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The Cosy Christmas Teashop

Page 23

by Caroline Roberts

  Malcolm popped in to see Ellie, who was on her final preparations for the prawn and smoked salmon starter, in the teashop kitchens.

  ‘Dan’s here. He’s made it.’

  ‘Oh, thank goodness. I’ve been feeling quite tense all morning. Oh, Lucy will be so happy.’

  ‘But you can’t say a word …’

  ‘Why on earth not? She’s been in a right fret, worrying about his journey in the snow and ice. Especially with what’s happened.’

  ‘Joe said I have to tell you to keep schtum, Daniel is insisting, and you just need to get her to the chapel for a quarter past one. Well,’ he glanced at this watch, ‘that’s fifteen minutes now. I’m popping back up to manoeuvre the guests in to the chapel ready.’

  ‘Okay, I suppose. But I still think it’s mean, if she doesn’t know if her groom’s there. She’s all made-up and ready to go, and she’s already had such a nervous morning. And, been kept waiting now too. The least I could do is calm her nerves.’

  ‘It’s really important to Dan, that’s all I know.’

  ‘Okay, but you men are such meanies.’

  ‘Now don’t brand me with that, young lady. I couldn’t be mean if I tried. Well, only if I tried very hard.’

  ‘No. Sorry, Malc. I just want it all to go perfect for them.’

  ‘I know, pet. But, don’t shoot the messenger.’ He winked and dashed out.

  ‘Right ladies, how’s it going?’

  The scent of perfume hit her, as Ellie entered the room. There was chatter and giggling. Brushes, make-up bags, hair tongs and straighteners, lipsticks and eyeshadows were strewn around the surfaces, as well as half-empty champagne flutes lined up on the dressing table. Four of the towelling robes were discarded and replaced by stunning floor-length lavender-shade bridesmaids’ dresses, with cosy ivory shrugs to keep their shoulders warm. Their hair was up, piled into soft topknots, with wispy waves framing their faces. Apparently the original hairdresser had been unable to rebook, so they decided to do it themselves and help each other out. They’d done an amazing job. The girls really did looked stunning.

  ‘Wow, you lot look fabulous! I love the colour of those dresses.’

  Lucy was having her rollers taken out by one of her bridesmaids, who was softening the bouncy dark waves. The bride-to-be turned to Ellie with a nervous smile, her make-up was done, and she looked so pretty. All she had to do next was to step into the dress, which was out of its cover and looking exquisite, all ivory lace and subtle beading, hanging from the wardrobe door.

  ‘Is he here yet?’

  Ellie’s heart flipped. She hated having to lie; seeing Lucy’s face drop. ‘Well, I’ve heard he’s on his way, nearly here, actually.’ She tried to make it sound positive. ‘So I’ve been asked to get all the bridesmaids into place by the chapel, and to bring your father across now, Lucy. The vicar is here ready, so we’re nearly there.’

  Lucy’s hair was teased out to a stylish finish, and then the bridesmaids started gathering together near the door.

  ‘By the way, the bouquets are all ready to collect as you go in to the castle from the courtyard. The florist’s done a marvellous job, but she was slightly delayed. We thought having them there would save carrying them across the snowy courtyard. Malcolm and Derek have tried to dig some pathways out, so it’s not too bad. But, there is one other issue …’ She looked down at their feet. Yes, she’d thought so. ‘Satin shoes … not ideal in the snow, and they’d get ruined, so in the corridor I have lined up a selection of wellington boots.’

  ‘You’re kidding.’ ‘No way.’

  ‘Well, it’s either that, or spoiled, wet shoes all day. I know which I’d rather. You can swap them as soon as you get in from the stone steps outside, at the passageway to the chapel and Great Hall.’

  ‘Hmn.’ ‘Well yeah, that makes sense.’

  ‘Chief Bridesmaid says yes,’ Catlin announced, and they all laughed.

  ‘Do I have to wear them, too?’ Lucy looked aghast.

  ‘Well, if you don’t want to trash your wedding shoes, yes hun,’ Ellie conceded.

  ‘Bloody hell, some glamorous bride I’m going to be. Thank heavens, we haven’t got Hello Magazine here. Not that there was ever a chance in hell of that, but you know. Hey, has the photographer made it yet?’

  ‘Yep. He’s here, and ready to go.’

  ‘Well, that image’ll be in the album for sure, then. Bride wears Stella McCartney and green wellies.’

  ‘Might set a new trend. Could get you into Country Life!’ Caitlin grinned.

  ‘Hah, and who the hell was stupid enough to wish for snow for her big day?’ She already knew the answer, of course.

  ‘Yep, you.’

  ‘Right, I’ll see these lovely ladies across to the chapel … be back very soon.’ Ellie smiled.

  ‘Let me know if he’s there yet then, yeah.’ Lucy looked a bit emotional.

  ‘Of course.’ Ellie hoped to God, Dan really was there, and Joe hadn’t been asking Malcolm to spin some yarn to appease her. What if he was stranded somewhere, or had had some other accident on the way? She put that thought to the back of her mind. ‘I won’t be long.’

  ‘Yes, okay. See you all soon, guys.’ Lucy smiled. ‘I think it’s time to step into the dress then, before my dad gets here.’ She took a deep breath.

  ‘Need a hand?’ Ellie offered.

  ‘No, I’ll be fine. You lot go, get on.’ Her eyes looked a little misty, bless.

  ‘See you in a minute, petal. We’ll all be waiting ready for you,’ Caitlin added. ‘And no getting emotional and crying now, or you’ll ruin your make-up.’

  They all gave Lucy a hug in turn. Ellie didn’t know about them, but she felt she could burst into tears any second. She held it in.

  There was much giggling in the corridor, as the bridesmaids mixed and matched wellies to get the best fit. One was in a navy pair, one in spotty, and two in traditional green Hunters. Ellie had had a root about in her wardrobe, borrowed Doris’s that she’d come in with, and found a couple of pairs in Deana’s office.

  Ellie took the four pairs of satin shoes and popped them in to a cardboard box to carry across for them. As they got to the bottom of the stairwell, ready to step outside, they could see that the snow was about a foot deep, aside from the paths that Malcolm and Derek had dug out earlier.

  ‘Right girls, I suggest a hitch up of skirts,’ Ellie warned.

  ‘Tuck them in your knickers, if need be,’ Caitlin announced.

  So up went the skirts revealing the wellie boots in all their glory. And click, at the top of the stone steps, to greet them with a camera flash, was the official photographer. Hilarious … But those quirky photographs were often the best.

  There was no sign of Daniel when Ellie delivered the bridesmaids plus shoes to the entrance of the chapel within the castle. She mouthed to Malcolm, ‘Is he here, yet?’ All he did was shrug, with an odd smile. Ellie met with Lucy’s father, who also looked slightly disconcerted. As they walked back over to Lucy’s room, her curiosity got the better of her, she had to mention the apparent lack of groom.

  ‘Have you seen Daniel, yet, Mr Coates? I’ve heard he’s here.’

  ‘No, he’s not where I’d expect him to be by now which is down by the altar with his best man. But, Joe has assured us all is well. I’m just to take Lucy across, and walk her down the aisle. That’s all I know.’

  ‘Okay. Well let’s just stick with the plan. And maybe it’ll be best not to alarm Lucy with any detail.’

  Ellie knocked, and entered. Lucy was stood in the middle of the room ready in her gown. Wow. Lucy looked just beautiful, radiant. Ellie was filling up, yet again. Ah, it was going to be one of those days when she needed a tissue, she could tell.

  ‘You look amazing, Lucy. Wow. Dan is going to be so happy.’

  ‘Here’s there then?’ She smiled.

  ‘Ah yes, so I’ve heard.’ Not exactly a lie. How could she possibly say anything else?

  ‘Ready, love?’ Mr
Coates crooked his arm, ready for his daughter to take.

  ‘I’ve been ready for a long time, Dad.’

  ‘I know, pet. I know. It’s been a tough few months.’

  Bloody hell, Ellie wished she’d thought to put on the waterproof mascara this morning. ‘Right folks, I’ll see you across to the chapel … Oh, your shoes, Lucy.’

  ‘Oh, yes. Can’t wait for this bit.’ She handed across her beautiful ivory-satin slippers.

  ‘There’s a pair of wellies out in the corridor for you.’

  They headed out through the door, where Lucy paused to slip on the green wellington boots, with a wry smile. ‘Don’t exactly feel like Cinderella in these. But mind, they’re a good fit.’

  ‘I’ll have to help with your skirt and the train too, as we cross the courtyard. I’ll keep it up off the snow.’

  ‘Right-o, well here goes.’

  They started the descent down the stairwell.

  Ellie hoped to God, Daniel was there and waiting when she got them to the chapel.

  Lucy swapped her wellies for the satin shoes at the top of the steps, noting how pretty the balustrades looked with their floral decorations. She collected her wedding bouquet from a proud Wendy, exclaiming how stunning they were. The photographer was snapping away merrily.

  Lucy and her father walked along the short corridor to the chapel, where her bridesmaids were waiting expectantly. Caitlin exclaiming, ‘Oh Luce, you look absolutely beautiful.’ She gave Ellie a little dart of her eyes, but Ellie wasn’t quite sure what to make of the gesture.

  The bride squeezed her father’s hand, ‘Here goes.’ And, they walked towards the open chapel door.

  Derek was sat ready at the organ and began bashing out ‘Here Comes the Bride’ in a slightly wonky manner. The guests all turned, there were oohs and aahs, yet Ellie picked up on a slight unsettled murmur amongst them.

  Smiles were soon plastered on as Lucy slipped her arm through her father’s and made her first few steps down the aisle. The bridesmaids filed in behind, being careful not to step on the beautiful ivory lace train. It all seemed to be going to plan, until Lucy paused, turning to look at Ellie over her shoulder, with a frown, and mouthed, ‘Where’s Dan?’

  The vicar was beaming beatifically from the altar. Malcolm was stood, where in theory Dan should have been, which was a worry, though his orchestrated hand gestures were seeming to indicate for the congregation to stay calm and that all was well. ‘It’s all okay,’ he mouthed back to Ellie.

  Lucy was whispering to her dad, whose shoulders just shrugged.

  The wedding music kept playing, so Lucy kept walking forwards, until rather bemused, she reached the end of the aisle.

  As Ellie watched the scene unfold, her heart was racing. It was all going horribly wrong. What on earth was Joe … yes, where exactly was Joe? And Dan, and his best man, Rob, bloody well playing at. Whatever it was they’d spoilt the occasion now, with the bride at the altar groom-less and looking panicked.

  Ellie felt a tap on her shoulder. Turned to see Joe, who beamed at her, and gave her a wink. ‘Ah-hem, excuse us.’

  And there beside him was Rob, pushing Daniel in his wheelchair to the central aisle.

  Oh, thank heavens. Just a few minutes late then. Perhaps it was the snow and the difficult roads that had held him up, after all. Shame no one had stopped poor old Lucy heading off down the aisle first.

  Joe gave a nod to Malcolm, who in turn gave a nod to Derek. The keyboard struck up again with a lovely Chopin piece that Ellie recognized from her own wedding day.

  Rob positioned the wheelchair at the far end of the aisle, put the brake on, passed Daniel his crutches and stood back. Daniel began positioning them under his armpits and managed to stand up. He took a long, steadying breath, then began to walk slowly, but steadily, down the aisle, supported by the crutches. There were smiles all round, none bigger than Lucy’s from the front. Halfway down the pews, Daniel paused. It was no doubt getting difficult for him, painful for sure. It felt like the room was holding its breath.

  He leant one of the crutches against the pew side, and steadied himself by holding on to the wooden pew top. He removed the other crutch from under his arm. Looking straight at Lucy, he took one step out into the centre of the aisle. Let go of the pew, and took another step. Slowly, determinedly, he took another step forward. His legs shaking with effort beneath the smart grey trousers of his wedding suit. Ellie felt her heart in her mouth, willing him on.

  Lucy’s father took a step back, leaving Lucy with arms outstretched towards her fiancé. Twelve slow unsteady steps Daniel made to his bride, but he did it. As their fingertips reached there was a roar of cheering, and clapping from the congregation. And a loud ‘Yes!’ from his best man. Dan turned to see their reaction, gave a broad smile and turned back to his bride, who was now crying.

  Malcolm had a chair placed ready for Dan, which he now took, the effort taking its toll. Ellie realized she was crying too, along with most of the congregation by the looks of it. Joe placed his hand on her shoulder.

  And so, the groom had walked down the aisle to his bride.

  The service was truly lovely, the determination of its leading man setting the tone. The vicar spoke about love, of striving in the face of adversity, of the importance of caring for each other both in sickness and in health. The words of the service so much more powerful and meaningful after what they had just witnessed. The sense of love and support within that small chapel room was immense.

  Daniel stood up once more when it was time to place the ring on Lucy’s hand, and managed to stay upstanding to kiss the bride. And again to more whoops and cheers from the congregation, who were all definitely in party mood now, ready to celebrate this wonderful occasion.


  After congratulating the bride and groom, and handing over to Deana’s capable hands for a while (as well as the team of Joe, Malcolm, and Derek), Ellie dashed back to the kitchens to see how Irene and Doris were getting on with the last-minute preparations for the meal.

  All was going well, there was a production line of salmon and prawn parcels all plated up. Irene was dotting sprigs of dill on the side of each. Lauren, who as well as turning into a florist’s assistant, was also helping to waitress today, was armed with a basket of fresh-baked honey and sunflower seed bread rolls ready to take up for the side plates.

  ‘Well, have they tied the knot?’ Doris piped up.

  ‘Yes, it was really lovely. So poignant. I bet I’ve got panda eyes. Daniel managed to walk down the aisle to his Lucy. Not a dry eye in the chapel.’

  ‘Aw, how wonderful. So, he can walk again. Marvellous.’

  ‘Just a short way … You should have seen the determination in his face, very much mind over matter at some points.’


  Lauren said, ‘That’s sooo romantic, and fab for him.’

  ‘Looks like you’ve been working hard, and it’s all going well down here, ladies. Thank you so much.’

  ‘The two lads from the village who are helping to wait on are ready to go out too. They’re just in the teashop. Too many cooks in the kitchen as it was. So we’re ready to serve, when you are,’ Doris announced.

  ‘Okay. Well, I’ll give all the guests five more minutes to chat and settle themselves again after the excitement of the ceremony. Then, I’ll get Malcolm to announce the meal, and get them all seated in the Great Hall. That’ll be perfect.’ She gave a thumbs up to her catering team, and headed back up.

  As she walked back in to the Great Hall, it struck her how different and beautiful it looked, like some kind of back-in-time castle winter wonderland, with a touch of C. S. Lewis’s Narnia. Wendy and Lauren had done a brilliant job of the floral arrangements, with swathes of ivy, holly, ivory roses and mistletoe in the window ledges, table decorations that echoed the bridal bouquets, with more roses, greenery and the blue of the Scottish thistle. There were tall storm candles within each centrepiece that gave a warm, glow and a gorgeous vanill
a scent that mingled with the perfumed scent of the roses.

  Doris and Irene had taken great care with setting the tables out, and with Lucy’s thoughtful wedding favours (mini kilner jars filled with hot chocolate mix and marshmallows for the ladies, decorated with snowflake patterned ribbons, and a matchbox toy Harley Davidson motorbike and a warming miniature of whiskey for the men) and her hand-painted name places on ivory and silver-edged card, it all looked beautiful. Lucy had the guest table plans strung up with grey wooden pegs within a huge frame, so they looked like bunting. Malcolm, Derek and Colin had decorated the impressive Christmas tree with white fairy lights, silver tinsel, and silver and pearlized white baubles. On closer inspection, Ellie could see that Lauren had carried on the ivy and mistletoe floral touches throughout the tree too.

  ‘Ellie, the hall looks so amazing.’ Lucy dashed over to her. ‘It’s like it’s transformed into a winter palace. Thank you so much.’

  ‘Well, there’s a whole team behind it, not just me, but I will pass on your thanks.’

  ‘Aw, I’ve been so excited about my big day I’ve forgotten all the hard work that everybody has to put in to make it work, sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be so daft. That’s what we’re here for. And it’s been a pleasure to make your day special for you and Dan, honestly. Now don’t worry about us, you just get on with having the most fabulous time.’

  ‘Will do, hun. Thank you.’ She gave Ellie a big hug, and skipped off back to her groom and the family and friends who were about to come through to the hall. Something caught her eye as she neared the big oak doors. She stopped in her tracks, and headed over to the corner table. Ellie realized what she had just seen.

  Lucy turned with her mouth open, followed by a big smile. ‘Oh my. Wow, Ellie, I’ve just spotted the cake. Did you make it yourself? Look at all those flowers decorating it, they look so real, are they actually icing? Each rose petal is so detailed. And the soft blue of the thistles … just like the ones in the bouquets. And the icing all over seems to have a touch of sparkle. I love it, love it, love it.’ She was literally bouncing.


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