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by Pepper North


  Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  By Pepper North

  Text copyright ©2018 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved

  Author’s Note: The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment. This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to best enjoy the characters. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces. Prepare to enter the new world of Dr. Richards’ Littles. Enjoy!

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading the Dr. Richard’s Little books. I’ve heard from many of you by email, on Facebook, and through my website. It’s a blast to hear that you are enjoying my stories and I promise you there are a lot of Littles out there waiting to share their stories with you! If you wish to connect with other readers who share an interest in age play erotica but would like to have your comments shielded from public posts on Facebook, I invite you to contact me and request to join my private Facebook group.

  I wish you the best of everything in the coming year!

  Pepper North

  & Pepper North on Facebook

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  The Keepers: Payi

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Table of Contents

  Dear Readers,

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Excerpt from Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles

  Excerpt from The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  Chapter One

  Fiona shifted the produce truck into park and climbed out of the driver’s seat. She stretched, arching her back before rolling her shoulders. This was her last stop of the day. The fancy five-star restaurant named Le Pamplemousse. She loved saying its name. Fiona had known it was French but had asked the sous-chef how to pronounce it last week.

  She loaded her cart with the crates of exotic fruits and vegetables ordered by the executive chef and owner, Georges LeDoux. She’d only seen him fleetingly when she made her deliveries. He was tall, athletically built, and very stern looking. She knew he’d never notice her. She was easy to overlook. Dressed in her oversized uniform with a hat pulled down over her mousey brown hair, Fiona looked less attractive than in her street clothes if that was possible. That didn’t keep her from hoping to see Georges.

  Her job was physically demanding. By the time she got to the final stop, her muscles were aching, and her back was ready to rebel. She pushed the heavy cart to the back door and rang the button. Soon, it was opened by Pierre, her favorite sous-chef.

  “Bonjour, Fiona! It is good to see you today. You’re a little later than usual. Chef LeDoux was beginning to worry. I told him you’d be here. And here you are!” Pierre greeted her warmly helping her pull the heavy cart inside.

  A deep voice from the kitchen called loudly, “Pierre, where are you? Let the delivery driver unpack his cart. That’s his job. I need you to do yours!”

  Pierre shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Mademoiselle. If he knew you were female, he would never let you unload these crates by yourself. Are you sure I can’t tell him?” he asked as he signed off on the delivery paperwork and accepted his copy of the bill.

  “No need, Pierre. This is my job. I can move the crates. Is it okay to stack them against the wall?” she asked with a smile. The last thing she needed was for the head chef to call and complain that a woman was delivering his produce. She needed this job. She watched him scurry away into the kitchen. Fiona moved the crates and went back to the truck for the last items. As she stacked the last crates, Fiona looked under the brim of her hat to see an amazing back view of Georges as he walked back into the kitchen from his office. Seriously, he had the best derriere, ever. She shook her head laughing at herself and pushed the empty cart back out to the delivery truck.

  Chapter Two

  She’d made it to the last stop. Fiona shifted the truck into park with her left hand. Her right hand was resting inside her jacket. At one of her first stops, a restaurant owner with a vicious temper had thrown a crate of avocados at her because he was upset that they were not ripe enough. She’d almost caught it, but her fingers didn’t have time to close tightly on the rough wooden crate. She had taken off her right glove to shuffled through the papers on her clipboard of delivery orders. Her bare fingers were peppered with splinters and her shoulder had absorbed the impact from the weight of the thrown crate.

  Immediately, Fiona had called in the incident to warn the office to expect an angry phone call. She mentioned her injury, but she assured, Mary, the kind elderly receptionist that she could finish her shift. They were already short two drivers due to the flu. There was no one else to cover her deliveries.

  Gritting her teeth at the pain in her hand and shoulder, Fiona gingerly tried to lift most of the boxes with her left hand by wedging them against her stomach and using her whole body to shift the weight. The pain was getting worse. She’d replaced her right glove on her hand but now it was skin tight around her swollen flesh. Fiona peeled it from her hand wincing as her injured hand She knew that she’d never be able to pull it back on again. Against her best efforts, Fiona felt tears run down her cheeks. Once the cart was loaded, she wiped the tears away and pulled down the bill of her cap to hide her blotchy face. Using her body and her left hand, she pushed the laden cart to the door and pressed the delivery button.

  When the door opened, she said a cheerful “Hello!” and handed over the clipboard for the employee’s signature. Fiona pushed the cart inside as he stepped back from the door.

  “I’ve got everything your boss ordered, Pierre. The chanterelle mushrooms are beautiful,” she said quickly as she began to unload the cart trying to disguise her injury. As she turned to set the first crate down, she saw the toes of the distinctive boots that Georges wore. She swallowed loudly. “Sorry, Chef. I wasn’t expecting you. I’ll get the rest of this cart unloaded and get out of your way. I know you’re super busy.” She kept her head down to hide her tearstained face.

  “Of all the days to get to end up face to face with Georges! I can’t even lift my eyes to see his
handsome face,” she berated herself. Fiona continued to unload the cart biting her lip to avoid making any moans of pain as she used her right hand as little as possible. She could hear him rifling through the order sheets and comparing them to the boxes. Finally, she heard the scratching of the pen on the paper. She reached her right hand out automatically to accept it back as he handed it to her, forgetting her injury.

  A low, visceral moan of agony escaped from her lips as he pushed it roughly into her hand. Immediately, tears welled in her eyes and she began apologizing to cover the sound. “Sorry! I’ll just get these last boxes unloaded, Chef.” She turned to the cart and started to pick up the last box. Her eyes flew to his handsome face as he quickly lifted it for her and placed it on the floor before turning to face her.

  “What have you done to yourself, Little one?” his low voice was kind and he took her hand in his before she could step away. “Ouch! I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many splinters. How did you do this to yourself?”

  Fiona tried to pull her hand from his, but he didn’t release it. “I’m fine. This is my last delivery. I’ll go back to the warehouse and take care of it. Thanks,” she said again trying to slide her hand from his.

  One large hand released hers to cup her chin gently and tilt her face to meet his gaze. “Pretty Little girl, I did not know that you were our delivery driver, or I would have come to meet you sooner. I will talk to Pierre about hiding you from me. I insist that you allow me to help you,” Georges said looking over her face that was lined with pain. His voice was low with concern.

  “Thank you for your help with the boxes,” she closed the conversation stepping away with her wounded hand cradled against her chest. “I’ll be fine.” Fiona turned clutching the clipboard and walked to the door.

  He opened it for her quickly. “I don’t like this, Little one. I am worried about you.”

  “See you next week,” she said as she scurried from the restaurant.

  Chapter Three

  Back in her truck, Fiona locked everything down and drove slowly through the traffic to the warehouse. Mary and the owner met her in the loading bay as she swept her truck out to finish her duties. They took one look at her and ordered her to go to the urgent care center immediately. Mary had wanted to drive her, but Fiona reassured her that she could make it there and home.

  She tried to convince them that she’d be fine by Monday. She’d only been there for about a year. Fiona liked this job. She didn’t want to get fired.

  Her boss snapped at her, “I am ordering you to go get your injuries checked out. When that asshole called to complain about the avocados and bragged about how he had just shoved them back at ‘that stupid delivery girl,’ I was worried. Mary hadn’t told me that you’d called in the incident and your injury. I would have made you go immediately to the urgent care center. Thank goodness, Chef LeDoux called. He was very worried about you. He made me promise to give you his cell phone number. He wanted you to call when you’re home from the clinic.” The older man handed her a piece of paper with a phone number scrawled on it. “I told him I’d give it to you but that I wouldn’t promise him that you’d call. Your choice, Fiona. Your personal life is your own.”

  After making sure that she knew which urgent care center to would cover her workman’s comp., her boss walked her to her car. “No fooling around with this injury. Go to the clinic. Check in on workman’s comp.” He looked sternly at her before closing her door and standing nearby to make sure she could start the engine. He was still watching as she drove away.

  Fiona really didn’t want to go to see the doctor, but her shoulder and hand were getting worse. She navigated her way through the evening traffic and pulled into the parking lot. There were several cars, but Fiona was pleased to see that perhaps the wait wouldn’t be too long. She just wanted to go home and curl up in bed.

  After taking one look at her drawn face and swollen right hand, a nurse took her back to an exam room and filled out the paper work for her. She helped her ease her work uniform shirt off her shoulder. She offered to take off her bra as well, so she wouldn’t have to struggle with it. Fiona thanked her gratefully and changed into a gown with her help, so the doctor could check her shoulder. She was taken first to the X-ray machine to get an image of her shoulder. Once back in her room, the nurse snared an aide from the hallway and they began pulling the splinters from her hand. They were still working twenty minutes later when the doctor walked in to the exam room.

  Fiona pushed her hair back from her flushed, damp face. She had swallowed some aspirin on the way to the clinic, but it was not reducing her pain to a manageable level. “Hi, I’m Fiona. I’m a bit of a mess, I’m afraid.”

  The older doctor smiled and patted her uninjured hand. “You’ll survive but you’re not going to be very comfortable for a while,” he reassured her. “I can give you something now for pain but only if you have someone driving you home. You’ll be too groggy to drive yourself.”

  “I’ll be okay,” she said bravely.

  “We’ll definitely send a prescription home with you to manage your pain,” he said. “I’m going to interrupt the splinter crew to look at your shoulder.” The two put down their tweezers with relief. The nurse stayed in the room to help the doctor while the aide excused himself, rolling his shoulders in relief as he walked out of the door. After checking her hand and shaking his head at her explanation of the restauranteur’s behavior, the doctor asked her to drop her gown to the side. He pressed gently in various places watching her face to see where she winced the most. “I know you aren’t feeling like it now, but you are very lucky, young lady. Your shoulder isn’t dislocated. and I can’t see any broken bones on the X-ray. We’re going to immobilize your arm to your chest to allow the soft tissue to heal. No lifting anything with this all, for four weeks.” He held up a hand to stop her protests. “No lifting for four weeks or risk not being able to lift that arm in the future. Your company’s workman compensation insurance will pay your salary and insure that your job is yours again in four weeks. You’ll need to come back for a release to return to work when the four weeks has expired. You can make an appointment when you check out tonight.”

  The doctor began to wrap the supportive bandage around her ribcage holding her arm at her side. He continued wrapping around her body until the bandage angled over her injured shoulder and under the other. “This will feel tight for the first couple of days due to the swelling. Use icepacks on your shoulder to relieve the swelling - twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off.

  He looked at her seriously. “You are going to need some help rebandaging this shoulder. I want to you keep it immobilized at all times other then when you’re in the shower for three days. On that fourth day, you can put it in the sling we’ll send home with you but wrap it back up if the pain returns. If you are in severe pain at anytime after the first 48 hours, come back immediately. If you are in serious pain after a week, I need to see you again as well. I’m going to send you home with a prescription for a strong painkiller. No driving while you’re taking this. After a couple of days, you should be able to manage your pain with over the counter painkillers. Any questions?”

  Fiona shook her head slowly. “Thank you, doctor.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m going to print out some care directions for you and that prescription. The nurse is going to finish removing as many splinters as possible. When the swelling goes down, you’ll have more that will need to come out. You can either return here for help or have someone help you at home. Just remember to disinfect your hand and the tweezers before and after.” He started to walk out of the door and turned back to face her. “I’ve met your Dad, Georges. I’ve gone over the care instructions with him as well. Let him help you as much as possible.”

  Chapter Four

  Fiona’s mind raced. Her father was long gone from her life. He remarried after divorcing her mother. She hadn’t heard from him in eight years. The only Georges that she knew was Georges LeDoux fr
om Le Pamplemousse. He couldn’t be out in the waiting room, was he? Her body was in bad shape, overwhelmed by pain. She laid her head on the exam table as they finished pulling splinters out of her hand. It was tortuous but necessary. She tried to hold them back but tears of pain, exhaustion, and worry about her job rolled down her cheeks.

  The kind nurse handed her some tissues with a soft smile. “We’re almost done here. Just try to rest, Fiona.”

  Soon, the nurse was helping her into her work uniform shirt. She put Fiona’s lacy bra into a bag with extra bandaging material, her care instructions, and, her prescription. Wrapping an arm around the shaken girl, the nurse helped her walk to the waiting room. She was glad that Fiona’s father was there to help. She wasn’t sure that her patient would be able to drive safely home. She greeted him with a grateful smile, “Mr. LeDoux, I’m going to turn Fiona over to your care. She’s had quite a rough day. She needs a little TLC.” She handed the bag over to him. “Fiona, your Dad’s already made your follow up appointment. There’s an appointment card in your bag.”

  Fiona’s green eyes flew to Georges LeDoux’s chiseled face. He looked at her with serious concern. “Ummm, hi!” Fiona said hesitantly as the nurse turned and moved out of earshot. “I’m not sure why you’re here. I’ll take that bag.” She was amazed to see that he moved it out of her reach.

  “I’m here because you need someone to be here. When I called your boss to express my concern, he shared with me that you didn’t have any family in town and that you kept to yourself at work. He thanked me for calling because he wasn’t sure that you would have told him the extent of your injury. The more I thought about it, the more worried I was about you. When I burned the third salmon filet, Pierre ordered me out of my own kitchen,” he said ruefully, running his hand through his thick black hair.


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