The Sphere: The Phantom of the West Rim
Page 3
“Huff, huff, who are you?” asked Rey while he seized all the breath he could as if he had just ran away.
“Shhh!”, The mysterious figure warned him once again.
“Why? What?”
"That’s why, run!" shouted the mysterious figure.
Suddenly something on his hand glow brightly. A crystal ball it seems and it flared in a bright green light. Now he could see clearly that mysterious figure. His apparel was like dessert nomad with dark blue turban covering his face, and a dagger tucked on his waist. They’re running fast, no direction and nowhere to go except just to run away from the frightful roar. Sometimes they got stumbled. Rey even scratched on the shoulder by a stalactite which sharply stretched down. But they seemed doesn’t care about it. They kept running and running, for the growl sounds drew closer to them.
Suddenly the mysterious figure halted as he found the branching way. Then he looks left and right.
“This way!” cried the mysterious figure as he took the road on the right. Rey don’t have a choice except to follow him.
The cave looks grew brighter and wider now. There and there he saw a shaft of light pierced the cave roofs at random and glimmered on the walls and arid ground. While running he looked back and he saw the shadow chasing them behind – a blackness which crawling fast on the cave wall with the shape like serpent, and seemed it wasn’t only one, for he saw three shadows of them at the same time.
The growl turned into roar and the wind blew hot behind them. Suddenly there’s a burst of flame surged toward them. But the flame didn’t catch them only kindled the cave in brief red light. Rey glance back while running to see what it was but he got stumbled.
The shaft of light suddenly faded and the darkness crept before him. The ground seems trembled and there, as he lied on the ground he saw something moved behind the shadows. What it was he couldn’t see it clearly; it was black and blends with the shadows, blotched with red bright mark like shape of lightning that shone red among the blackness. And huge eyes of serpent gazed at him behind the shadows.
He stared at it and paused in dreadful feeling. Then with a sudden it is appearing out of the shadows. It was a dragon, black and old like a remnant of ancient world. The neck was long with vein blazing red as if flame flows through it. Great horns like grew from the head, but it wasn’t horn, rather it was bony plate of the head which ruggedly shaped like petrified flame.
“No time for amazed.” cried mysterious figure as he pulled him to run.
The path they passed now seems plain but slightly sloping downward. And they heard faint sound of stream, far and hidden, that he couldn’t found it but little flows of it dripping on the moss-covered wall and soaked the ground beneath them.
The exit was seen now, a white light at the end of the way. But suddenly the wind blows once again behind them, but now no heat of flame they felt in the wind instead it was bitter cold stung their skin. Soon the white frost rapidly crept on the cave as if there’s sudden blizzard blew inside the cave, and at once the whole place turned into an ice tunnel to their feet slipped.
Rey screaming loud, either fear or excitement he felt, for he glide down at high speed. On the other side the mysterious figure looked at the exit with eyes wide open. He immediately unsheathed a dagger from his waist with hand trying to catch Rey.
For a moment Rey was glad looked at the white light at the end of their way. He laughed with joy in his scream, for he will get out of the dark cave and especially escape from the creature which hunted them now. But then, beside him, the mysterious figure sticks his dagger to the ground suddenly and one hand caught him as he slid out of the cave.
The laughter of joy turned into hysterical scream now, for he found there’s nothing under his feet but the land which looks shrunk in the height. The cave lies high in the mountain wall, formed by nature in the rocky cliff. Yet the works of men was there at the entrance, old and ruined. Old balusters lined along there – but few had broken, with old ropes tore and hanging on them.
“Hold on!” said the mysterious figure. “Can you get the rope?!”
“I’ll try.”
Rey then stretched his hand to reach the rope, and after few times fingered the rope he finally grabbed it. He pulled it many times to make sure that it was safe. Hardly he climb up with strong gust of wind blowing like want to drag him fall. But then, a hand caught him and pulled him up. Then they rested themselves leaning on the baluster and take a breath as many as they can.
“Hard trip isn’t it?”
Rey just nodded in his weariness.
“Better go on the beach next time. Sand, ocean, and the girl with …”
“Not again. Jump!” shouted mysterious figure.
“What?! Are you mad?”
“Just jump!” said mysterious figure. He kicked Rey to aside till he slid and fall, and then he jumped to follow him.
There’s some frightful feeling pressed his stomach as if an angel of death sitting on it, waiting him hit the ground to take his life. And behold! Above him the mysterious figure dive down toward him and to his surprise a black figure of him suddenly stretched into a greater shadow. An eagle it was, greater than any eagle he had seen before and with piercing cries he stooping down and swept him like catching a prey. Then into the high blue they’re soaring.
Rey looked up and stunned, right above him he saw great shape of the bird, dark and powerfully built with wings stretching against the winds. Amazement overwhelmed his fear which for a moment he forgot that he was grabbed in sharp black talon, in the hold of great hunter of the sky.
Just then a roar came again from the mountain, so powerful that it filled the sky. And with that a great shadow out of the dark hollow of the mountain. For a moment it wheeled over the mountain and then roughly it smote the mountain to alight and perched with four legs deeply gripping the rock. Grand was the size of it and mighty it looks as the lord of the winged dragon. But he was surprised beyond his thought and imagination to see the true form of the dragon. Indeed he had saw the face of dragon inside the cave but he never seen the whole of it, for grew of that mighty body was three heads of the dragon. Long necked they were and wrath was on all their faces like they have shared same anger. One on the right looked up at the sky and blew a black smoke from his mouth, one roaring to below while one on the center gazed at them with rage.
The wings of demon vastly stretched and with sudden jolt it leaped to fly and chasing them. Very swift it was in the sky that it doesn’t need long time to follow them behind. Their rage blazed in their flame and their frost show no remorse. But even with flame and frost attacked them aggressively, yet the last head of the dragon in the center gave no assault, only vein in the neck glow brightly.
Slowly the dragon opened his mouth and he caught a glimpse of light in its throat. It roared and with that he heard something like sound of crack in the air, or sound of clap it might be.
“Errr, Mr. Eagle. I saw something!”
The giant eagle glanced back and he saw the light on the throat glowing brighter as if some power gathering there and grew stronger.
“Hold on tight!” The eagle spoke in human’s speech, yet his voice was hoarse and piercing like voice of the bird of prey.
He swerved down suddenly with wings folded into the livid forest below. Just then the dragon unleashed a beam of light, so bright and powerful and bold that it was like pillar of lightning spearing into the earth. The air shaken with growling sounds of thunder, and the forest cracked and flickered by the great blast of lightning.
The forest destroyed into round area and above there the mighty dragon hovering in the sky, straight with black wings waves proudly, and all three thrumming watching the sky and land. But then they spotted something flew over the livid forest.
Slowly the eagle flying and unsteadily, and very low that Rey in his hold was brushed by leaves of the forest. And black smoke was about him, but it wasn’t a smoke
he seen, rather it was like the eagle himself going faded. The beak and talons like faded into dust, and the feathers and the leg which grabbed him were spread by the winds like paper burnt. And suddenly the eagle bursts into black mist and of it two boys were falling down. But luck seemed on their side, for branches and leaves hold their fall till both of them landed on the ground with their live, although not well enough.
Now they lay flat on the ground looked at falling leaves. They’re weary and in pain. And as they thought the danger had passed, they heard the sound of the roar and the woods above them flickered in red flames.
“Get up! Get up! Get up!”
Into the shadows of the forest they fled. All the trees were dark and old, and above them were thick and dense that no light could pierce them. But somehow the dragon knew where they were, knew where they go and ran, for the thrumming sound of them like overshadowing above. But at least the forest saved them; none of their flame or ice could pierce it to the ground.
Suddenly they caught a glimpse of light from above, so bright that it beat the light of the sun and pierce the gloomy forest. For a moment they halted, looked above and hope that it wasn’t as their thought.
“Come on!”
There they ran again, dreadful and hopeless, for they knew they only had a little chance to escape from it once again. They moved and ran only to survive to the end.
Suddenly Rey stumbled with his foot stuck on the root. The mysterious figure turned and helped him. Just then the light above grew brighter and faintly they heard rumbling sound of thunder in the air.
“Just run!” said Rey.
“Sorry, can’t afford that.”
The mysterious figure unsheathed the dagger and cut the root. But it was late. Beyond the forest the dragon unleash the beam of light towards them. All becomes bright that it was like the gates of afterworld have opened for them.
All of sudden, out of nowhere, a man leapt down and stood behind them, a lightning spearing from the sky he greets with a bare hand. And behold! In his hand the lightning broke, scattered into brush discharge – a brush of little flash and harmless. Around them the gloomy forest now turned into spectacle of light as if they’re inside plasma globe.
Both of them turned around immediately to see the one who saved their life. A tall and black figure he was, and his face covered by the shadows of his hood but his gray hair lengthen from the neck to waist. Blue flame was in his left hand and the last sparks of lightning still remains in his arm. Then he stared at the sky and whispered in soft voice. A moment later they heard thrumming sound of the dragons but it seemed get fainter like the dragon leave away.
Those boys get up with joy and glad, and they immediately approached the black-hooded man with thankful.
“Thank you for your ...”
Have not finished his word yet, suddenly the black-hooded man attacked them with the lightning which still remains in his hand. They’re repelled and stunned till fainted. But before he lost his consciousness, faintly Rey saw the black-hooded man walked away, leaving them in the dark forest as if he had no concern about them at all whereas few moments ago he saved their life.
Chapter 4
A Boy of the Volk Tribe
Rey half opened his eyes and vaguely he saw a fire kindled on the pile of the wood. How long he was fainted he doesn’t know but all around him was dark, the winds blowing cold and night greeted him with eerie silence. The only thing he heard just sounds of nocturnal flying above the trees and the faint growl that spreads among the shadows of the forest.
“You’re awake?!" Said voice behind him, heavy and horrific it sounds like the beast of the winter night.
Slowly he turned around and to his surprise he found a big wolf stood behind him, gazing him with flame gleamed in the eyes. Huge the wolf was, about seven-feet tall with two fangs sticking out at the muzzle. Fur and hair on the head was thicker and darker, and a flat-curved horn grew at the forehead as if there’s bone dagger rise of it. The wolf grinning, drooling and get the muzzle closer to him.
Rey want to run but he was so frightened to his legs numbed. He just moved back, stepped with hand, stomped to nothing and screamed like a mad.
“Hey ... hey ... it's me! Don’t you recognize me?”
Suddenly the big wolf turned into a young boy. He was slightly taller than Rey and looks bit athletic, lean muscle and tan skinned. His hair was spiky and as black as the darkness surround. His face was oval and for some way he always looks like squinting with his thick exotic brows but somehow Rey felt a friendly glow in those dark eyes. Both face and stature shows that his age isn’t much different from Rey, maybe a year older than him.
“No I don’t.”
“Well, how about this?”
The boy then veiled his face with dark blue turban, and so he remembered about the mysterious figure whom he met in the cave.
“You, but how …?” asked Rey wondered.
Suddenly the boy transforms again into a big horned-wolf.
"You mean like this?" said the wolf in heavy voice. “Get closer! Don’t afraid!”
Rey get up slowly and get himself closer with the huge beast, doubtfully and worried. Then he touched the wolf with the feeling of qualm, fears and awe fell on him as he touched his thick fur and sharp fangs.
“Oh I forgot to give my name. I am Aska Talvar of the Talvar Clan of the North Volk Tribe, and you?”
“Reyhan, Reyhan Andrea Firdaus, but people called me Rey.”
“That’s the weird name I ever heard, where are you come from actually? Namtar? Tajar?” asked Aska
“I’m from Cibadut.” answered Rey.
“Cibadut? I’ve never heard of it before. Is your place far away across continent?” asked Aska.
“Well, Cibadut is a small town located in the southeast of Jakarta?”
“I’m get more confused of what you said.” said Aska. “You’re really strange person.” he continued.
“If I may know, how did you transform into anim … I mean these shape.”
“I told you I’m from Volk Tribe, did you never heard about us?”
“No I didn’t. In fact this is the first time I met a horned-wolf and speak with it, and so that three-headed dragon.”
"You're really odd for someone with reading glasses. Zimeth was being fairly well known, even the children know about that three-headed dragon though they never see them clearly as we did few hours ago.” said Aska look wondered by the boy in front of him, however with his form as a huge wolf he looks like want to devour him “Then how did you get in the cave?”
“I don’t know. What I know there’s a black crystal ball and somehow it suddenly glowing then the next thing I knew was I lied unconscious in the cave.”
“Crystal ball? Glowing?” said Aska, at once he transformed back into human form.
Then he took off a bracelet from his wrist. It was wooden bracelet and attached on it was three crystal balls with green hue like color of emerald and their size was same like the one belong to Rey. He detached one of it and shows it to him. “Is yours look like this?”
“Yes, it is.” replied Rey “What is this anyway?”
“This is called Sphere, a crystal orb that could grant us the ability of ‘sentient’.”
“All living beings on the planet Spheria, we call it sentient. They live on Spheria, countless number of species with untold various kind of abilities. Through Sphere we can take use of their physical and magical abilities.” said Aska.
Rey then examine that green Sphere, not only different in color but also something inside. If the crystal ball which belong to him there was a black-hole like – which is now disappeared, then inside the green crystal ball belongs to Aska there was a mini-creature. The little creature doesn’t move at all like a little animal frozen in tree sap. He was familiar with the creature inside the Sphere, for he saw it recently. No doubt it was the giant eagle that brought him to fly moments ago. And not only that eagl
e, he also saw a miniature of the horned-wolf and bulky wingless dragon which sealed in both Spheres on his bracelet. At the moment he thought that the boy before him had the ability to take shape of every being which sealed inside the Sphere.
“What's inside the crystal ball ... I mean the Sphere actually?”
“This is what we called sentient, in sealed state like this it’s nothing more than ornament in the crystal ball, but in its original state, it has the same shape and size of what you see of me but wild and dangerous. Suppose you found the real Amarok and not me, your finger would be stuck in the fangs by now.” said Aska, “Is yours like this? What sentient sealed inside?”
“No, mine was black with a light of stars inside, though it had been like this now.” said Rey as he showing his black Sphere.
“It’s very weird I’ve never seen any black Sphere before. Besides, it’s impossible to use Sphere which has no sentient sealed inside.”
“Because Sphere just a medium to use the sentient abilities. Without any sentient sealed inside, it was nothing more than just crystal ball for home decors.”
“I don’t know about that. What I know is this black sphere suddenly glowing and next thing I knew I was in the dark cave.”
“Maybe it's a new kind of Mecha-Sphere.” said Aska as he turned back the black Sphere with little curiosity. “You'd better keep it carefully, this black Sphere brought you here if you lose it you probably can’t go back to … well, wherever you came from."
“That’s just come to my mind.” said Rey. He immediately keep his Sphere in his pocket, can’t imagine if he lost it and can’t go back to his world.
Once again he transformed into Amarok. The big wolf then oversee the surrounding, his eyes gaze at every corners of dark woods with muzzle pointed to the air to sniff out any danger that might drew closer to them. But all was silent and there’s no sign or sound of any danger that close to them. It looks like they could pass the night safely.
“Better to sleep now. Tomorrow we’ll leave the forest at early morning.”
“Is it okay stay here at the night?” said Rey. “This forest seemed dangerous.”
“Indeed, but I'm not too worried about it. Grimwood is filled with beasts but as long as I look like a big wolf like this nothing will attack us, as long as they’re not in pack. The real problem is the forest itself, it always dark and terrify even in daytime. No sunlight or any other direction even the plants here grew in random direction, if we not cautious we could get lost forever.” said Aska.