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Party Favour (Lusty Landlords Book 3)

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by C J Edwards


  (Lusty Landlords #3)

  Copyright © 2013 by C J Edwards


  C J Edwards on Kindle

  Adult Reading Material

  All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.

  Since agreeing to pay her boyfriend’s rent with her body, Lisa had been kept busy by her landlords. She had been taken in every way she could imagine and more by Mr and Mrs Marshall, together and separately. Tonight she was due to wait on at one of their house parties as she’d agreed. She was not so naïve as to think all she would be doing was handing drinks around. Clearly she was going to have to flash her tits to the dirty old bastards and she would probably get groped within an inch of her life. After what she’d already experienced though, that would be a breeze.

  Arriving just after five as directed, she sat down with the Marshalls to eat a light tea before Mrs Marshall took her upstairs to get ready.

  In the big en suite bathroom, Helen had Lisa completely disrobe and then showed her how to thoroughly cleanse herself with an enema kit. “Is that really necessary,” the teenager complained. “I’m only doing some topless serving.”

  “Let me be the judge of that,” said Helen with mock sternness, “I want you perfect, outside and in. When you’re finished with that, have a shower and wash your hair and then come into the bedroom for a waxing,” she rubbed Lisa’s pussy a couple of times.

  When Lisa came through about twenty minutes later, Helen sat her down at her dressing table to style her hair. Standing behind her with hairdryer and brush, she worked efficiently; as she ogled the bare-breasted young woman in the mirror. Once done, she laid her down on the bed, spread her legs and began to spoon hot wax on to her pubic hair.

  “Oooh!” Lisa cried as the wax strips came off with blonde fuzz. Helen had to admit to a certain amount of sadistic pleasure in causing her pet a little pain and discomfort. When the last one was done she gently stroked the girl’s silky smooth mound of venus, causing a little shudder. That was enough, she had to have her. Bending down between her legs, she ran her long tongue right along Lisa’s slit, from her tight little bottom hole to her clitoris. “Hey!” Lisa shouted out. “I thought we were getting ready. Not getting dirty!”

  “Don’t worry sweetheart,” called Helen from between her thighs. “You’ll be completely clean by time I’m done.” She lapped hungrily at the teenager’s sweet juices, making her squirm and moan. The waxed pussy was a real turn on and she knew her friends wouldn’t be able to put this girl down tonight. Pushing her middle finger into the warm, velvety quim, she curled it upwards to rub gently against the girl’s g spot.

  “Oh my fucking God!” Lisa shrieked. “That’s absolutely incredible.” Helen laughed to herself. She knew exactly how to hit the spot every time. She worked methodically; licking, sucking and thrusting into the tight little twat as Lisa screamed the house down.

  “That’s a sight for sore eyes,” said Steve from the bedroom as Lisa writhed and wriggled on the bed. “I hate to break up this party but need to remind you that the actual party starts in less than an hour and you haven’t done your make up yet.”

  Helen lifted her face from the steaming hot pussy for a moment to speak. “Nearly there darling, give me two more seconds.” She curled her finger hard against Lisa’s pussy wall, sucked her clitoris into her mouth and was rewarded with an intense orgasm from the helpless teen.

  “Oooooh!” Lisa completely lost control of herself for a good half a minute. Panting and moaning, she put her hand down to stroke her landlady’s head. “Thank you,” she sighed. “That was incredible!”

  “I think another shower is in order,” laughed Helen to her husband. “We’ll be down in time if you get out the way!”

  Steve went back downstairs to put the finishing touches to the party area. The bar was naturally well stocked but he had set up a number of play areas that he wanted to get just right. The main lounge had a low, padded bench in the middle of the room that had been designed only for one purpose. Little Lisa would be discovering that purpose soon, he smiled to himself. The snug was equipped with a variety of toys and his playroom, down in the cellar, was as usual a fully-equipped dungeon.

  At two minutes to eight, Helen was putting the finishing touches to her make up as Lisa sat on the bed, idly chatting about her college life. Helen snapped the lid on her lipstick and turned to face her. “Okay sweetheart, it’s show time. Stand up and let’s have a look at you.” She had dressed her young sex slave in a skimpy pink cami top that laced down the front and frilly French knickers. “You won’t keep these on for long, you know,” she warned the girl. “They are just designed to be a little titillating!”

  When the two women made an entrance, the guests had already started to arrive. Lisa was surprised to see a wide variety of people. She had naively assumed they would all be the same as her landlords, people in their fifties and older with too much time and money on their hands. The reality was that the only thing that these people seemed to have in common was sex. More specifically, Lisa thought wryly, sex with other people’s partners. The oldest looked around fifty and the youngest was a girl no older than her. There was fat, thin, short, tall, muscular, skinny and everything in between. Steve led her to the bar with a hand on the small of her back to show her where everything was and Lisa cracked straight on with serving champagne.

  She had been briefed carefully to address the men only as ‘Sir’ and the women as ‘Ma’am’ and she was careful to be ultra-polite as she mingled through the crush of people. The party had started like any other, with small groups nervously chatting and getting to know one another. The guests were polite back to Lisa and she began to feel like any other waitress, although she was being groped considerably more the girls would have tolerated in Hooters and more intimately.

  After about an hour of fetching and carrying drinks, Lisa found herself in conversation with a very sophisticated woman in her mid-thirties. She was keen to know all about the younger woman and Lisa found herself completely captivated by her. She was tall, slim and had very pale, flawless skin but Lisa just couldn’t tear her gaze away from her eyes. They were emerald green and totally hypnotic. “I’m Madam Isabella,” she said, extending an elegant hand. “You need to go back to your duties, there are many thirsty people here but I will get to know you better later.”

  Lisa tore herself away. That sounded like a statement of intent and she was intrigued at the idea. She hadn’t got half way back to the bar though when Mr Marshall grabbed everyone’s attention with an announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to gather around here, we’re going to start the first of our games. Where’s little Lisa, we’re going to need her for this one.” Lisa was pushed to the front and found herself standing next to the padded bench in the middle of the main lounge. Steve continued to speak. “This game is own our version of Tequila slammers and Lisa is going to look after the salt and limes but she is going to need to be naked. Is there anyone here who would like to undress her?”

  There was a bit of a jostling in the crowd and Lisa found herself looking into the eyes of Madam Isabella again. “I would be honoured,” she purred, slowly unlacing the camisole and slipping it off before pushing her long fingers into the knickers to cup Lisa’s firm behind, before pushing them down her thighs. The older woman drank in Lisa’s naked loveliness for a while, along with everyone else in the room and Lisa didn’t feel intimidated in the least. In fact, something about the woman made her want to show herself off and she instinctively sucked in her stomach and puffed out her breasts.

  Isabella casually stroked the young woman’s soft skin. “Just perfect,” she
said to no one in particular. Then, taking her by the hand, she led Lisa to the bench and helped her to get comfortable on her back. “You’re going to like this game,” she winked, before re-joining the crowd.

  Several tables were brought up and piled high with Tequila bottles, shots glasses, salt cellars and bowls of quartered limes. “Let’s have the first volunteer,” called Helen, approaching the bench. As a young man came forward, she bent over Lisa and licked her on the belly, carefully pouring a little peak of salt on the damp spot. Then she offered a lime quarter to the girl’s lips, rind first, waiting patiently until she held it firmly in her mouth. The volunteer then bent over her body, steadying himself with a hand on her pubic bone and licked the salt off in one. Helen passed him a Tequila glass; he banged it on the table, drank it in one and then bent over the bench again to drunkenly take the lime from Lisa’s lips with his own.

  Lisa was left reeling. The foreign touch on her body, followed shortly afterwards by lips on her own, leaving a heady musk of man and Tequila behind was intoxifying. As she tried to clean her head, she was aware of Helen licking her stomach again and the next person stepped forward. This time it was woman in her early twenties. This was really hot.

  After numerous people had licked and kissed her, Lisa’s head was spinning and she desperately needed release. Things were, however, about to get a lot worse. This time Mrs Marshall made the announcement. “Okay. Now pair off in couples and we’ll up the ante.” People started to move around, pairing up with others wife’s and husbands for the first time as the landlady bent over the bench again. This time she sucked the teenager’s right nipple into her mouth before piling a little salt on it and then leaning over further to repeat the procedure on the other one. She then had two limes in her hand. Placing the first in the girl’s mouth as usual, she then pretended to be at a loss as to where to put the other one. The crowd was not short of suggestions and sure enough, she drew Lisa’s knees up, to spread her open wide and then wedged the fruit in the entrance to her pink little pussy.

  The first couple stepped up and took their time in sucking the salt from her erect little nipples. Lisa was already feeling out of control and when the man took the lime from her lips while his partner seemed to take forever between her thighs; Her body began to involuntarily wiggle around the bench. The next hour was purgatory for the young woman. Couple after couple stepped up to briefly suck on her nipples, lips and pussy, before leaving her cold and confused.

  Around the room, the erotic performance was having the desired effect. Clothes were being shed and people were coupling off at a heck of a pace. Between Tequila couples, Lisa looked around and could see blow jobs, sixty nines and even trains starting to form. The queue of people wanting to lick salt off her was getting smaller as the guests made their own entertainment and before long she was lying back on her own, waiting. She didn’t have to wait for long though, as she became aware of a hand idly stroking around her pussy. She looked up to see it was a very fat man in his late forties, naked from the waist down to display a semi-hard penis of gargantuan proportions. He was speaking to Mrs Marshall. “You’ve found yourself a rare gem there, Helen. Mind if I fuck her?” he asked casually.

  “Someone has to be first, Cedric and she’ll be grateful it’s you,” the landlady answered with a smile. “Just don’t ruin her for everyone else!”

  Cedric grunted and climbed between Lisa’s spread thighs, finding her sloppy cunt with the end of his cock and pushing his way in. He didn’t waste any time with the pleasantries but then Lisa was so hot, it didn’t matter. The big cock burrowed its way into her tight and warm teenage pussy, every bit as snug and moist as it promised to be. Cedric grunted and drooled as he humped the pretty little thing as hard as he could.

  Lisa was struggling for air, crushed as she was beneath the man’s huge bulk. He would not have been her first choice of lover but Cedric was really hitting the spot. His chunky rear was like a pile driver, hammering his big cock into her over and over again. When he snorted, stiffened and chucked his load up inside her, Lisa had lost count of the number of times she had come. Her life had become one endless orgasm. The big man was replaced by a fluffy ginger head, lapping away at their combined juices. She just lay back and enjoyed the sensations as person after person enjoyed her body.

  The attention eventually stopped and Lisa was able to lie back again and come down from her orgasmic state. She was left alone for a while and just closed her eyes to enjoy the sounds and smells of sex all around her. After about ten minutes, she got up and started to wander around. No one was paying any attention to her now; the guests were all making their own entertainment. Following a giggling couple through a door she had never been through before, she went down some stairs and found herself in the Marshall’s playroom. There was bondage gear all over the place, a huge crucifixion cross, benches and beds. Couples were trying the gear out on each other all over the place and there were playful spankings and bondage penetrations happening all over. In the middle of the room, however, was another show and Lisa was drawn towards it.

  Mistress Isabella looked up from her work to see Lisa in the doorway. “I’ve been expecting you, Lisa,” she said warmly. “You’re next. Just wait there, while I finish Maureen off.”

  Lisa vaguely recognised Maureen as one of the Marshalls’ neighbours. Quite a voluptuous woman in her forties, she was bent over with her head and arms in medieval stocks; presenting her fleshy backside to the Mistress’s whip. Isabella brought the multi-tailed flogger down hard across her sit spot for the umpteenth time and the woman’s tortured cry was muffled around the cock that was thrusting in and out of her throat.

  Two more hard swats and the Mistress nodded towards the young man stood up on blocks by the hapless woman’s head. The boy gripped Maureen’s head and thrust as hard as he could several times before cumming straight down her throat. The Mistress was simultaneously rubbing the woman’s very wet pussy and as she began to swallow the globules of spunk, she commanded Maureen to cum too as she squeezed her clitoris. As the Mistress moved away from the stocks, two more men moved in and filled the woman’s available holes in a flash. Maureen was going to be sore in the morning.

  Beckoning Lisa over, Mistress Isabella prepared some straps. “You are a delicate little flower,” she said, stroking the girl’s hair. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to hurt you tonight. Some women, like Maureen there, get a huge amount of pleasure from being whipped but I don’t think that’s where you are at yet, little one. Am I right?”

  Lisa nodded quietly and let the Mistress wrap soft leather straps around her wrists, knees and ankles and fasten them with metal clips. When she was satisfied, she led the girl to the middle of the room and attached the clips to ropes hanging from the ceiling. “Are you ready little one?” she asked. As Lisa nodded again, Isabella started to pull the ropes through cleats on the wall. The ropes drew taut, pulling against Lisa’s limbs and then, all of a sudden, she was swept off her feet. Swinging on her back, just inches from the floor, Lisa watched the Mistress continue to pull on the ropes to draw her upwards and spread her legs as wide as they would go.

  Isabella stopped when the teenager was hanging at about waist height, tying off the ropes securely. “Right then,” she said. “It’s time to see if you taste as sweet as you look!” Kneeling between the young woman’s legs, she held her firmly in place with one hand on each firm buttock and began to feast on her pussy.

  Lisa was used to being eaten out by now but this was just on another level. The Mistress quickly flicked her tongue between her fanny lips, drawing out the mix of her own juices with the semen still lodging there. Squeezing her arse as she pushed her face further into Lisa’s pussy, she did things with her mouth that were indescribably good. The teenager threw back her head to moan in pleasure. As she did so, she realised she was surrounded by a crowd once again. With her head back, her mouth clearly presented an appetising target which a man, who looked every bit like a naked accountant, soon took advant
age of with his attractive looking penis.

  Mistress Isabella ate the girl through three tremendous orgasms. As she came down from the third, she was rewarded with a feast of spunk from the accountant. She glugged it down hungrily but couldn’t keep up with the urgent flow, which went all over her face and breasts. Isabella came around and scooped up the pools of jism. “We can’t waste this can we!” she said as she spooned the fluid into Lisa’s mouth. “Now then, it’s my turn for some pleasure,” she said, removing her long leather skirt and knickers. “Remember what I did for you and try to do the same,” she said, resting her pussy over the girl’s mouth. “While you’re doing me,” the Mistress went on, “I’ve picked out the nicest cock at the party for you.” As Lisa began enthusiastically lapping, an athletic man of around thirty stepped between her thighs and buried his eight inch cock in her up to the hilt.

  Lisa hung suspended from the ceiling of her landlord’s cellar, with her mouth latched firmly to a dominatrix’s pussy and a man she had never even spoken to ramming the hell out of her pussy. Her mind wandered as she mused on how her life had changed so much in the past week.


  If you liked this book, you can find all my other stories at:




  They include:


  Suzi used to be an inattentive wife and that nearly cost her marriage when her husband got a mistress. Determined to be the lover her husband wants, she is led down a path of pleasure, depravity and fun. On this occasion, she is tied up and offered to another couple.


  Training my wife is the story of Suzi, a woman who dedicated herself to being a housewife and mother and forgot to be a lover. Letting herself go, she put on a load of weight and neglected herself and her husband. When Damion announces he is leaving her for his mistress, she begs to be given another chance and finds herself being trained to be the submissive wife he has always wanted.


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