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Page 13

by Shameek Speight

  "Give me a knife!" he orders.

  One of the soldiers run into the kitchen and comes back with a knife, handing it to him. Daytona sticks the knife in between the crack of the wooden floor board and flips it up and removes the board, then grabs the black body bag out of the hole. He unzips it and looks at the stack of money inside.

  "Yes!" he jumps up, "How much money y'all made today?"

  "Umm, everything we made we gave to Livewire. He picked it up earlier. It was about sixty thousand, but the fiends are still coming."

  "Fuck it," Daytona says and heads to the front door just as a black Crown Victoria and vans surround the house and the trap house three houses down, across the street.

  "Shit!" Daytona turns around and takes off running for the back door, but stops when he sees FBI agents with their guns drawn in the backyard facing his direction and surrounding all the windows in the house.

  "Shit, shit, shit!" he back pedals and goes to the living room window.

  The FBI agents already have the Amityville Killers that were trapping in the dime and twenty spot on the ground outside. A voice booms through a loud speaker, "This is the FBI we know you're in there, the house is surrounded. Come out with your hands up, there's no place to run. If we're forced to come in, there will be problems."

  Both Amityville soldiers look at each other. A bedroom door opens and Erica comes out all cracked up and high.

  "Shit y'all know the police out there? They're all around my damn window talking about freeze. A bitch thought she was high or paranoid from smoking this shit."

  "Yo Daytona, we're about to give ourselves up. I don't want these crazy ass cops coming in here and start blasting on our ass," one of the soldiers says.

  "Word me too," the next one replies.

  They fear what Daytona might do to them, but fears what the cops would do more if they rush into the house. One of them slowly opens the door while keeping his eyes on Daytona who's staring at his feet holding the bag on his shoulder with one hand. Once the door is open they both step out with their hands in the air, "We don't have any guns. Don't shoot, please don't shoot!" they yell, as FBI agents rush them and throws them to the ground, handcuffing them while keeping guns aimed at them the whole time.

  They then drag them to a van with gates on the inside and outside and place them inside with the other three men they got from the other house across the street. Daytona stands there in a daze replaying everything his brother told him and everything Evangeline said to him on the day he moved out his mother's house.

  Her voice echoes in his head, 'This drug game is no game it's a trap. Y'all still don't get why y'all call it trapping or a trap house. Y'all mind is telling y'all one thing, but most of you just don't want to listen. It's called a trap house because y'all are trapped inside with nowhere to go. Drug dealers make all the money just so the Feds or cops come and take it all away and leave them with nothing but jail time and pictures so they can say I had this. And when they do go free from jail, they go right back to the trap house and start hustling again or trapping as y'all call it, just to get trapped up again. It's a repeating cycle can't you see that. That's why it's called trapping or a trap house baby.'

  For the first time Evangeline's words make sense to him, he had more than ten million in his house and now it is gone along with his cars, clothes, and jewelry. He has $200,000 in the backpack on his shoulders but he is trapped in the house surrounded by the cops.

  "I'm trapped in this damn trap house!" he says out loud while shaking his head not knowing why he couldn't understand his mother, Evangeline and Uncle Ron sooner. Now his life is over.

  "Daytona, I'm about to go outside and let these cops arrest my ass before they rush the place. Besides I'm a crack head, it ain't too much they can do to me. It's your ass they want," Erica says while walking past him.

  In one swift move Daytona drops the book bag and pull out his 9mm True and grabs Erica in a headlock and puts his gun to her temple, "Bitch you ain't going nowhere, because I ain't going nowhere. We're going to stay trapped in this house together."

  The front door is wide open. The FBI agents see it all. They slowly creep to the door with submachine guns pointing in Daytona and Erica's direction.

  "Put down the gun son!" one of the FBI agents yell, "Put down the damn gun!" he says in a demanding tone.

  "Fuck you, I ain't putting shit down!" Daytona yells back while he back pedals using Erica as a shield as the FBI agent enters the front door.

  "Listen, you have nowhere to go, you're trapped. So put down the damn gun!"

  "No, don't you see I am trapped! Even if I put down the gun I'm still trapped!"

  The six FBI agents look at Daytona like he had lost his mind.

  "Don't be fucking looking at me like that. Y'all don't see it, I'm fucking trapped. I should've listened, but now it's too fucking late, and you know what?" Daytona says with tears running down his face, "I lost everything and refuse to repeat the cycle!" He yells as he points the gun at the FBI agents.

  The FBI agents squeeze the triggers to the submachine guns as soon as Daytona points the gun in their direction. Rapid fire is let off, sending a hail of bullets ripping through Erica's skinny body and into his.

  "Ahhhh! Ahhhh!" they both scream as the bullets tear them apart.

  Daytona releases his grip on Erica and she drops to the floor dead as bullets continue to tear through his flesh, making him slump over backwards. The FBI agents, run over to him kicks the gun away from his hand and is amazed to see he is still alive, whispering something while coughing up blood, then dies with his eyes open.

  "What was he whispering?" one of the Agents asks.

  "He said he don't want to be trapped and don't want to repeat the cycle."

  "What the fuck was he talking about?" one FBI agents asks.

  "Who knows, he sounded like he was crazy to me, I just hope we get a cut of the money we found in these damn drug dealers houses."

  "Oh no, I'm stealing some," one FBI agent replies.

  "When are they going to learn they do all the work and we keep all the damn money?"

  "Shit I hope they never learn, then we'll be out of a job," an FBI agent replies, causing them all to bust out laughing.

  Altogether 63 men and women are arrested, between Amityville and Wyandanch. Some start making deals with the Feds right away to get less time. They tell about all the murders and how much drugs were being sold. Since Daytona and Livewire are dead, 'E' and Flea are charged with kingpin charges and the workers say they ran the whole business. The Feds gives them sixty years apiece. Now they are trapped in the cage.

  Snow cries for days from the news of his brother's death. The jail refused to let him go to the funeral, being that it's a high profile case and they fear someone might go down.

  Snow sits in his cell up north in Coxsackie maximum security reading the headline to the newspaper, some were two weeks old. The notorious gangs known as the Amityville Killers and Dance Shooters have all been arrested. Millions of dollars in cash and cars have been seized by the FBI. The gangs are responsible for more than eighty murders and homicides. One of the gang leaders, Daytona Snow died in a shootout with an FBI agent in a known drug house on Smith Street.

  Snow stops reading the newspaper and wipes the tears from his eyes, 'Shit, I might as well work out to get the stress off my chest,' he thinks to himself.

  He didn't want to be around people, he wants to keep to himself. It is his last day in Coxsackie Correctional Facility. The cop already came up to tell him to pack up his things. He is moving to a medium security jail. His classification went down and he only has three and a half years left until he is free, and can be with his wife and children again.

  Snow walks out his cell into the housing area to the gym. He enters the gym to see all kinds of inmates lifting weights. He walks over to the pull up bar when something catches his eye, "Oh shit!" he says in a whisper as his eyes look at G-Boog on the bench press, lifting weights.

ger rises in his body as flashbacks of the day he walked in and sees G-Boog and Mel-Murder raping his wife. Snow checks his waist to make sure his jail made knife is still there. He carries it with him because he's in a maximum security jail and he knows the rules. There is no fighting in here, just straight stabbing, sometimes cutting someone to death. You could be walking in alive going to the library and someone would run up behind you and stab you twenty times, and you would drop dead. All the inmates would keep moving like they haven't seen a thing. For two reasons, it's the code of the streets and to keep your mouth shut in jail; mind your own business. Anyone seen by the dead body even if they were trying to help will get blamed for it, even if you go over to a C.O. and say someone's been stabbed. The C.O. will take your name down and you will be charged with the body for the stabbing.

  Snow slowly makes his way over to G-Boog who is lying on his back lifting the weights up and down. As G-Boog lifts the weights again and holds it in the air, "Twenty," he groans out, then notices someone standing next to his head.

  He looks up while still holding the weights. His eyes grow wide as he looks Snow dead in his face and notices the jail made knife in his hand. Before he could react, Snow swings the knife and stabs him in the neck. He pulls it out and stabs him again.

  "This is for my wife."

  G-Boog couldn't hold the heavy weights anymore and the bar comes crashing down on his jaw, breaking it as he chokes on his own blood. Blood squirts out his neck, his body shakes and then stops as he dies. Snow walks out the gym slowly and no one saw what he did. The inmates in the gym saw G-Boog's dead body and the blood covering the floor. They quickly leave the gym. They knew the two rules, mind your own business or get blamed for it.

  The next day Snow is moved to his new jail. He is closer to coming home to his family. No one knew he killed G-Boog, the C.O. knew he had a rape charge and figures someone took it personally, like that could have been their mother, sister, wife or daughter that he could've raped.


  Mel-Murder sits in his new white Mercedes-Benz SL 500 counting money in front of the trap house on Smith Street. The money is rolling in. He is in Texas hiding out until he watches the news one day and sees Daytona is dead, and almost everyone in Amityville and Wyandanch is locked up. So he comes back to Amityville. He's been trying to come back for a while. He's been running through all the money he stole from Snow two years ago on fly cars and women, 'Shit there's no one to stop me and get in my way. I'm going to make all the damn money out here,' he says out loud as he counts another two thousand dollars.

  The trap houses are boarded up, but he kicks loose the boards and has been trapping there for 6 months now. A black C class Benz pulls up alongside his and the window rolls down to reveal a pretty brown skin girl about the age of 17, "I see you got the guy version of mine," she says in a flirtatious tone.

  Mel-Murder looks at her and licks his lips as he stares at her cleavage that is popping out her cream shirt, "Yea mami I do big things," he replies.

  "Are big cars the only big thing you do big?" she replies.

  "Naw baby girl, but if you're willing to chill with me you'll find out," Mel-Murder replies while grabbing his hard on through his jeans.

  "Well can my girlfriend come too or you can't handle both of us?" she asks in a seductive tone.

  Mel-Murder steps out his car and bops over toward her with his new platinum chain swinging on his neck that reads his name, "Shorty there isn't a thing I can't handle. So what's up, are you going to pick your friend up and meet me back over here or what?"

  "Naw daddy we can roll now she's in the back."

  "Word, let me holler at her and see what she's about, if she's not as fly as you I ain't fucking with her."

  "Nigga please, everyone I roll with is fly, that's why I hollered at you," she replies.

  Mel-Murder moves to the back window of her car and is curious to know how her friend looks, but really didn't give a shit, he plans on fucking them both anyway.

  The dark black tinted window rolls down and he could see a figure of a beautiful woman. He puts his head through the window, "Yea shorty, what's up?" his words are cut short as he looks at the barrel of a chrome .38 Ruger, pointed between his eyes. He then looks at the woman pointing the gun, "Shit Evange….," he never got to say her whole name as Evangeline squeezes the trigger and a bullet pierces his skull, the impact sends him flying back.

  Evangeline points the gun at his collapsed body and pumps three more rounds into his chest, "Pull off!"

  Nicole steps on the gas and takes off, "See baby, didn't I tell you he would come back to the same block and the same trap house to get money?"

  "Yea, you did mom," Nicole says while making a right turn.

  "Baby they just don't realize they're the ones trapped."

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  The Diary of Nancy Grace

  Novels by Shameek A. Speight

  A Child of a Crackhead Series

  A Child of a Crackhead

  A Child of a Crackhead II

  A Child of a Crackhead III

  A Child of a Crackhead IV

  The Pleasure of Pain Series

  The Pleasure of Pain

  The Pleasure of Pain II

  The S.N. Killer




  For the Love of My Sisters Series

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  For the Love of My Sisters II

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  An Excerpt from Trappin' 2

  Other Titles from True Glory Publications




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