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When Love Comes: Diamond Creek, Alaska Series (Book 1) (Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels)

Page 18

by Croix, J. H.

  “Sounds good,” she said. “That’ll give me time to get Jessie fed. We can eat in or out. I’m game either way.”

  “Let’s decide when I get there,” he said.

  Hannah opened the passenger door and Jessie jumped inside. Luke followed Hannah around to the driver’s side. Just before she closed the door, he leaned in for a swift kiss.

  Luke walked to his truck and paused to look toward the bay. He kicked at a rock on the ground and tucked his hands in his pockets. Boats were rolling into the harbor. It was close to evening and most would be headed in now, especially with the wind picking up again. Soft quiet enveloped him when he closed the door to his truck. The distant sounds from the harbor were muted. He sat for a moment and thought about Hannah. He wondered about introducing her to his parents. He half couldn’t believe it, but he wanted her to meet them. He had no idea what she’d think about it. As he drove out of the lot, he saw Travis entering from the harbor side and slowed to a stop at Travis’s wave.

  Luke rolled down his window. “What’s up?” he asked.

  Travis walked over to the truck. “Not much. Just confirming I’ll call for coffee this weekend,” Travis said and gave him a speculative look. “Rumor has it you’ve been dating Hannah.”

  Luke rolled his eyes. “Rumor would be right in that case. What’s it to you?”

  “Nothing—just thought I’d point out that she’s beautiful and seems nice. You might want to give something other than casual a shot.”

  Luke lifted his eyebrows. “Relationship advice is not your usual gig.”

  Travis shrugged. “Maybe not. Just saying…” He winked and walked off. He called over his shoulder, “See ya this weekend.”

  Luke put the truck back in gear and headed toward the road. With the fire that just wouldn’t go out between him and Hannah and Travis’s comment, he felt restless and out of sorts. He wanted to feel in control of the situation, and he felt anything but. His focus lost, he had to slam on his brakes to avoid missing the turn for the road.

  Just over an hour later, Hannah heard Luke’s knock on the kitchen door.

  “Come in,” she called and heard the door open. “In the laundry room. I’ll be right out.” She entered the kitchen to find Luke seated at the counter petting Jessie, whose tail was wagging madly. Luke had cleaned up since they’d been at the beach. He wore jeans and a blue flannel shirt, but he’d ditched his boots for slip-on leather shoes, and his hair was damp from a shower. She took in his green eyes and slightly rumpled black curls. At his smile, her heart gave a hard thump in her chest. She leaned on the counter opposite him, trying to ignore the way her heart sped almost every time she saw him.

  “It’s going on six now. I’m not feeling too motivated to cook. How about you?”

  He looked over and shrugged. “I’m game to head out for dinner. Do you want to leave right away?”

  “I was hoping to wait for the washer to run first. Only takes about a half hour. I wasn’t sure just when you’d get here, so I started it before I noticed the time.”

  Jessie walked over to her dog bed by the wall in the kitchen and curled up. Luke stood and walked around the counter. “In that case…” he said before sliding his arms around her from behind and bringing his lips to the side of her neck.

  In seconds, she felt goose bumps rise behind the trail his lips left along her neck. She gasped as his lips traveled down. He pushed the neckline of her shirt out of the way to trace the edge of her collarbone. Hannah twisted around to face him and threaded her fingers through his curls as he tugged at the buttons on her blouse. He made quick work of her bra, while she let her hands fall for a moment to slip her arms out of her blouse. She sighed with relief when she felt his lips close over a nipple. He alternated between gentle sucking and pulling back to breathe on her nipples. She let herself fall into sensation. Her belly tightened inside, and she felt slick moisture build in her center. She pulled back for a moment and gasped one word. “Upstairs.”

  Luke’s gaze held hers, his green eyes burning through her. His rumpled hair made him even sexier. Hannah felt bare and not bare enough. She wanted to be skin to skin.

  “Okay…upstairs.” He stepped back and followed her. Halfway up the stairs, she felt his hands on her waist and turned to face him. He had unbuttoned his shirt and pulled her close for a kiss. She reveled in the feel of her breasts against his bare chest. They stood on the stairs kissing deeply. He pushed his hips against hers. She gasped into his mouth as the friction of his erection pressing against her center set her nerves alight. She was so ready, she came in a burst against him. He slowly stepped up, holding her close as they gradually navigated up the stairs. His lips left hers only to tug at one nipple and then the other. When they reached the top, he knelt, and she let herself be pulled to the floor. Her back pressed against the cool hardwood, a relief to her hot skin.

  They lay close on the floor. Hannah unbuttoned his jeans and slipped her hand inside to force the zipper down. She curled her hand around his erection. He sucked in his breath. She brought her hands away to help him push his jeans down. As he kicked them off his legs, he returned the favor by unbuttoning her jeans and caressing her through her damp underwear. She wiggled her way out of her jeans. They were both naked, save for their underwear. Luke slowed his hand and rolled to the side. He drew one hand slowly up and down the center of her body. She pulsed with readiness when he brought his warm hand down to cup her mound. He leaned forward and licked a nipple again. He rolled on top of her and gently teased her through fabric that was getting damper by the second. She thought she would lose her mind if he didn’t touch her where she desperately craved it.

  Luke paused for a long moment and held her eyes. “Please…” she said, not even clear what she was begging for.

  He rolled off her again and hooked his thumbs on her underwear to slowly slide it down. She pushed at his and sighed when she held his warm erection in her hand, his skin silky in her grasp. He commenced to slowly tease her—long moments of kisses along her neck, soft blowing on her nipples, dragging a trail with his tongue down her belly and to the top of her mound. She was gasping for breath and desperate when she finally felt one finger and then another slip into her channel. He curled a hand around one hip and slowly brought the fingers of his other hand in and out. He paused long enough that she lifted her head to look at him. He leaned up on one elbow and held her gaze as he slowly brought his mouth down to the wet center of her. Her hips bucked against his mouth as he slowly began to lick and suckle; all the while his fingers slowly stroked in and out of her. Her mind clouded and dissolved into nothing beyond sensation. Her climax washed over her in deep pulses.

  While she lay dazed, Luke brought his body flush against hers. Her muscles were still convulsing when she felt his large erection pushing into her. It was such a relief to be filled. Hannah sank further into the floor. She was boneless and caught only in sensation. She brought her legs up to clasp his hips, and he rocked into her. Her climax seemed never to end as sensation built from the last aftershocks into another wrenching climax. He threw his head back and pumped fiercely into her, coming into her in a final burst. He slowly relaxed against her and shifted to the side so his weight wasn’t fully on her.

  They lay still for long moments, their broken breathing the only sound. Hannah slowly came out of the pool of sensation and turned her head to look at Luke. His eyes were closed, his dark lashes stark against his cheeks. She reached over and pushed a curl away from his forehead.

  He opened his green eyes and looked at her. “Do you think the laundry’s done?” he asked with a teasing smile.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Were you timing us?”

  “No, definitely not. Time is the last thing on my mind when I’m inside you or close to it. Couldn’t keep my hands off you, that’s all.”

  Hannah woke to the feel of the sun on her face and rolled to her side. She’d
forgotten to close the curtains last night and sun splashed across the bed. Luke had left about an hour earlier. She had woken to feel his lips on her cheek and a whispered good-bye before he left to make it to the harbor in time to meet his brothers for their trip that day. She rested in the sun and looked out the bedroom windows, which faced the bay. She could see mountaintops and bright sun on the water. While she lay still, she heard Jessie’s claws clicking against the floor, gradually coming closer. She felt a cool nose nuzzle her knees and looked down to see a wagging tail. She reached to pet Jessie, sliding her fingers through Jessie’s glossy fur.

  Hannah pushed herself up and swung her legs off the side of the bed. She remained there for a moment, still petting Jessie. She looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes, smiling at the sight of her purple toenails. Placing her feet into a sun-warmed swath of floor, she stood and headed for the shower. Jessie followed and curled up just outside the bathroom, a habit she’d developed. Hannah stood under the hot water pouring down over her and sighed. She loved a hot, steamy shower. She’d long ago conceded that if she had to choose between lighting and hot water, she’d choose hot water any day. She thought about Luke and last night. After sex on the floor, she had put the laundry in the dryer, and they’d headed into town for dinner. They’d gone to Sally’s and run into various friends.

  Luke had been his usual friendly, engaging self. Her eyes were drawn to him as if by a magnet. His almost black curls and green eyes made her feel childish in her infatuation. She had to admit that the pull between them wasn’t wearing off anytime soon. If anything, the more time she spent with him, the stronger it became. She soaped her hair and tilted her head back. A long rinse later, she reluctantly turned the water off and toweled herself dry. For the moment, she wasn’t fighting her attraction to Luke. Recognizing that caused a flash of panic because this just wasn’t a place she let herself go, not in years.

  Her mind swung to wondering about Emma while she got dressed. About the only thoughts that kept such thoughts at bay were those that included Luke. Emma had responded to her e-mail, but hadn’t been able to call at the times Hannah had suggested due to her work schedule. She’d said she’d try to call later in the week. It was now firmly later in the week, and Hannah wished she’d asked for a more specific time. She forced her mind off the topic and went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She had promised herself she’d do the dirty work of job searching today. She spent the next few hours updating her résumé and following up with references. She made calls to the Bay foundation, the Inlet Keeper, and Diamond Creek Conservation and followed up with a contact in Anchorage whom she knew through her parents. He was an old friend of her father’s who’d sent her a note some time after their deaths. They kept in sporadic e-mail contact. When he’d heard she was moving back, he’d offered to help her arrange some consulting work in the environmental field.

  Hannah was just turning off the computer when her phone rang. Susie’s number showed on the screen. Hannah answered, saying, “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Wondering if I can persuade you to keep me company for a trip to Anchorage.”

  “When are you going?” Hannah asked.

  “Whatever two days work for you next week.”

  She laughed. “It sounds like you’re banking on me going with you.”

  “I kind of am. It’s a long drive alone. Plus, we used to go all the time, and it’ll be fun to go together,” Susie said, her tone cajoling.

  Hannah didn’t need to think about it. The trip would be fun with Susie, and she could meet with her father’s friend about consulting options. At her assent, Susie promptly moved on. “You haven’t mentioned it, but I have to ask…any word from Emma yet?”

  “Just what I told you. She couldn’t call when I hoped because of her work schedule. She said she’d call later in the week. Now it’s later.” Hannah sighed. “I’m trying not to think about it. I promise I’ll let you know when I actually hear from her.”

  “I know, I know. I’m almost as impatient as you. What are you up to today?” Susie asked.

  “Not much, other than getting stuff ready to seriously look for a job. I can’t put it off much longer.” They chatted for a few more minutes and agreed on the days for the Anchorage trip. Hannah took Jessie for a walk and headed to town for grocery shopping and a few other errands.

  Chapter 17

  It was late afternoon when Hannah pulled into her driveway to find an unfamiliar car parked in the drive. It looked like one of the rental cars from the airport. Someone was sitting in the driver’s seat. After Hannah stepped out and let Jessie out of the truck, a woman opened the door and unfolded long legs before standing. Hannah’s heart stopped for a moment. The woman was as tall as Hannah was and had dark, straight hair that fell just past her shoulders, and blue eyes. She was dressed in jeans, slip-on leather clogs, and a bright blue blouse.

  Hannah and the woman both stood still for a moment. Hannah felt like she was looking into her own eyes. Jessie broke the silence when she leaped in the air between them.

  “Sorry about that. She gets excited,” Hannah said and forced herself to continue to speak, extending her hand. “I’m Hannah.”

  The woman reached out to shake her hand and let go without speaking. She finally cleared her throat. “I’m Emma. I know I should have called, but I got this wild idea that I’d just come out here. When the plane landed, I started to panic because I didn’t have your address. I only knew the town because you mentioned it in your first message. So I asked the guy at the rental car place, and he told me where you lived. Seems like Diamond Creek is a pretty small town. I hope it’s okay that I just showed up…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked down at Jessie, who was sniffing at her shoes.

  Hannah gestured to Jessie. “That’s Jessie. She’s crazy friendly.” She paused and watched while Emma reached to pet Jessie. “Well, would you like to come in?” she asked, not sure what else to say, her manners keeping her afloat while her throat was tight and her stomach in knots.

  Emma looked up and nodded. Hannah started walking toward the house and up the stairs, aware of each step and feeling fragile. Jessie and Emma followed her into the kitchen. Hannah busied herself for a moment, filling Jessie’s water bowl and looking in the pantry. Her throat remained tight. She had a sense of certainty that Emma was her sister. She knew she needed to tell her right away that her parents were dead. She felt unmoored with no sense of how to navigate this. She walked out of the pantry to see Emma looking out the windows that faced the bay.

  Emma turned back toward her. “Wow. It’s beautiful here.” There was a long pause as Emma just looked at Hannah. “I’m sorry. I’ve put you on the spot. I just…well…just wanted to meet you and figure out if you’re my sister.”

  Emma shrugged and looked to the floor while she twisted a ring on her right hand. “I got swept up in this idea that I’d just come here and figure it out. Now that I’m here…it seems like it would have been better if we’d talked. I don’t even know what your situation is, where your parents, and maybe my parents, are. That kind of thing,” she said with another shrug.

  Hannah forced herself to speak. “It’s okay. I don’t think there’s a map for us. I promised myself that when you called, I’d tell you something right away. My parents died in a plane crash two years ago. If they were your parents…then it sucks for you to hear it this way. I don’t want you to feel misled. I didn’t even know I had a sister until a few weeks ago. And here you are…I don’t know if it means anything or if I should even say this, but my gut tells me you’re probably my sister. I’m sorry you had to hear about my, or maybe our, parents like this. I can’t imagine what this is like for you.” Hannah ran out of words and waited.

  Emma stood before her, still twisting the ring on her hand. Jessie got up and walked over to stand by Hannah. As awkward as this was, she felt steadier now that she’d told Emma about her parents. She let the sil
ence be for a moment and looked out the window. The sun was starting to roll down the sky. It had been bright and clear all day with a brisk breeze coming in off the bay. The sky remained cloudless, offering a clear view of the mountains, which were dark against the backdrop of the sun.

  She glanced at Emma again. “Remember the part about no map? How about we sit down?” She gestured to the kitchen table. “Do you want something to eat or drink? I know you had a long day or more of travel. It’s not quick to get here from North Carolina.” She wondered why she’d offered such a mundane thing, as if nothing were happening, that a person who might be her sister hadn’t just shown up at her house. She needed the mundane though.

  Emma finally looked up. There was a sheen of tears in her eyes. Emma cleared her throat. “That would be good. I’m starving actually.” She walked over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs that Hannah had pulled out.

  Hannah quickly pulled out cheese and crackers and offered Emma her choice of drinks. The moments of mundane task chatter cleared some of the tension in the air. Emma nibbled on crackers and petted Jessie who had followed her to the table and sat down beside her.

  Hannah pulled a cutting board out. She’d gotten a fresh loaf of bread from Misty Mountain earlier. She sliced it and transferred it to a plate. As she was doing that, she remembered that she’d left her groceries in the car. She glanced over toward Emma who was reaching for a piece of cheese and petting Jessie while she gazed out the window.

  “Do you mind if I run out and get the groceries I have in my truck? I forgot they were in there when we came in.”

  Emma turned toward her. “Oh no. Of course not. Do you need help?”

  “No, it’s just a few bags. One trip should do it. Be right back.”

  In a few moments, she was back in the kitchen putting groceries away. She added some sliced deli meats to the plate with the bread. Bringing it to the table, she finally sat down with Emma. Emma appeared calmer. A wobbly smile flashed across her face.


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