Book Read Free

Marshal Law

Page 15

by Kris Norris

  Her gaze drifted to the bloody laceration on his thigh, her head tilting from one side to the other.

  He sighed. “Flesh wound. It’s nothing. Just stay here.”

  Her disapproving huff followed him as he picked his way through the barn, heading for the window on the other side. He’d covered half the distance when the barn door bounced open, Bret’s body silhouetted by the rising moon.

  The man took a step inside, cocking the rifle clasped in his hands. “I know you’re in here. I can smell your stench. I don’t know what the hell you are, but I saw the blood. And if you bleed, you can die.”

  Jude hid behind a post, judging the distance to the window as Bret took another step inside, his gaze drifting toward where Ethan and McKenna were hiding. No fucking way Jude would let the bastard get anywhere close to his mates. Period.

  He darted to the next pillar, silently closing the distance. He had to buy some time. Let McKenna know she and Ethan needed to get the hell out. “Don’t be a fool, Bret. We didn’t come alone. Marshal Winchester and a posse full of men are ridin’ over that ridge as we speak. They’ll have this place surrounded before you can get to your horse.”

  Bret laughed, spinning in a circle as he searched the shadows. “If that were true, you wouldn’t be talkin’ to me. You’re stallin’.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe you’re just too stupid to know the truth when you hear it.”

  “That thing killed my brother. Won’t rest until you’re all dead.” He snickered. “Though, you’re right about one thing. I don’t need to take you on when there are other ways to kill an animal.”

  He backed up, swinging the door shut with a resounding clang. Light flickered beyond the slats, the smell of smoke swirling along the breeze.


  He ran back to where he’d left his mates, jumping when torches landed on the barn, the dry wood and hay igniting instantly. Fire crackled along the beams, engulfing everything in its wake as the flames spread, consuming the building far quicker than Jude thought possible. He bent low, picking up Ethan as the wolf tried to stand.

  He shushed it, nodding at McKenna. “Let’s go, darlin’. But we both know they’ll be waitin’ for us. You hit that ground runnin’ and you don’t look back, you hear? I’ll get Ethan clear. You just run like hell.”

  Panic flashed in her eyes when one of the timbers fell across the doorway, kicking up burning bits of hay. Her wolf ran ahead, making for the window they’d jumped through. It didn’t even hesitate as it leaped out, disappearing amidst the swirling smoke. He followed behind her, jumping clear as flames flared behind him, the heat searing his skin. He dropped to the ground, releasing Ethan then giving the animal a shove. The wolf vanished into the smoke as Jude pushed to his feet, stumbling after them when Bret appeared in front of him, rifle notched in his shoulder, barrel pointed at Jude’s chest.

  The man cackled, giving Jude the once over. “Something tells me you can’t dodge a bullet. But don’t worry. I’ll take good care of that freak of a woman. Make sure I gut her proper after I fuck her. Because she will change back, won’t she? I’m bettin’ all I need to do is hurt her enough and that animal will disappear. Either way, it’s worth a try.”

  The report of a rifle sounded above the roaring fire, and Jude flinched, waiting for the searing pain, only to watch blood blossom on Bret’s chest a moment before the man fell forward. Jude spun, shaking his head as Grant stood behind him, smoke curling up from the tip of his weapon. Flames shaded his skin dark orange, the flickering light dancing along his clothes.

  He walked forward, eyeing Jude. “You might want to throw on some pants or shift before anything important gets singed.” His gaze dropped to his thigh. “That a bullet wound?”

  “Just a graze. Ethan…”

  “He and your mate are out by my horse, not that the poor animal is thrilled with the way she keeps growling. But Ethan seems to remember I’m on your side. He’s keeping her somewhat calm.” He walked over to Bret, checking the man’s neck. “Can’t say that I’m all that torn up over havin’ to shoot the man. Bastard’s been terrorizing this area for some time.”

  “Guess I owe you my thanks. For Ethan and McKenna, too.”

  “Just returnin’ the favor.”

  “Might not be wise to stand out here in the open. There were more with him.”

  Grant smiled. “My sense of smell isn’t distracted by my mates. Nothin’ else registering close by. And I saw at least six ride off as I came over the hill. Bettin’ they didn’t like the odds. Or their opponents. Heard one of them shoutin’ about some rabid wolves attacking the place.”

  Jude sighed. “Let’s just hope that’s all they thought we were.”

  “Too late to worry about that now. We’ll just have to deal with any rumors. Assure the good folks of Tombstone they have nothing to fear. Of course, if they were to get a new marshal…or two. Maybe a sheriff…”

  Jude laughed as he followed the man back to his horse, heading directly for Ethan and McKenna. They were huddled together, McKenna’s head positioned protectively over Ethan. Her tail wagged as he dropped to his knees, giving both of them a scratch. “You still doubting there’s a wolf inside you, darlin’?”

  She snorted, turning her head away from him.

  “And an ornery one at that.” He leaned in closer. “You’re absolutely stunning. Ethan was right. White as snow.”

  She glanced back at him, once again settling on Ethan.

  Grant stepped up behind them. “Any idea when they might change back?”

  “Ethan needs to heal more. By morning I figure. As for McKenna…” He smiled. “I’m thinkin’ when she’s good and ready. You know how women are.”

  The man nodded. “The previous sheriff was an old friend of mine. Had himself quite the ranch not far from here. I inherited it when those Wilson boys gunned him down. Haven’t known what to do with it, seeing as I’ve made a home of sorts in Bisbee. House has been sitting empty. Reckon it’d be a good place for your mates to recover. If you’d like.”

  “Mighty nice of you to offer.”

  “You and yours helped bring his killers to justice. I’d say that’s compensation enough. And I know Russell would be happy at the thought of you honoring his memory by staying there, being lawmen and all.”

  Jude shook Grant’s hand, motioning to his mates. “Think you can drag your asses another couple of miles? There’s a warm bed in it for you if you do.”

  McKenna yipped, nudging Ethan with her snout. His wolf got to its feet, slowly heading off in the direction Grant pointed. McKenna trailed behind, stopping to ensure Jude was following. He smiled, waving her on as he watched her lithe form trot after Ethan. Girl needed a lesson in common sense. How to keep her ass out of danger, even if she had saved their lives. And he knew Ethan would more than back him up on it. They just had to wait for her to change back.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ethan leaned against the headboard, watching McKenna sleep at the foot of the bed, mesmerized by the smooth perfection of her skin. The way her body twitched occasionally, a soft, snuffling sound mimicking her wolf. The woman was beauty and grace and courage—and she was theirs.

  His wolf grumbled, subtly reminding him of the risks she’d taken. Of her wolf’s devotion once it’d finally made the shift. Hell, even after arriving at the house Grant had offered them, she’d stayed in wolf form, pacing the room then checking up on Ethan every few passes. Jude had resorted to shifting as well, trying to comfort her, but she’d maintained her vigil until Ethan had turned back near daybreak. Her animal had sniffed the length of his body, nuzzling his jaw before curling up on the end of the bed. It’d taken another full hour before she’d finally shifted back, the transition taking more time than usual.

  He sighed. Though he realized she’d become quicker with experience, watching her body convulse as her joints creaked and popped had cut hard, and he wondered if he and Jude had ever been like that. If they’d been that vulnerable all those years ago.<
br />
  Jude tsked, lowering his hip to the edge of the bed beside Ethan after walking into the room. “She’s fine. I know the transformation looked painful, but…we know firsthand it isn’t like that. Sure, there’s a fair amount of pressure, and that odd tingling sensation, but she’s not hurt. And remaining a wolf for so long healed the worst of her injuries. There’s just a mild amount of bruising around her eye and across her cheek. We should be thankful her other half took care of her as well as it did. Having it happen under those circumstances…” He gave Ethan a pat on the shoulder. “Could have turned out much worse.”

  “She damn near got herself killed. Lagging back to watch over me…”

  “Not your fault. Woman’s stubborn. Didn’t expect anything less from her wolf. Wench took on one of Bret’s men to save my sorry ass, too. So, I’m just as guilty for putting her at risk. Besides, her loyalty and courage are two traits we love most about her. Probably half the reason she’s our mate. I just hope we’re worthy of her sacrifice—that we don’t let her down. If anything had happened to her…”

  Ethan smiled. “Our girl held her own. Eliminated more than a couple of threats. I’m thinking her wolf is just as skilled as her other half. But we will have a discussion with her on the concept of keepin’ her ass glued to a chair when instructed to.” His gaze drifted back to McKenna. “You sure we shouldn’t have moved her up here to the middle of the bed?”

  Jude laughed. “And risk waking her wolf again? As much as I could stare at that beautiful creature all day, I’d like another chance to hold the woman. She seems comfortable enough.”

  “Damn cute the way she made several circles before settling in. I wonder…”

  He let his voice fade as McKenna stirred, humming out her next breath as her eyes blinked open, brilliant blue orbs staring back at them. The tension that had been plaguing her since they’d first met her had eased, a genuine smile curving her lips. He reached out his hand to her, and she crawled toward him, taking his fingers in hers before lying across his thighs, her head nestled in his lap. He stroked her hair, drinking in her scent as she snuggled against him, her chest rising and falling gently against him.

  Jude walked around to the other side of the bed, climbing in behind her. She sighed when his arm curled around her chest, holding her close as he reclined beside them. She seemed content to just lie there, wedged between them, nothing but the whisper of breath sounding in the room.

  Ethan ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the feel of the soft strands brushing across his skin. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “My head doesn’t have that unrelenting pressure in it anymore, and I don’t feel as if my skin’s going to split open.”

  “It’s a start.”

  She huffed. “Okay, why don’t you boys just gloat and get it over with.”


  She pushed up, twisting to face them, her breasts peeking out from beneath her hair. Ethan’s gaze dropped to the tight buds, arousal heating his flesh. With her wolf threatening to emerge, he hadn’t really taken the time to discover every inch of her—neither of them had—and he couldn’t help but think now was the time.


  He tore his gaze from her chest at her firm tone, meeting her stern gaze.

  “It’s hard to talk to you when you aren’t looking me in the eyes.”

  “It’s hard to talk when your body is so obviously tempting us.”

  She glanced down, inhaling sharply as if just now realizing she was naked. She crossed her arms on her chest. “Not having clothes make the change with me is definitely going to be a negative to this whole shifting issue.”

  A low rumble vibrated through Ethan’s chest. “Not really an issue from where we’re sittin’. In fact, it might come in extremely handy. And we weren’t gloating. We’re just glad you’re okay and relatively unscathed.” He grazed his finger down her cheek. “You scared ten years off our lives. When we realized Bret had taken you…”

  Her expression softened. “I couldn’t sit there and let those men kill you. There were over a dozen of them and just three of you. And you were trapped in that damn office.”

  “We appreciate you coming to the rescue…again. We just wish we could have been there to help you through your first shift. Your wolf…” He whistled. “She’s very impressive, and perhaps even more stubborn than you.”

  A tentative smile touched her mouth before fading into a frown. She pursed her lips together, looking more beautiful than ever in her uncertainty.

  Jude cupped her hand, drawing it against his chest. “What has that pretty head of yours upset?”

  “I was just wondering…” She sighed. “Since I can’t see my wolf…”

  Jude chuckled. “You’re stunning. Thick, white fur, delicate paws.” He raised his hand to her face. “But the same blue eyes…except for when you’re angry. They turn more of a slate gray then.”

  “So you’re okay with…” She waved her hand at her body. “That? With me?”

  Ethan frowned, looking at Jude but the man merely shrugged. “McKenna. Sweetheart. We love you. All of you. Whether you’re dressed in pale, smooth skin or soft, white fur—there isn’t an inch of you we’d change.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes, accentuating the intense blue color. “So even after everything that happened, you don’t regret saving me? Bonding with me?”

  “Regret? We’d die for you. Why would you even consider that?”

  She fisted her hands in her lap, staring at them as she sighed. “I’m not like you guys. I can’t control… I let my wolf take over. Then I couldn’t rein her back in. What I did… Those men…”

  Ethan glanced at Jude, then back at their mate. “Those men were going to kill you. Or us. Jude gave them a chance to leave. They chose to burn down the barn.”

  “But I killed them. Tore out…” She blew out a shaky breath. “What if I’m a cold-blooded killer after all? What if you boys were wrong about me?”

  “McKenna.” He raised her chin until she met his gaze. “Protecting those you love without concern for your own safety doesn’t make you a killer. You were willing to die for us…for Marshal Winchester and those people in the saloon. Not a cold-blooded bone in your body. Jude and I just hope we measure up. That you aren’t the one who regrets mating with us. You were right before. We didn’t really give you much of a choice, because there never was one in our minds. But if you still have doubts…”

  Surprise widened her eyes as she looked from him over to Jude then back again. “I love you. Both of you. And I will until the day I die. Not a chance I’ll ever regret that.”

  Her words eased the tight feeling in his chest, her easy smile making his heart pound. He leaned forward, breathing her in—aware he could spend a lifetime loving her and never grow tired of it. Never have a day pass by without wanting to hold her in his arms and watch her give herself to him and Jude.

  Jude nuzzled her neck, nipping at her skin. “We’ll help you learn to control your wolf. Make peace with her, though I’m not sure that’s going to solve the stubborn issue…for it or you.”

  McKenna punched him in the shoulder. “You two boys are just as bad.”

  “At least we didn’t break our promise to keep our ass glued to a barstool.”

  “I wasn’t the one who damn near ran their wolf to death.”

  “Ethan had good reason, but you have a point. Can’t help it if our wolves are possessive, darlin’. It’s in their nature.”

  “Then it’s in mine, as well, seein’ I’m every bit a wolf as the two of you.”

  “That you are. Which is good because you’ll understand why we need to do this.”

  He nodded and Ethan reached for her, lifting her toward him as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, planting them on the floor before shuffling her forward and lowering her over his lap. She inhaled as she landed across his thighs—breasts brushing his legs, her beautiful ass bared to their gaze. He rubbed his hand acr
oss her skin, the smooth feel of it soothing the ache in his chest.

  He’d thought they’d lost her. That they’d find her body bloody and broken at the hands of the men they’d sworn to protect her from. After all the outlaws they’d faced, it was the first time Ethan had ever truly been afraid, and he knew Jude felt the same. He’d sensed it. The overwhelming panic. The pain. Now that they knew she was okay, they needed to ease the unsettled feeling inside them. Calm the animal side of them. And there was only one way to achieve that.

  McKenna squirmed in his lap, huffing out an irritated breath. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Lift me up.”

  Ethan continued to caress her ass, inhaling her desire. It surrounded them like a comforting blanket, every pass of his hand increasing its strength. He bent low over her, trailing his fingers up her spine. “I think you know what’s coming, and your wolf loves the very thought of it—the girl, too. We told you to stay put. To wait for us. You almost died.”

  “They would have killed you. I couldn’t let that happen. As it was you got shot…”

  Her words morphed into a moan as Jude jumped off the bed, kneeling beside her. His hand disappeared beneath her torso and Ethan knew the man was playing with her nipples. His arm brushed down the side of Ethan’s leg as he switched sides, drawing another throaty rasp from her.

  He leaned across her, nipping at her shoulder muscles. “It’s our right as your mates to protect you. You made that very difficult.”

  “You’re my mates, too. That means I get the same concession… God, Jude.” Her breath panted across Ethan’s skin as her body stiffened against him.

  Ethan moved his hand back to her ass. “We’re not disputing that fact. But you will see what happens when you scare us, sweetheart. And we were scared. More than you’ll ever know.”

  She sighed in defeat, humming when he traced the seam of her pussy lips, dipping his finger into her cleft. Warm, wet fluid eased his way, her obvious arousal spiking his cock against her hip.


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