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Rise of the Alphae: From Death unto Life (Wastelands Saga Book 1)

Page 30

by James Huff

  Dr. Zatts and two other men I didn’t recognize were already in the room waiting for me, hovering around a large silver recliner surrounded by various medical equipment. Dr. Zatts was the first to speak up. “Good evening John and welcome to the official BMF headquarters here behind the walls of Institution. This is actually our medical examination room, which was chosen so that we could administer your testing while we inform you of your opportunity to remedy your current protocol with us. The testing is all very mild and there will be no pain or any kind of severe stimulation. So it should not be too difficult to pay attention to our proposal for you in order for us to be able to kill two birds with one stone and save us all some time. Besides, we all know that you need as much rest as possible tonight.”

  I sat back as the machines around me drew some of my blood and scanned various parts of my body. Luckily I was able to remain semi-clothed during this process. As the machine was scanning me Dr. Zatts continued to explain this new opportunity the BMF had decided to give me. He never did introduce the other two men with him but I could see them taking notes and assumed that they must be apprentices of some kind. They both looked young and nearly identicle, like they could be twins, with shady medium-length brown hair and green eyes. I took my eyes from them for a moment, wanting to give my undivided attention to Dr. Zatts. For once.

  “The opportunity that has been agreed upon by your personal BMF team is a series of three tests. Do not fear. These tests are not manipulations of any kind. They are merely to examine your aptitude in overcoming the more dangerous aspects of the symptoms of DDD. Before I continue, I must ask if you wish to proceed. You may choose to forsake this opportunity; however, if you do then we will not be able to lower the dosage of your current protocol’s implant. It is completely up to you, of course.” I just nodded in agreement. “We need you to agree, John. We need you to tell us before we may continue.” I rolled my eyes ever so subtly but no one seemed to notice. “Yes, you have my permission to continue and undergo these tests.” “Excellent,” Dr. Zatts exclaimed, “now we will give you a brief presentation.”

  The four men then went and stood toward the back of the room while a projector came down from the ceiling. The Alphae rose out of the sands of the wastelands in greeting and twirled his staff to produce the city of Metropolis from nothing. Then the scene changed and I could hear a man’s voice, sounding somehow mechanically enthusiastic as paradoxical as that was. “You have been given an exciting opportunity that few students in Institution with an active protocol with the BMF ever recieve. This will be a series of three different tests. These three tests will be averaged and scored on a scale between 0 and 100. You must average a score of at least 90% in order to have your current implant’s dosage decreased 90%. You must average between 70% and 89% in order to receive a 30% reduction of your dosage. Anything less and there will be no changes made. Therefore, it is in your best interest to score 90% or higher. Finally, the best news is that if you get a perfect score of 100% your implant will be deactivated entirely. However, even if you do score a 100%, you will still remain in the second protocol of the BMF.”

  Now I was really beginning to wonder what these tests actually were. But no sooner had that thought arisen the presentation began to explain. “Your first test will be a written aptitude test to determine the classification of your personality under the DDD blueprint. Your score will not be based upon any kind of merit or intelligence, but simply conforming to a manageable personality criteria. This test will be graded similar to that of a merit based test, such as your exams, in that the proper responses will be scored as correct with the improper or incompatible responses scored as incorrect.” The screen changed once more and the Alphae was seen high in the heavens grafting the planets. After this brief interlude another voice, a woman’s voice took over and continued to explain the remaining tests.

  “Hello inductee. We welcome you to this new and exciting opportunity.” The Alphae loomed above the dark outline of a woman in a lab coat. The voice then continued. “The second part of the test must unfortunately remain secret at this time. You will be informed of this test upon your passing of the first test, but only one hour prior to the time you will be undergoing the second test. Fear not; merely remember to prepare youself for anything and remain astute and focused.” The presentation was then shut off and the screen returned to its original place, hidden in the ceiling.

  “And what about the last test?” I asked the four men standing at the end of the room. Mr. Ivaness came before me after conferring with one of the twins and this slightly shorter twin came up with Mr. Ivaness. “I thought it best for you to speak to this man about your final test, as he was the one who came up with its unique program. This is Mr. Envei.” “Hello,” the man began in a strange accent. “I will get straight to it Mr. Crawling. The final test is a state of the art virtual interactive program. We have used these before in the past but I have managed to update the one we have prepared for you now, a prototype I have been working on for many years. I have managed to perfect it and clear it away of any bugs or glitches and I can assure you that it will be unlike any experience you have ever had. When transported to this world you will undergo many perilous obstacles, but there will also be several problems and puzzles you encounter along the way. This will test your physical, mental, and emotional aptitudes so I suggest you spend much time in preparation.”

  Mr. Ivaness motioned to dismiss the man and he ended up leaving with his colleague and Dr. Zatts. “So what do you think John? Are you excited for this opportunity?” I shrugged. “Yes I suppose in a way I am, but I’m also very nervous. I really don’t want to screw this up like I have all my other opportunities.” Mr. Ivaness grabbed my hand and gave it a firm squeeze, something I was only accustomed to Amy doing before. “It will all be well John, I promise. You can do it. I believe in you.” It was then that the blindfold was returned to my face and I began the long journey back to my dormitory. After arriving there, Mr. Ivaness wished me good night and then walked off quickly. Brian was already sleeping when I finally walked past his pod to my own and I fell into a deep sleep as soon as my head touched the soft pillow.

  I awoke with a start just as the morning bell began to toll. The day went by much like before, with the dulled sense of feeling that the implant gave me. I struggled hard to fight against it. As the days turned to weeks I began to notice Amy’s fierce determination in Victeous really stand out. Although we had grown rather distant I felt as though everything that she was doing to excel in Victeous she was doing for me. I knew, without her telling me, that she was determined to make up for the point loss in our caste and she knew that with my current implant and protocol that it would be impossible for me to do so again. So she took the reigns herself and truly proved to be a great champion in the making. Many of the people in our caste feared to fight her. She had a certain sense of controlled fury that was driving her and it was much more refined than my own rage had ever been. It reminded me of the Fire that we were all working towards leading up to this next initiation.

  Our ritual instruction professor very much focused on the elemental nature of this initiation. Eventually we were all required to begin weekly entrances into a virtual fire kingdom to perfect this element. Emotionally we were all driven by the fierce determination that came from the sacred Flame. My first test was approaching and less than a week away when Amy came up to me during social hour. “I just wanted to tell you good luck on your test at the end of the week. I know you can do it. I have complete faith in you. My only advice would be, don’t push yourself too hard. Shoot for the 90%. Don’t worry too much about getting a perfect score.” I smiled. “You know I believe you have been helping me more than you know Amy. You give me hope and my own sense of determination. It is amazing to watch you out there in the arcs.” Amy looked back upon me with a certain sense of pride. “I am doing it for you John. And you will always be the true Victeous champion in my eyes. That is why it is so important that you excel at th
ese tests. Even though they may not admit it, many of our caste mates want you back in the arena and back to your former element.” I laughed. “Interesting choice of words considering our current lessons.” We both laughed and enjoyed our remaining time together.

  The rest of the day went by rather quickly and the days leading up to my first test were very much peaceful compared to my return from the BMF at the end of our former initiation. I had no idea how to prepare for this first test so I just thought of Grandfather and spent some time in quiet meditation imagining myself among him and the elders of Vaena in that manificent garden. I awoke on the morning of my test feeling very refreshed and ready to start the day. I was given permission to forego my classes for the day so that I could focus the entirety of my energy upon this first test. Mr. Ivaness was in the hallway outside my dormitory. I met him there after getting dressed and he escorted me to the testing center. As usual, I was blindfolded and taken down the secret lifts. This time I felt as though we were going to a different wing of the BMF.

  As we approached the entrance to a room, Mr. Ivaness took off my blindfold and looked deeply into my eyes. “Listen John; I just want to let you know that I personally have nothing but faith in you. You will do well. Don’t second guess yourself. I will be waiting in the room down the hall. There is no time limit for this test John. You have all day and you may take the entire day if you so choose. Now, go through that door and enter the room to your left #222A. Take care.” Mr. Ivaness then turned and walked off briskly. I watched him go down the hall to a room down to the right and walk through the doorway, closing it behind him and vanishing out of sight. I opened the door reluctantly and walked down the hall to room #222A. As I entered the room I was met by a drone who motioned me to a desk behind a white table top not unlike what I had seen from the instructors in my classes.

  I sat behind the desk and the drone activated the holographic monitor upon its surface. There were instructions for this particular test that were rather self explanatory. I skimmed through them quickly already getting the gyst of this particular program. Grandfather was one who always knew that I was a fast learner. Right before getting started I took a moment to enter into the right mindset, knowing that I had to tell them what they wanted to hear and not how I actually felt. I had to make them believe that I was overcoming my dissent and conforming as an obedient child of the Alphae. After this brief meditation I began the test.

  The first several questions were rather easy and common sense. I went through them very quickly. At some point during the test the questions started to get very personal, even inappropriate. I had to force myself to lie, to convince the men of the BMF that I had indeed changed and that I didn’t need such a high dosage for this implant in order to obey. Towards the end of the test there were some minor virtual interactive programs I had to go though but these did not immerse me completely into a new environment as the third test would. Finally at the very end of the test I was commissioned to speak with the Alphae directly. The entire test up to that point seemed relatively easy. But I knew that facing this god once more would prove to be most difficult, especially after what happened the night of my first initiation.

  He rose up from the flat monitor in his chiseled, brightly colored sheen and lowered his staff down upon my forehead as he gazed deeply into my eyes and spoke that one familiar word: “Speak!” I hesitated for a moment. “It is I, John, your child and humble servant.” The Alphae glinted with pride and showed no insight into my superficial use of sooth. “What is it that you desire child?” I tried not to hesitate too much this time, for fear that the Alphae would see through my thin disguise. “I desire only to find my place in this world; to serve that I may be served.” He looked down upon me with questioning eyes. “Is there nothing else that your heart desires, child? Perhaps a reunion with your loved ones?”

  I knew I had to answer carefully to this question. “I would very much love to see my grandfather again but I have grown content in knowing that he is in one of your kingdoms now, the one of his own choosing. And I know that he couldn’t possibly be happier anywhere else. And I know that is also where I want to be, but not now. There is much I have to offer to this world in the meantime. And I know at least Mr. Ivaness can see that. I am ready to do what must be done.” The Alphae stared down upon me for a long time before he spoke again, almost in a slightly condescending way. Then his whole demeanor changed and I could see in those strange eyes that his merciful side had come forth. “You have changed John. Sometimes it takes a great error in life to learn your proper place as my child and to learn your proper place among your fellow brothers and sisters in this place of your sanctioning. I leave you now with a sense of peace that you may take this with you into the rest of your time leading up to your second initiation.” At that moment I felt a ray of golden light touch my forehead and a deep sense of peace and warmth came over my soul. Suddenly all of the anger and rage that I had for the Alphae melted away in the transmuting light and I felt once more as a child again.

  I was escorted back to my dormitory after the test and dinner was brought to me. I ate quickly and fell asleep shortly thereafter, exhausted by the very extensive test. Mr. Ivaness informed me that the scores should be available to me in the next week or two and that in the meantime I should prepare myself mentally for the second test, which would come at a random time. As I waited in anticipation the next few days went by as if in a dream. It was interesting just how much the new implant I had received made the time go by, but nothing really seemed real anymore. There were no genuine sensations or emotions as before. I rarely spoke to anyone, including Amy. But Amy and the others never really approached me either. I didn’t fight nearly as much in Victeous, mostly because I couldn’t last long enough in the arcs and Mr. Merck didn’t want me to get injured. I felt like so many of the people that had once taken pride in my ability as a Victeous warrior now had pity on me.

  I had to admit that I was able to take a certain sense of vicarious excitement in the profound fighting ability of Amy and her vast improvement from our prior initiation session. It was a strange paradox that in some distant way we were actually drawing closer. There was just an unspoken understanding between us, something that only the two of us could see. From an outside perspective it may have appeared that we had a falling out and were no longer close friends. Sometimes Justin and Peter gave me the impression that they saw as much between us, but they never spoke about it. Occaisionally I would see Amy during social hour staring at the bronze statue of the Alphae with a transfixing gaze. I always wondered what she was thinking in those times and she seemed to be doing it much more often. I knew that she felt much like I did about the Alphae, but how could she look upon him with cynicism and discontent when she would seemingly admire something in that statue? Another curious irony.

  Even though I felt less physically able and my reflexes were slower from the implant, luckily it did not impede me from retaining information in my studies. So, on the academic side I was doing rather well in those three classes. The theology of the Alphae class often bored me but the material was not hard to learn, or at least memorize. One afternoon I had tried to do a bit of sparring in physical education with my avatar and experienced a rather disappointing defeat. Afterward I made my way to the social hall for a drink and some silent reflection. I felt rather down. Losing in Victeous over and over again when I was so used to being undefeated before really took its toll on my spirit. Not a moment after I ordered my drink and took a sip Mr. Ivaness tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around, surprised. He looked at me with earnest eyes but also with a certain sense of stoic determination. “It is time John.”

  I looked at him with a rather confused expression. “I don’t understand…what do you mean Mr…” For once he actually interrupted me. “I mean that it is time for your second test to determine the adjustment of your current protocol. If you would just follow me outside of the social hall and I will blindfold you there before escorting you to the hidden
lifts.” I didn’t say anything; I merely followed him. What more could I do? All I knew was that I had to seriously prepare myself. My stubborn pride had left me completely unprepared for the brutal test the Alphae had waiting for me in that labyrinth. I could not afford to make that mistake again. Mr. Ivaness and I didn’t speak the entire way to the testing area. The ride in the lift seemed long and arduous, depite the fact that the level we were heading to seemed closer to the surface.

  My deep sense of meditative preparation was violently cut off by the abrupt halt of the lift and the opening of the doors. I was led down a similar corridor as before. But the air somehow smelled different. It was almost putrid, like death. I wondered if even the scent of that hallway was somehow a part of the Alphae’s plan to catch me off guard and I shut myself off as much as I could from my own perceptions; or at the very least the feelings which they produced.

  Finally the blindfold was removed and Mr. Ivaness escorted me through a doorway. There were two medical drones hovering beside a rather large, sophisticated looking pod. Standing in front of the pod, with pointer in hand, was Dr. Zatts. After Mr. Ivaness led me up to him he gave a polite greeting and was dismissed by the doctor. “Hello Mr. Crawling. I must ask you now to remove your clothing as the tactile sensations which are used in this pod are more delicate than many of the others and require direct contact with the skin,” informed Dr. Zatts. I was about to speak out in disgust, but obviously he read my expression for he continued. “You may keep your undergarments, however, upon exiting the pod you will be given entirely new garments and be sent to an intensive containment and cleansing chamber preceding our interview. Good luck John and remember; all things done be unto the glory of the Alphae.”

  Dr. Zatts walked off brisly and entered a room on the side with a large glass pane, obviously a two-way mirror. The drones set to work and activated some controls on a panel next to the pod. While I was getting undressed I watched the lights within the pod glow in many different colors and could see the drones testing it. Once they were satisfied they bid me to get inside and lay down comfortably on my back. At first the pod felt very cold against my bare skin, but once it closed I could feel an intense amount of heat. I could hear a buzzing sound and felt some kind of metal, electronic probes grip the back of my neck. I felt a sharp sting and then…blackness.


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