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The Sphere: The Phantom of the West Rim

Page 10

by Fandy Adams

  “No problem.”

  “Between you two, who’s released that Gargoyle from the egg?”

  “I thought it was just hamster inside.” said Aska innocently. “Sorry.”

  “Well, since my office has been ruined I couldn’t offer a proper hospitality to you. So shall we get to the point why I called you?!” said Headmaster while he sat on the floor. “Please sit … wherever comfort you.”

  “Is this about my detention?” asked Aska.

  “Not about that actually but since you mention it we will discuss it right now.”

  “Can we discuss it for another time?”

  “No we are not, that’s what you got if talked something unnecessary but I will make it brief and concise.” said headmaster. “Head of Counseling and Administration had asked permission to off the duty for few days. So right now, no one in charge to take care of your detention.”

  “I’m feel sorry sir. I wish now I’m locked in the tower or mopping entire Grove so I can get off this burden of guilt sir.” said Aska act innocent.

  “Then this is your lucky day. Department of Sanitation needs one man to help them find some monster inside the sewer.”

  “What?! That’s dangerous? I could be dead down there.”

  “You could escape from three-headed dragon out there and passed Grimwood alive. How something in the sewer will put you on more danger?” said headmaster.

  "All right, all right, I'll go there after my class over. Besides if I could catch the Kloagator down there I will have the money I needed.”

  Headmaster then turned to Rey.

  “He had told me everything about you and honestly many things were unbelievable for me though he would unlikely lie for no reason.” Headmaster then took something from the remains. It was a thick book with Ishtar Grove as the cover, few papers was tucked inside.

  “It will be strange if someone at your age wandering here without attend any class. So I’ve been thought, while you’re here and find a way back to home better if you become a student here.”

  “Is that alright?” asked Rey.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’ve already take care of everything. The papers in the book was the list of the classes that you should attend, you can start today. Aska will help you.”

  Headmaster then handed a Sphere with something like a little hamster sealed inside.

  “Don’t be fooled with this little creature, their ability was to create energy shield to protect us. I couldn’t even count how many times I owe my life to them.” said headmaster. “Now I hope they guard you now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Actually I have many things to ask but now I’m busy taking care of everything, always difficult to find your schedule empty in the end of season. Maybe after the final exam has over we could have a coffee together and share about our world.”

  “Sure. That will be interesting.” Rey agreed.

  “What about me?” Aska holds out his hand hope for some gift like Rey.

  “What about what?”

  “No gift for me?”

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” said Headmaster, searching something on the cupboard.

  Aska was deliriously happy. His smile spread as he expecting something wonderful from that old man. It could be some mystical dagger that will help him fought against some bizarre in the sewer or at least magical potion. Whatever it is he could sell them at a hefty price. However what headmaster gave to him were far below his expectation, for headmaster just put a chocolate biscuit on his hand.

  Aska looked at it with some odd feeling and looks. “You gave him level two Sphere and I got this?”

  “Did you know the book titled ‘The Wayfarer’ by Verles June? If he get injured or die here there will be chain reaction that could destroy our world.”

  “Don’t make it over, we knew it wouldn’t happen.” said Aska. “At least give me something useful. I was about to fight something dangerous on the sewer and you just gave me this?”

  “It is useful. It will give you more energy and it was very delicious, just remember every bite of it and the smell of the sewer will be as sweet as the biscuit.” said Headmaster. “If you don’t want it you can give it back to me.”

  “Not even in a dream.” said Aska, bite the biscuit with upset. Then they both go, leaving the old man with the mess.

  “Great, I forgot them to call cleaning service here.”


  “Well the first thing you must know about Ishtar Grove is this place ... umm well, give me that book!” Aska then grabbed a book in his hand. “Ok, mission and vision … mission and vision … ah here it is, ‘Our pursuit was to build a just and prosperous society through education and character building’. I never know what it means. But since you’re alien to our world The Grove might be the best place for you to learn everything, history, magic, sports and above all, the girls.” Aska greeted the girl who passed by but she ignored him. “First lesson about the girl, if they ignored you it means they had attention on you.”

  “Or maybe she just had no feeling on us.” said Rey looked at the girl who still back on them.

  “No she just self-denied.” said Aska while looked at the paper. “Let’s see what you’ve got. Well, the old man put you in League of The Dragon.”

  “What that’s mean?”

  “Well in The Grove we had four major. Academically it often called ‘League’, Genbu, Leviathan, Griffon and Dragon. Each League represents their particular subject. Genbu the giant turtle, Spirit of Earth and Creation, as its name they’re about to create or forge something, made something for industrial. Mostly they’re male who like to make and tweaking something. Either Metallist or Crystallogist, their major was more practical and technical. Everything seemed fine until years 2 and then busy, busy, busy everyday. Not to mention their teacher was hard, I mean outside they’re look normal like us flesh and skin but inside was steel and barb wire. My friend spent 6 month on his steam-engine for airship and he just got C. Thank god that old man didn’t put you there. But don’t get wrong, though their academic life was hard, and so their teacher, they’re soft as a friend. I often sleepover at their place, talking about metal and mineral I’ve found, and they’re very excited when we asked their advice.” said Aska “Hey, maybe you can ask them about your black Sphere? Maybe they know something.”

  “That’d good idea. When we met them?”

  “At your will, most of them are fans of LCE88. You’ll easily tag with them if you’re also fans but since you’re just born to our world that couldn’t be.” said Aska. He then looked at the schedule carefully. “Hey, you’ve got two classes with me.”

  “What do you mean with two classes? You mean we don’t get along?”

  “Well, we’re in the different League. I’m in the League of Griffon, Spirit of Wind and Freedom.” said Aska. “In the League of Griffon we consist of adventurer, voyager, merchant and archeologist. We’re defined to explore the world, seek the hidden knowledge and history, touch the untouched world, charted the uncharted face of the world.” said Aska with the gesture of proud. “Well, that’s what I got on the first day. But rather than explorer we’re more to treasure hunter. What could I say, people needs to pay their life. And those monies were out there, waiting to be found and grabbed.”

  “But don’t you want something more adventurous? Like you said before, discover something or reveal some mysteries.”

  “Honestly there’s a place I want to find but I don’t know if it were really exist or not. I’m just knew uncertain legend about it.”

  “What kind of place is it?” asked Rey.

  “Just common land, beautiful and no treasure.” answered Aska. “However if that land was really exist I want to go there, stood on the higher ground and looked at it with my very own eyes, of course with her on my side, if destined.” he continued.

  “Who is she?”

  “She was the most beautiful girl on this world.” said Aska, then he fall to his rever
ie like he had when in the train.

  “Ok, good luck on your dream.” said Rey, he felt funny about him but at the same time worried.

  Later he met a group of people. Their fashion was like Eorin, fancy and elegant, and they wore a light armor as if they were about going into a battle. Dagger or short sword was at their waist and one had a knife at their shoulder. But it was more like accessories rather than true weapon, for they raise their scepter proudly like all their power was in it. One of them casts a little flame over her hand, and then she swung her scepter and plays it. To his surprise he saw the flame on her hand like grew bigger and as she raised her scepter it sprang and turned into a bird of flame and flying around in her command.

  “They’re Magi, as we called them they advanced in magic.” said Aska “The Sphere on your hand indeed grants you magic but you could only do simple thing with that. Fireball or ice dagger, everything cast directly from your skin even for Gremlin you need to touch object directly to make it into a blast. But a Magi could do something more advanced. They could shape their magic and do wonderful thing with that, or horrible one. Eorin’s Flame Tornado that saved us back then, that was how the magic was shaped.”

  “How they do it?”

  “In your eyes what they have in common?”

  “They have scepter like Eorin.”

  “The scepter was primary weapon for Magi. It was their icon, their trademark. The scepter on their hand had a function to conduct the magic and shaped them. In simple word you’re not only cast a flame from your hand but you can also burst a flame tornado out of the ground or shaped and controlled it like that.” said Aska.

  “Looking how she used her magic to save us Eorin must be best among them.”

  “No, Eorin wasn’t a part of their League.”

  “She isn’t?”

  “The one you looked now was from Dragon like you, and they’re seniors and were about final test while Eorin was on Leviathan.”

  “Leviathan?” said Rey curious.

  “League of Leviathan, Spirit of Water and Life.” replied Aska. “They do medical thing, both magic and potion. Some were around pot learning about plants and herbs. But in Leviathan, Eorin devoted herself on magic research.”

  “You have research on magic?”

  “Yes, the Spheres on your hand, you must be wondered what they capable off, either magical or physical. Magic researcher trying to found that answer, they do conduct research on sentient and their abilities and how to use their potential to the best.” said Aska “Millennia had passed since Sphere become the foundation for our world and civilization but seems they never ran out a search on magic. And like me Eorin had passion to visit some corner of the world.”

  “Another world’s beauty?”

  “No it was not. The place Eorin want to visit was worse than Grimwood, dangerous and dark, at least that was according to legend.”

  “What kind of place is that?”

  “It is Black Continent. A mysterious continent in the far northwest, the sky was dark and the winds and thunder was more savage than the flying dragons. Dwell under the sea, enormous monsters lives and dragged down everything on the surface into dark abyss, some even tell that the sea itself was lives. No bravest sailor would get close to their sea or greatest aviator want fly their airship to the edge of the dark sky. It was untouchable land and no man ever reached there.” said Aska at length.

  “Why Eorin would go to place like that?”

  “I thought it might be because many mysteries there. Who knows what lied on the black land, maybe unknown civilization lived there or maybe some of our long lost history marooned there. And more than that many of unseen sentient lived there, nameless and has never been unidentified on our books so far. Some of them maybe possess a great magic or even forbidden one. And that would be interesting subject for magic research.” said Aska.

  On the way they met a few peoples and among them there’s a girl with the bands in the head looked at him cynically. At first he doesn’t recognize them in casual outfit and style but then he realized that they were the team he fought on the game yesterday. Although blur in his memories but Rey was pretty sure that the girl was the one he fell on.

  “Are those guys …?”

  “Yes, they’re Aetherion team you had fought yesterday. All of them were Magi, of League of Dragon mostly, including their girl. And Soren, the one you gave him a blasting ball was their alpha. Most of them came from influential and wealthy family in Lucretia, you can check their last name that sounds like expensive wine in the hotel. And I think their gangs formed because their parents get associated, luckily no Sanvierre among them.” said Aska “You must be careful of them, though they just a bunch of vanity and parents-fortune waster with brainless doll as their girl, they’re as bad as their parent, treating others like crap thinking that others just foothold, even to their own gangs, you already saw what Soren did to his teammate right? Strangely peoples looked up at them, and not few want to join their wicked malicious sinister boy band, don’t know what’s on their mind.”

  “They play good on the field and beat us. I don’t see a reason to not have to be. They might be hated but also worth to admire.”

  “Thanks for speaking a bitter truth.” said Aska “We will try harder another time, and we’ll have a victory. Besides now we have lucky-bungled on our side.”

  “Who?” asked Rey.

  “Of course you.” replied Aska. “You had humiliated them on the field, especially Soren. I can’t imagine how their face if they meet you.”

  “I think I can.” said Rey as he saw Soren walked over to them, followed by others behind.

  “What so laughing?” asked Soren. His face now looks clean and smooth; his hair was brown and wavy. He was athletic; pride was his posture and his style was luxury. He was an epitome of an alpha and looked dominance among other.

  “Nothing, just little thing for chat.” answered Aska.

  “You’re new kid aren’t you?” asked Soren. “I hadn’t thank you before.”

  “For what?”

  “For presented me with a good game. I thought it would be like watching grass grows on the field, you know, playing against a bunch of loser with their blue yellow dress.” said Soren while he looked at Aska as if he taunted him.

  Aska get furious and at once he stepped with anger, but Rey hold him first.

  “Keep your friend’s teeth away from us. I don’t wanna get rabies.” mocked Thorn.

  “C’mon guys! We’re champion. Keep sportive outside the field.” said Soren, then he turned to Rey. “You’re good in the game, really. Blast me, leveled me to the ground, I never expect such trick like that. So far you’re the only one who succeeded to take me down on the field, twice in single game. That was rough and tough but I like it.” Soren then put his hand on Rey’s shoulder. “Such potential, too bad that it will be wasted under hopeless team, do you agree?”

  “I don’t think so. I just like being there, that moment with ball and magic have me excited. I think I’m just like playing without considering wherever my side is.”

  Suddenly Soren laughing. “Don’t tell me that you just watching that sport-motivator drama? Just happy being on the field, get ‘almost win’ score and everything ends with happiness.” said Soren. “Real world have bitter truth my friend, you good and you have contract, you win and you have more sponsor, money and women came to you like moth to flame. You may become a jerk but a jerk with florin and fame.”

  “I couldn’t agree more with that.” Aska murmured.

  “You know, Aetherion Blast was official team of The Grove, many famous players born there. Others, they just splinters that agreed by headmaster so they could be happy on the field. But eventually we always came out as winner and represented ourselves as Ishtar Grove Sneakers Team.” said Soren “So what’s your answer? I don’t know if this information useful or not, but I never get refused and I really don’t like it.”

  “I’m sorry, I keep with them

  “So you refused?”

  “Only do respect for those who admit and trust me as their teammates.”

  Soren smiling to him, but no sincerity nor kindness looked on it, just a grin with cold looks on his face. “All right then, if that your decision. But let me invite you on the party tonight. Every year we always held a party to welcome a fresh mate, so they could feels like home in The Grove. The party wasn’t too exciting, just good music and pretty girls. I believe you already kissed one.” said Soren glanced to Leona as if taunted her. “But there, I’m sure all eyes on you and the girls will likely to kill to get one sofa with a champ like you.”

  “It must be fun but I’m little busy tonight.”

  “How about tomorrow night?” asked Soren once again. “I could reschedule the party. For the one who made five on the game I think no objection would came from the others.”

  “I think I couldn’t also. Forgive me, but as I have my first step on the Grove I have to catch everything from early time and I’m not sure if I could do it within few days or week.” said Rey.

  “Yeah, you heard him. He was busy so let us continue our journey.” Aska added.

  Both leaved, but then Soren called them. “Like I said, I don’t like being refused and you have done it twice, the same number like you humiliated me on the field.”

  For a while there’s a silence between both sides, as if a war declared without voice.

  “C’mon man!” Aska dragged him. “Good job pal, you spit directly to his face.”

  “Oh yeah, I just feel I have drawn new enemies here.” said Rey.

  “How do you know the party was a trap?” asked Aska.

  “I don’t, but I felt like fresh meat to eat when he said ‘fresh mate’.” answered him. “By the way, where we’re going?”

  “Fitting a weapon on you.”

  “Weapon? For what?”

  “You’re in Order of Dragon, Spirit of Fire and Courage. Which part of the word ‘Courage’ you didn’t understand? It was gentle word for ‘die in the front’, means you about to become soldier.”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “Look at me! Which part of me suited to be a soldier?” asked Rey “Surely, I’ll walk like a robot in the armor.” he murmured.

  “Chill man! It’s not like you imagined. Grove was like prep institution, you don’t really will about become soldier, although you most likely will end in the Shell. First year you just learn about basic thing, using weapon and Sphere, little physical training and of course few books to read, history, geography, a common stuff to your brain, well not really common since you came from another world. Hey maybe that’s the reason the old man put you there? So you can adapt with us easily.”


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