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The Tear of Gramal

Page 33

by Phillip Jones

  Sharvesa leaned over, grabbed Alistar’s knee and shook it. “Despite your good intentions, I shall still suffer because my daughter is being forced to live there. What can we do about that?”

  Alistar stood from the bed and walked to the center of the cave. He lifted his arms toward the ceiling and spread his wings. “Worry not!” he proclaimed. “Lasidious and I have a plan. Everything we’ve done has been for the sole purpose of attaining the power to save your world. We will need the power of the demons to stand against the others. We intend to bring Beelzebub back, and when we do, our united army will take control of the Collective and force it to recreate Dragonia.”

  Alistar pulled his attention away from the roof of the cave and found Sharvesa’s eyes. His voice was soft as he spoke. “Your daughter…” he paused, “…my niece … will be spared. You won’t have to suffer the worries of a burdened mother.”

  Alistar smiled. “Because of our actions, peace will fall across the worlds. The souls who live upon them will be given one being to worship. You and I will serve the Morning Star. He will return us to our former glory and allow us to be the illustrious angels we once were.”

  Sharvesa stood from the bed and concluded. “I suppose this all makes sense. For as many seasons as I can remember, Lasidious has been good to me. On many occasions, he came to me while I lived on Dragonia to help me govern the races of demons. He saw to it that we had a peaceful existence.”

  The goddess paused. “Tell me, Alistar, why would Lasidious ask us to pray to him if his intent was to eventually glorify the Morning Star? You said you exist to serve him, so I can only assume he has returned. Will not Beelzebub be displeased once he learns of Lasidious’ actions?”

  Alistar nodded to acknowledge the validity of Sharvesa’s question. “Allow me to ask you this: if Lasidious had done otherwise, wouldn’t the others in the Collective have become suspicious?”

  Sharvesa pondered the question. “Your point has been made. When will I get to lay my eyes upon Beelzebub? I need to speak my mind before I can extend forgiveness.”

  “Soon. But first … there are events that must take place. You’ll learn of them when the proper moment arrives.”

  Sharvesa sat in silence for one last moment before she changed the subject. “Lasidious was good to me throughout my seasons as queen. I must remember to thank him.”

  Alistar held up his hand. “Yes, you must, but Lasidious failed you in one area where I did not.” The Demon-god of the Harvest pointed and grinned. “He failed to give you a bed. Perhaps you should thank me first.”

  Sharvesa smiled as she looked at her reflection in the headboard. “Thank you, Alistar. You’ve been kind to me.”

  The goddess’ demeanor changed. “I only wish I could remember why I followed Beelzebub out of Heaven. I suppose the memory of loving him will have to suffice until we speak.” She looked at Alistar. “My instincts tell me to trust you. If helping you rally demonkind to stand behind your uprising will bring peace to the worlds and spare my daughter the torment of the new Hell, then I shall do what I must.”

  Alistar walked across the room and extended his hands. After Sharvesa took them, he pulled her into his embrace. “There’s much more we need to discuss. We should start with your son, Payne...”

  Now, fellow soul … I need to say one thing. Lasidious and Alistar’s manipulations were fathoms upon fathoms deeper than what you’ve just learned. Just wait until you learn more of what I know.

  The World of Luvelles

  The Source’s Old Cavernous Home

  The Next Morning

  Lasidious was standing next to one of the streams of lava that flowed through the immense cavern when Alistar appeared behind him.

  “How are you, brother?” Alistar questioned.

  The Mischievous One did not turn around. He kept his eyes fixed on the lava, despite hearing the sound of his brother’s voice—the sound of his demon voice. “Your meeting with Sharvesa must have gone well.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  Lasidious grinned. “You would not have appeared as demon if it had not.” The Mischievous One turned and looked up to find Alistar’s eyes, which were nearly two paces above his own. “You look powerful.” He lifted his hand and balled his fist. “You look ready for battle. Can I count on you to deal with the others when the moment arrives?”

  Alistar spit on the floor. “Of course! I’m as ready as you are! Don’t patronize me like you patronize the others! I’m with you … just as I have always been!”

  Lasidious nodded. “I meant no disrespect.” The Mischievous One stepped forward and took hold of Alistar’s hands. He admired how the size of Alistar’s fingers dwarfed his own. “Soon, we will have everything our hearts desire.”

  Pulling his hands away, Alistar turned to summon a throne to sit on. The throne was made from the skulls and limbs of his worshipers who had perished throughout the seasons. Once comfortable, the God of Harvest questioned, “Are you confident that you’ll be able to acquire the children’s trust? If you fail, our hopes for the future we’ve envisioned will vanish, and you will have sacrificed everything for nothing.”

  Lasidious responded. His voice grew deeper as he transformed. “You don’t need to worry about my ability to perform. Garrin’s power will be mine soon enough.”

  Like his brother, the Mischievous One’s skin turned burnt-red. The demon that emerged from the transformation also had horns that protruded from his head, but the size of Lasidious’ horns were much larger than Alistar’s. They exuded the depth of his power and showed that Lasidious was a far stronger being.

  By the moment the transformation was complete, Lasidious stood another three hands taller than Alistar, and his wings extended an additional half-pace in length on either side of his mass. As Lasidious stretched, the glory of his power was revealed, and at 5 paces tall, he weighed more than 700 pounds.

  Lasidious’ eyes flashed bright red as he looked down. “Make no mistake, brother, this plane will change.”

  Alistar leaned forward. “Your confidence is comforting, but what about the Morning Star? Once his memory returns, his power will return. Are you as confident in your ability to manipulate him as you are with the children?”

  A booming laugh filled the cavern as Lasidious rolled his head back and extended his arms with wings spread. Many moments passed before Lasidious calmed himself to respond. “I shall steal the Morning Star’s power as promised.” He turned away and walked into the flowing lava. Reaching down, Lasidious cupped a handful and rubbed it onto his skin. “I shall have my revenge. Once I have his power, I’ll destroy him and bring change to what has been created. The Collective will grovel at my feet and beg for me to spare their existence.”

  “What will you do then?” Alistar questioned. “Will you keep your promise to me?”

  Lasidious stepped out of the lava and summoned a throne of his own. Like Alistar’s, it was made from the bones of past worshipers. After sitting, the Mischievous One leaned forward to match his brother’s posture. “I would never abandon my promise to you. I’ll leave this plane, and you can do with it as you please.”

  The Mischievous One leaned back and crossed his right leg over his left. “Besides … why would I want to stay here when my vengeance will not yet be complete? I have bigger aspirations than to rule a plane with only two stars.”

  Alistar smiled and leaned back. “You’re mad, you know that? Have you forgotten the power he commands? To challenge him will only end in suffering. Perhaps you should stay and rule with me. There’s more than enough for us to share.”

  Lasidious chuckled. “Unlike you, brother, I seek to be the absolute power. This miserable existence won’t be enough to pacify my vanity. I must go.”

  “But it’s suicide.”

  “Not so.”

  Lasidious stood from his throne and walked back into the lava. “I remember the mistakes Beelzebub made. I’ll use this to my advantage. Every being will bow to me.”

p; Alistar stood and waved his hand across his throne. After watching it vanish, he responded. “Let’s change the subject.”

  Lasidious rolled his eyes. “If you must.”

  The Demon-god of the Harvest grinned. “Sharvesa won’t be a problem. She’ll help however you see fit.”

  “I knew it!” Lasidious boasted. “Then the memories I planted into her subconscious are working. Does she believe she’s our sister?”

  “She does.”

  “Perfect. And does she want to save her daughter?”

  “Of course, she does.”

  “And does she also believe that she was the former goddess, Sekhmet?”

  “Again, she does.”

  Lasidious clapped his hands. “Ha! Can you believe we tricked someone with a heart as pure as Sharvesa’s into believing such nonsense? Sharvesa … a goddess … what a farce. If Sekhmet was around to hear what we’ve done, she’d destroy Sharvesa for having the gall to believe that she could be as glorious.” Lasidious grabbed his chin in thought. “I told you Sharvesa’s desire to protect her daughter would be strong enough.”

  Alistar chuckled. “Your head expands too quickly, brother. You didn’t step too far out on a limb with that declaration. Protecting their offspring is, after all, what mothers do.”

  The Mischievous One ignored Alistar’s snide comment and reached down to cup another handful of lava. Instead of rubbing it on his skin, he drank it. “Refreshing,” the demon sighed. “I’ve missed that taste.” Turning from the flow, Lasidious changed the subject again. “Did you address the situation regarding Payne?”

  “I did.”

  “And what did she say?”

  Alistar smirked. “She believes you placed Payne with George to ensure her son’s well being.”

  “Was she irritated that a human was caring for him?”

  “Of course, she was … just as any demon would be. But I explained there was no other option, and Payne was in desperate need of love. Once she heard that, she didn’t appreciate the fact that you intend to see George’s family perish.”

  “Did you explain why?”

  “Of course, I did.”


  “And she seemed to warm up to the idea of their destruction after I explained George took Payne’s power from him and gave it to Kepler. I told her it was only a matter of moments before revenge for this injustice would be served, and it wouldn’t be long before Payne could be with her again.”

  Lasidious grinned and then removed his armor. He tossed it onto the floor of the cave and lowered into the lava to bathe. “Does Sharvesa know Mosley is on a quest to destroy George and Kepler?”

  “She does.”

  “How did she react to that?”

  “As expected, she was pacified, and I think she’s willing to help Mosley find the power to end George.” Alistar also removed his armor and lowered into the lava. “Everything is as it should be. As planned, Shalee has been swallowed by the Eye. She’s no longer a threat, and Sam has been trapped on Dragonia where we need him. It will only be a matter of moments before we can move forward with the next part of your plan. Everything we wanted to accomplish has happened, despite the adjustments we’ve had to make.”

  Alistar reached into the lava and splashed the flow onto the upper part of his arms. “Is Kael ready to do his part?”

  The Mischievous One extended his hand and commanded a nearby boulder to float across the cavern. The stone settled into the lava behind him. After leaning against it, Lasidious responded. “Kael is ready ... just as I said he would be.”

  “What did you promise the blade for his cooperation?”

  The Mischievous One rubbed an additional handful of lava across his right forearm. “I promised to take him with me. I told Kael that he’d feel the blood of the Almighty’s angels.”

  “That is wonderful!” Alistar cheered as he used his wings to scoop the lava and splash it across his chest. “The sword is clearly ready to serve a master without weakness.”

  “Of course, he is!” Lasidious exclaimed. “Beelzebub failed him just as he failed us! And where he failed, I won’t. The blade believes in me. I’ll deliver him to his rightful place. Kael will hang from glory’s hip for eternity, and everyone will know that he was the weapon responsible for my ascension to absolute power.”

  Grinning, Alistar splashed Lasidious with lava. “Calm down, or your head will explode.” The Demon-god of the Harvest enjoyed Lasidious’ frown as he stood and stepped out of the lava. He put on his armor and added, “There’s planning that needs to be done. Celestria has joined the others on Dragonia. She has decided to help with the transformation of that world. I was forced to take the moments to hide Garrin and the prince’s presence in case her eyes were to fall upon them.”

  “Did you hide the king as well?”

  “No, I didn’t. I saw no reason to. There’s nothing Sam could say to jeopardize our plans.”

  Lasidious rebutted. “Yes, there is. He could tell her that I was the one who placed him inside the barrier he sits in.”


  “What do you mean? This would make her angry.”

  “Who cares?” Alistar reasoned. “Celestria’s anger will not help her find your location, nor will it stop the outcome of what we’ve planned.”

  The Mischievous One pondered his brother’s response. “I suppose you’re right. What could she do?”


  “Then we should proceed in earnest.”

  “Swiftly it is,” Alistar nodded and then changed the subject. “When will you approach the Vampire King?”

  A wide grin spread across Lasidious’ face. “Soon, my dear brother … very soon...”

  Northern Grayham

  Medolas, Clandestiny, Gage and Gallrum—The party is still making their way back to Hydroth. Gage has learned of Mosley and now knows that the wolf traveled with Medolas and Clandestiny for a brief period of moments. The badger believes the wolf was the reason he came to Northern Grayham, but now that Mosley has vanished, Gage has no idea where to search for him. After speaking with Gallrum about his feelings regarding the wolf’s absence, the goswigs have decided to press forward with the Isorians to Hydroth in hopes that they will learn of the wolf’s location.

  Shiver and Gablysin—The Isorian Army is still working throughout every moment of every Peak to tunnel to the spot where King Shiver has ordered the hollow created. Gablysin and the king intend to meet with Hydroth’s engineers, and they will determine the best way to flood the hollow once the ice collapses beneath the Tormalian army’s feet.

  Meerum Bosand—Meerum is now only 2 Peaks from the home of the Ko-dess. After leaving Gesper, the king used his magic to speed up his harugen’s ability to skitter across the ice. He travels this way because he isn’t familiar enough with the territory to teleport to the Ko-dess’ home.

  The World



  George—After ensuring the family was not going to relapse and remember Garrin’s absence, George teleported back to Eastern Luvelles. He is now sitting inside an inn called The Misplaced in a village called Specks. Apparently, the innkeeper’s wife is an elderly, fit woman with a short memory. Because of her memory, Jackson, the innkeeper, a chubby halfling, named the inn the way he did. Jackson’s wife is always losing her effects, and she is constantly forgetting where Jackson has gone within a few moments of him leaving the establishment.

  Lasidious, Sharvesa and Alistar—After Alistar and Lasidious finished their conversation in the Source’s old cavern, both gods returned to their former appearances. Alistar left Luvelles to meet up with Sharvesa. The demon-goddess has made many more remarkable changes to her cave, and Alistar offered a few other pieces of advice on the design before they rejoined the rest of the Collective on the new Hell.

  Alistar plans to keep an eye on Celestria while the Collective puts the final touches on Hell. The gods must set the planet in motion around its new sun and make sure that its
moons orbit the planet without affecting the gravitational fields of the others. Everything must be monitored for a number of Peaks before stasis that still lies across Hell can be lifted. This should happen 4 Peaks from now.


  The New Hell

  Kepler, Sam, Garrin, the Prince and the imp, Pydum—Sam is getting restless while the others are still in stasis. Other than a few unnecessary outbursts of rage by Sam, there is nothing more to report here.

  The Hidden God World

  Ancients Sovereign

  The Book of Immortality and the Archangel Michael—The Book and Michael have met again. It has been determined that the Book must go to Anahita and help her with the creation of the new Heaven while Michael attends to other matters that the archangel claims to be the Almighty’s bidding.

  A Place Unknown

  Anahita and Helga—The duo is fighting to stay together. Helga can feel herself slipping away, and Anahita is unable to focus on the creation of the new Heaven because of the loss she knows she will suffer once Helga vanishes from their shared mind. Anahita can only find comfort when she sits in front of the mirror and allows Helga to control their lips to tell stories of the older woman’s childhood.

  The World



  Mosley—After waking from the deep sleep the wolf was placed into by Lasidious, Mosley has spent the last few Peaks recovering. This is the first Peak that Mosley has felt like exploring the Priestess’ palace. But his mind is unsettled.

  Thank you for reading the Crystal Shard


  You’re Not the Father

  The Priestess of Harvestom’s Palace


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