doubt me? Ask the Book. He’ll tell you that I voted nay. You must allow me to help you save your world.”

  “And how do you intend to help?”

  “By returning strength to your people. When the gods…” Lasidious paused. “When we, ‘so-called’ gods, placed your kind on Dragonia, the strongest of the demons were stripped of enough power to keep you under our control. I’d wager the archangel didn’t tell you that, did he? I would further wager that he didn’t tell you there’s a way to return this power to you. Soon, I will command the power to control the Book, and with it, I will offer your kind a peaceful existence, and in doing so, re
turn the power that you so rightly deserve.”

  “What of the moments prior to you receiving this control? Must my kind suffer until then?”

  “No. As I said, I’ve prepared for the Peaks ahead for the last 1,000 seasons.” Lasidious crossed his arms on top of the table. “Allow me to help you.”

  Sharvesa sat in silence for a long series of moments before she sighed. “I must think upon this.” She vanished.

  Lasidious grabbed the vase filled with flowers off the table and threw it against the wall. “Damn it!”

  Southern Grayham

  The Castle of Brandor

  After Nightfall

  After finishing dinner with Michael, George walked down the steps into the courtyard with the General Absolute. Seeing the giant cat sleeping at the bottom of the stairs, George tapped Michael on the shoulder and pointed.

  Hearing the scuffing of their boots, Kepler opened his right eye. He did not bother to lift his head. “How did Sam react?”

  Unsure how to respond, Michael looked at George. Seeing the general’s hesitation, the warlock answered. “You know Sam. His growl is always bigger than his bite. I’m sure he’ll settle down in a few Peaks.”

  Stopping next to Kepler, George patted the cat’s neck. “Get up, and let’s get out of here.”

  Once mounted, George looked down at the general. “Once Sam realizes the army isn’t searching for him, that genius brain of his should figure things out. He’ll come home soon enough. Until he returns, you will take over as king and take care of the prince.”

  Michael nodded. “And if Sam doesn’t return?”

  “Have the Senate summon me with Lasidious’ Promise.” With that, George placed his right hand on Kepler’s shoulder. They vanished.

  When the pair reappeared, they were on Luvelles standing next to the boulders above Kepler’s lair. George hopped down from the back of the cat and looked toward the homes. Light poured through most every window of each structure, but his home was dark, except for one light that escaped from inside Payne’s room.

  “Athena must be reading to the children again. She’s a good mother.”

  Kepler did not seem to care. Instead, he sat on his rear haunches. Lifting his right, front leg, he licked above his paw and started to clean behind his ears. “Are you going to make me read your mind, or are you going to tell me the truth of what happened in Brandor?”

  For the next series of moments, George explained the details of what happened in the throne room. He further explained the reports delivered by the guards who saw the king leaving the city on his mist mare.

  Kepler lowered to the ground. “Why did you stop Michael from throwing Sam in the dungeon?”

  George took a seat on the ground and crossed his legs. “Aside from the fact that Sam could kill them all, I felt the need to protect him. I have screwed with the guy enough. This whole conscience thing is really kicking my ass. I’m starting to wonder if I’ll be able to do what I need to when I get to Eastern Luvelles.”

  The demon-cat lowered his head on top of his legs after crossing them in front of him. “I suppose it won’t be long before you’ll find out. But you’ll need to make that journey on your own. I leave for Dragonia in 4 Peaks to find a mate. Brayson has secured transport for me with the Merchant Angels.”

  The warlock’s brow furrowed. “How will you know where to go once you’re there?”

  “Brayson showed me a map of that world. I have memorized the territories, and I know where to hunt for her.”

  George hopped up from the ground. “Why can’t you just shack up with one of the cats from the plains on Southern Grayham? I’m sure one of those fine felines wouldn’t mind coming to Luvelles to push out a few kittens for you.”

  Kepler snorted his disgust. “They aren’t worthy of my company. I seek a mate with prowess equal to my own. She must be capable of hunting at my side.”

  George moved to Kepler and lay on top of the giant cat. He stretched out his arms and squeezed.

  Kepler growled. “Must you always touch me? If you’ll stop, perhaps I’ll tell you I love you as well.”

  Laughing, George pushed himself off the cat. “I already know that, big guy.”

  The warlock started walking toward his home. Before reaching the steps, he stopped and turned around. “Hey, Kep! Before you get back, make sure you tell this new woman of yours about the family. Missing kids is probably not a good idea. Athena would garesh her pants.”

  Athena’s voice emerged from the open window of Payne’s room. “George Nailer!” she hollered. “What did I tell you about speaking so foul? Get up here and apologize to these kids!”

  Kepler rolled his eyes as George rushed inside the house. After the door shut, the demon-cat went for a run. He ran across the clearing, jumped over the mound of boulders and then disappeared into the forest beyond the community of homes.

  Ancients Sovereign

  Lasidious and Celestria’s Home

  The Next Morning

  Alistar appeared beyond the far end of the table furthest from Lasidious. To his surprise, The Mischievous One and Celestria were shouting at one another.

  “How could you be so careless?” Lasidious chastised.

  Celestria crossed her arms and took a defensive stance. “I’ve already apologized on three occasions! I won’t continue to beg for your forgiveness!”

  Motioning for Alistar to take a seat, Lasidious continued berating Celestria. “Perhaps before you speak during any other series of moments, you should think first when the opportunity arises!” The Mischievous One slammed the side of his right fist against the table. “For all I know, you planted the seed that will cause Sharvesa to seek out her son!” Lasidious’ eyes narrowed. “You’re a fool!”

  “‘Fool?’ You said she said nothing of Payne when you spoke to her.”

  “Sharvesa’s silence makes you no less a fool! She may yet be the one to condemn us!” A long, awkward silence passed before Lasidious added, “How could you be so stupid? Perhaps you’re usefulness is not what it once was.”

  Celestria took a step back from the table. Her jaw tightened as she walked to the side of the room furthest from Lasidious. Once there, she turned and glared in his direction. “How dare you speak to me that way! I’ve schemed with you for more than 10,000 seasons, and never have you lifted your voice to me!” Taking two steps in his direction, her voice softened. “I made a simple mistake, my love.”

  Standing from his chair, Lasidious leaned across the table. “My love? What a farce! There’s nothing simple about losing our immortality! If Sharvesa seeks out Payne, the secret of Garrin’s birth could surface!” The Mischievous One snatched up the new vase Celestria had filled with fresh flora and smashed it against the backside of the fireplace. The fire hissed, but the magic that caused it to burn would not allow the flames to extinguish. “I’m finished with this conversation!”

  Celestria tried to object. “But—”

  Lasidious lifted his voice to a level that caused the goddess to cover her ears. “Silence!”

  A few moments later, the Mischievous One plopped down on his seat and looked across the table at Alistar. “What news shall we share on this Peak, brother?”

  Feeling awkward, Alistar looked at Celestria. The goddess was crying with her hands covering her face. The God of the Harvest stood from his chair and assisted Celestria to the one closest to the fireplace. Once satisfied she was comfortable, he returned to his chair and resumed the conversation.

  “I spoke with Keylom. Your hunch was right. Mosley did visit the Wisp of Song.”

  Lasidious slapped his right hand flat against the table. “I knew it. How did you get Keylom to talk?”

  Alistar grinned. “You’re not the only one with skills of manipulation, brother. I plan to keep the details of my success to myself.”

  “Bah! So be it.” Seeing the redness of Celestria’s face, Lasidious stood from his chair and moved behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and then caressed her
arms. “I’m sorry for how I wielded my wicked tongue. Will you forgive me?”

  The goddess did not respond.

  Lasidious leaned over and whispered into her left ear. “You deserve better than me.” He lowered to the nape of her neck and gently bit it. “My words were careless and hurtful.”

  Celestria pulled away and stood from her chair. She circled the table to the far side of the room. Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms. “Continue your conversation with Alistar. I want no part of you.”

  Lasidious placed his hands on the back of the chair, dropped his head and sighed. A brief silence passed before he looked up at Alistar. “After speaking with the centaur, did you visit Cadromel?”

  Alistar nodded. “I did.”


  “The wisp divulged the wolf’s destination.” Alistar leaned back and smiled.

  “Well? Are you going to share his location, or are you going to make me beg?”

  Alistar chuckled. “You’re no fun to toy with in this condition. The wolf is sitting in the frozen dungeons of Hydroth.”

  Confused, Lasidious confirmed, “Hydroth?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “Why would the wolf go to Northern Grayham?”

  Alistar fell forward and placed his arms on the table. “He seeks the Tear of Gramal. There are questions the wisp wants answered. In return, Cadromel promised to divulge the location of the gate. Mosley seeks to command the power of the Swayne Enserad.”

  “Really?” Lasidious grinned. “He’s seeking the power to go after George, isn’t he?”

  “He is.”

  The Mischievous One clapped his hands, intertwined his fingers and then placed them on top of his head. “This is masterful. The moments have come to dispense with George anyway.”

  This announcement caused Celestria to break her silence. “Since when has George become disposable?”


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