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Rise of the Alphae: From Death unto Life (Wastelands Saga Book 1)

Page 20

by James Huff

  Elana then walked up to him and reached inside her suit to pull out a small syringe which she injected into his neck, instantly reviving him.

  The gymnasium grew silent as the entire Silver caste, including myself, was rendered speechless by the amazing spectacle we just witnessed. Then Mr. Merck and Miss Elana bowed to each other and turned and bowed toward the class. It was then that the entire gymnasium was filled with applause as we all marveled the wonder that is Victeous. Mr. Merck was the first to speak. “As you can see with Victeous it is always a fight to the death, although of course the avatar is what ‘dies,’ as any death blow dealt to an avatar merely renders its host unconscious, as you just saw.” Miss Elana nodded toward him and then gave her own little speech. “Though I remain the victor, remember students that it is very important to show the utmost respect and humility toward your opponent. And the rules state that the victor is always to be the one to revive the defeated. Failure to do this in a timely manner will result in disqualifying from the tournament and losing all points awarded to your caste on your behalf. Also, there will be an additional penalty of up to 300 points for negligence. Remember this rule students, for it is most vital to your success.” Mr. Merck nodded in agreement and added his last dismissal. “Now you all know just what Victeous entails. So I ask you all to go before the Alphae today during your individual altar time and pray for him to give you the humility to respect your opponent and always be humble with your victories. This is the most important rule of Victeous. Now I release you all to the common area for your social hour and remember, that all things done be unto the glory of the Alphae.”

  With that the class scattered and a sea of people made their way to the locker rooms in the back. Unlike the day before, I lingered a bit before approaching the locker rooms. Mr. Merck caught up to me. “Listen John, I just wanted to let you know that you will have no problems today. And if you ever do have problems in the future, know that I will handle them to the best of my ability. I see a great amount of potential in you and it may be that some of the other students become jealous. But despite your great potential, I can see that you are humble enough to respect your oponent and as Miss Elana said, that is the most important thing about the art of Victeous.” I smiled, thanking him, and walked off into the locker rooms. When I arrived I quickly got undressed and went into the containment and cleansing chamber. Despite the pain of the radiation, the cool mist always felt good against my skin. I exited the chamber and quickly changed into a new uniform and made my way out of the locker rooms and toward the exit of the gymnasium. I threw open the double doors and walked down the corridor to the lifts.

  On my way up I thought of Amy and decided that I would try telling her about my grandfather’s greatest story. I didn’t want to spoil the entire tale, but I thought maybe I could tell her a little about it and see if it sparked her interest as much as it did for me. I reached the level of the common area and exited the lift and walked around the corner and down the corridor into the common area. There was a sea of students already there conversing amongst each other. I approached the bar since I was parched with thirst and ordered another acai berry juice. As I sipped the refreshing beverage I walked around in search of Amy. Predictably, just as the day before, I found her examining the statue of the Alphae. I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and she swung around violently with a start. “Oh my John,” she laughed, “you scared me.” I laughed with her and was really happy to see her again. “Yeah sorry about that, I guess I can be sneaky sometimes.” “It’s not a problem. I can tell that there is something on your mind.” I hesitated to speak about my grandfather’s tales but I earnestly wanted her opinion. “Yeah there is something I have been wanting to tell you. It’s about the stories that my grandfather used to tell me. There is one in particular that he told me not long before he died that profoundly impacted me. My BMF counselor thinks I need to let it go and focus on my studies, but to be honest my grandfather’s stories can seem more real than everything in Metropolis. I used to walk around the city and imagine that it was overgrown with the hanging gardens he mentioned.”

  Amy seemed to be genuinely interested and leaned in closer to listen. So I told her about Vaena and Ourto and explained to her how the world came to be so corrupt, according to this story. After I finished she looked at me and then looked at the statue dreamily. “That is a wonderful story John. Your grandfather sounds like he was a very kind and unique man. I can also understand why you have been persecuted for talking about it. You can still give those stories value without talking about them you know. I believe in you John. And I really don’t want to see you go through anymore of the BMF protocols. Don’t you think you can continue to cherish those stories without being so attached to them? Do you really need to share them with others?” I thought about what she said and honestly it made a lot of sense. I guess I needed to learn how to keep those things to myself. But I believed in the tales so much that I yearned to share them with the world. They seemed more like prophesy than fantasy. “You know Amy, I can try. But I just feel this deep longing to shout these things from the rooftops. Why do I have to keep hiding? I want to be able to be who I am without having to worry about the BMF or the Alphae or anything else that stands in my way. Maybe it’s my pride, but that’s just how I feel. Also there is this rage that tends to build up in me, especially when my grandfather is being insulted by the Alphae or anyone else. And I don’t think I can continue to keep it at bay for long. Once I explode, that’s it. I end up getting taken by the BMF and there is nothing I can do about it.”

  Amy then looked deep into my eyes and took my hands. “Listen John. You have to let go of that anger. Holding onto it is just going to make you feel even worse. And you can’t blame the Alphae for your grandfather’s death. Sometimes bad things just happen. It’s nothing you did. It’s nothing the Alphae or anyone else did. It was just your grandfather’s time to go. He may not be in the Alphae’s kingdoms, because honestly I don’t believe in all of that. But I can assure you that he is in a better place. Now, I would like to spend some time alone. Maybe you should try to make some new friends.” I nodded in agreement and walked off. I decided to go to the bar and try a different drink. I ordered a substance D49 and turned around and saw Justin and Peter standing in front of me, also waiting in line. “Hey John, hang around and wait for us to order. Justin and I wanted to talk to you a bit,” said Peter.

  I waited until they got their drinks and took a sip of mine. It was bitter, but also had somewhat of a citrus aftertaste. I wished I would have gotten another acai berry juice. Oh well. In a few moments Justin and Peter approached me and motioned for me to follow them over to the levitating sofas across from the depictions of the Alphae and his prophets. “So John, what did you think of Victeous? It looks pretty intense to me,” Peter questioned, looking excited. “Yeah I suppose. Don’t you think it looks a little dangerous though? I mean I don’t know how I feel about being able to feel all that pain.” Justin decided to speak up. “No pain no gain man. If anything it will make us stronger. I saw you and Peter sparring today and I must say John that you are quite a natural.” “Thanks,” I replied, finishing off the last of my drink. “Things have not always been easy for me here, but they’re getting better slowly but surely,” I added.

  An announcement was heard from above. “Inductees please make your way to the dining hall for thanksgiving worship and supper. Thank you and remember, that all things done be unto the glory of the Alphae.” I briefly said goodbye to Justin and Peter and walked out of the common area and down the hall to the dining hall. As I rounded the bend I thought of my conversion with Amy. So badly I wanted to take her advice but I didn’t feel like I would have the strength to do so consistently. One of these days I knew I would end up acting out. I just hoped that I would not activate too many protocols with the BMF. I really didn’t want to find out what else they had in store for me, but I had a really bad feeling that it would be more than I bargained for.
r />   I entered the large double doors of the dining hall and took my seat in the usual area of the middle table near the back. I took notice of Brian sitting next to me and nodded in his direction. He didn’t look too thrilled so I decided to just let him be. As the hall was settled, the Alphae arose and made a speech about the importance of obedience and humility and then returned to his throne and his state of slumber. The Nurtritional Drone squad arrived with a meal very similar to the evening prior, except that the beverage appeared to be different. I ate my food quickly and before I knew it an announcement was made for us to head to the Western temple for the Twilight Ritual.

  I got up and followed the rest of my caste to the lifts. In no time at all I had made my descent and approached the large double doors of the Western Temple. I took my seat near the middle back and waited for the other students to file in. The ritual went by in the same manner as the day before, being completed with the usual circumambulation and the departing of the evening light. After the ritual I exited the temple with the rest of my caste and made my way to the lifts to be taken to the individual altar station. I wondered what the Alphae would have in store for me this time and I had an awful nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that it wouldn’t be nearly the same as the day before.

  I ascended up in the lift to the level of the individual altar stations. For some reason I was really nervous. What if the Alphae angered me again? All it would take would be for him to insult my grandfather and that rage would take its hold over me. And what fate would await me if it did? Would the BMF take me again? Or, like Mr. Ivaness mentioned, would I be taken into one of the Alphae’s punishing kingdoms? I didn’t even want to know what they were like. Finally I realized that there was no point in endlessly speculating my fate that evening, and so I let it go. I exited the lifts and walked down the hall and into the huge individual altar station room. I could see that there were already many inductees of my caste sitting in front of the altars, already conversing with the Alphae.

  I approached station number 112 and tapped the disc to activate it. In no time at all the all familiar face of the Alphae appeared in front of me. “What do you seek, citizen?” I had to admit that this question was getting old. “I seek to serve that I may be served.” The Alphae glinted in response. “Now, Mr. Crawling. Before I ask you to speak your mind, there is something very important that I must discuss with you. I am sure you have already had this conversation with your BMF counselor but it is vital that you tell me the truth in this matter. Are we clear?” Well I had no idea what he was talking about so I just nodded in agreement. “Very well Mr. Crawling. I must ask you if, after all of the information that you have received via our wonderful curriculum here behind the walls of Institution, you still give value to your grandfather’s fairy tales?” I should have seen this coming. I thought about what Amy said. She never told me anything about lying to cover up the truth. Besides, I was too proud to lie. “Yes I do, actually. And I always will. It doesn’t matter what you or anyone at the BMF tells me and it doesn’t matter what I learn in my classes. My grandfather…” I was cut off. “Your grandfather was an old fool of a man. You should have seen him suffer at my hands behind the walls of Institution.” The rage began to slowly rise up in me. I tried to fight it back but it kept growing, like a small flame becoming a fire with the use of kindling.

  “Funny you say that, because just yesterday you were showing me my grandfather in your kingdoms. Why would you take him there if you saw him as a fool? How could he earn that?” The Alphae changed his fierce demeanor and appeared much calmer and more benevolent. “That is because of my great mercy and because your grandfather already paid his penance, unlike you. You have been such a fool after all that I have given you. Your pride and your faith in your grandfather’s tales will be your end. You must change son. You must let it all go. Otherwise things are going to become much more difficult for you.” My face grew red hot with rage. “I am not a fool! And I will show you what I think of you. A god? Let’s see how a god can handle me.” With that I punched the disc with all of my might. The Alphae dissipated and the disc remained undamaged but my hand was burning with pain. The disc began to flash red and green and an announcement was heard from its speaker. “Warning! Dissent detected at station number 112.” Before I could get up to run away two drones arrived and shackled me, hand and foot, blindfolded me, and I was carried off into another room.

  I found myself being forced into a pod and the blindfold was removed. I could hear the drones outside the pod activating it. Suddenly everything became blackness. The darkness was so opaque that I could no longer even sense my body. Then powerful white lights began flashing intermittently and high pitched screeching sounds could be heard. It was agonizing. My body felt unbearably cold and I could feel myself being shredded apart by the abyss before me. I could feel these strange electrical jolts going through my body in sharp stinging sensations. The flashing lights grew ever more rapid and intense until finally they ceased altogether and I was once more confined into the utter darkness. The high pitched screeching ceased and was replaced by the most horrible growling noises that I had ever heard. It sounded like a terrible beast roaring as it devoured its prey and it felt like my body was being torn apart over and over again in brutal agony.

  As suddenly as this all started it ceased and once again I saw the Alphae looming high above me as I floated in the abyss. He reached out his hand and lifted me up into his palm and again I found myself soaring high above a beautiful meadow, just like my dream that morning. “Remember John, all of this will be yours, if you but bow before me and submit to my holy and mighty will.” Suddenly I heard the door to the pod opening and I returned to normal waking consciousness. I was trembling violently from all of the sensory torture. One of the drones lifted me to my feet. “Curfew is in 15 minutes. I will escort you to your dormitory.” I stood up and followed the drone out of the strange room and into the individual altar station room. We walked past all of the altars and made our way down the hall and into the lift. I thought about all that had transpired. Maybe I should have just lied to the Alphae because what I had just experienced was pure torture. I exited the lift and made my way down the hall and to the door of my dormitory. The drone then left as I entered my room, finding Brian already asleep. I layed down on my back and the pod closed in around me as the eyewear descended and clicked into place on my face. I was not tired this time and it took some time for me to drift off to sleep.

  I awoke suddenly in the morning to the ringing of the bell and the announcement for us to enter the containment and cleansing chamber in preparation for breakfast in the dining hall. I found it odd that this time I did not remember any of my dreams. I shrugged it off and got up lazily as the pod returned to its original position. I entered the chamber and thought about all that I had gone through thus far in Institution. Maybe I just had a bad night last night. Maybe things would get better.

  My talk with Mr. Ivaness that morning was not too dissimilar from the day before. When I reached the dining hall again I found myself eating hurriedly and time seemed to pass by much faster. I found myself losing track of time and before I knew it several months had passed. Everything transpired normally during all of that time. I found myself excelling in all of my classes, although I had some difficulty with the Ritual Instruction class. I just didn’t see it as relevant to my life. I especially excelled at my physical education class, and as Mr. Merck assured me, I had not further issues with any of the other students. We only continued to spar for a few weeks before I finally got my chance to use the symbiotic bio units and control my own avatar. The avatar that the Alphae had chosen for me was unique compared to the many other avatars that were chosen for the other students. It was half human and half bird with a head not unlike that of a hawk. It held a strange looking spear with a half moon crescent shaped tip similar to the crest of the Silver caste. It carried a beautiful sword with a golden hilt and a silver blade that had engravings of some kind of strange hierogly
phics. Mr. Merck had told me many times that I had great speed and agility and I remained undefeated for many weeks in our practice matches. Amy was the first one to beat me and her avatar was somewhat similar to Miss Elana’s. It was like a warrior princess. The only main difference was that Amy’s avatar was of a different race and had dark skin.

  Some of the students made fun of me for the strange, half human nature of my avatar but the insults did not last long when I proved myself as a great champion in the making in the art of Victeous. Physical education was one of the only things I genuinely looked forward to in Institution. And on our last week of classes, before our examinations, I was proud when Mr. Merck announced that I was selected to perform in the tournament. Amy was also selected, but Justin and Peter did not make the cut. Amy and I didn’t really have anymore real intimate talks. I didn’t make many more friends, save a few acquaintances but I came to find that Peter and Justin were becoming great friends for me. Peter and I even ran into his twin brother David one morning at the Eastern Temple. It seemed strange to me to see an identical twin for the first time, but his brother had a totally different personality. He was less outgoing than Peter. Brian and I found that we were too different to become real close friends. He was very much dedicated to the Alphae and actually loved every minute of Institution. Unlike me, however, Brian hated Victeous. He really struggled with his form and only won a few matches in several months. I remember when I had to face him for the first time. I tried to take it easy on him at first, but honestly I hated to hold myself back. I defeated him in such a way that he felt rather humiliated and it made our future conversations really awkward. I could tell that he was jealous of my ability even though I knew he would vehemently deny it.


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