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Page 2

by Mlyn Hurn

  “I wouldn’t do it, if I were you. You’d just end up being embarrassed all over again during the court trial.” He smiled, adding softly, “Don’t forget the presentation and demonstration of evidence…if the glove fits—”

  Kerry was stunned by the whiteness of his teeth. This man could be a model or a movie star. Up close, she could see his face wasn’t perfect. A slight crook in the bridge of his nose, a small nick of a scar on his chin, and a longer scar went down the side of his face, from temple to jaw.

  “Are these the only two bags you have?” Broderick asked, nodding at the small overnight bag and briefcase.

  Kerry shook her head. “No, but the manager said he’d have them driven over shortly. “

  “Then,” he smiled at her again, “follow me and we’ll head back to the bed and breakfast and get you settled in for the night.”

  Kerry followed the man outside but stopped abruptly when she saw their mode of transportation—it was an honest to God Harley-Davidson motorcycle, complete with silver hardware and pretty tags. There was no way she could get up on that thing. She must have been shaking her head because a moment later the man grinned at her.

  “Don’t worry, ma’am. I’ll get you there in one piece.”

  Kerry couldn’t return his grin as her nerves gripped her consciousness. She was a little insulted at being called “ma’am” but even more distressed at the thought of hiking her skirt sky high to ride this monstrous beast. Taking a deep breath, she started to speak. “I—”

  “It’s easy, ma’am. I’ll use the long straps and hold the overnight bag on the back here, and then if you’ll drape your purse and the other bag across your uhm…yeah, like that. Oh, I forgot. I’m Broderick Douglass, owner of the Fair Rose bed and breakfast.”

  Before Kerry could reply, he had his helmet on and was astride the mighty beast. “Put your foot on mine and then swing the other leg over. Uhh, you will have to hike that skirt up some.”

  Kerry followed his direction, ignoring her doubts. With her skirt pulled up to mid-thigh, she started to follow the man’s directions. Broderick must have assisted her because a moment later Kerry was astride the big, black Harley. She didn’t wait to be told, but quickly slipped her arms around his body.

  “Hold on!” Broderick told her unnecessarily above the roar of the powerful machine. Kerry felt him kicking the brake back, heard the erotic revving of the motor and then they were off.

  “Oh my Gawd!” Kerry screamed as the motorcycle careened away from the inn’s entrance.

  Chapter Two

  Prayers of gratitude were still echoing in Kerry’s head as she followed Broderick up the beautiful oak staircase. The Fair Rose bed and breakfast was beautiful, from what she could see as the sun set. According to Broderick, the original structure dated back to 1756, and over the years it had been rebuilt, restored and generally refurbished, until the depression era.

  They had entered through the kitchen, after what Kerry was sure had been an entertaining dismount from the motorcycle. Broderick flicked on light switches as they moved through the house, while Kerry was taking in the details of the large bed and breakfast inn. The rich, warm wood seemed to echo back to another age. They passed a room where the furniture was covered with sheets. Broderick described it as the future “common” room.

  Broderick opened a bedroom door just past the top of the staircase. Walking into the room first, he turned on the overhead light, and set her briefcase and overnight bag on a bench at the foot of the queen-size, four-poster bed.

  “This is the Lady Rose room. Nearly all of the rooms are complete, but this is the only one with everything in place.”

  Kerry looked from Broderick to the bed. It was grand enough to take her breath away. Made of heavy dark wood, it had drawn, thick cream curtains suspended from the top beams of the bed. She couldn’t resist lightly stroking the fabric.

  “Wow! This is incredible.” Floral bed covers, complete with lace pillows and burgundy velvet bed skirt, made this the kind of bed women dreamed of. She went to sit on the bed and found that it was too tall to scoot onto. It was tempting to face the bed and scramble up, but she also knew it would look ridiculous for a grown woman to do so. A moment later, Broderick pulled out a wooden stepping stool for the bed.

  Everything Kerry had seen was just perfect for a bed and breakfast. It screamed Victorian elegance while remaining cozy and charming. “This is all really fantastic, Mr. Douglass. Did you hire a designer who specialized in the period?”

  Broderick turned and smiled. “Thanks, but I’ve done it all myself. Well, I need to get back to work. I’ll leave the kitchen door unlocked if you want to go out. Once your other bag arrives, I’ll bring it up.” Walking to the door, he looked back at Kerry. “Feel free to look around if you want. If you need something during the night, just pick the phone up and press 1. It rings in the kitchen, my office and bedroom. Oh, and even though I’m not officially open, I’ll be happy to serve you some breakfast. Is eight too early?”

  Kerry shook her head slowly. “No, uhm, that will be fine. I’m not due at the convention until ten.” She watched as the attractive man closed the door. “What a waste,” she murmured softly. “I guess it’s true—all the good ones are either married or gay. Damn!” Kicking her shoes off, she used the step stool to get up onto the bed. Lying back against the soft pillows, it was impossible to keep her eyes open. In a few deep breaths she was sound asleep.

  * * * * *

  Kerry awoke abruptly, looking frantically around the room. It took a few seconds before she remembered she was at the bed and breakfast, Fair Rose. Sitting up, she rubbed her hands over her eyes. Her glasses must have fallen off. She looked around for them, but couldn’t see them. Scooting off the bed, she pulled her jacket off and untied the bow at the neck of her shirt. Unbuttoning the first few buttons, Kerry glanced around, wondering what time it was. Glancing at her wrist, she was surprised to find her watch missing as well. Shrugging, she went into the bathroom.

  Kerry stripped her clothes off, standing in front of the mirror. For some foolish reason, she had worn a very sexy, loose fitting, silky lace teddy in the softest of pinks. She pulled the last few pins from her hair, and soon it was streaming over her shoulders. Looking at her reflection, Kerry acknowledged that even if Broderick weren’t gay, he probably wouldn’t have been attracted to her. Her face was just average and her body was more than average size. Most men preferred thin women, or women with large breasts.

  She didn’t hate the way she looked, but rather accepted it. After all, it wasn’t as if she never dated. There had been that accountant her Aunt Cecelia had fixed her up with a few months back. And before that was the guy who had decided to leave his career in management at the golden arches, and go into ministry school. Once he discovered what her career was, which she had put off telling him until their third date, it had been clear their career choices were irreconcilable.

  Kerry leaned over and rinsed her face with water, and then turned off the taps. Letting the water drip down and wet the teddy, she wondered what her readers would think if they knew she was really the complete opposite of what she wrote in her books. Excitement, exotica and passionate lovemaking were not a part of her life. Instead she had become very adept at research, in lots of interesting areas.



  Kerry froze as she heard the strange noises. It sounded like they were outside her bedroom door. Moving to the door, she opened it slowly. Light from behind her began chasing away the darkness down the long hallway. Looking at first down the hall, into pitch-blackness, Kerry took a deep breath before turning to glance at the head of the staircase. Moonlight streamed through the windows on the first floor, partway up the stairs. Just enough of the pale blue light allowed Kerry to see the area was empty.



  Kerry felt her heart leap in her chest as the sounds came again, but this time she could tell they were coming from the dark end of the
hallway. For a few seconds she paused, considering closing her door and turning the lock, with her inside. That would be the smart thing to do. She didn’t know her way around this large house, nor did she really know her host. Perhaps he was a lunatic hiding out here, just waiting to pounce on his next victim. Taking a step into the hallway, she ignored the irritating voice that reminded her that her host’s most likely choice would be male.

  Staring into the darkness, Kerry took a step forward and tripped over her suitcase. “Damn it all” she muttered and balanced on one foot while she rubbed the stubbed toes on her other foot. When she looked back up, a faint wisp of smoke seemed to fill the air. Trying to breathe, Kerry took a few more steps and a few more puffs and swirls of mist crossed the floor. She realized that the smoke was coming from beneath the door at the end of the hallway. Instinctively, Kerry reacted.

  “Fire!” she screamed, trying to catch her breath. Then, knowing it was stupid and the wrong thing to do, Kerry ran towards the door. At least she did remember to touch the door before she opened it. Immediately, Kerry felt the coldness of the door and something told her there was no fire. Breathing deeply to steady her nerves, she opened the door and looked around. Her instinct was confirmed, which meant there was absolutely no reason at all to walk across the thick carpet toward the bed.

  The bed was king-sized, and like hers, featured the heavy drapery. Moonlight came flooding through the two large oval windows, highlighting the naked male figure asleep on the bed. He had obviously kicked the covers off, and Kerry ignored the good sense God must have given her and went to stand next to the bed. In sleep, Broderick Douglass was even more attractive. The fact he was naked merely added to his appeal.

  A smile curved her full lips upward as she considered that this man didn’t need anything to add to his sexiness. There should be a law, she reasoned, against a man this gorgeous being gay. It just wasn’t fair to the women of the world. Not fair at all!

  “Stop smiling at me wench and get in this bed!”

  Kerry gasped as the man’s hand shot out and grabbed her forearm. A second later, she was pulled forward and across his body. Twisting and turning, a breathless Kerry stared up at her captor. Looking up into his blue eyes, she was struck by the strangeness of this whole situation. Logic was the only answer.

  “You’re gay!”

  Laughter filled the room. “I’ve been accused of being dour, short-tempered and too generous with a servant who works upstairs, but never of being gay and light-hearted!”

  Kerry could feel his hard cock pressed against her belly as he rested atop her nearly naked body. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that she did not do things like this. Possibly Miz would, and Natalie could be tempted, but her best friends would agree that she, the original Miss Prim, would never sleep with a man she’d just met. Especially if sleep wasn’t really on the agenda!

  “I’ve never seen a garment such as this, my lovely.” A moment later, Kerry felt the man’s hand caressing her side and moving upward, stopping just below her heaving breast. His hand covered her breast, rubbing his palm across her taut nipple. When Kerry gasped, he smiled. “Not that I’m complaining, lass, for I know there is no one else. Always you have been the only one for me as well.”

  “Mr. Douglass!” she whispered, telling her body to ignore the wonderful sensations she was experiencing with his body pressed against her. She forgot to breathe as his mouth lowered to kiss the side of her neck. It took a second before she realized that he was not moving upward. “Broderick!”

  “What, my love?” his husky voice inquired gently while his hands began pulling the bodice of her teddy down.

  Kerry took a deep breath to tell Broderick to stop…but her breath sighed away as her bare nipple was enveloped by his mouth. The hot, sweet suction soon had her almost hyperventilating and her resistance rapidly fading. Why not enjoy a hot passionate fling? She had no ties. There was nothing to stop her—

  The hand between her thighs paused. “What odd fastenings, my sweet.” Yet he still dealt with them quite capably and the silk was pushed up to her hips. His hand covered her mound. This time he gasped. “What’s this? Where is your sweet, thick bush, darling Jen?”

  Kerry felt Broderick’s fingers on her shaven pussy. She paused to be grateful that she’d taken the time to shave this morning. Opening her mouth to reply, the words died as his fingers slid back across her wet lips. Two fingers slipped into her body while his thumb probed the hairless lips of her pussy, probing for her clit.

  “I am surprised, love.” His lips covered hers for a deep, drugging kiss. “But I certainly approve.”

  Kerry’s hips jerked sharply in response to his clever flicks against her clit. Her body’s wetness made his fingers slippery and slick, and they wiggled against her, and inside of her. As her first orgasm in a very long while swept through her body, Kerry told the protective and shielding voice inside her head to shut up. Her arms came up and circled Broderick’s muscular, tanned shoulders. To hell with conventions and manners! She was doing what felt good and damn the consequences!

  Broderick slipped from her grasp and moved down her body. His intentions were obvious as his strong hands gently spread her thighs. She tangled her fingers among the long black strands of his silky hair. But there was no stopping him as he began his earnest mission. His hands caressed and stroked her warm, fleshy thighs a moment before she felt his breath upon her slick, wet pussy lips.

  “Oh, God! Yes!”

  Kerry was shocked to hear her own voice crying out, especially since there was still not a single thought in her head about stopping him. Indeed, she was now encouraging him by moving her thighs farther apart. Her one hand lowered to cradle the back of Broderick’s head while his lips and tongue showed her the true depth of her passionate nature.

  Kerry felt his tongue dancing, flickering against her clit. Each move set off tiny explosive surges in her body. And it was only after several moments that she was aware that he had once again slid two fingers into her body. Soon her hips were jerking rhythmically to his timed seductions. His tongue held command, licking, stroking lightly, and finally controlling her completely with tiny flickering movements.

  She’d lost track of how many small explosive spasms she’d experienced before he started a truly erotic dance with his fingers inside her hot cunt. Massaging, pressing, and finally discovering the special place inside Kerry’s body, Broderick released a torrent of liquid essence as she suddenly lost all control. Her body jerked against him several times, smearing the liquid around his face and onto her thighs.

  “Sweet heaven!”

  Kerry heard him whisper the words moments before she literally passed out from satiation and exhaustion. The last thing she remembered was the amazingly warm and comfortable feeling of lying beside him, his heat and strength touching her more intimately than any man had before.

  Chapter Three

  Kerry groaned and turned over in bed. It felt so wonderful in the warm and protective cocoon of sheets and blankets. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw the heavy cream-colored bed hangings around her soft, comforting nest. She couldn’t tell for sure, but the sun looked like it was too far up in the sky for it to be seven-thirty, which was the time she’d set the alarm on her watch. Lifting her left hand languorously, she squinted to see the watch face. Then she remembered her watch was missing…or she thought it was. Turning over she looked at the antique styled, but modern functioning clock on the bedside table.

  “Nine-thirty! Oh shit! I’m late for the convention.”

  Kerry jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. Stripping her teddy up over her head, she climbed into the tiled shower. Washing thoroughly, she ignored the tenderness between her upper thighs. Erotic dreams such as she had experienced last night were rare, especially if she had an orgasm during her bliss-filled sleep. It was way too easy to close her eyes and imagine the way Broderick’s hands had caressed her rounded flesh during the dream.

  Back in the bedroo
m, she glanced around for her suitcase but didn’t see it anywhere. Holding the towel tightly around her dripping body, she gingerly opened her door and peaked out into the hall. There was her bag, close to the wall, but still sticking out enough for someone to trip over. Abruptly Kerry shook the nonsensical erotic thoughts from her head. That had been one hell of a dream she’d had last time. Just thinking about making such passionate and uninhibited love with a near stranger was enough to make her flush hotly.

  Glad that there was not a dress code, Kerry dressed in jeans, white oxford-style shirt and sneakers. Tying a pink sweater around her shoulders, Kerry grabbed her purse off the nightstand, and rushed down to the kitchen, shoving her glasses on as she hurried. There was a plate with a large note beside it, which directed her to the refrigerator for some bottled juice and water. On the plate were two big delicious looking muffins.

  The note said, “I apologize for not being able to fix you a scrumptious breakfast, Ms. Perry, but I’ve been called to Richmond for a last minute court appearance. In lieu of wake up food, I hope you will allow me to fix you dinner this evening, if you are free. Have a fun day at the convention! See you later!”

  After reading the note out loud, Kerry grabbed one muffin, wrapped the other in the cloth napkin and stuffed it into her purse. With the juice in her other hand, she took off for the walk to the college. The streets were already filling with happy tourists for Colonial Williamsburg and obviously dressed convention-goers. Many were dressed as their favorite sci-fi characters, obviously throwing themselves into the spirit of the convention.

  Walking briskly, Kerry ate her muffin, occasionally sipping the juice. Her thoughts returned to her passionate dreams. In her pre-waking state, it had all felt so incredibly real. The warmth inside the soft cocoon of sheets and blankets had been almost too sweet and enticing to leave. If she’d not been alone—

  Kerry stopped walking abruptly. How ridiculous, she told herself. She had been alone all night and obviously just enjoyed an erotic dream starring her host. No big deal! Other people had dreams like this all the time, she reminded herself nervously. It was just that hers had felt so incredibly real. Closing her eyes, her skin tingled almost as if it were being touched once more. She shivered in reaction. It was almost too easy to recall the sensations her body had experienced, and technically, nothing at all had happened.


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