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The Sphere: The Phantom of the West Rim

Page 32

by Fandy Adams

  “It seems amazing.” said Aska.

  “Not amazing but wonderful. The sword that could reshape and at the same time had unique abilities – none of bladesmith in Spheria could forge that, not even our adept and highbrow had knowledge about it.” said Eps.

  Eps tried to touch the sword but Rey immediately shouted to stop him. “Don’t touch it!”


  “An old man said that the sword was ‘protected’, everyone but me would repel if they try to touch it.”

  “Really?!” said Eps Chuckled.

  Without expected Eps hold the sword and at once he trembled greatly like he was stroke by electricity. Both of them surprised, yelled out with fears when looking at him. But as they got panicked, suddenly Eps roared with laughter.

  “You should see your face, especially you.” said Eps laughing while pointed at Rey.

  “Eps !!!”

  “Sorry, I just can’t hold it.” Said Eps, his laughter get lesser “I guess the one who said to you was tweedy nerd in literal not the one who gave his hand for crafting metal. This sword may have ‘protected’ as you said, but broken sword would lose their magical abilities or at least it doesn’t work for temporary, including its protection. By this form, the sword could be hold by anyone even little kids.”

  “But I see it for myself, someone repelled as he touched it.” said Rey.

  “I told you in this form it could be touched by anyone. As far I concern about your story, the sword which repelled someone was the stone blade, another form of this sword but unbroken. Not only perfectly formed but all its magical abilities had worked well, it perfectly transcend all magical abilities through ground. And if the magical abilities had worked well then the protection on the sword too, that’s why that old man was repelled away.” said Eps “The real question is not about the protection but how you who live now could be the right owner of the sword which lost thousand years ago.”

  “I don’t know and someone had asked the same question.”

  Moment later Eorin came and called them both. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you both.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Headmaster summons us to his room.”

  “Hi Eorin!” greeted the assistant.

  Eps glanced sharply to his assistant and without further ado he throws a sharpening stone on him. He missed and he deliberately doing so.

  “Get your work right! If you can make a good weapon then the girl comes.” said Eps.

  “Wow, that's incredible philosophy from someone who only got a date with an anvil.”

  “Pfffttt ...” His assistant was laughed when heard it.

  With feeling of shame Eps throws an unfinished hilt to his assistant and once again he missed.

  “Ah I forgot I have to show a good weapon for you.” said Eps as he walked into sword rack.

  Eorin seems aware of what would Eps do so she say goodbye first, “Eps, may excused first.”

  “Of course, please go on.” said Eps with fake smile.

  The big guy humming while took a big dull sword on the wall. Though need more time than Eorin but Aska finally realized what Eps going to do.

  “Quick took your sword!” cried Aska.


  “Just took your sword and get out of here!” cried Aska.

  They’re running scared out of the workshop. Rey glanced behind and his eyes widened in dread as he saw Eps raises a big sword as if want to throw it. They ran faster and jumped startled as they heard a loud thud from inside like big steel thrown hard. Everyone there were surprised and they ran to peek inside the workshop to find out what was going on. And there, they found Eps stood and laughing with satisfaction like someone who had his prank succeeded and beside him the big sword lied on the ground. But then, when he saw those faces filled the door he turned to them with angry glare.

  “What are you looking at? Are you want to taste legendary mace of 500 yr old?” said him loudly, and so all of them ran away to everywhere like herd running scared by the roar of the beast.

  “And you, return this big lady to the rack or I cut your salary this month!” shouted Eps to his assistant.

  “But you don’t pay me. I’m just internship here.”

  “And they don’t put you here to argue with me. Now put that sword back or I pay you with F.” Eps stated “And tomorrow collect all the literature about the old weapons, especially those associated with Namtar and Juppon.”

  His thick beard spread on the either side as if there’s smile hiding behind. It seems he have found new passion as the bladesmith.


  “That’s all old man.” said Scarlett, “I heard from that Juntari guy that military and local authorities will do the best to restore their home. And for those villagers, I don’t know. I thought it would take a time for them to recover from this incident but I think they will be okay.”

  “I'm glad this is ended well.”

  They paused for a moment and then Scarlett continued to ask.

  “Can I ask you something?” asked Scarlett.

  “Of course, what you have on your mind?”

  “Just trivial question about Wildkins and his theory.” said Scarlett

  “About the birth of the Dark Lord?” asked headmaster.

  “Yes, do you believe it? Do you believe his theory that the great worm gave birth to Lord Azriel?”

  “I do not know.” answered headmaster.

  “’I do not know?’, I thought I would never hear that words from Headmaster of the Grove.”

  “As my personal opinion, Wildkins theories were absurd, less in paradigm and unreasonable in many ways. He stated that Azriel was born from the great worm, exactly he was stated that the Dark Lord was the division of the great worm, he also added in his theories that Azriel was the most evil and dangerous part of the worm until he threw it in human form.” said headmaster.

  “But do you accept it? Do you believe in his theory?”

  “Till now that theories was most accepted and widespread. Anyone knew how great the power of Archeon had, divide and took a shape like Lord Azriel wasn’t something impossible, especially both Archeon and Azriel made a big scar in our history.”

  “What if Wildkins theory was wrong? What if Lord Azriel wasn’t born by it, not even just little part of the Great Ancient.” said Scarlett.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When we trapped inside, before we killed it the big worm told us that Lord Azriel had never been born by it or ever being a part of itself, it even cursed and despised him like they was an enemy from the oldest era. And what’s more strange it was stated that Lord Azriel suddenly appeared inside its body, like we did when teleported.”

  “How it could be possible?”

  “I don’t know either, and I don’t think his sudden appearance wasn’t abilities like our teleportation but something other. Or maybe that worm just lying.”

  “I think there’s no point for Great Ancient to tell lies to human.” said headmaster. “Just never mind about it, the important thing is you’re all right.”

  “I wouldn’t be succeeded without brought those ruffians. Though I bit wondered about him.”


  “Yes. Among those threes he was such amateur, no doubt about it. But he has done something great, though I believed it was just coincidence.”

  “Yes I have heard about that part from Mrs. Gardnierre, stun all enemies with lightning stroke that came from low-level Sphere.”

  “Even Marius couldn’t do something like that.”

  “Spheres give us knowledge, through the Sphere we could use the terrestrial abilities but the real power of the Sphere depends on ourselves, his will to protect all he loved raised his true strength.”

  “May I ask something about the boy? When I got journey with him I found something odd about him and in some way … mysterious, like he had lost all his memories. No, it was something different. I don’t know how to explain it.”
  “Well It’s really hard to explain and maybe unbelievable for you or other common peoples to hear.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Actually he was … “

  Headmaster told everything to her, about Rey and where he came from. Scarlett was very surprised and she seems doesn't believe about what have been told by her uncle. But she believes her uncle won’t tell a lie nor he was not someone lack of intelligence to bought by such silly fabricated story like that. Yet there are many things that still become mysteries in her mind about the boy.


  Along the way Eorin and Aska talking about the activities they will do during holidays. Aska planned to return to his hometown in Vindhavar while Eorin tried to force him to stay on and join committee for some event which be held in Grove a few weeks later along with Flo. The girl even threatened him to burn his photos collection if he won’t join, whatever it means. And Rey who was between them forced to choose either he followed Aska and roaming in the woods or he stay in to join committee and helped them decorate the event.

  Rey got undecided, he don’t know what to answer or whom to choose. And without they realized they had already in the white corridor where Scarlett and headmaster looking at them behind the opened door.

  “Nice day seems you have. Come in!” said Scarlett.

  Three of them entered the room. There headmaster and Scarlett stood looking at them, proud and happiness sure looked on their smile.

  “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  “If I may know why we were called here?” asked Eorin. “Don’t tell me you have another trip and you ask us to join.”

  “Well, tell them.” said headmaster.

  “First of all I want ...”

  “I know what you want to tell. No need to thank you, it is our duties as the good citizen of Ishtar to help this country from any danger.” interrupted Aska. “Beside we like challenge” He stood straight up like the one who will receive a medal.

  “Is he always like this?” Scarlett whispered to her uncle.

  “Always” said headmaster deadpanned.

  “Should I throw more knives to him that night,” Scarlett muttered. Then she put a smile back on her face. “Yes. Something like that, and as a token of gratitude her highness would like to invite you to a dinner in the palace at Crimson Moon Festival.”

  The three of them could only stare blankly when heard it, don’t know what they have to say or how to react until Aska shouted for joy.

  “Dinner in the royal palace? Do you believe that?!” said Aska. “A lot of food, and music, and … can I take pictures with the king? My brothers will envy to me and Maruru, she will be excited on me.”

  “Yeah, but do you forget that you must go home to Vindhavar which mean you shall miss the dinner like you would miss our festival.” said Eorin.

  “It could be waiting.”

  “You said it was clan issue, all member of the clan must be there.”

  “I’m not important person, so they can go on without me,” said Aska “Besides the nation was over tribe, it would be our proud if one of Talvar Clan could sit there among royalties and their guests, usually only Kagan-Uttar, the prime chief of North Volk Tribe could attend such royal invitation.”

  “Well what’s your answer? We wouldn’t force you neither your absence will consider as insult, for the princess wanted to meet you all as personal.”

  “I’m in of course, there’s a lot of delicious food there and maybe we’ll be rewarded. I don’t mind if it just a pocket of gold or just a pocket of florin.” said Aska “How about you pal?”

  “I think it’s interesting. I never got into the palace even in the place I belong.” said Rey. “Beside the princess invited us, we will dishonored her if we don’t came.”

  On the other side Eorin gave no answer but a fake smile spreads under her anxious eyes. “I’ve been join committee in this Grove. I don’t know if I could attend that royal dinner.” said Eorin “But I will be taking a time to come.”

  “That’s would be nice.” said Scarlett “How about you, uncle? There’s always a seat for the headmaster of the Grove.”

  “No thanks.”

  “Why? Uncle is an honorable man. Most noble in Lucretia had respect on you.”

  “It's not about that. The event was held after the final exam, the students like them may be off but I would be busier than usual. Every year I just saw the fireworks from here while take a cup of tea, alone but very peaceful.” answered headmaster. “And one more thing, you should keep an eye on this bird-head.” said headmaster pointing at Aska.

  “What?! Don’t you trust me?” said Aska.

  “Indeed.” said Scarlett “You know what, I will deploy additional troops and share his sketches.”

  “It looks like I will do a burglary.” said Aska “I swear by the mother of monkey I wouldn’t do nothing. Look at my face! Don’t you believe me?” said Aska put innocent face.

  “I’m getting more suspicious to you after seen that.”

  “So you really don’t believe me?”

  “No!” said three of them in unison.

  Rey laughed, after all they had passed he didn’t imagined that they would reunite again and laughing together like this. But then the laughter faded away into thin smile, for they reminded him of home. Although he was get used to be here, with new bond he made and new love he created, and with joy and sorrow they have shared. But he couldn’t deny that his heart bound stronger to them who were in his own world, grandpa, Asti, Melody even Reno. Now he understands Morran’s words about ‘bound by genesis’, for he bound with them since he birth, longer and tighter by memories and times.

  Suddenly all sounds fall into muteness and everything surround become motionless as if the time had stopped. But there’s one who could walk over the frozen river of time; Rey stepped slowly and looking around, he confuses to see everything was still within the moment. Soon he realized one of his Sphere glowing - the black one which brought him here, it was glow bright as if calling him for home. He realized that he must parted with them now and return to his home. No good bye couldn’t be told nor farewell party been held, but before the power of the black Sphere brought him he stood looking at them with wistful smile on his face as if he had already missed them.

  “Good bye my friends!”


  Under the clear night the sea was cold and still, stretched dark but lined by a long pale gleam of the crescent moon. Of the north a white cruise sailed and cleaved the surface. It was shining bright among the sea dark and wakened all lives beneath the waves with the song of ‘Bem-bem Maria’ filled the night and sea.

  Night seems don’t hold those whom over the cruise from their awake. People still looked around, laughing, talking, tried to enjoy their bucks in the floating bliss. Kids spent more time on the pool while those who had more ages and height were just wandering around, either it looking their own kids, have chit-chat with the others or just lay down to relaxing themselves. Like big middle-aged man who sitting at the edge of the pool with cigar on his hand. For him this is the peak of his life, enjoying the beauty of the sea and stars over the cruise while tasted his 20 dollar cigar.

  However the moment wasn’t as perfect as he was expected with the kids playing around on the pool and the clamoring parents to warn their kids not to go deep. And suddenly a boy jumping to the pool and broke the surface, splashing the big guy and off his cigar till soaked. At once he’s got angry and yelled at that boy while told him to get out of the pool. The boy was frightened and swam away but the guy chased him all along the edge of the pool.

  All of sudden a light kindled at the bottom of the pool and the surface foamed. Everyone in the pool got panicked and immediately climbed out of the pool. The big guy forgot his madness right away and gave his hand to the boy to help him up. For a moment everyone look worried about the pool, for they thought there was short circuit. But soon it was disappeared, leaving the pool in quietness and rippl

  As they peered into surface, suddenly Rey come up with a long sigh as if he had just been drowned. He took breath continuously while look to and fro. Nothing he could see except blurred light on his cloudy vision and all the sound and voice muted by the water in his ears. Then his eyes gradually recovered, though not quite clear to see and the muteness by the water now turned into the cries of panic and curiosity.

  He looked around while gasping for breath. Then he swam to the edge, where he got helped by the ship crews to get out of the pool. For a while he bit confused, everything around was familiar for him, the decoration, their fashion and Latin alphabet which he could found on every side of the ship, yet all of it seemed strange for him. Then he was surprised by the news on the TV. He walked slowly into the screen with wonder and amazement as if he was being hypnotized by it. However it’s not the news that drew him but the date which shown on the left corner of the screen, the date was the same date when he left from this world.

  To his surprise a hand landed on his shoulder. Rey turned around. It was the captain, old and gray-bearded like an old actor from classic movie.

  “How did you get here? Where did you come from?” asked the captain.

  “Well, I'm from ...” said Rey confused. He was turned to and fro trying to find answer of where he is. All peoples stared at him with strange looks, especially to his attire. And when he looked to the south his eyes fixed and he stunned with disbelief. Of all possibilities where he would be, he never expected such view before his eyes. A tower stood tall in the center of the dark horizon. It was national monument which became the symbol of Jakarta, the Monas. “…here.”

  From distant sea he could see the monument. Blue ray dispersed on the obelisk and the Flame of Independence shining gold on the top. He’s surprised when he knew that he was already in his own country, in his own land though it was quite far from Jakarta to Cibadut city. Suddenly he’s laughing, jumping up and down full of joy and shouting like a mad.

  “I'm home! I'm home! I've got home, yeah.” “Bravo! Roberto! Sasando!” shouted Rey in joy.

  People there were amused by him. Few of them even consider Rey is part of the show prepared by the Cruise.

  “Is he mad?!”

  Chapter 28

  The Last Melody

  Three days had passed since he back to his own world. After he got himself on the cruise at Jakarta Rey must dealt with the authorities and had his face in the newspaper for the next day, in the small article about a teen intruding the cruise and it less noticed by most people for it was put in a little column at the last page. Well, at least as a young intruder it would give him ease on paperwork rather than being considered as a lunatic. He and his grandfather just had to report once a month.


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