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My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic: The Official Guidebook

Page 5

by Brandon T. Snider

  A few of the villains have seen the error of their ways as the show has progressed. How important is it for these antagonists to grow and learn from their mistakes?

  [Nightmare Moon’s] reformation was integral to the plot of the pilot. For me, a lot of that story was extremely metaphorical. The Elements of Harmony were also the Elements of Friendship (a line that got cut), and I needed to think of something friendship would fix. I thought of the jealousy born of feeling ignored and left in someone’s shadow. I thought that if we knew someone who was hurting that way, showing them friendship, showing them that they were loved and valued, would be the cure. Nightmare Moon was effectively blasted with a gigantic friendship cannon (as silly as that sounds!), and the love from that lifted her jealousy long enough for her to reconcile with her sister and regain her true form.

  I think there’s a double-edged sword to reforming villains. It’s good to see them come around, because it shows us that people can change and that if you find yourself making a mistake, you yourself can change and be forgiven. However, I also feel it’s actually important to show some villains remain villainous. Unfortunately, in this world, we run into people who will continue

  to hurt us no matter how much kindness we show them. It’s realistic to show that this can happen and that it is best to cut abusive people out of our lives— like Rainbow Dash did with Gilda.

  Which villain was the most fun for you to develop?

  Discord was by far the villain who was the most fun to develop. By the time we were tasked with that episode, we felt some of the concerns over making the episodes too scary or confusing for our target audience were lifting. (For instance, Nightmare Moon was originally named Discord, but the name was rejected for fear children would not know what it meant.) I really held back on Nightmare Moon’s frightening factor in the first two-parter, but it seemed less of a worry twenty-six episodes in, so we really went for it when it was time to make Discord.

  When creating the visuals for these villain characters, were you looking to cast a balance between the light of the ponies and the darkness of their enemies?

  I can’t really say that was what our intention was. In fact, to address early concerns of frightening kids with villains and monsters, I tried to undercut the scariness by making Nightmare Moon beautiful, the manticore kind of cuddly, and the sea serpent silly. Early art of dragons depicted them as graceful and elegant. I always wanted there to be a sense of visual appeal to all the villains and monsters, avoiding anything gruesome or disturbing.

  Who would you say is the most underestimated villain on the show and why?

  I’d say Trixie. Jealousy is what transformed Luna into Nightmare Moon. I think Trixie’s jealousy could have festered in her and made her a larger threat than she was. I think she has a huge amount of potential for becoming a significant villain.

  Many of the creatures in My Little Pony are based on Greek mythology. What prompted that choice?

  Incorporating Greek mythology into the show just seemed natural to me. Having Unicorns and Pegasi in the world of My Little Pony automatically opened the door to classic mythology—both European and Greek. Pegasi, in particular, are derived specifically from the Greek myth of Perseus’s winged

  horse, whose name was Pegasus. I wanted a recognizable, classic fantasy world, and Greek mythology is a well-known and abundant source for it.

  Are there any characters that began as something quite different from what they ended up being on the show?

  I originally intended for Twilight to struggle with the pressure she imposed on herself as Celestia’s top student. I had hoped to show her biggest motivation for studying was to try to live up to what she believed Celestia expected of her and, as a result, Twilight had an occasional insecurity complex to deal with. I think the pressure to be perfect is very relatable to girls, and I thought seeing a character struggle with it and learn from it could be helpful and comforting. We touched on it a little in [the episode] “Lesson Zero.” In the end, Celestia would know that Twilight’s talents would come to light with patience and support, and Twilight would learn that trusting her instincts and going with the flow a bit more would make her a better student and better leader.

  Luna was intended to have a lingering issue with Celestia. I wanted her to be a bigger part of Season One, but I worried about pushback for her “darkness” in the beginning. I meant for her to still need to learn how to feel good about herself in her sister’s shadow, a lesson I thought could be valuable for girls with older siblings.

  Who is your favorite animal pet on the show and why?

  It’s close between Opal and Angel. They both have so much personality. But I think Angel wins for being unexpected and funny.

  Spike is unique in that he’s one of the few nonpony main characters. How do you approach writing him and his struggles as opposed to the ponies?

  I envisioned Spike as the sensitive little boy who has a lot of sisters and just seems to get along better with girls. I also imagined that he’s much younger than the ponies and has a little bit of the vibe of a little brother who wants to

  My Little Pony concept

  art by Lauren Faust

  be included but can’t really keep up. He’s an outsider, and I think he feels it a little even though the ponies love and include him.

  Each Element represents a positive quality a character should possess. What prompted you to choose these specific qualities?

  It was quite a challenge, actually! When I was writing the pilot, I knew I had to come up with traits that defined friendship, but the trick was that these traits also had to be legitimately descriptive of the specific characters. Laughter and Kindness for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were obvious, but it took time for me to find an iconic friendly quality for Rainbow Dash, a character who I saw initially as self-absorbed and rather irresponsible. But Loyalty suited her well and brought out her positive traits. Rarity was the toughest. Originally, I chose Inspiration for her, since she’s an artist, but others felt it was too much of a thinker, especially for kids. I’m so happy I found Generosity for her. It made me draw that aspect of her character out more in subsequent episodes, and I think that really helped pull her away from the stereotypical, unlikable debutante.

  Are the Elements finite, or is there room for expansion?

  I consider them finite. Three used to be wielded by Celestia, and three by Luna. I don’t know what the new writers have in store for them. Though I had toyed with the idea of opposing Elements of Discord . . .

  As we’ve seen, there aren’t always musical numbers in each episode. What makes an episode song-worthy?

  A song has to be integral to the plot. If it doesn’t push the story forward, it’s just fluff. For me, I always looked for instances where a lot of explaining needed to be done. Exposition, where characters are just talking about important information, can get extremely tedious. Getting the information across in a song adds a lot of extra entertainment value to something that would otherwise be boring to explain. I think “Winter Wrap Up” is a perfect example of this sort of song. I also think if there’s something we want the audience to feel extremely excited about, a song is warranted as well. “The Grand Galloping Gala” in [the episode] “The Best Night Ever” seems so much more amazing in song than it ever would have been if the ponies were just discussing it.

  “Winter Wrap Up” is still the most special song to me. It was our first big number and opened my eyes to all the potential of what music could bring to this show.

  What’s your process when creating a song? For example, does the script get written first, or the songs?

  The script is written first. Many, but not all, of the writers will find a preexisting song that they feel has the tone or feeling they want to achieve and base the structure of their lyrics on that. Then the song goes to [composer] Daniel Ingram. I’m not sure if he utilizes the writers’ reference for inspiration or not. He’ll adjust the lyrics to fit his tune if he has to.

  What is
one thing that fans might not know about Equestria?

  The ruins in the Everfree Forest where the Elements of Harmony were found were once Luna and Celestia’s childhood home. It used to be part of Equestria, but the magical, uncontrollable forest encroached on it and they had to move their home to Canterlot. Perhaps the Everfree Forest is still creeping over the borders of Equestria . . .

  February 2013

  Dress designs for

  “Suited for Success”

  by Lauren Faust


  writing songs, I like

  to start with the lyrics. The

  rhythm of the spoken words usually

  gives me ideas for the melody. Then, as

  I get writing and have a theme, sometimes

  I’ll tweak and rework the lyrics to suit the

  ideal musical phrases. I believe a great song

  should be singable and playable in its most basic

  form, so I like to start with just the tune and the

  chords. It’s like building the frame of a house

  before putting in the walls, plumbing, and

  decorations. I know that if the song sounds

  good as a piano demo, it will sound great

  when it’s fully produced with all

  the rest of the instruments.”

  — Daniel Ingram,


  Season 1

  Song: “Laughter Song”

  Episode: “Friendship is Magic, Part 2”

  Lyrics by Lauren Faust

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  Oh, girls, don’t you see…?

  When I was a little filly

  and the sun was going down…


  Tell me she’s not…


  The darkness and the shadows,

  they would always make me frown.…


  She is.


  I’d hide under my pillow

  from what I thought I saw,

  but Grammy Pie said that wasn’t the way

  to deal with fears at all!


  Then what is?


  She said, Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall.

  Learn to face your fears.

  You’ll see that they can’t hurt you;

  just laugh to make them disappear!






  Giggle at the ghostly.

  Guffaw at the grossly.…




  Crack up at the creepy.…




  Whoop it up with the weepy.…




  Chortle at the kooky.…




  Snortle at the spoooky.…




  Tell that big, dumb, scary face

  to take a hike and leave you alone,

  and if he thinks he can scare you,

  then he’s got another thing coming

  and the very idea of such a thing

  just makes you wanna—HAAAAAAAA-HA-





  Song: “Gala Fantasy Song”

  Episode: “The Ticket Master”

  Lyrics by Lauren Faust

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  It’s the most amazing-incredible-




  EQUESTRIA! I’ve always, always,

  ALWAYS wanted to go!

  Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala

  is the best place for me.

  Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala

  is the best place for me.

  Hip hip hooray, it’s the best place for me,

  for Pinkie!

  With decorations, like streamers and fairy

  lights and pinwheels and piñatas and


  With goodies, like sugar cubes and

  sugarcanes and sundaes and sunbeams

  and sarsaparilla.

  And I get to play my favoritest of favorite

  fantabulous games, like Pin the Tail on the


  Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala

  is the best place for me.

  Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala

  is the best place for me.

  Cause it’s the most galloprific, superly

  terrific gala ever in the whole galaxy!


  Song: “Birthday Song”

  Episode: “The Ticket Master”

  Lyrics by Lauren Faust

  Music by Daniel Ingram




  Twilight is my bestest friend,

  whoopee, whoopee.…




  She’s the cutest, smartest,

  all-around best pony, pony.…




  I bet if I throw a super-duper fun

  par-tee, par-tee…




  She’ll give her extra ticket to the Gala

  to meeeeeeeeeee!

  Song: “Winter Wrap Up Song”

  Episode: “Winter Wrap Up”

  Lyrics by Cindy Morrow

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  Three months of winter coolness

  and awesome holidays.


  We’ve kept our hoofsies warm at home,

  time off from work to plaaaaaay!


  But the food we’ve stored is

  runnin’ out

  and we can’t grow in this cold.


  And even though I looove my boots

  this fashion’s getting old!


  The time has come to welcome spring

  and all things warm and green.

  But it’s also time to say good-bye.

  It’s winter. We must clean!

  How can I help? I’m new, you see.

  What does everypony do?

  How do I fit in without magic?

  I haven’t got a clue!


  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  Let’s finish our holiday cheer.

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!


  Bringing home the southern birds,

  a Pegasus job begins,

  and clearing all the gloomy skies

  to let the sunshine in.

  We move the clouds and

  we melt the white snow.

  When the sun comes up,

  its warmth and beauty will glow.


  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  Let’s finish our holiday cheer.

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  Little critters hibernate

  under the snow and ice.

  We wake up all their sleepy heads,

  so quietly and nice!

  We help them gather up their food,

  fix their homes below.

  We welcome back the southern birds

  so their families can grow!


  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  Let’s finish our holiday cheer.

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!


  No easy task to clear the ground,

  plant our tiny seeds.

  With proper care and sunshine,

  everyone it feeds!

  Apples, carrots, celery stalks,

  colorful flowers, too.

  We must work so very hard.

  It’s just so much to do!


  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  Let’s finish our holiday cheer.

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!


  Now that I know what they all do,

  I have to find my place

  and help with all of my heart.

  Tough task ahead I face!

  How will I do without my magic?

  Help the Earth pony way?

  I want to belong, so I must

  do my best today!

  Do my best today!


  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  Let’s finish our holiday cheer.

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  Winter wrap-up! Winter wrap-up!


  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!

  ’Cause tomorrow spring is here!


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