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Falling For My Boss

Page 16

by J. S. Cooper

  “Well, hello women, how’s it going?” Henry said, his green eyes dancing as he stared at Lacey.

  “Good, you?” She said nonchalantly and looked away from him.

  “Good.” He nodded and then he looked at me. “So you’re Elizabeth?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I’m here with Aiden.”

  “You’re the girl he’s using to make Alice jealous?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “Xander’s my brother and Xander’s helping him.” Henry shook his head. “I can’t believe that grown men would be just as immature as the women.”

  “Why because women are immature and men aren’t?” Lacey said and looked up at him. I wanted to grab her shoulders and pull her back and tell her to calm down. I wasn’t sure why Lacey was acting so antsy, but that sure wasn’t the way to get a guy.

  “Maybe.” He grinned at Lacey and then my jaw dropped as he leaned forward and tapped her cheek with his finger. “But that’s for me to know and you to find out.” He smiled at her and I watched as his lips curled up in an almost seductive manner and then he stepped back. “I’ll see you two women later.” He said and before either one of us could react he was running away.

  “Oh my God, what was that?” I looked at Lacey, my eyes shocked.

  “I have no idea.” Lacey gazed at me, her brown eyes stunned as she stared at me, her face a bright red. I watched her touching her cheek in the spot that Henry had touched. “I can’t believe he touched me.”

  “He’s cute, huh?” I asked her with a small smile. I’d never seen Lacey like this before.

  “Yeah, he’s okay.” She said causally, but I saw her eyes following him down the field.

  “Maybe you can talk to him later.” I said lightly.

  “Why?” She looked at me, her face still looking stunned.

  “No reason.” I laughed. “No reason at all.”

  “Where are you going?” She asked me softly as I started walking.

  “Time to work.” I grinned and showed her my wrists.

  “What are those marks?” She frowned.

  “Handcuff marks.” I giggled. “I had them on all this morning. Aiden wants me to go over to Alice and flash them in her face a little bit.”

  “What?” Lacey rolled her eyes. “It seems to me that he’s worse than her.”

  “He is going a bit over the top,” I laughed. “But you know how it is in love and war. Anything is game.”

  “I sure hope it works out for them.”

  “Me too.” I said and then started running. “Wish me luck.” I said as I ran towards Alice, Aiden and Scott. My heart was beating fast as I ran towards them, but not because of Alice and Aiden. I was excited to see Scott. I was going to make sure to be light and smile. I wanted Scott to see that every interaction with me wasn’t drama.

  “Are you okay, Alice?” I frowned as I ran up to Aiden’s love. She was on the ground and her face was twisted in pain.

  “Yes, thanks.” She nodded, with a tight smile.

  “Good.” I grinned at her. “Excellent touchdown, by the way. Best move of the day! You sure showed the guys what’s what.”

  “I try.” She grinned back at me and for a few seconds we were just two friends enjoying a moment. I was really happy that Aiden had chosen such a beautiful, but also kind and funny girl. It gave me faith that sometimes men did get it right.

  “Hey, hey, hey, what about my touchdown?” Scott ran up next to me and my heart stopped for a second as I looked at his grinning face. “I think that my catch was pretty impressive.”

  “Impressive to whom?” I teased him and shook my head and I could feel the electricity surging between us.

  “Everyone on the field.” He laughed and looked around. I felt his hand lightly touch mine and I gazed up into his eyes wishing I could pull him down into me.

  “Hmm, if you say so.” I flipped my hair back and his eyes fell to my breasts.

  “I do say so.” He moved closer to me and I could feel his chest pressing lightly against me. “Didn’t you see me?” His voice sounded husky.

  “I saw you, and I saw Alice too.” My breath caught. “And Alice definitely had the moves of the day.” Scott smiled down at me and licked his lips quickly. I felt his hand touching my hip and my breath caught wondering what he was going to do next.

  “Hmm.” He said finally. “Maybe I’ll concede this once.”

  “Wow, how grand of you.” I laughed and patted the front of my shirt down. I could see Alice staring at us and I remembered that I hadn’t shown her my wrists yet.

  “Are you ready, Alice?” Aiden was walking towards us and I quickly flashed my wrists in her face so that she could see the red indentations. I noticed both Alice and Scott looking at the red marks with curious expressions. I stood back, feeling guilty as I watched Aiden helping her up and then I looked back at Scott, whose expression held a humorous look.

  “Back with those handcuffs again, Elizabeth?” He grinned at me.

  “It’s not what you think.” I said, feeling embarrassed.

  “Oh?” He said. “What do I think?”

  “It wasn’t me and Shane or anything?” I said stammering and his expression changed.

  “I wasn’t thinking about Shane. Are you dating him again?”

  “No.” I said. “I haven’t spoken to him since he sent the flowers.” I didn’t tell him that Shane had called me and gotten my mom to call me as well, on his behalf. I didn’t tell him that I’d agreed to call Shane later this week, just to catch up. I didn’t think that Scott was the right person to be telling about Shane, period.

  “Oh?” He cocked his head to the side and studied my face.



  “Yup.” I felt awkward standing there, not knowing what he was thinking.

  “Are we the King and Queen of one word responses?” He said with a grin.

  “Perhaps.” I said and laughed. I watched his boyish face change expressions. He went from a light humorous look to a darker, more lustful face.

  “What are you doing tonight?” He said and leaned into me.


  “Maybe we can play with those handcuffs again?”

  “I haven’t seen or heard from you since last week. And now you want us to play with handcuffs?”

  “Don’t you want to play with handcuffs?” He grabbed my wrists and studied the red marks. “I can tie you up on my bed and do wicked wicked things to you.”

  “I don’t need you to do wicked things to me.” I swallowed hard as he pushed his erection into me. “Scott.” I said, my eyes wide.

  “What?” He leaned down and blew into my ear.

  “Scott.” I moaned. “We’re still on the field.”

  “So?” The tip of his tongue darted into my ear and I felt his teeth nibbling on my earlobe.

  “What are you doing?” I jumped back, my chest heaving.

  “You don’t want me?”

  “Is this just about sex for you?” I said, feeling confused.

  “I’m not here to make new friends if that’s what you’re asking.” He said with a frown. “We’ve done this your way and your way sucked. And you told me only last week that you might still want to fuck your ex, so I’m guessing you’re not looking for anything serious.”

  “You’re a jerk.” I gasped as I stepped back.

  “But I’m still pretty good with a pair of handcuffs.” He winked and looked down at me wrists again. “Only I won’t leave marks.”

  “Whatever.” I said, my face burning as I turned away from him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

  “We’re not done, Elizabeth.” He said softly. “Not even a little bit. The last time we were together you fucked me with abandon. Trust me when I say that that wasn’t the last time.” He dropped my arm then and then smacked my butt hard. “Run off now. You can go.” He said in a dismissive tone and I ran away from him fuming. He was such a jackass, but I was still turned on. I r
an over to Lacey feeling hot and bothered and grabbed her arm. “We’re leaving and we’re getting some drinks. I’m so over Scott Taylor.”

  “I didn’t know you were under him.” Lacey said and started giggling, but she stopped as soon as she saw the look on my face. I was fuming mad. I couldn’t believe how rude Scott had been, especially because he had been so nice and happy when he’d first come over to me. I just didn’t understand him. He was almost as hot and cold as I was.



  “I feel so sad, Lacey,” I mumbled, as I got dressed. “I know I shouldn’t be feeling sorry for myself. I should be happy for Alice and Aiden. I mean they deserve to be together and to be happy, but I’m sad I won’t be a part of their lives anymore.”

  “Yeah,” Lacey looked pretty disappointed herself. “Maybe they’ll still be friends with you.”

  “Even though Alice knows I was an actress paid by her boyfriend?” I said and made a face. “I doubt it.”

  “You never know.” Lacey sat on my bed as I got dressed. “Frankly, I’m surprised that it all worked out for Aiden and Alice. I was pretty sure that she would flip out on him and leave him.”

  “She’s not me.” I laughed as I put on a gold necklace. “I guess, maybe I’m the only one that goes that crazy over lies.”

  “Yeah, you’re over the top.” She laughed. “Well with the wrong guys.”

  “Lacey.” I gave her a warning look.

  “What?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “I don’t think it’s a good idea that you’re going to be speaking to Shane tomorrow.”

  “You think I should just tell him no?”

  “Yes, I do.” She nodded. “How are you going to try and see where things go with Scott, if Shane is still in your life?”

  “It’s just a call.”

  “It’s never just a call. You have history with him, Eliza.”

  “Fine.” I grabbed my phone and shook my head at her. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Have you text him yet?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hold on.” I sighed and then sent Shane a text. Hey, it’s Eliza. I can’t talk tomorrow after all sorry.

  Shane text me back immediately. Tonight then?

  No. Sorry.

  Day after tomorrow.

  Never, Shane. Sorry.

  I have something for you.


  Something important. Something special.

  I don’t want it.

  Please Eliza!

  I’m sorry. No.


  I read the texts aloud to Lacey and she groaned and jumped off of the bed. “What’s his problem? Why can’t he just leave you alone?”

  “I don’t know.” I pursed my lips. “What do you think I should do?”

  “I think just ignore him from here on out.” She grabbed the phone and looked at it. “What does he have for you?”

  “I don’t know, Lacey. You know as much as I do.”

  “I bet it’s a bloody ring.” She looked pissed. “He’s that sort of jerk that would try and propose to get you back now he knows you don’t want him.”

  “It’s not a ring.” I said, but I wasn’t sure. It could have been a ring for all I knew. I sighed as I looked at her. “Why is he back in my life?”

  “Because he realizes he fucked up big time and now he wants you back.” Lacey rolled her eyes. “If a guy ever does that to me, I will tell him where to get off.”

  “Any guy in particular?” I teased her.

  “Nope.” She said quickly, but her face went red.

  “No Henry’s in your future.”

  “Eliza, stop!” She groaned. “He’s an arrogant asshole.”

  “And you want to do him.”

  “No, I don’t.” She said, but she laughed. “Try and take a photo of him and send it to me if you see him tonight.”

  “No, I won’t be doing that.” I laughed. “I’m surprised that Aiden and Alice even invited me tonight. It’s a family board game night. And they all know that I was never really seeing Aiden. It’s so weird.”

  “And they still don’t know that you dated Scott, right?”

  “We didn’t really date, but no they don’t know we’ve had sex.” I groaned. “Tell me again, why I’m going tonight?”

  “So you can see Scott.” She laughed. “And find out more information on Henry.”

  “So you admit, you like him?” I said in glee.

  “I didn’t say I liked him. I just want some info.” She grinned. “Like is he single.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come tonight?” I asked. “I’m sure Aiden wouldn’t care.”

  “There is no way in hell I’m gatecrashing tonight.” She laughed. “Let’s make sure everything goes well first.”

  “Thanks, Lacey.” I sighed and looked at my watch. “How do I look?” I twirled around in my new black jeans and white top and Lacey grinned.

  “Very pretty. Have fun and text me when you can. I want to know what’s going on.”

  “Yes, Lacey.” I laughed. “I’ll see what I can do. See you later.” I said and then hurried out of the room and out of the apartment. I was driving to Scott’s parent’s house. It felt weird to be going to an event with his family without really knowing what was going on between the two of us. My phone started ringing as I got to my car and I groaned when I saw it was Bob on the phone.

  “What do you want, Bob?” I said abruptly. I still had to talk to him about my pay, but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his bullshit.

  “I have a job for you.” He said sounding excited.


  “You’ll be a dancer for this new club Go-Go Girls.”

  “A dancer?” I got into my car and frowned. “For a club?”

  “It’s a strip club, but you don’t care right?”

  “What?” I was starting to get angry.

  “You’ll get $500 a week.” He sounded excited. “You only have to work Friday and Saturday nights.”

  “What does this have to do with Candy Grams?” I said my voice rising.

  “Well, I’m the lead on the job.” He sounded annoyed that I was questioning him. I listened to him going on about what a good opportunity this was for me and finally just lost it.

  “Stuff that job and stuff you, Bob.” I shouted in the phone. “I’m done with you and your shitty jobs and your thieving ways. I quit.”

  “Wait what, Elizabeth?” He sounded panicked.

  “Seeya, Bob. Lose my number.” I said and hung up. I started laughing as I started the car. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t have enough money to pay the bills, but I’d find another job. I was so happy to finally be done with Bob. I wasn’t even sure how I’d lasted that long with him in the first place.


  I sat at the dining room table with the rest of the Taylor family and I couldn’t believe how welcoming everyone had been. Especially Alice. Alice was surprisingly friendly and giddy around me, but I supposed that now that she and Aiden were officially together, she had no worries with me at all. I laughed at some joke Xander was making with Liv and I made sure to keep an eye on Henry so I could report back to Lacey all that I found out.

  “What do you want to play, Elizabeth?” Liv asked me as she and Aiden argued over Monopoly.

  “Who me?” I asked, feeling like I was on the spot all of a sudden. I could see everyone staring at me and I just sat there not knowing what to say. I looked over at Scott and he gave me a small smile. “I don’t mind. I’m just happy to be here. I’m surprised I was invited.” I looked at Alice then. “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about me being here.”

  “Oh, I’m fine.” She said and then laughed. “You were a great actress and I was jealous of you, but you were always nice. I’m glad you’re here. Liv and I need another girl in this group.”

  “Aww, thanks. I’m so happy to be here.” I smiled at her and Liv. “I’m so glad to make some new friends in town. My friend Lacey just mov
ed here, but we don’t really know anyone else.”

  “Oh, I thought you made friends quite easily.” Scott interjected with a weird look on his face.

  “I’m glad I gave you that impression.” I said and gave him a look. Was he going to ruin this moment?

  ‘I think we all got that impression, didn’t we?” Scott looked around the table, his tone surly.

  “I’d be happy to show you around town.” Henry said. “And your friend Lacey, if you want.”

  “I’ll ask her, thanks. I’d like that.” I grinned at him. Score one for Lacey!

  “I’m sure you would.” Scott said and then chugged his beer down. “But would Shane?” I heard him say lightly under his breath. I glared at him, but he ignored me.

  “You guys want to play truth or dare?” Liv said and we all chorused “yes.” I was glad that she had changed the subject so that Scott didn’t continue with his digs. I wasn’t sure how it happened, but my question was in relation to my job and I ended up telling everyone that I was no longer working for Bob and was jobless. I was starting to feel embarrassed for admitting that when Scott spoke up.

  “Maybe I can help you with a job.” Scott said with a serious expression. “I’m looking for an assistant.”

  “Oh really?” I said, my voice light. Oh God, please don’t let him bring up my last position as his assistant.

  “Yeah.” He grinned. “I’m looking for someone trustworthy. Someone I can count on to do her work and not cause trouble in the office.”

  “Sounds like I could be your girl.” I offered him a weak smile.

  “Great, we can talk later.” He grinned at me as he continued chugging his beer.

  “Okay.” I said and looked away. My heart was thudding and I didn’t know what was going on. Was Scott being serious? We continued playing a few more rounds when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey Elizabeth,” Scott said and put his beer down on the table. “I need to get another beer. Want to go and talk in the kitchen while I get one?”

  “Uh, okay. Sure.” I smiled awkwardly and got up. I saw Alice and Liv grinning at each other and I knew that they had a feeling that something was going on. “What are you doing?” I hissed at Scott as we walked into the kitchen.


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