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Thrown Adrift

Page 6

by Combs, Sasha

  Feeling like she had the upper hand for the first time tonight; Linda said...

  “Why should I tell you anything? You haven’t been honest with me...and I’m convinced that you know more than you’re sharing.”

  “Linda...if it weren’t for’d be knocking on the door of every host trying to get into their parties. Before I showed up at the precinct, you were in over your head and you were trying to locate a judge.”

  She knew he would say that...and she reasoned, he should expect what she felt compelled to say because he’d instigated this standoff.

  “Big took me to your uncles house. He smiled nicely while telling me stories about you. You had to work so hard to pull that off.”

  She laced her words with so much sarcasm, the tone in her voice had surprised her. Linda believed if a mirror were hanging on the wall she would have studied her reflection to confirm that these honey coated words had come from her mouth. Normally, Linda’s professionalism demanded that she behave in a certain manner and she rarely colored her words.

  Tired of this game, Linda glared at him.

  “Judge Mead is your uncle Hayford. You act as if you pulled a rabbit out of a hat. What did it cost you to call a relative on the telephone to do you a favor? Nothing I’ll bet. I’m quite certain that your uncle would have signed my warrant if we’d arrived at his front door unannounced.”

  Crossing the room to stand right in front of him she said...

  “You haven’t done anything so far to impress me. You’ve done what you’re known for doing. You dazzle people with your throw crisply folded up bills at them while glamouring them with your magnetism. Your attraction is the reason you get what you want...that’s all you’ve done tonight. You’ve been trying to make me think that you’re helping me...while’re just being yourself and you’re beginning to hamper my investigation.”

  Linda came so close to Hayford, she had to look up to see his face. His glare had become vacant and imposing. His unbending bulk lorded over her but Linda didn’t backdown.

  “You’re the big guy tonight. The tough guy in charge. Well, I’m not impressed Hayford...I’m not impressed at all. Nothing you’ve done so far has made an iota of difference in this investigation. You say that you want to help me. Then do something to help. Do something something to impress me. Show me who you really are... Do something to open my eyes telling me who you really are!”

  All night Hayford had been trying his best to remain focused and on point. When he made the choice to help Linda tonight, he knew his good natured deed had nothing to do with him wanting to write the story to submit for his column. For years his association with the Van Wilson’s had not been casual. Hayford knew this family intimately and he also knew that his father would never sanction a story that would portray Elizabeth in a negative way. It was true...Hayford wanted justice. He wanted everyone who had any involvement in this crime to be punished and prosecuted but while he’d been collecting information to write his story; Hayford admitted that he wanted something else that was equally important to him. For his own peace of mind, he needed to ensure that Linda wouldn’t be hung out to dry. He had wanted to be her safety net; keeping her from plummeting to the ground. At first it had been his intention to simply lead her in the right direction. Then, when her lovely scent wafted into his nostrils he knew, he wanted to go along for the ride; because Hayford didn’t want Linda getting entangled in something she couldn’t safely get out of. When they found themselves held up in Elizabeth’s closet...their bodies melded close together amongst the racks of designer clothes; it had been then that Hayford knew, his feelings towards Linda were more akin to that of a romantic nature.

  Hayford slowly raised his hand...tracing his finger down the side of Linda’s face. As she stopped him from caressing her cheek, Linda's anger began to slowly melt away. His gesture had taken her by surprise and instinctively she had reacted to what he was doing to her. As her hand stopped his slow tactile observation; Hayford’s head was lowering towards her face. His lips stopped just a hair breath away from her mouth and he was certain he’d felt the vibration from her trembling due to her fear. For a millisecond he considered the consequences of what he was about to do. It took him just as long to toil over emotions that he’d felt brewing as each second kept him and Linda in close proximity. Lowering his head the rest of the way; Hayford softly kissed Linda...and Linda kissed Hayford back.

  Lifting his head to look into her eyes; Hayford wasn’t surprised to find Linda’s eyelids still closed. When she slowly lifted them; and her lashes curtained her gaze...Hayford knew, Linda felt the same as he did. Wrapping his arms around her, he went for broke by pulling her close into his body. Lowering his head much quicker this time; this kiss wasn’t bridled and the feral nature of his passion could be felt as he moaned into their closely sealed mouths. Dipping his tongue between her lips; Hayford couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful than what he was currently doing. He knew where they were...and he knew now was not the time for this; but he also knew, his body craved for Linda and if he didn’t have her, he would burst due to his bellowing desire.

  Pulling at her clothing, Hayford tugged at her coat while searching for flesh. Her cologned body had been enticing him all evening but her perfume wasn’t the only thing he wanted to smell. He wanted to experience her natural aroma because the distinct smell would always remind him of her. He wanted Linda in every way a man could want a woman. He didn’t even try to reason this out because there was no mistaking true passion. His apparent desire was beyond his control and he didn’t even attempt bridling it. Some things just had to be, and this situation was one of those things.

  When their lips had met, neither made a move to pull them apart. Hayford had been so focused on getting Linda out of her clothes, he’d not noticed her efforts. She’d been just as intent as him to touch and caress his body. Their tug of war with fabric had looked amusing; but when their tangled bodies fell to the floor, naked and wanton. From that point forward, their time spent on the floor was filled with passion.

  Hayford eased his swollen flesh inside of Linda with such force, she bit her lower lip to keep from crying. His first few thrust were powerful, and a clear show of his determination. From the moment he sealed her body to the floor underneath him; he wanted to be at one with her. As their hips rocked in a rhythmic motion, with each building surge, his sex would tingle due to her warmth. Hayford wanted to fill her with as much as she could take from him. He pressed himself deep inside of her body. As he did this, he would hear a sultry moan escaping from her pursed lips. Hayford didn’t want to lose himself too soon, so he closed his eyes. But when he did this, his brain forced him to narrow in on the way her body hugged him so tight. He had never felt anything more inviting. It was as if, their bodies were like a lock and a key and now they were unlocking something wonderful.

  Once she had relaxed a bit...accepting his girth and width more readily...they both found a rhythm that would allow them to enjoy what they were doing to each other. This interlude wasn’t just about lust, a quick fix or anything that could be termed casual. What they were doing had all the hallmark signs of something more lasting, like love.

  When Hayford felt his release ebbing, he pushed his hip in making his groin twirl with a circular pattern. He was attempting to stimulate her in a way that would help Linda reach her own climax. As her body quivered and tightened around his sex; Hayford knew he’d found the part of her body that would give her sexual release. Picking up his pace; he tightened his hold around her waist...with a loud groan, he spilled his seed deep within her.



  Pulling her sweater over her head, while watching Hayford, as he slipped his arms into the selves of his leather jacket; Linda still couldn’t believed she’d just made love on Elizabeth Van Wilson’s kitchen floor. Not even her aching back could persuade her. But the cruel reality was pitifully staring her in the f
ace. Hayford was undressing her with his eyes as she hurriedly tried to put her clothes back on. The man was merciless and there was no doubt in her mind that he knew his gawking was unnerving her.

  “For goodness sake...” She whispered the words underneath her breath, as her mind soared with countless reprimands. She knew this indiscretion would be one of those vault stories. The kind of indulgence that she would be to ashamed to share with her two best friends. Even though Maxie was usually the one whose life was peppered with whopper tales; on this score, Linda was pretty sure her good friend would never be able to trump her kitchen floor bonking scandal. While her mind considered this, Linda tried to rationalized what had happened, then she recalled that her rage had been her last verbal exchange. She had been loudly talking to Hayford seconds before he shocked her with his kiss. Even as her mind recalled which action had gotten them started; the recollection didn’t leave her blameless. Linda could still taste Hayford on the tip of her tongue and that sensation suggested that she was partially at fault for their mindless act. Knowing this didn’t make her feel better about herself, so she brushed the thought away as she tried to recall the topic that preceded their love making. What had caused her to be so angry at Hayford? She straightened her clothes, then Linda remembered that she had asked Hayford a very important question before he had kissed her. It didn’t pass her notice that she was still waiting for his response.

  To avoid his glaring eyes, Linda had turned her back to him while she continued to get dressed. She was glad that she rarely wore makeup because if she did she was certain that her face would be a complete mess like her hair currently was. She combed her fingers through tangled curls because when she left home early that morning, she’d quickly switched bags and she didn’t have a brush in the purse she’d chosen to carry.

  Hayford had picked up her coat and was holding it open for Linda to step inside of it. Once she had, Hayford lowered his lips to her neck to kiss her there. The softness of his lips had made her feel a twitch in between her legs and she was grateful when he didn’t do anything further because she wasn’t so sure if she had it within her to stop him.

  Hayford’s hot breath replaced the softness of his lips when his words brushed over her ear.

  “Do you have a black evening dress?”

  Linda’s face took on a curious expression when she said...

  “Yes...I do. Why? What do you have in mind Hayford?”

  Linda knew whatever Hayford’s reasons were for asking about her black dress; he was just as hellbent on solving this case as she was. If she had not been certain of this beforehand; there was something in her gut that persuaded her of this now. She just didn’t know why he wanted to withhold information that would make this process much easier for her.

  Hayford had strengthened, moving his tall muscular frame to stand in front of her. Whenever he did this, Linda would be force to lift her head to look up at him. From the second she had all of her clothes back on; she had been attempting to distance them. She needed an emotional disconnect but when his eyes brushed over her, his gaze managed to stoke her desire for him. She couldn’t control the race of her heart or the moistness cooling her palms. His presence was affecting her and she really needed to regain her self control. But instinctively Linda knew that she’d lost this round the second Hayford had kissed her. Hayford studied her face, then he lowered his head to kiss her softly on her lips. When he inhaled deeply, his nostrils were filled with a mixture of him and her. He wanted to take her in his arms, to press his mouth firmly with hers again, but he forced his body to hold back. This time when he filled his lungs with air; the gesture had been done as a calming measure. Hayford spoke to her in a low voice.

  “I wish Elizabeth’s death wasn’t the reason we’re together tonight. I would really have preferred taking you out on the town to one of the many parties being held in the city. Or better yet...we could have spent the evening alone at my place.”

  “But it was Elizabeth’s death that brought us together. I know this must be hard for you...especially because you and Elizabeth were friends.”

  Hayford frowned when she said that. They had been friends...that is until Hayford disapproved of the way Elizabeth had planned to resolve her most recent problem.

  “You’re right...I know that. I’m sorry for making light of this situation but you must understand...I know Elizabeth...”

  He stopped while he corrected his English.

  “I once knew Elizabeth. She had a way of angering people and even though the papers showed her as being the cities most popular party girl...Elizabeth stepped on the toes of some very influential people. People that you wouldn’t want to piss off.”

  “Who Hayford...who did she piss off?”

  Hayford looked pass her when he said, “Everyone...everyone Linda. I know that may seem vague but I mean it when I say that she pissed off every person that ran in the same circles as she did.”

  Linda had already narrowed her suspect list done to two people. The person that she’d seen in the penthouse and the other person she knew more than likely had been the second set of feet Hayford had said he’d heard on the lower level of Elizabeth Van Wilson’s house. However, with Hayford telling her that Elizabeth had pissed off a longer list of people; she was beginning to think that just maybe her net wouldn’t be large enough to collect her list of suspects.

  With a tight grip, she clutched her purse because inside of her bag, it held the evidence that she’d collected while she and Hayford had walked from room to room in Elizabeth’s penthouse. Linda asked Hayford...

  “Why did you ask me if I own a black dress?”

  He smiled, and it was easy for him to do this because the topic had switched from Elizabeth back to Linda.

  “We’re going to a party lovely lady...” he said . Hayford wrapped his arms around her waist, then he gently guided her body into his embrace. He swayed with her nestled against his chest; gliding to an imaginary tune only he could hear in the well of his brain. He also demonstrated that he had rhythm and showed potential as a dancer.

  Pushing away from him, Linda said ...

  “Hayford, I thought we agreed...due to the circumstances; Elizabeth’s death outweighs our desires. We don’t have time for parties.”

  With a sly smile he said...

  “Yes, it is a pity that our desires must take a backseat...but yes...I do agree. suggestion to take you dancing has nothing to do with my desire to hold you in my arms but the offer has everything to do with Elizabeth’s death.”

  Pulling her back into his arms and swaying again, Hayford said... “Tonights invitation is strictly business. However, my next offer to take you dancing will be a personal invitation...but only after you’ve arrested Elizabeth’s killer.”



  “That’s nuts Hayford, and you’re crazy if you think that I’m going to believe such nonsense.”

  Hayford had been giving Linda a crash course on the in’s and out’s from E.V.W.’s manipulation manual. A.K.A. Elizabeth Van Wilson’s not to subtle rules on how to stymy and juggle more than one man at a time. After naming some of her most recent male conquest, Hayford had just shocked her by telling Linda about a plot that would have rocked the city. She was pretty sure the dirty blackmailing scheme would have angered most anyone but Linda couldn’t believe that her betrayal would lead a person to resort to murder.

  “’re not thinking clearly and your assertions have just as many holes in it as a colander. If Elizabeth has dated as many men as you’ve claimed; then by your count I would have to round up half the men in the city. And as far as her plot... You definitely can’t expect me to act on conversations that were between you and Elizabeth.”

  “Linda...” Hayford’s voice sounded pleading and he’d known beforehand that Linda would have a hard time accepting the truth once he named all the men who had once been cast as romantic exploits. In spite of that, he believed she had a right to know what s
he was getting herself into because Hayford was certain this time Elizabeth had crossed the wrong people. Even though Linda had gotten a pretty good look of the person in Elizabeth’s bedroom; they still didn’t know who had been the second person in the penthouse and Hayford couldn’t say for sure if he’d actually heard a second set of feet. He could still smell traces of Linda’s soap and the fruity shampoo she’d used to wash her hair. When they had been inside of Liz’s closet, his brain had been on overload and he couldn’t say with certainty if his ears had heard another person. Hayford weaved through traffic like a madman and he noticed that his driving didn’t seem to phase Linda. He had hoped his short stops and jackrabbit takeoffs would have unnerved her but his wishful thinking had been dashed. With each turn of the wheel, Hayford tried to point out helpful insights that would help her in this investigation. Unfortunately she’d completely dismissed his most helpful tip and during the drive, it had been their disagreement that held her attention more than his driving.

  When Hayford approached the mayors home, it took very little for him to gain entry. As a Mead, he’d been invited to the party but earlier that evening, he had accepted another invitation and had not intended to attend the grand event.

  When he looked over at Linda, he noticed that she was being herself. Obstinate and pigheaded; and that assessment extended to her hair-brain untested plan. The second his car drove through the entry gates, then after he passed a parking guard waving a flashlight; Hayford followed their directions, but he picked up their heated conversation where they had left off.

  “The odds of me not going with you tonight are about as good as a snowflakes chances are in hell.” he said in a haughty voice.

  Hayford had pulled up in front of the mayors mansion with Linda in the passenger seat of his BMW. After they had left Elizabeth’s penthouse, Hayford had persuaded Linda to ride with him. She had talked nonstop, telling him about a crazy plan that she’d dreamed up in her head. He had listened and Hayford had been impressed. Yet, as she continued to talk, while he had listened, Hayford didn’t agree with his part. The plan that Linda had contrived; Hayford had been cast in a limited role. She told him how easy it would be for her to inconspicuously gain entry inside of the cities most exclusive party. Even so, as she talked a big game; Linda knew that she would need Hayford’s help, to watch her back because her plan was flawed on so many levels.


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