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Page 7

by Pepper North

  “Little girl, you seem to think that it is very funny that I can’t find anything in my desk. You wouldn’t know who moved everything around in the drawers would you?” He asked walking over to lock the door. Georges turned and put his back against the door. His eyes focused on her with a very stern expression on his face.

  “Come on Daddy, I was just trying to be funny,” she tried to convince him that it was really a harmless prank.

  “I don’t think the meat delivery man considers it funny that he is waiting and running behind on all his deliveries because a Little girl thought it would be funny to hide the keys. Would you like to go explain it to him and see if he laughs as well? He’s looking pretty stressed now because an accident on the highway took an hour out of his schedule already,” Georges said without emotion in his voice.

  Fiona immediately jumped to her feet and began searching through the desk. It took her a few minutes to find the keys. She handed over the keys without looking at her Daddy. “Would you tell him I’m sorry?” she asked wringing her hands at the thought of delaying another delivery person.

  “I will. When I get back, we’re going to have a serious talk about what you are choosing to do when you’re bored. I would suggest that you set my desk back into order and undo any other bits of jokes that you’ve concocted,” Georges took the keys and unlocked the door shutting it firmly behind him.

  She leapt into work quickly dumping the contents of one drawer to switch over the contents of another. She moved quickly trying to reverse her mischief quickly. She froze in place when she heard Georges roar, “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m putting your desk back in order,” she said picking up another stack of items to place in a drawer.

  “Stop and look down at your hands.” He waited while she looked down at both of her hands filled with recipes from his ideas drawer. When her gaze returned to his totally baffled, he asked quietly, “Where is your right arm supposed to be now?” He watched her look down at her right hand and then up to the sling that hung around her neck. Her mouth formed a perfect o. “Yes, Fiona. You are not supposed to be using that right hand and arm. Have you hurt yourself?” he asked trying to keep his cool.

  She immediately started to shake her head “no,” but dropped her eyes and nodded slowly. Big tears began to roll down her cheek. “I’m sorry, Georges. I just messed everything up. I was trying to have fun, but I ended up causing you more trouble than bringing you fun. And now, my arm hurts. I’m sure you just want to see me leave. I’ll get a ride back to my apartment.” Fiona stood and walked to the door. She hesitated before turning back to look at the carpet just in front of him. “Could I get my bear back? He’s really important to me. I’ll understand if you think I should pay some retribution for messing things up. Just tell me how much you want me to pay and I will find the money. It may take a while. I’ve got some bills I have to cover with my paycheck first and then, I promise I’ll get the money to you. Just don’t throw him out. Please.”

  “Fiona, look at me,” he waited for her to raise her eyes to meet his, but her eyes remained focused on the floor. “Little girl, look at me,” he repeated as he walked forward to stand in front of her.

  “Do I have to?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he replied simply. He waited. Finally, she lifted her head to meet his eyes. When she started to speak, he placed a long finger over her lips. “Shhhhhh! I listened to you and now, you’ll listen to me. First, put your arm back in the sling. Two, you are not going back to your apartment. You live with me in your nursery. Three, if you’ve hurt yourself, I need to give you some medicine. Four, can I tell you how insulting it is that you think I’d ransom your bear for money?” He held his finger to his lips to keep her from answering. Five, I know something is going on with your money and I’ve been waiting for you to trust me enough to tell me. Six, you are my Little girl. I have dreamed of you and waited to find you for way too many years to let you slip through my fingers for a silly prank of rearranging my desk or connecting all my paperclips. I love you. Now, is there anything you want to say?”

  Fiona nodded her head up and down slowly. She hesitated for thirty seconds before launching herself into his arms and holding him tightly with her left arm. Her sobs made her words undistinguishable. Fiona tried to get as close to her Daddy as she could. When she felt him wrap his arms around her waist and lift her up into his arms. She looped her good arm around his shoulders and raised her head to look at his handsome face. “I love you, too.” She hesitated for a moment and then repeated herself again, “I love you, Daddy.”

  Georges leaned in to kiss her sweet mouth. She met his lips eagerly and opened her mouth to allow him access inside. They both moaned as their tongues tangled inside her mouth. Georges moved smoothly over to sit in his office chair with Fiona straddling his lap. He pulled back pushing her gently away from his chest with his hands at her waist. “Fiona, I think we need to talk to each other about our plans for the future. I don’t ever want you to think that you can just walk away from me. You’ll destroy me if you do.” Again, he held up a hand when she started to speak. “Wait, I don’t want us to have the most important discussion we could have about our future together in the office of my restaurant. I’m going to go let Pierre know that I need to take you home. He’ll be in charge for the rest of the night. That will make him happy. He’s been eager to take over the head chef role. Then, we are going home – together – to talk and to make some plans. First, give me three kisses to survive being apart from you.” Georges groaned as Fiona leaned forward to press her breasts against his chest as she kissed him eagerly. Several long minutes later, he set her back away from his body breathing heavily.

  “Okay, minx. Let’s get you off my lap. I need to go talk to Pierre and get you out of this office for we’ll be using that bed over there for something other than a nap.” Georges laughed at the wave of pink that rose to color her face. He lifted her off his lap and kissed the top of her head. “Use your left arm to work on putting that desk back in order. I won’t be long.” As he walked from the office, he glanced back to see Fiona kneeling behind the desk putting things carefully back in order. Shaking his head, he went to talk to Pierre.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Once he had Fiona back at home, Georges took her to the nursery and helped her use her diaper before lifting her to the changing table. He cleaned her bottom well before turning her to lay on her side and pressing one pain suppository deep into her bottom. Wrapping a fresh diaper around her bottom, he changed her top to one of her nightgowns that dropped to mid-thigh. With her slippers on, he considered her fully dressed for an evening at home. He walked her back to the kitchen where he ordered a pizza for a special dinner treat and then, he sat Fiona in her highchair at the kitchen table.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me about your life and the challenges you face,” Georges started the tough conversation. “Do you think you can talk to me now?”

  Nodding her head slowly, Fiona tried to think of a good way to start but she finally gave up. Her story wasn’t pretty. She’d just have to tell him and hope it wouldn’t change how he thought of her. She looked down at the tray on the highchair and began, “I didn’t have a wonderful family growing up. My Dad left my mom when he found out that she was pregnant. They were both very young, but he didn’t stick around. Mom did the best she could. Life was hard for her, I’m sure. Unfortunately, she began drinking . . . a lot. She did damage to her liver over the years and now needs medical treatments that are very expensive in addition to assistance with basic life skills. She lives in a nursing home, now. She had a little money that supported her at first. Now, she gets some assistance from the government, but it doesn’t pay for everything. I’ve been paying the difference for four years. It takes most of my paycheck.”

  When she paused, Georges covered her cold hand with his. “Could this be Oakdale?” he asked quietly.

  “You knew?” she asked her eyes flying t
o his.

  “I found a letter in your mailbox from Oakdale. It answered a lot of questions for me about how you lived like you do. Without real food in your kitchen and no observable explanation about where your money was going, I was stumped for a while. You didn’t seem to have a gambling problem or drug addiction. I finally called Oakdale to see what I could find out. It turns out that the friendly nurse on duty had been to my restaurant. She was very happy to break all the confidentiality rules to tell me the whole story. It seems that some dedicated daughter usually visits three times a week and has dinner with her mother at the facility. They’ve been worried because they haven’t seen you lately, but someone has called and talked to this elderly lady everyday just about the same time that you would have been in my office all alone,” he looked at her and raised one eyebrow.

  “I need to go see her soon. She misses talking to me in person. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Fiona waved her hand around gesturing at all the modern and expensive appliances and gadgets in the chef’s kitchen. “I didn’t want you to think that I was after your money. I was doing okay with using my paycheck to support her. I don’t want your money.”

  “You are the least money-grubbing person I know, Fiona. Don’t worry that I think you’re after me because of my money. I am curious as to why you are here with me. Do you want to be here, or did you just need a sympathetic stranger who would take care of you when you were injured?” Georges asked openly.

  She closed her eyes as she thought furiously. She didn’t have very much in the world, but she did have her pride. Could she tell this handsome man how much he meant to her and how much she needed to be his Little girl? Clearing her throat, she began slowly. “I can tell you how much I needed someone to help me. I don’t have friends. I’m too busy between work and Mom that I don’t have time to build friendships. But I need something more than just a friendship. I need someone’s love. You swept into my life and took it over. I didn’t have a choice. And after an incredibly short period of time, I didn’t want a choice. I didn’t know how to love, Georges, but you taught me. I never want to be away from you. I hope you’ll want me to be with you forever.”

  This time she held up her hand to keep him at a distance. “I’d only read about age play. I didn’t think people really lived like that. It was just something made up in trashy books. That was the second thing you taught me. You taught me that whatever we want, is right for us. You want a Little girl and I wanted a Daddy. Not as a replacement for my real father that left, I wanted a Daddy who loved the adult me but wanted to care for me totally. I’m still not sure why you want me to be your Little girl, but you make me happy. Even when I’m getting a spanking or you’re paying attention to my bottom in a different way,” she said coloring bright red again, “I don’t want to be anywhere but with you.” She met his eyes shyly and gasped at the fire of lust and wanting that she saw glowing in those brown eyes.

  “Ding, dong!” the doorbell sounded just as he was swooping in for a kiss. They both groaned.

  Georges stood up and said slowly, “I will kiss you when I come back. Nothing is going to interrupt me again!” He stalked to the front door smiling as her happy giggles followed him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When the sun rose to shine in the master bedroom the next morning, Georges had woken up his Little girl already. The delectable feast below him distracted Georges, but he did notice the sunlight creep through the wooden blinds to create lines across Fiona’s body. Georges lifted one soft thigh up on his shoulder to allow him to rub his tongue through her saturated folds. He nipped at her inner labia before running his eager tongue around her clitoris. Hearing her moan was the only encouragement he needed. Georges doubled his efforts to help her orgasm by sucking her engorged nerve cluster into his mouth and pressing two large fingers into her vagina. Just when she was tensing her muscles to orgasm, he lifted his head and hands.

  “What? You can’t just stop. I was almost there,” she said blinking incredulously at him.

  “I just remembered that you earned a spanking by rearranging my desk. I think now is a perfect time to teach you a lesson, Little girl. Let’s turn you over and prop up this lovely bottom,” he had her body rotated to face the mattress and a pillow under her hips before she knew what was happening.

  “A spanking. Oh, no. I said I was sorry. You already forgave me,” she began. “Ahhhhhh!” she screamed as his hand landed heavily on her white bottom. Her legs kicked as she tried to move herself off the pillow, but George simply moved his calves over hers anchoring her to the mattress.

  He continued to spank her watching his hand prints begin to turn her pale skin a blushed pink color. He also noticed with interest that her struggles were spreading her legs apart further parting her buttocks to reveal her clenched anus to his interested eyes. He began to smile as she continued to beg him to stop. “Little girl, I’ve decided to make your punishment something other than a spanking.” To his delight, she thanked him repeatedly. Georges leaned over and opened the night table’s drawer. He concealed a small bottle in his hand.

  Fiona was wrapped up in celebrating the end of her spanking that she didn’t realize what her new punishment was going to be until she heard the cap snap open ominously. “Daddy? What’s that noise?” She gasped as she felt the slippery lubricant drip on to her clenched opening. When his fingers began to press into her rectum, she begged, “Not my bottom, Daddy. Don’t punish my bottom!” She felt his fingers widening inside her tight channel as he stretched her tissues.

  “Little girl, do you trust your Daddy?” Georges asked as he pressed the head of his large penis against her anus. His penis had spent a lot time buried inside his Little girl’s tight vagina last night as they celebrated their new life together. He knew that Fiona had never had anal sex. He was going to make sure she enjoyed it. This was so taboo in her mind that he knew she needed to have this sexual act be his idea. Her mind would allow her to enjoy being penetrated anally only if she could imagine that he had forced her to allow him to take her this way. “Daddy’s going to make you his Little girl in every way.” Georges pressed his pelvis toward her plush bottom slowly as his penis penetrated her rectum. Her squeals of shock and innocence were music to his ears as he reached around her side to begin to caress her inner labia and clitoris. He knew he’d be spending a lot of time buried in her sweet bottom when she began to press herself up to meet his thrusts. His talented fingers coaxed her arousal higher and higher until he felt her spasm constricting around his penis so tightly that she forced his orgasm as well. He flooded her body with his fluid.

  When his breath returned, Georges slid his penis from her rectum and collapsed backward on the bed. He pulled Fiona to lay on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her squeezing her to his chest. He ran one caressing hand down to cup her bottom before spanking it lightly. At her gasp, he commented lazily looking in her eyes, “Little girls need lots of attention to their bottoms. I think I’m going to have to make sure to take special care of yours.”

  “No, Daddy!” she protested loudly. Her wicked smile seemed to convey a totally different message to her Daddy.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cough, cough, cough. Georges awoke to hear his Little girl coughing in her crib. They had now been together for three weeks. Fiona’s shoulder and hand were healing well, and she was getting antsy to go back to work. They had visited her mother at Oakdale several times to make sure she was receiving good care. Their schedule was filling up with activities, but they still found time to have fun together. Yesterday, they had played outside in the cool morning air. Georges shook his head as he sat up in bed. He hadn’t taken very good care of his Little girl. It sounded like she had caught a cold. He swung his feet down to the ground, stretched his hard, nude body, and stood to hurry into the nursery.

  “Little girl, you don’t sound very good,” he said leaning over her crib to press his large hand to her forehead. “I think you’re running a fever.” He lowered the railing to
pick her up. He kissed her lips softly enjoying the feel of her soft body against him. He always put Fiona to bed wearing her diaper and nothing else. Her full breasts and exposed curves felt warm against his bare chest.

  Carrying Fiona to the changing table, he asked softly. “Did you use your diaper?” When she shook her head to say “no,” he pressed on her tummy in just the right spot to help her urinate into the padding. He was still reassuring Fiona that he wanted her to use her diaper. She was starting to use her diaper automatically, but it would take her a while to adjust fully.

  Georges removed her wet diaper and wiped her clean before turning her on her side. He picked up the large thermometer from where it was stuck in the lubricant jar. Putting a dab of lubricant on her anus, he slid the thermometer deep into her rectum. When Fiona allowed this easily without complaint or pleas to stop, he knew that she was ill. He held a tissue to her nose to allow her to blow as her sniffles sounded through the quiet room. Finally, it was time to remove the thermometer. When he rotated it to reveal a temperature of 101, he decided to call the doctor for an appointment.

  After rediapering her, he wrapped his precious Little girl in a warm blanket. He carried her to the kitchen where he heated a bottle of formula. Returning to her rocking chair in her room, Georges held Fiona cradled in his arms. She usually fussed when he fed her a bottle but today she allowed him to slip the nipple into her mouth easily. Her eyes closed as she suckled on the bottle enjoying the feel of the warm formula on her sore throat. As she finished the bottle, he felt her relax into sleep. Georges continued to rock for several minutes. He was very concerned about his Little girl.


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