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Rise of the Alphae: From Death unto Life (Wastelands Saga Book 1)

Page 24

by James Huff

  When his speech had finished, the Nutritional Drone Squad arrived with meals similar to what was served at lunch, but I noticed to my gratitude that the portions were larger. I enjoyed the simple beauty of this grove, but it was rather impractical to eat a meal. So I decided to take my food a little closer to the fire, although with the sea of people around me I did not get far. I ate silently and quickly. Just as I was finishing the music began. It started off familiar, the low rumbling of drums. But then for the first time in my life I began to hear a strange melody. There were sounds that I could not identify. I had never heard music like this before. Most of what I had heard before had been drumming and chanting. Then a song began. It was in a language that I could not understand, but the beat was quite enchanting.

  Eventually the music began to pick up in beat and I felt the strong desire to dance. To my dismay, Amy was nowhere in sight. And I was a little worried because of how distraught she looked after the ritual. I decided that I did not want to try and find her and I really wanted to dance. I found a group swaying in a consistent pattern and I knew I had to join in. There was a girl among us who averted my eyes. She had bright red hair and fair skin, her cheeks speckled with freckles. She swayed in such a way that reminded me of some kind of sea creature, or even one of the daughters of Vaena, so fair was she. I became lost in this dance and time seemed to slip away. My cares drifted away and, to my surprise, even my grief for Grandfather seemed to slip into the ocean of the melody. The night was long and I knew the dawn would come quickly. I had no memory of how I ended up in a bed, but when I awoke it was dawn and I found myself in a huge hall full of beds decorated most exquisitely compared to what I was used to in the dormitories. I awoke with a yawn and my body was sore from the fight and all the dancing from the day before. I was ready to face this new day and victory sang in my blood.

  The day went by similar to our first arrival with the morning ritual and breakfast served. I did not have the chance to talk to Amy that day either which was a little disappointing. But I did get to see her compete in her second fight, another victory for the Silver caste. I competed in the second round of the tournament that day and was victorious once again, decapitating the avatar of a male opponent of the Iron caste. Once again I found myself lost in all that was happening and time began to progress quickly. As the days went on I continued to be undefeated and slowly but surely rose up as a finalist. Amy had lost one fight, but otherwise was undefeated. She made it to the semi-finals on the second to last day of the tournament but was defeated after a long and arduous battle with another female student from the Mercury caste.

  The rituals went by much the same and each day ended in feasting and dancing. On the night after the semi-finals I was overjoyed to be able to catch up with all my friends; Amy, Peter, Justin, and David. Even Brain made an appearance on the last dance and I was glad that his hard feelings from before seemed to disappear. Everyone kept congratulating me on making it to the finals and I was really becoming quite the celebrity in the Silver caste. Everyone was placing their faith in me as the victor. It was a great feeling and I was so happy; even a bit shocked to know that the BMF had no reason to get involved in my life from where I had stood. Even the Alphae made subtle referneces to what he began to call “The Silver Falcon.” And the name stuck, although most of my friends just called me Falcon. It was fitting and somehow I wondered if my avatar was chosen for the explicit purpose of garnering such a nick name. It didn’t matter to me. I would think about what Grandfather told me about some of the horrors of Institution and doubt filled my mind. I knew it had started out a bit rough for me since I entered the walls of Institution, but my skills in the arena really made all of that seem like nothing. I did, however, remember Grandfather warning me about pride. And there was a sliver of fear that through all of this I could always act out again. Maybe the Alphae would test me. It would only take a select choice of words and I would lose my cool and that rage would come out and I would lose all control. But for some reason that possibility just seemed so distant to me. For once, since my grandfather had passed away, I was happy. I was truly, genuinely happy. I went to sleep the night before finals with a smile on my face. It had been a happy night; my first dance with Amy and how graceful she was. Maybe the other boys were right. Maybe there was a fondness there. And I felt myself drift off to sleep with that stray thought. Maybe…

  Chapter 8:

  I awoke to a great bell that sounded. It had a deep pitch and rang out for many moments, the sound ringing even before the next bell tolled. I got up immediately and went to the nearest containment and cleansing chamber. I was so pumped and ready to face the final day of the tournament. I could feel the coming victory pulsing in my veins. After exiting the chamber I hurriedly dressed and began to walk toward the outdoor dining hall for breakfast. I was stopped by a familiar face. It was Mr. Ivaness and he was wearing different garb, a flowing robe of violet with golden trim, signifying some form of royalty it would seem.

  “Well there you are John. I told you that I would be here for you. It is a great honor to be one of the six finalists to compete in the tournament finals and I must say that it is a most superb way for you to prepare for the initiation that is to come tomorrow. How do you feel?” I couldn’t hide my excitement. I felt like a child again. I felt giddy like I once did when Grandfather would tell me his endless tales of wonder and magic. “I couldn’t be more excited,” I exclaimed, a huge smile beaming on my face. “And for good reason John. There are few who make it this far. I saw both of your fights yesterday for the semi-finals. You came so close to being defeated but you never gave up; conquering your opponent in the face of certain doom. Not many children who come to Institution have the guts to stand strong in the midst of fear and pain. I am very proud of you. In fact, you may find that my services are no longer required. You are so close to proving your worth to the Alphae. I wouldn’t be surprised if your protocol is lifted, but honestly that will all depend on how well you handle the first initiation. That will be the true test and may be a greater challenge for you than the fights which you face today…”

  What he was saying sounded rather ominous but there was far too much adrenaline coursing through my veins for me to get upset or worry. For a brief moment I remembered what Grandfather once told me about pride. He spoke of it as a weakness but it seemed to be my cure, giving me strength like I never had before. I shrugged off the feeling as I approached the table and took my seat next to Justin and Peter. Mr. Ivaness nodded and headed toward the doors of the arena. Our food was served momentarily and I devoured it like an animal. Justin and Peter looked up at me and laughed. “Well John, you must be excited. You wolfed down your food as if it was your last meal,” Peter observed, a smile creasing upon his face. “Yeah well, I am just ready to show this tournament its new champion. There is no question in my mind that the Silver Falcon will be the victor on this day. No question whatsoever.”

  Just then Amy approached the table and gave me a cold stare. She nudged me on the arm and motioned for me to follow her. I got up and walked with her toward the waterfall. She embraced the hand railing and then turned around to face me. Her cold, steely look was replaced by a look of genuine concern mixed with a certain sense of sadness. Her expression reminded me of how she looked as we ascended up the stairs from the Temple of Immolation. It concerned me, but my thoughts were so focused on victory I thought little of it. We stared at each other for a long time before she spoke. “Listen John. I have something very important to tell you. There are some things you should know. I don’t have time to explain it all but let’s just say that an earlier precursor to the BMF did seize my father and after a few months of his “treatment” he was taken away and I never saw him again. I still remember the last thing he told me on the day before he disappeared. He said that the facilitators who work to modify behavior learned long ago that the soft approach was better to the hard. They will lift you up John; fill your head full of so much pride and confidence that you bec
ome blind to the test they will orchestrate against you. I know you are excited about the coming match but you cannot allow yourself to lose your composure or to let your pride get to your head. You will be tested John. I can promise you that. Just be careful, okay? Promise me you will.” I didn’t know how to respond to her words in that moment. I was grateful for her finally opening up to me about her mysterious father but I didn’t understand why now, all of the sudden, she chose to give me that information. I wanted to know so badly before but when everything started going so great for me I forgot about all the mysteries. Suddenly Victeous was all that mattered in my mind. I tried to contemplate her advice, but I didn’t know how. The pride I carried within me had set me free. Why would I want to go back to worrying? “I promise. And don’t worry Amy. I’ll be fine.”

  I turned around to walk off when Amy grabbed my arm and swung me around to face her and gripped me in a huge hug. The way that she clung to me just then was unusual for her. She was genuinely concerned. Amy released me after a few moments and stared into my eyes. “You promised John. Please…be careful.” Before I could say anything else an announcement was heard instructing us all to gather in front of the statue of the Alphae for the morning worship session, which was set up to consecrate each of the 6 finalists in the conclusion of the Victeous tournament. As I reached the circle around the statue the drumming began and the people joined in the call of the Alphae. I was so excited for the coming tournament that I even found myself joining in on the call, and doing so with great enthusiasm.

  Momentarily the sky was darkened and the shadow of the Alphae’s massive head and nemyss formed in the sky, blanketing the rays of the artificial sun. His form descended and his body took shape shape as clouds collected around his feet giving him a place to stand high in the air. He rose to such a great height that even in craning my neck I could barely discern his face. The Alphae raised his scepter on high and twirled it around when a golden beam of light shot forth and into another cloud which began to swirl with golden and white flames. Then the great and mighty dragon Sairyss took shape from the cloud. First the dragon’s massive head began to form and then its body protruded from the portal-like cloud. Eventually it stood upon its own golden cloud and began to beat its powerful wings creating a cyclone of wind which was joined by the flames that hissed from its mouth. The fire kissed the Alphae’s scepter and his voice echoed through the air. “Come forward my champions, come forth Silver to take the whited flame, come forth Mercury to be consecrated unto purity, come forth Tin to receive the Light of the Morning Star…” The Alphae continued to call out each of the six champions of every caste and we each came forward.

  I was the first called to the Alphae and the flames that were channeled into his scepter touched my forehead and suddenly it burned with an icy fire. I could feel my consciousness rise to a state of elation, to a feeling of empowerment. It was a sacred moment. All the negative emotions I ever had for the Alphae were gone and replaced with a feeling of great reverence. It was a sacred moment, being touched by something even I could not question as holy. But there was still a sliver of a thought in the back of my mind that attempted with great urgency to bring me to reality, to remember my promise to Amy. However that thought was extinguished violently by the flames of white brilliance that had consecrated me as the Silver Falcon, the great warrior for the Alphae and the children of Institution. And I would be his champion. Perhaps I should have been worried, for how could fate continue to favor me? Grandfather’s words were still able to ring through my mind and I thought for a moment that I should pay attention. “Pride commeth before a fall…”

  The ceremony concluded and I was ushered by the high priest with the rest of the champions to head into the arena. As I walked through the doors the pride I had and the confidence of my assured victory felt as if it sang through my blood. We were all ushered into the locker rooms and once again Mr. Merck, along with the other five physical education instructors from the other castes all came together. Mr. Merck began his speech. “It is with great honor that I welcome you six final contestants to the concluding round of our first tournament of Victeous. Remember that respecting your opponent is the greatest rule. You will all be dressed in more ceremonial SBU’s. Each suit that you will compete in today is complete with the colors of your respective castes. I wish you all the best of luck and remember that the Alphae is always watching.”

  The high priest then stood before us to explain the rules of elimination. “The first part of the finals will be a process of elimination meant to produce only two finalsts to compete in a duel tomorrow to determine the overall champion. There will be a total of three sessions of elimination and then the fourth session will be the finals when there are but two contestants left. There will be three rounds for the first session and each combatant must have at least one win in order to make it to the next session. The second session will also have three rounds in which three wins will enable the combatant to make it to the fourth round. For the fourth round there must be at least four wins or if a combatant received five wins then that fighter will gain immunity and will be guaranteed a spot in the final duel. As soon as two combatants have a total of five wins each, then they will be competing in the final duel which will consist of between two or three matches. The winner of the tournament and the Caste Cup will be decided as the best in two out of three matches.”

  Mr. Merck chimed in to prepare us for the first session of the finals. “Now I want each of you to remember always the necessity of reviving your opponent immediately upon victory. This is especially important as we reach the final duel as your refusal to revive your opponent immediately could be grounds for complete disqualification in which case the defeated would become the victor. No one wants this to happen so remember the absolute importance of this one rule. I expect all of you to respect your oppenents in all ways. We know there are rivals between some of the castes, particularly Lead and Silver. Rivalry can be a good thing but let us all keep our own dignity and refrain from taunting our oppenents, whoever they may be. With that I call each of you to walk with the high priest and be welcomed into the grand coliseum. Prepare yourself and remember that all things done be unto the glory of the Alphae.”

  As I made my way through the doors of the locker rooms I could already feel my heart flutter with excitement and sense the beating of the feet of all the children and the cacophony of cheer that rang out through the entire arena. I walked with confidence, wearing a special uniform marked with the half moon crescent of the Silver Caste and lined with Silver and white gold. I stood tall as the people cheered all around. The six of us stood side by side as the 6 priests of the castes, led by the high priest all came before us and knelt down. It was then that the Alphae rose above us and stood tall, his steely colors glistening with divinity as he raised his scepter on high and struck it to the floor, silencing the orchestra of cheers that had caused the entire stadium to vibrate. It was so silent, such a hush. I felt cool perspiration fall down my forehead and the quiet hush brought with it a feeling of apprehension in my heart. What if I failed? I had been virtually undefeated so far, but what would happen if I failed? What if the Silver Falcon fell? I could not let that feeling consume me. I had to stand my ground. I could sense the hatred coming from the boy in the lead caste and somehow I knew that when I faced him it would be a battle without mercy. But I was ready.

  The Alphae began his speech. “Children of Institution good morning and welcome to the tournament finals of this session of Victeous, on the Eve of your First Initiation: From Darkness unto Light. I will keep this brief because I know how hard the six finalists before me have worked to arrive here. And I know how intensely you all desire to see which Caste comes forth as the Victor. Be patient, for there is a star arising in the East…or so I can see and have heard. And we will see where he goes…” I knew he was talking about me. It was odd how I suddenly began to see the Alphae in a different light. Could he really be a farce as I had thought for so long? Could Amy
be right in her warning? Could this all just be some kind of test? I didn’t want to believe that. I knew what Grandfather said about this place, about Institution, and I knew that I had initially suffered upon my arrival. But something was different now. Victeous was something that I could take pride in and it didn’t stop there. I even excelled in my classes. How could anything go wrong now? But I knew I could not be naïve and I could feel just a bit of dread coming over me. It was subtle, but there was something in Amy’s eyes by the waterfall. Like she just knew something that I could not see. Had I become blind? I couldn’t think of it anymore in this moment and so I shrugged it aside and prepared for the match before me.

  The Alphae called the first three matches out, which would occur simultaneously. I was to face Mercury, Tin was to face Copper, and Iron was to face Lead. The six of us were placed with our oppenents and I began to mentally prepare myself. The Mercury opponent I faced was a dark haired female with olive skin and long flowing black hair. She was fairly tall for her age and she had a look of fierce determination on her face. The Tin and Copper match was next to me. The Tin combatant was a boy in shorter stature but well built with sandy blonde hair. His opponent in the Copper caste was a taller boy with brown hair and deep, piercing brown eyes. And in the arc next to them was Iron and Lead. The boy from the Lead caste had light brown hair and was very tall for his age and quite muscular. He had a rather scary countenance and I knew he was my main rival. The Iron opponent he faced was a female with elegantly long red hair and green eyes. She was quite beautiful. I realized that she was the same girl I had shared a dance with in the beginning of the retreat. I was surprised to see that she happened to be a finalist. I knew the Lead boy would not go easy on her.

  The Alphae began his brief speech. The crowd was hushed by the silent wave of his scepter. “I want each of you to fight with honor and respect. You are not fighting alone. You are competing as the sole champion of your Caste. Your Caste is with you every step of the way. You must tap into their energy. Feel them all as your own family which flows through your very blood. Prepare yourselves…”


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