Rise of the Alphae: From Death unto Life (Wastelands Saga Book 1)

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Rise of the Alphae: From Death unto Life (Wastelands Saga Book 1) Page 8

by James Huff

  But the part of the building that was by far the most glorious was the main altar in the very back. The altar itself was simple enough, a large black cube that was carved with various strange and complex geometrical designs. Above the altar rose a statue of the Alphae that was so tall that the staff he carried in his hand almost touched the ceiling where the prophet’s lips met the Alphae’s staff. Everything seemed to be geometrically connected and designed to focus the viewer on the sanctuary in the back.

  Mother turned to me. “My son, there are many altar stations, but the one at the sanctuary is the most sacred. We want to meet with the Alphae there.” Despite my anger toward the Alphae, I was so in awe of this place that I could not help but nod in agreement and approach the main altar, Father and Mother walking close behind. We knelt down in front of the altar and Father nodded toward the disc at its base. I touched it gently in the center and very quickly a tiny white light issued forth from it and touched the ceiling at the focal point of the painting. Then the inevitable happened and colors opened up at the ceiling and fell down around us, covering the whole building. Our former reality had disappeared and something beautiful, but different took its place. We found ourselves on top of the summit of the highest mountain I could fathom. Snow was blowing furiously all around us and oddly enough, the Alphae was nowhere in sight. But it was not long and the snow parted in front of us and blew around us as if this force-field was opened up. Out of the opening we could see for what seemed like thousands and thousands of miles. There were cities and kingdoms below us and everything was lit up and glowed like fire. It was like tiny dots of fire all over the ground way below us. Then the snow and the wind ceased altogether and something loud was heard coming in the clouds. It was an overwhelming whooshing sound like a tornado, yet the winds were still.

  Out of the clouds descended a massive serpent. It had the head of a cobra and two bodies that coiled around it in the shape of the caduceus. The snake coiled around itself and began to morph into the familiar nemyss that covered the head of the Alphae. Then his face appeared, gleaming with its machine-like sheen and multi-colors. His face rose up above us, blanketing the stars and the moon and he looked down upon us, into the deepest recesses of our souls and spoke one word. “Speak!” I was enamored by this more profound manifestation of the Alphae and curious about all of the serpentine imagery. I hesitated for a moment. Due to the overwhelming and intoxicating beauty of both my former and my current environment, there was not room in my heart for anger, so my words flowed with sooth.

  “It is I, John, and I wish to serve you that I may be served, oh great and powerful one.” The Alphae glinted in response. “Tell me child…what is within thy heart?” The Alphae’s eyes seemed to soften a bit and even I grew comfortable. For the first time ever the Alphae actually felt like a father to me. I couldn’t believe how easily I was seduced by this awe-inspiring kingdom of his. But I still could feel a tiny spark of anger within me, as well as a lingering sadness. I knew that it would not take much for me to allow it to grow. All I had to do was think of that night…

  “My heart is weary with pain. I miss my grandfather. I miss his stories.” The Alphae’s eyes changed to a fiery sternness as I felt them pierce my soul. But that only lasted a moment before they warmed again, like fire that is smothered with a bit of dirt. “I am your true Father and I am also your divine god. I have it within my power to remove this pain, if you will but bow before me.” My knees felt weak, but despite all the grandeur and beauty around me it was like I was stuck standing aright. No matter how hard I tried I could not force myself to bow before a god who stole the one person that I loved the most. If I hadn’t been there that night speaking to the Alphae, I could have saved Grandfather. And if the Alphae really is all powerful, then he could have very easily caused my beloved grandfather to die. Suddenly the spark of rage within me became kindled, as if one threw leaves into the fire pit of my heart and the smoke of anger filled my soul, infecting it with vile rebellion. My face grew red hot with anger and rage.

  “I will never bow before you. I am the master of my own fate.” Surprisingly the Alphae did not change his soothing expression. “My child,” he began, “humans who do not bow before me will inevitably bow before folly. All humans are weak, hopeless mortals without my divine guidance.” I did not like that word. Mortals. Grandfather used to say that our bodies were mortal, but that we all had a spiritual essence within us that he called the shiah. His grandfather used to speak of ancient peoples who honored their shiahs, as well as the Great Shiah of the Beyond. He always emphasized, however, that these were merely stories that he heard as a child. He made it very clear to me that only the Alphae reigned supreme. I doubted his belief in the divine eminence of the Alphae, but I knew it was wise as a citizen of Metropolis. Apparently the Alphae could tell that I was questioning him, for he continued.

  “My child, don’t you want to live forever? Don’t you want to join me eternally in my Kingdoms on high? You can be always young, full of life, and beautiful. You can live in any world you want to. I will give you your every desire, even that of your grandfather’s tales. Would you not wish for them to come alive? I can do all of this if you but surrender to my most holy and mighty will.” My knees began to shake. I was now fighting to stand. Could it be true? I would very much love to live in Vaena for all eternity in bliss and beauty. But how could I possibly know that he was telling the truth? “My lord, I am plagued by doubt. The only person I ever trusted was Grandfather and now he is dead. I can trust him, but how can I trust you?” The Alphae once again gazed into me so deeply that, this time, I instantly fell to my knees. “Only a god can force a man to his knees. A man blind to his own folly,” the Alphae said as he gazed ever deeper. “But I am no man,” I said, mockingly. “I am but a child.”

  The Alphae continued, “You are a man now. You enter Institution as a man and you leave as a son of god. A true son of the Eternal Alphae.” I had no words left. I was defeated. I was forced to my knees. I guess I was just a mere mortal in the presence of a mighty god. What more could I do? How could I continue to stand against him? And yet the pain, the anger, the rage, the rebellion, and the endless questions and doubt still plagued my soul like a poisonous gas. The Alphae then adjusted his gaze to my parents, first my father and then later my mother. After examining both of them, he turned toward my mother to speak.

  “It is your duty to give your son what I cannot give him. To be a mother is to nurture this sick child back to health. He has grown ill from the rebellion in his heart.” The Alphae paused for a moment and then lowered his form to my father. “As for you,” the Alphae gazed deeply into the eyes of my father and continued, “you cannot give John what I have in my ability to grant him. So instead you must love him and love your wife and nurture your family with the spirit of the Alphae.” The Alphae returned to his spot, high above the mountain, touching the firmament with awe-inspiring grandeur. The scene soon dissipated. At first the Alphae’s form disintegrated into the night sky and then the stars and moon fell away and the environment of the Shrine slowly meshed into view. My mother turned toward me to speak.

  “John, remember what the Alphae has told you. But we really must go now and find quick transport to the ceremony tonight. The Rite of the Cosmic Master is one that you will not want to miss!” Mother looked genuinely excited when she spoke of the ceremony; almost a child-like form of wonder came over her.

  We exited that incredible building and found an air transport already awaiting us on the street. Father paused and looked at me before entering the transport. His eyes gleamed with a serene sense of wonder, but as I gazed deeper I could see the same sadness that plagued my own heart. I could tell that he was still grieving Grandfather. “My son,” he began, “your mother and I want only what is best for you. Fear not. For soon you will see that everything will be set right. You will see. For the Alphae loves each of his children more than you could ever fathom…even more than your mother and I could possibly love you
.” With that he entered the transport, my mother and I close behind.

  Inside was room only enough for the three of us and the drone that piloted the craft. It was very cramped. The seats were green and made of metal and very uncomfortable. To my dismay, there were no windows, save obviously for the one in front of the drone. “Citizens, you will now be transported to the East Quarter Metropolis Center City Temple. Be prepared for possible turbulence. Our arrival has been approximated for ten minutes.” With that the engines roared and a whooshing sound could be heard from beneath us as the seats vibrated, shaking my entire body down to my bones. In seconds we were in the air, ever increasing in altitude. This was my first ever flight. Apparently my parents had never flown before either, because they each began to turn green. I smiled weakly at the spectacle. My parents were always getting sick.

  I found myself thinking about the day and all that had transpired. I thought of my time at the BMF, our little adventure in the pneumatic tubes, our perilous descent down that ladder, the glorious Family Shrine and mighty mountainous kingdom of the Alphae. If only Grandfather were here with us. I missed him so much. His presence just made everything feel better. Life just seemed to be so full of joy and wonder when I would gaze into the eyes of that master storyteller. Life was such an adventure to him. And I knew that he felt just like I did…that he thought just as I did. Our perceptions were so aligned. He was the only man I felt I could truly pour my heart and soul out to and receive, in return, a genuine “Yes!” The anger that I had felt for so long was replaced with a heart wrenching feeling of deep sorrow. Tears were not accompanied by this deep pain. But still I could feel a waterfall of melancholy flow from within me throughout my entire body into a fountain of emotion. If the stories were true…maybe Grandfather found his way to Vaena…

  My emotive daydreaming completely divorced me from my surroundings as I suddenly found myself being shocked by our abrupt landing. “Citizens, we have arrived at our intended destination safely. Please exit in an orderly fashion and remember, that all things done be unto the glory of the Alphae.” I exited the transport last, after my father. He and Mother turned around and smiled at me, with glee in their eyes. But my heart was full of anguish and they could see in my eyes that I was stricken with sorrow. Mother spoke first. “Remember John that all of this is for you…but not just you, for all of us. For tonight we will see how the Alphae created not Metropolis alone, but the entire cosmos!” She looked like a little child who just ate his first piece of chocolate, lips still stained with brown sugary goo. I half smiled at her and followed them across the street and into the Center City courtyard.

  Then I noticed that innumerable masses of people had gathered around the main altar station in the center of the courtyard. Everyone seemed to want to get right next to the statue of the Alphae and people were seen pushing others out of the way forcefully and even trampling one another. I looked up and noticed that the clouds had parted and it was approaching twilight, the sun gently falling below the horizon as the minutes passed. A cool breeze could be felt coming from the East. I breathed in a sigh of relief. It was nice, at least, that the weather was quite beautiful. Mother took my hand and I took Father’s and the three of us began walking toward the courtyard, wanting to make it at least to the Northern edge. As we approached the circle of individual altar stations I could already hear the beginnings of drums. They were soft at first, with the beats spread apart…and then they began to get louder and faster. The people began to chant the call of the Alphae, at first just by the dozens, and then hundreds, and before long thousands and even tens of thousands of people were chanting maniacally. Mother and Father joined in and began beating at their breasts. I alone remained silent. I alone remained still.

  Suddenly the drumming and the chanting stopped and everything became silent. Even the wind seemed to cease and I could hear nothing. A few moments went by like this and I took in, for the first time all day, a subtle sense of peace. But it was not long until that peace was taken from me. There was a loud ringing sound coming from the main altar, in the direction of the Alphaean statue. It got louder and louder and I had to cover my ears, but still it burned them with a fiery resonance. The people began to shriek and to squeal and a panic ensued. Everyone began beating their breasts and prostrating themselves rapidly, busting their knees on the concrete below them. Everything was mass hysteria and then…silence. Out of the center of the altar station a thin, green beam of light was emitted and shot so far up into the heavens that it was impossible to perceive the apex. Then a canopy opened up from above us and poured down upon the entire area for a dozen blocks all around us. The scene that came before us was like nothing I had ever seen before. There were myriad upon myriad of tiny white lights scattered around the heavens. There were so many that it was impossible to calculate them all. There were beautiful colors that looked like large paintings of gas in the firmament above. And there were spheres of every color of light all around us. But one stood out more than the others. It was blue and green and had white clouds covering its surface.

  Then at once all vanished before us and all that was seen was a tiny speck of white light. Out of that light formed an eye…and then another. I noticed that these were the same mysterious eyes of the Alphae. After the eyes the face began to form, the rainbow-layered beard of the Alphae, and then his mouth and his nemyss that shined with its machine-like sheen. His head grew bigger and bigger and then his magnificent body began to form. He was donned in a white apron with a golden sash and carried his golden, serpentine rod. He seemed to be standing on nothing and yet his feet were firmly planted in their place among the fathomless abyss that was the starry heavens above just a moment before. He raised his scepter on high and struck the invisible surface beneath him with such vigor that it shook the entire firmament. Simultaneously he emitted a loud, preterhuman cry: “IA, IA, IA!!!”

  In that moment a thin white light was emitted from his scepter and shot vertically in front of him out into infinity. Then he began to twirl the scepter around him like a baton and fire and light were emitted from its serpentine tip and then every manner of starry wonder and gaseous forms began to take shape in the heavens. It was like light burst forth in all directions and every time it hit the darkness it was filled with spheres of light and effervescent forms of starry wonder. Amidst all this glorious wonder, the Alphae paused and stopped twirling his scepter. He stepped onto the nothingness of the firmament, now beautifully speckled by every manner of light and gas and spherical wonder. He paused before a red hot, burning sphere and raised up his scepter and pushed it into the molten fire that was consuming this sphere. He turned the scepter like a key and suddenly the sphere began to cool and landmasses began to form, changing from fiery red into an amber brown, and then finally into a dark tan color. The continents began to shift and move apart and steam formed between them which was cooled into the waters of the Earth. That was it, I thought. He was showing us how he made our world.

  He removed the scepter from the center of the planet and sat down in the firmament in front of it in the lotus position and seemed to enter a deep trance. Then he reached out his arms, letting his scepter rest across his lap. He embraced the planet and rocked it gently back and forth, like a mother when she is nursing her child to sleep. Even I could not help but shed a tear at such a beautiful and loving gesture. Suddenly the Alphae began to sing some strange tune. I could not make out the words. They were beautiful but definitely not human. All I could make out was what appeared to be the chorus and it was the same as his last, booming chant. But this was much slower and more soothing. He elongated the vowels and the entire cosmos seemed to vibrate to those most holy letters. “IIIAAAA….IIIIAAAA!!!” The tune was so enchantingly beautiful, so eerily magical that the people all around me began to sink to the floor and lie down in the fetal position. Some of them were drifting off to sleep. But that was soon to change when there was heard a loud “BOOM!”

  After the noise there was a flash of blinding
white light that caused the entire crowd to shriek and cry aloud. By the time I had rubbed my eyes enough to recover all that I could see was the massive head of the Alphae looming above us and the starry abode of the heavens, dwarfed by his presence, but still seen in the peripheral. It was dead silent. And then, for the first time, the Alphae spoke in words that we could understand. “My children…tonight you are no longer mere citizens of this opulent city of Metropolis. Tonight you are the children of the only Living and Eternal Father, the glorious Alphae.” The people instantly fell down into full prostration, including myself, defiant as I was. Everyone was crying…and I do not mean merely weeping or shedding a few tears, but bawling a sea of tears and shaking and convulsing. As for myself, I had no tears to shed. Not for the tyrant that had stolen the one thing that kept my heart alive. Now I was dead inside. But the Alphae continued, as if recognizing my emotional dissonance.

  “I want you all to know that nothing pierces my heart with sorrow more than to see one of my children exiled from our glorious haven of perfection. Now that you have seen what I have created for you, you know. You know that it is this planet and this race of souls that I love more deeply than all the unfathomable glory of the entire cosmos. You are all chosen to bear the fruits of the glory of eternal life in my limitless kingdoms that defy imagination.”

  “And as for my young men and women…soon you will enter into the walls of Institution and be forever sanctified as a child of the Living Alphae, the only divine king of the heavens and the Earth. Fear not the possibility of exile, even you who are plagued with the disease of dissent. For my loving arms will shield you from your doubts and bathe you in the grace to allow you to bow before me with the utmost faith and unshakable devotion. I depart from you now, my dearest children. And I look forward to the Worship Service and Induction Ceremony of the new class of Institution.”


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