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Santa's Baby: A Santa's Coming Short Story

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by Dee Ellis

  “Do you?” I don’t mean it as a tease. Not even sure I know how to tease. I mean it literally, so confused by the last blissful moments of my life I can barely think.

  “Mmm, fuck yes I do. Thought all day about diving between those sexy fucking thighs and never coming back out. Not enough time for how I want to feast on that pussy. Not yet. Come here.” I love the way he orders me closer so I twist in his strong arms to press closer.

  “What the shit is going on with my life?” I giggle as he bends his head to lick at my lips.

  “Whatever it is, I like it. Look at me,” I lift my eyes to his to find him gazing at me in a way I never thought a man like him ever could, “Joy you are stunning. Took my fucking breath away walking in to find you today. Wanted to unwrap you right then. Can barely look away from you behind that camera doing what you clearly were born to do. Don’t know what this is between us but it feels like a fucking gift. Ain’t letting you talk yourself out of it.” Nick wraps his big hands around my neck, fingertips cradling my head, his thumbs stroking my jaw. A look of wonderment is in his dark eyes and I feel so cherished held tight against his chest I can’t bear to think of ever moving.

  “O... kay?” I smile though and Nick laughs deep and warm, touching his forehead to mine.

  “I will take that. Take that fucking mouth too. Give me some.” I lift to meet him half way and let him take whatever he fucking wants.

  We kiss until my lips ache and still I want more. Nick lifts away at last to drift his lips over my face, down my neck, and back again. I feel the brand of his lips everywhere at once but most persistently between my legs. Notching his hardness between my legs, he lets out a grunt as his hands cup my full backside.

  “Come to my place tonight. I will feed you,” Nick lifts me against him to lick at my mouth and I squeal, “Feast on you. Fuck you. Repeat.” I giggle because never in my life has something so outrageous happened to me.

  “Seriously?” Doubt hangs from my words as I look down at him, wondering if this is really my life.

  “Serious as a heart attack. God you’re gorgeous. Give me some more.” I laugh again, light and goofy, lifting up to kiss him because I want to give this man whatever he asks. Not sure who this man is or who what he’s doing to me but like he said, I’ll take it.

  Bells toll calling an end to dinner break. Nick grunts as he lets go of me. I want to laugh again. As he watches me with heavy eyes and makes a show of adjusting himself, I do just a little. It causes him to laugh too and he shakes his head, swatting at my backside as we head back out to tend to the flock of children.

  “Like that fucking laugh, cuteness.” Winking at me, he tugs at his cock once more and then shoves his arms back into his suit and snaps his beard back in place.

  For the rest of the night I smile so wide my face hurts. Every once in a while, I catch Nick watching me. Between all the times I am watching him, of course. But every single time I do catch his eyes on me, it lights me up. Nick smiles as his eyes slide over me and I feel it as if he has his hands on me again.

  And all I want is to feel his hands on me again.

  While I am no virgin—lost that title on prom night a lifetime ago—I also don’t have a laundry list of lovers. More like a post it. Those cute little ones. Enough to fit three names. Now, maybe four?

  “Dinner tonight, Joy?” Uri startles me from my clandestine thoughts with his daily offer of some sexual harassment. I never get a chance to refuse him today, though.

  “Don’t think so, Chief. Ready to go, baby?” Both our eyes swing to Nick as he slides beside me to wrap a thick arm about my waist. Something warm and sweet burns low in my belly as he glares at Uri and takes my things from me. Fits his Santa cap over my fake elf ears.


  Nick seems possessive and resolute as he draws me close, waiting for my answer. Glaring at a confused Uri. Smiling at confused me.

  Am I Santa’s Baby?

  Chapter Five

  Nick hauls me close to lead me from Santa’s Village in full Santa regalia; perhaps I am Santa’s Baby.

  How quickly life changes.

  “Baby?’ Uri’s face twists in a mask of distaste. Not a good look.

  “Heard me right. Later, Uri.” Nick smiles brightly at him before tugging me towards the locker rooms.

  Once we walk through the door, it shuts with a heavy thud behind us. I twist to ask what the hell is truly going on but Nick is there. Pining me to the lockers, caging me in with those corded arms, panting sweet hot breaths down at me.

  “Wha—what is…?” I moan into his mouth as he kisses me roughly, as if seeking to own my questions.

  “Hope you don’t think seeing someone changes this, baby,” Nick gives the word extra weight as he licks my lips salaciously, “This is happening. You won’t be seeing someone else after, though.” I peer up at him, bowled over by his aggressive words and press of his body into mine.

  “You kidding me? Last I checked I was single. Painfully so. Despite Uri’s attempts every single fucking night, it’s just me. Been just me for ages.” I sigh a little as I watch Nick soften right before my eyes.

  “Told you life ain’t all bad, baby. I took a gig for gifts never knowing the gift would be me finding you. Ain’t single now, Joy. Not just you—it’s me and you, now.” Breath rattles in my lungs as he stares down at me with a look so intense I feel it deeper than I knew possible.

  “Impossible. We just met…and…I am not…you’re a Goddamn model. And I mean…I’m…me?” It sounds like a question but Nick chuckles before dragging his lips over mine.

  “Good thing too. I don’t think I’d like sharing you. Can’t wait to have you spread out in my bed, pleading for me to make you come, while I am busy worshiping every single inch of you. Here,” Nick grips a handful of my plump backside, “Here,” His hand slips over my thighs then between them, “Most definitely here,” I gasp as his fingers cup me roughly, “Everywhere in between.” Touching his forehead to mine, he watches me with soft eyes that make me want to let him unwrap me right here and now.

  “Nick…who are you?” A smile flashes across his face as he cups my jaw.

  “I’m a journalist who models sometimes to pay the bills my editorials do not. Twenty-seven. I like the city but I live on the outskirts in a little cabin. Grew up down south—raised a gentleman by my mama and daddy. I want the same kind of life they had. A wife. A family. Been single since I moved up here two years ago. Until I walked in here tonight and laid eyes on you. Serendipity, Joy. We were meant to be here tonight.” He says it with such conviction I start to feel my doubts fade.

  “You and me? Doing this, whatever it is, together?” Nick nods before he dips his head to whisper his mouth over mine again.

  “Doing this, baby. Take a chance with me.” Nick breathes with a twinkle in his dark eyes.

  All around us Christmas songs pump through the speakers still, lights twinkling, fake snow still falls, and the air smells of sugary sweet dreams. Why not? Why not go home with this beautiful man who says beautiful things as he makes me feel beautiful too? People fall in love every single day and maybe that’s not what this is, but what if it is?

  Maybe this is a gift.

  “Yes. Let’s do whatever it is you want to do. Wait, no,” I laugh as he lets out a growl as his hands reach for my elf costume, “Not whatever you want, you filthy Santa. Ought to be fired you filthy animal.” I squeal as he lifts me against the lockers with ease, slamming us both against it.

  “Don’t tempt me to show how filthy I want to be with you right now. Take that silly sexy shit off.” Nick laughs as I whip the Santa hat off and spin to let him unzip me.

  We both change quickly—thank goodness for my spare set of clothes—and head out. I look back once at the suits hanging on hooks next to one another and smile. It’s kind of cute. Could be a cute little story for one of those impossibly dirty books I indulge in from time to time.

  Nick holds my hand as he leads me to the parking lot where his
bright red jeep waits. I almost laugh. Seems a fitting ride for Santa, after all. After helping me in, he rounds the front to climb in beside me. Soft Christmas music plays as he wraps his big hand around my thigh.

  “Tell me who you are, Joy?” I flush at the heavy tone he uses and feed him some of the same details he shared earlier.

  “Photographer—obviously. I want to shoot families I think but my own way, not in an elf onesie and pointed shoes. Twenty-five. I don’t like the city because it’s noisy and crowded but I do like it at night. Grew up in the country too. Daddy passed when I was ten and mama struggled but did her best. I think I want a family too. A husband. Kids? I think I have only ever been single, to be honest.” We slow at a stop light and before it changes Nick leans over to brush his lips over mine.

  “Till now.” I flush and giggle a little and wonder how this man has gotten under my skin so fast and so easy.

  We drive for a while as the sun settles behind rolling hills. As we drive, we talk and laugh and a few times he even sings songs to me. It’s adorable and perfect and I am kind of expecting to wake up and find it’s all a dream.

  Twinkling city lights give way to darkness as dense forests fill the wide open spaces. Soon we are climbing hills and valleys before Nick points to a snow capped mountainside.

  “Home is up there.” I peer out the window at the beautiful scenery and icy river winding around the home set back amongst the hills. After a few miles on a gravel turn-off, we pull up in front of a little cabin. A string of clear bulb lights hangs from the low front porch. Perfect. I breathe deep the pine air as I take his hand to follow him inside.

  “Christ it’s gorgeous.” I breathe as I spin to take in the entire view spread out around us.

  “Damn sure is.” Glancing over I realize those dark eyes are fixated on me. Flushing, I bow my head and shake it, feeling raw and bare.

  “Don’t. Don’t say stuff just to…” Nick slides his fingers into my hair, tilting my head back to look into my eyes.

  “Never say shit I don’t mean. Waste of time. You, Joy, are stunning and I know a fucking gift when I see one. Ain’t letting this one out of my sight.” Nick lowers his head to kiss me sweetly. As he lifts away, I feel dazed but not confused. I think maybe I found myself a lovely gift, too.

  Nick promises a tour of the place as he leads me up the few steps and inside. Once the door shuts behind us it’s just like before in the locker rooms. I can feel the air thicken with what is happening between us. Sparking in the air and flooding both of us with need.

  “Take those clothes off, baby.” Nick’s voice is low but clear and raw.

  Without hesitation I twist to face him as he stands in front of the fireplace. Crossing my arms over my front I peel my sweater off and toss it aside. Kick off my boots. Jeans come next. Nick lets out a sound that ripples against my flesh as I stand in my bright red panty and bra set.

  Twisting away, he flicks a switch behind him. A fire roars to life and I smile. Facing me again, Nick lets those dark eyes skim over me and I shudder beneath the weight of that look. Watching me, he tears his own sweater off as he kicks off his own boots. A few shimmies of his hips and he’s down to those red boxers.

  “Jesus are you real?” I shake my head as he bites his bottom lip.

  “Really real. Are you, baby?” Reaching out, he slips the straps of my bra down my shoulders. Another swift move removes it. I press my hands to his chest and his eyes flutter as I trace the dips and curves.

  “All real.” I smirk as his hands plump my breasts, thumbs skimming over my aching nipples.

  “Mmm, feels real damn good to me.” Strong arms close around me to bring me tight against his chest. My heart thunders against my ribs as I consider what is about to happen. As if sensing my nerves he lifts me against him and dips me back against the couch.

  “Lie back for me. Spread those legs,” His palms slide down my thighs and urge my knees open, “That’s it. Let me look at you for a moment.” Fingertips hook into my panties and they scrape down my hips slowly.

  Instinct has me wanting to cover up. Hide away. But, with this beautiful man gazing at me with those soft eyes, I feel bold. Soft and sexy. Nick grunts out a noise that rockets need between my legs and makes me ache for him. Kneeling between my thighs his wide shoulders spread me open as his hands skim over me slowly.

  “Fuck, Joy. Got the prettiest little pussy I ever laid eyes on. Wet and pink and fuck…smells so fucking delicious. After I feast on that little cunt I am going to bury my cock deep inside and never leave, I swear to Christ.” Reaching out, I lace my fingers through his silky hair as my hips twist beneath his weight.

  “Please…Nick…” Begging turns into a moan as he bends forward and licks a long lazy lick at my soaked slit.

  As if one taste unleashes something within him, Nick winds his thick arms around my thighs and dives in. His tongue is magic, swirling, spearing, suckling, driving me to the edge again and again. But each time I almost grasp at the first orgasm not driven by my B.O.B. he stops. I whimper and thrash beneath him, pleading. Begging to come.

  “Oh, baby, I am going to make you come until all you know is pleasure that only I can give you.” Nick threatens before he sucks at my clit and I scream as I finally am gifted with my orgasm.

  “Nick! Yes! Oh…oh God!” Licking and sucking at my stickiness, Nick grunts his approval.

  Still trembling from the shattering orgasm, I whimper weakly as he breaks away. Whimpers become groans as he shoves at his boxers and his cock springs out. Thick and wide, it is the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen. Sitting forward, my mouth pops open as my tongue waits to taste him. Nick lets out a growl that echoes in the house, dropping a hand to cup my jaw.

  “Christ, Joy. Eager to please me?” I bounce my head, hands sliding up his thighs and around to cup his ass.

  “Yes, sir.” I laugh before licking once around the length of him. Heat floods my legs as his fingers tangle in my hair and he thrusts forward.

  “Good girl. Like that you want to please me, baby. I will come down that silky throat for you to swallow me down. Not before I fill that pussy up. Come here.” Bending, he slips from my mouth as he hooks his arms beneath my legs and lifts me. I hold tight to his shoulders as he crosses the room and takes a few stairs.

  Once we stop we’re in a loft like bedroom. Twinkling globe lights hang from the eaves and I almost weep it’s so Goddamn perfect. Instead I squeal as I’m falling backwards before Nick climbs over me, pinning me to his bed. Crawling over me, he lowers to drag his lips over me, talking between every nip, suck, and lick at my skin.

  “Goddamn I like seeing you in my bed. Don’t know what this is, Joy. Never felt nothing like it. Just know I ain’t letting you go. Ain’t letting this go.” Shaking my head I reach for him, clawing at his golden skin, dragging him closer.

  “No. No, don’t let me go.” His mouth takes mine as he angles his hips between my thighs.

  “Won’t. I fucking won’t. Not ever. Don’t you look away. You give me those eyes, baby. Want to see it in your eyes when you feel me claim you. Because that’s what this is. Me taking you for mine, baby.” Twisting his hips, he lines himself up against my wetness and we both grunt.

  “Oh! Oh…shit, condoms!” I push at his shoulders but he just shakes his head.

  “No need. Ain’t been with a woman in two years. Told me you ain’t been with no one either. You trust me,” Looking in his coffee eyes I realize that for whatever reason, I totally fucking do, “You can trust me, baby. Be lucky if it took our first time and you gave me everything I wanted.” I start to protest but realize I have no reason to. I want to give him everything he wants. Want to take it from him, too.

  Would it be so bad to have Santa’s Baby?

  Nick drives forward and I shout his name as I come so hard I see stars and hear hymns. Once I focus again I meet his eyes and watch as he takes me just like he promised. Thrusting into me again and again, he spreads me wide and takes me body and fu
cking soul.

  “Oh my Jesus.” I clutch at his shoulders, nails piercing his skin, his grunts and the thud of the bed slamming against the wall the soundtrack to the best sex of my fucking life.

  “Goddamn right. Gonna be your fucking world, baby. Be your fucking God. You’re my fucking Goddess, Joy. Fuck it feels so right being inside you. Feeling you wrapped around my cock. Around me and my fucking soul.” Nick is beautiful in the throes of pleasure and I can’t look away. Don’t want to miss a moment of it.

  I come twice more before he even slows down but when he slows down, it’s fucking magic. He curves his big body over mine to worship my body with his mouth, his hands, and his words. And I don’t ever want it to stop. Lifting away, he watches me with eyes colored with emotion I can’t look away from.

  “Come with me, baby. Right now with me. Give me what belongs to only me now.” I curl into him as we come together, his hips pumping harder, faster, sinking him deeper into me.

  “Yes! Nick!” I shout as I splinter apart as he fills me until I feel our stickiness coating both of us.

  “Jesus, Joy. Goddamn!” Lifting, I kiss at his mouth and tell him silly shit I probably shouldn’t as pleasure ripples through me for longer than I knew was possible.

  Later, I notice the fire is going in the bedroom too and I twist on the bed to watch him stoke it. As if sensing me watching him, he twists and a serene smile twists his beautiful features. Crossing the room towards me, he climbs in the bed next to me, his hands everywhere at once.

  “Did you mean it?” I frown up at him as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

  “Mean what, handsome?” Curling closer, I sigh as his fingers ignite paths of fire over my skin.

  “Joy. Baby. Coming on my cock had you saying you wanted my babies, my last name, and my love. You said, and I quote ‘Love you almost as much as this dick’. Did you mean it?” Flushing I start to panic and push away

  “I…I…Nick I don’t….” Growling, Nick twists to pin me beneath him and lock my arms above us.


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