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My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic: The Official Guidebook

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by Brandon T. Snider

  from Trottingham, while FEATHERWEIGHT

  is a Pegasus pony as well as the editor in

  chief of the Foal Free Press newspaper.

  Featured in “Luna Eclipsed,” “Putting Your

  Hoof Down,” “Ponyville Confidential.”

  Pony Power Makes a Mark

  Growing up can be difficult, especially when it comes to finding

  your niche. Many young ponies in Equestria yearn to discover

  that special something that makes them unique and allows them

  to stand out in the crowd. Once they discover their true calling, a

  symbol known as a cutie mark magically appears on each ponies’

  hindquarters. Not all cutie marks are as literal as others, and many

  of them are simply meant to represent a positive feeling that the

  pony radiates to the world. But the road to finding one’s true talent

  can be very frustrating for an anxious pony with a blank flank who’s

  waiting patiently to bloom.

  Before cutie marks appear, ponies must seek out life experiences

  so they can truly discover who they are and what their calling may

  be. It’s important for them to try different things, put themselves

  in other ponies’ hooves, and keep on learning as much as they can.

  There’s no set age when cutie marks appear; they might come right

  away or years down the road. The key to

  unlocking a pony’s true potential remains

  a mystery. But any elder pony will tell

  young ponies that even though the

  wait for a cutie mark may be difficult,

  it’s more about the journey than the


  Scootaloo concept art

  by Lauren Faust

  “It’s not too hard to

  describe what an animal

  character might be feeling or

  trying to communicate in a script;

  the real challenge is up to the

  storyboard artists and the animators

  to make sure the emotions are

  coming through in the expressions

  and body language.”

  — Lauren Faust,

  show creator

  ZECORA is a zebra who uses her

  ancient magic to cast healing spells

  from her enclave deep within the

  Everfree Forest. The ponies of

  Ponyville once believed her to

  be an enchantress who

  wielded the darkest of

  magic, but after admitting

  that they’d misjudged her,

  they befriended Zecora and

  often rely on her wisdom.

  Featured in “Bridle Gossip,” “Cutie

  Pox,” “Luna Eclipsed,” “Magic Duel.”


  was supposed to

  be a second mentor to

  Twilight. I created her so

  that whenever the ponies had

  an adventure that needed a lot

  of explanation in the setup, they

  would have Zecora for a quick and

  simple source for exposition. (In

  fact, there was a scene where she

  did just that in the pilot, but it had

  to be cut for time.) Things just

  didn’t pan out that way as we

  made the episodes.”

  — Lauren Faust,

  show creator


  the wise and proud leader of the

  buffalo tribe that sought to reclaim

  Appleloosa from its pony settlers

  and repurpose it as a traditional

  stampeding ground. With the help

  of a young and agile buffalo named

  LITTLE STRONGHEART, the tribe was able to

  come to an agreement with the ponies, allowing

  them both to share the orchard.

  Featured in “Over a Barrel.”

  CRANKY DOODLE DONKEY may be a crotchety

  old grouch who’s reluctant to loosen up, but

  all that changed when the sweet-natured

  MATILDA came around. Matilda met the cranky

  mule at the Grand Galloping Gala, where he began

  courting her as his “special friend.” Matilda is the

  only one who’s allowed to call him by the nickname


  Featured in “A Friend in Deed.”

  IRON WILL is a muscle-bound minotaur who

  travels throughout Equestria as an inspirational

  speaker. He loves using his positive mantras

  and high-octane energy to get ponies up and

  moving. Iron Will has an enormous ego and

  often refers to himself in the third person

  because he loves to hear his own name.

  Featured in “Putting Your Hoof Down.”

  GUSTAVE LE GRAND is a boastful griffon baker

  who believed his treasured éclairs would win

  first place at the National Dessert Competition.

  Gustave had some stiff competition from

  MULIA MILD and her famous “mousse

  moose,” not to mention DONUT JOE and his

  mini city made of donuts known as


  Featured in “MMMystery on the

  Friendship Express.”

  MANNY ROAR, a manticore, is an intimidating sight with his lion’s

  mane, scorpion’s tail, and scaly wings, but this angry beast can be all

  bark and no bite, especially when he is shown a little bit of kindness.

  Featured in “Friendship is Magic, Part 2.”

  STEVEN MAGNET, the sea serpent of the river,

  is quite a testy fellow. When Nightmare Moon

  cut off part of his mustache, he went into a tizzy.

  Thankfully, Rarity used her magic to solve the

  problem, and in return the sea serpent offered

  himself as a much-needed bridge to the other side.

  Featured in “Friendship is Magic, Part 2.”

  Manticore development

  art by Lynne Naylor





  Animal Friends

  Fluttershy thinks ANGEL the bunny is just as cute

  as can be! But looks can be deceiving, because he’s

  always keeping her on her toes with his bossy,

  demanding, and childish ways.

  Featured in “Putting Your Hoof Down.”

  WINONA is Applejack’s loyal work dog who

  absolutely adores helping her herd the flock.

  Featured in “Just for Sidekicks,” “The Last Roundup.”

  Be careful what you put in front of GUMMY,

  because he’s likely to grab it! But don’t blame

  Pinkie Pie’s pet alligator so quickly. He doesn’t

  mean any harm; it’s just his nature.

  Featured in “Just for Sidekicks,” “Party of One.”

  OPALESCENCE, or Opal for short, may seem fluffy

  and sweet, but that’s only when she’s manipulating

  her owner, Rarity. This feisty little kitty has been

  known to hiss when she doesn’t get her way!

  Featured in “Just for Sidekicks,” “Suited for Success.”

  “I do think Angel Bunny is one of the most

  conniving and willful characters on the show. He has

  Fluttershy completely under his cute little paw!”

  —Jim Miller, storyboard supervisor

  On the outside, PHILOMENA seemed like a poor,

  suffering, and squawking old bird, but Princess

  Celestia’s pet had a secret. After losing her feathers

  and bursting into flames, she transformed herself

  into a beautiful

  Featured in “A Bird in the Hoof.”

  A PHOENIX is a mystical bird that

  sheds its feathers and is reborn in an

  explosion of brilliant flames.

  Featured in “A Bird in the Hoof,” “Dragon Quest.”

  OWLOWISCIOUS is Twilight Sparkle’s

  adopted pet owl. At first, Twilight’s assistant,

  Spike, thought he faced some stiff competition

  when Owlowiscious appeared, but he quickly

  realized that the bright-eyed bird was just being

  his regular helpful self.

  Featured in “Just for Sidekicks,” “Owl’s Well That Ends Well.”

  Rainbow Dash assumed the little tortoise

  known as TANK was boring and slow, and

  could never be as exciting as she was—until

  he heroically saved her from a rock slide!

  Now she’s proud to call him her pet!

  Featured in “Just for Sidekicks,” “May the Best Pet Win!”

  PEEWEE became Spike’s pet when he hatched from a

  phoenix egg! A group of bad dragons tried to persuade

  Spike to smash the egg when he found it, but thankfully

  he didn’t. Now he and Peewee are the best of friends.

  Featured in “Dragon Quest.”

  Character concept art

  by Lauren Faust

  “I’m quite

  partial to Applejack’s

  canine pal, Winona. She

  reminds me a lot of my own dog,

  Ripley, who just might be the

  best dog in the world!”

  —Jim Miller, storyboard


  “Gummy is my

  favorite. The idea of a toothless

  pet alligator is gold.”

  —Ridd Sorensen, art director

  “While it’s always

  nice to see someone

  learn from their mistakes, I do

  enjoy having a few villains remain

  villainous and never change. As a fan

  of comic books, I do love when certain

  exciting baddies return time and again

  to vex our heroes. There are always new

  and interesting things that happen

  when we get to further explore their


  —Jim Miller, storyboard


  NIGHTMARE MOON is the maleficent alter

  ego of Princess Luna. In the dark form of

  Nightmare Moon, Luna is consumed with

  spite and enjoys manipulating unwilling

  ponies to do her bidding. Imprisoned in the

  moon, Nightmare Moon became even more

  dangerous when she escaped.

  Featured in “Friendship is Magic, Parts 1 & 2.”

  Nightmare Moon concept

  art by Lynne Naylor

  “I really enjoyed

  working with Rebecca Dart in creating

  Queen Chrysalis . . . though all I had to do was

  approve the amazing design!”

  —Ridd Sorensen, art director

  QUEEN CHRYSALIS is the shape-shifting

  leader of the changelings, a vicious group of

  creatures who are bent on destruction and

  mayhem. The queen even tried to take over Canterlot by using her

  powers to impersonate Princess Cadance and destroy the kingdom.

  Featured in “A Canterlot Wedding, Parts 1 & 2.”

  CHANGELINGS are grotesque shape-shifting

  ponies who can morph their bodies into anything.

  These frightening creatures have fangs as well as

  insect features and translucent wings designed to

  scare even the bravest pony into submission.

  Featured in “A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2.”

  KING SOMBRA ruled the Crystal Empire thousands of years ago

  but was banished and turned to shadow. Before he disappeared, the

  snarling black-hearted monster made the kingdom disappear and

  destroyed hope and love in the process. He recently returned but was

  thwarted by Twilight Sparkle and her pony friends.

  Featured in “The Crystal Empire, Parts 1 & 2.”

  “The most underestimated villain on the show

  would easily have to be King Sombra. I think, if given the chance,

  he could do some serious damage throughout Equestria.”

  — Ishi Ruddell, animation director

  Discord concept art

  by Lauren Faust

  DISCORD is a draconequus, a rare beast with a pony head and a

  body comprised of many nasty creatures. He was once imprisoned

  in stone by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna but escaped, only

  to be defeated by the power of friendship. He’s since reformed and

  struggles to keep out of trouble since he knows that Twilight Sparkle

  and her friends would use the Elements of Harmony against him if

  he ever unleashed chaos.

  Featured in “The Return of Harmony, Parts 1 & 2,” “Keep Calm and Flutter On.”

  “I don’t think I’d want to

  reform all of our villains. I don’t think that

  would be realistic. No matter how hard you try, some people

  (or evil alicorns) just aren’t going to change their ways. But for a

  character like Discord, ‘reforming’ him allows us to tell new stories

  with his character. He gets to be the not-always-reliable ally

  instead of the known enemy.”

  —Meghan McCarthy, story editor

  “Every character has room to grow and

  learn from their mistakes, and a good villain will still

  have a sense of humanity that can be related to. Otherwise they are

  just ‘bad for bad’s sake’ and cannot be identified with. Not every villain

  we’ve had on the show has had a heart (that we’ve seen yet), but it’s nice

  when we can work it in; it helps the viewer care about them . . . even

  when they’re bad.”

  — Jayson Thiessen, supervising director

  The traveling magician TRIXIE believes

  she’s quite superior to other ponies and

  has been known to exaggerate her abilities

  from time to time. Recently, the Great and

  Powerful Trixie became remorseful once

  she was shown the error of her evil ways.

  Featured in “Boast Busters,” “Magic Duel.”

  GILDA is a mythical griffon, a creature with the

  head and wings of an eagle and the body of a

  lion! She was once friends with Rainbow Dash

  and loved good old-fashioned pranks. But Gilda’s

  insecurities about being seen as cool caused her

  to fall out of favor with her friend.

  Featured in “Griffon the Brush Off.”

  Gilda concept art

  by Lauren Faust

  “I particularly enjoyed writing

  Flim and Flam. They are villains, but they are

  designed to be charming and disorienting. They speak very

  quickly. They finish each other’s sentences. They’re in constant

  motion. Everything they do is designed to dazzle and confuse people, so

  they can shake your hand while they’re stealing your wallet. You can see their

  charm in action when the song ends and Apple Bloom is 100 percent ready to take

  their deal. This is the reaction the brothers are used to. In the midst of the song,

  one of the brothers confuses Applejack enough that she agrees to give them some

  apples for their demonstration. And when you’re writing characters like

  that, their energy and optimism infuses the actual writing. I wrote that

  episode very quickly b
ecause their dialogue flew through my

  head as fast as it appears on-screen.”

  — Mitch Larsen, writer

  The FLIM FLAM BROTHERS are a pair of

  salespony tricksters who travel from town

  to town, using song and dance to trick ponies

  into buying their wares. But it’s all just a

  sham—the Unicorn duo are often run right

  out of town when their faulty products and

  shady tricks are revealed!

  Featured in “The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.”

  The DIAMOND DOGS, known as FIDO,

  ROVER, and SPOT, may be big and

  brutish, but don’t be fooled, because

  these canines aren’t very bright. If you

  ever find yourself up against them,

  don’t despair; their thirst for shiny

  gemstones makes them easily trickable.

  Featured in “A Dog and Pony Show.”

  GARBLE is the teenage leader of a gang of

  fire-breathing dragons who challenged Spike to a series

  of trials to test his mettle. But these bad-natured

  bullies didn’t take into account Spike’s friends, who

  defended him using the power of friendship!

  Featured in “Dragon Quest.”

  “Because we are writing for children,

  I think it is important for some villains to learn

  from their mistakes. Kids need to see that bullies and bad

  guys can change if given the chance. Sometimes kids may see these

  characteristics in other kids they know or even in themselves. If they

  then see that a villain can have a change of heart, then maybe

  they can implement that in their own lives.”

  —Amy Keating Rogers, writer

  Other Beasts

  Deep within the Everfree Forest live

  the dangerous TIMBERWOLVES! Few

  venture into the green so as not to come

  face-to-face with its dark protectors.

  It’s been said that the howl of the

  timberwolf is the first sign of the yearly zap apple harvest.

  Featured in “Family Appreciation Day,” “Spike at Your Service.”

  The COCKATRICE is a rare beast that has the head

  of a chicken and the body of a snake. But don’t stare

  at this creature for too long, because one glance

  from the cockatrice can turn a pony to stone!


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