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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

Page 11

by Barbara Svetlick

  She looked at it, turning it over and then she opened it again. The book had a date of 1860 and was signed in 1862 by Charles Dickens under the title page. The teapot started to whistle so she tucked it under her arm and picked up the kettle and filled her teacup. As she was setting it back down on the edge of the stove, there was a knock on the door that startled her making her drop the book. She bent over picking it up and set it on the counter. She looked out the kitchen window and there was a horse tied up at the rail. She stepped back as the knock came again and Jasmine walked out from the nursery and Mirisa put her finger to her lips and Jasmine nodded. She walked to the bar and reached behind it pulling out her gun. She heard the footsteps on the porch and she held her breath then motioned to Jasmine to lock all the French doors to the nursery as she made sure the doors to the back porch were locked. She went up to the second floor and looked out the window over the hallway. She saw the doctor standing next to his horse. She opened the window and called down to him.

  “Dr. Bailey, what brings you so far out of town?”

  “Good morning Mrs. Lanfear. I was visiting nearby and thought I would see how you are doing.”

  “I’ll be down in a moment.” She closed the window and walked down putting her gun under the counter in the kitchen. She unlocked the door and asked him if he would like a cup of tea. He thanked her and took off his hat as he crossed the threshold. He stopped and took in the lodge.

  “You have a beautiful home.”

  She fixed him a cup of tea setting it on the bar so that he would have to sit placing the bar between them. “The children and I are only visiting for the summer.”

  “It is impressive but I assumed since you said your husband owned land here that he built it.”

  “No. Our home is in Texas. It is not nearly as grand as this but it is a very comfortable home.”

  “How long are you staying?”

  “Not long. I don’t want to be here with the children if the winters are as bad as I have heard.” She stirred her tea slowly as he continued to take in the details of the house. “Dr. Bailey, are you settling in?”

  “I am. Being a country doctor is a lot more work since I am not used to the distance between patients.”

  “Who were you visiting?”

  He stammered before he answered. “A family a few miles south of here. They have a lot of children which means I will have a lot of work.”

  “I haven’t met anyone but I find this ranch far more isolated then Texas.”

  “Are you home alone?”

  “Oh no. Jasmine is always with me and the stable foreman is nearby if I should have a problem with bears or such.”

  “Aren’t you afraid of being so far out of town?”

  “Not really. When we moved to Texas we were far away from any sizeable town so we just created our own which has turned out to be a great little place to live.”

  He reached over and picked up the book and looked at the inscription. “Is Alexander one of your admirers?”

  “Just a friend who knows how much I love to read Charles Dickens.”

  “I doubt seriously if there is a man in your life that isn’t hopeful of being more than a friend.” He was watching her expressions very intently but she wasn’t about to reveal how much he was making her uncomfortable.

  “Dr. Bailey, would you like to stay for dinner. I am sure my husband would love to get to know you better.”

  “Thank you but I have to get back to town.” He stood and picked up his hat. “Thank you for the cup of tea.”

  “You’re welcome.” She picked up his cup as Jasmine walked out carrying an empty plate. He looked from her to Mirisa and made note of which direction the nursery was located in the house. Mirisa followed his eyes and decided the children needed more security.

  “If you are in town, please stop in and see me.” He tipped his hat as Mirisa stood in the doorway as the doctor mounted his horse.

  Garnett was riding from the south when he saw the doctor galloping toward town. He pulled back to the tree line and took out his binoculars. The man rode like a soldier and not a refined man of medicine. He handled his horse with an expertise that only came from living in the saddle. The horse was extremely strong and the gear expensive. There were no medical bags or even a saddle bag and it appeared he was wearing a gun under his coat. That in itself was not unusual but every doctor he knew carried rifles or had small guns for protection. Dr. Bailey seemed to be in a hurry which suddenly made Garnett uneasy as he turned his horse and headed to the house at a gallop. He tied up his horse and slowly climbed the stairs turning the knob on the front door. It was locked so he took out the key walking in as Mirisa was coming out of the nursery when she heard his voice.

  He walked in closing the door behind him and lifted her chin. “Did you let him in?”

  “Of course. He was in the area and dropped in for a cup of tea.”

  “Have you not listened to us at all?” He took the gun out of her hand and told her to breath. “Are the children alright?”

  “They are taking their nap and I was getting ready to read a book on the porch. I don’t think he’s dangerous and was probably just making a social call but my gun was always within reach.”

  “I don’t want him in the house.”

  “Why are you home?”

  “I was coming in for more nails when he passed me heading to town.”

  Mirisa nodded and then walked over and put the tea kettle back on the hot stove and took down another cup. Garnett checked all the doors then sat down at the bar while she took out the tin of cookies putting them in front of him before pouring hot water in his cup. They sat and talked for a few minutes before Garnett told her he had to get back before they sent out a rescue party to find him. “Keep the doors locked and if you need to read on the porch do it from the upstairs porch though I would feel better if you stayed indoors today.”

  She said she would and locked the door behind him. She fixed another cup of tea and curled up on the couch opening the book. Before she realized how much time she had been reading, the twins came running down the hallway looking for a snack. They climbed up on the couch wrapping their arms around her giving her kisses all over her face. She closed the book and pulled her children in closer as they giggled and squirmed. After lunch, she curled up on the couch and read them a story about a lost baby bear. Jonathan would interrupt her making the sound of the bear while pointing to the drawings. She thought he was incredibly realistic even though she had no idea what a bear would sound like.

  Garnett put the large pouch of nails on his horse and headed south to Dominic’s house. He tied up his horse and walked over with the pouch throwing it on the ground as Dominic stood up with a questioning look. Matthew was sitting on the back of the wagon eating his lunch. Garnett nodded and Dominic walked far enough so they were out of earshot. Garnett told him what happened and what he observed. They waited until Matthew had finished his lunch then they headed back to the lodge. James and Meeks were already in the barn putting up their horses. Dominic lifted Matthew down and told him to go up to the house and tell his mother they were home.

  James watched as he put on his hat and ran for the house. “What’s going on?”

  Garnett repeated the story in amazingly accurate detail as they all listened.

  You could smell the fried chicken and vegetables as soon as you came through the door. James hung his hat on the peg then took off his gun before heading up to wash up. The table was already set with fresh bread and butter at one end of the table and she was at the stove. She knew by the somber looks that they were dealing with the doctor coming out to the lodge.

  “Meeks is there room to move the children to the second floor.”


  “The doctor was mentally mapping out the house. Are you sure he didn’t serve in the military with all of you?”

  “All of the French doors have strong shutters that can be barred from inside. I’ll show you how to close them in that

  The dinner was very subdued and they made small talk about the hunting along the eastern part of the land. Meeks was putting more wood on the fire poking at it as the flames started to lick around the logs. He put the poker back in the holder and put the ornate screen in front of the hearth. James was pacing and Meeks finally told him to sit down before he had to shoot him. James just scowled at him then walked over to the bar and poured a shot. Dominic picked up the bottle and put it in the middle of the table and sat down.

  “What’s our position?”

  “Other than making her understand that she can’t invite him into the house, I think we need to make sure she’s never in the house alone. Her observations pretty much match Garnett’s so we can assume he is militarily trained.”

  Mirisa closed the book and kissed each child as she tucked them in. She loved having them all in the same room and would frequently find Maggie sleeping with one of the boys. The month she was alone in Texas the twins would always sleep with her. She closed the bedroom door leaving it slightly ajar when she heard the piano. Mirisa climbed the stairs to the top floor to find Garnett alone at the piano. Papers were on the bench and he leaned over and wrote something then went back to playing. She walked over and opened up the doors letting in the warm summer breeze. There was no moon making the night sky so enticing.

  Garnett walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. “I think it’s time we talk.”

  “I’ve missed each of you in different ways but mostly I have missed the security of knowing one of you is always there.”

  Garnett led her over to the couch and sat her down before getting the bottle of whisky filling only one shot glass. He handed her the shot and she sipped it before handing it back. He slowly took her back to the day they left her in Texas and then listened to her go through the days interjecting only when she would say something that was out of the ordinary. Like most people, the recall of details was always elusive without gentle prodding. When they finally came out of the piano room, the house was dark except the lanterns hanging in the kitchen. Garnett cleaned out the coffee pot and started a fresh pot then asked if there was anything sweet hidden away.

  “Look in the pantry behind the sack of salt. With Jonathan in the house, it is necessary to hide the sweets.”

  He opened the door lighting the small lantern then searched the shelves until he found the salt and moved it aside to find a red tin. He took it down and walked out into the kitchen extinguishing the lantern. Mirisa sat at the bar watching him as he poured her a cup of coffee then opened the tin to find sugar cookies. She loved the way he always sought out sweet food at the end of the evening.

  “Are you ever going to get married again?”

  “Maybe someday. I didn’t think I would before I met Julie.”

  “And why did you fall in love with her?”

  “I don’t know. She was very quiet and alluring and I was wandering aimlessly through the days. It started out good but she couldn’t adjust to the type of life I was living or to being around my friends.”

  “Are you referring to Dominic or all of them?”

  “Mostly Dominic but it was more what she believed was their influence on me. I think when a man courts a woman he is always on his best behavior with impeccable manners and good conversation. I don’t know at what point that falls away revealing someone’s ticks and habits for what they really are but I don’t believe any of us is any worse than the other. We’re all bad. It’s going to take a strong woman to accept me.”

  Mirisa picked up a cookie and dunked it into her coffee as he watched her struggle to keep it from falling apart before she could eat it. “Then you must always be courting me for I have never found you anything but caring. Do you remember the moment you first helped me into the carriage?”

  “Like it was yesterday.”

  “Have I become a liability?”

  “We don’t know at this point. I am hoping that this is just a stupid man smitten with you for that would be easy to handle but I personally believe it is far more sinister.”

  “He’s not smitten.”

  “How do you know?”

  She bit her lip and looked down. “I’m not sure. Maybe just a feeling or maybe déjà vu but he seems so familiar. There’s something about his smile and how he goes from being personable to cutting you off when he has what he needs or if you delve too deep into his life. He acts like someone on a mission.”

  “It might just be our concerns that you are feeling and your exposure to men has been very limited so maybe you are just associating those feelings with the few unscrupulous men you have been exposed to.”

  “Did you kill Colonel Smith?”

  He pondered it for a moment as he chewed on a cookie. “You know you make the best cookies.”

  “You know when you change the subject that you actually answer the question.”

  “Darling, there are still things in life that you don’t need to know. I did not kill him though it certainly would have been my pleasure to do so.”

  “Garnett do you enjoy killing people?” He just nodded for he had to remain impassive. “Where is everyone?”

  “I’m not sure but probably sitting out on the porch getting drunk and praying like hell that you don’t engage them in these questions.”

  She laughed so easily. “Then I shall bid you goodnight for today has been exhausting.” He picked up her cup putting it in the sink as she went to bed.

  Meeks watched as the light softly spilled out of her room onto the porch and then across the tree limbs. He would give anything to be able to sit holding her hand and watching the fireflies dance through the trees as they enjoyed a glass of fine wine. He was biding his time just waiting for her to be free.

  Garnett walked out onto the porch and leaned against the railing. He went over all of the events without putting emphasis on anything allowing them to process the information before they discussed it.

  “So, Senior Gomez was so concerned with this unknown man that he actually went to the Sheriff to let him know?”

  “Yes. The Sheriff told Gomez that his description matched a man who had been staying at the tavern for a few days. I think we need to send a telegram to the Sheriff for as much detail as he can remember.”

  “I guess Sr. Gomez is a good judge of character.”

  “Mirisa said Tom Jr. and his brother came over after the incident and asked if they could stay in the adobe while we were gone. She said she didn’t buy the story that visiting relatives required them to sleep on the floor but she felt better knowing they were close.”

  They were so embroiled in selling the property that none of them even took the time to think about the possible danger of leaving her alone. Meeks stood up and went into the house for a cup of coffee then headed for the library. James sat quietly wondering what part of their past was about to catch up to them.

  “I don’t think he is ready to make a move but honestly if his intent was to target one of us it wouldn’t be hard out here. I think we need to keep our routine as normal as possible until we hear back from the investigator.”

  “I’m surprised that she agreed to come out.”

  James turned to Dominic. “I think if he went to Texas first then it is a good thing she came out.” He pushed away from the door. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  NONE OF THEM had a restful night but without more information they were in a waiting game. They were all at the kitchen bar when she came out carrying her daughter. Matthew had already helped Jonathan dress and he was sitting on Dominic’s lap eating a biscuit. She handed Maggie to Meeks before fixing her a plate of fresh fruit and toast.

  “Are you taking Matthew with you this morning?’

  Dominic was trying to keep Jonathan from putting too much food into his mouth when he looked up at her. “We’re working around the house today so he can either help or he can spend the day with you.”

  “Matthew would you like to go into town with me today?”
  Dominic almost dropped his coffee cup and had to stand to stop the hot coffee from running all over Jonathan. Mirisa picked up the dish towel and started to clean up the coffee. She fixed Jonathan grits with bacon then refilled Dominic’s cup.

  “Who is going into town with you?”

  “Garnett agreed to take me in so I can shop.”

  Dominic looked at Garnett who didn’t respond then he looked back at Mirisa. She absolutely loved it when they used eye contact when she was right there in the room. She excused herself and walked to the nursery.

  James served the eggs. “When are you going into town?”

  “Whenever Mirisa’s ready.”

  Meeks told them he would be working in the library if they needed him. He put Maggie down on the floor next to his desk and opened the bottom drawer bringing out a cloth doll handing it to her. She stood up on her tip toes and kissed him before sitting down to play. Mirisa came out ready to leave but when she didn’t see Maggie she walked into the library to find Meeks working and Maggie sitting on his lap with her doll and her thumb in her mouth.

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Alexander, I want another baby with you.”

  “You have a strange way of showing it.” She looked down and took in her breath. “I’m sorry Mirisa. That was unfair but I am having trouble understanding your hesitation.”

  Mirisa sat down on the end of the couch. “Before Dominic and I were married, I signed a pre-nuptial agreement and if he can prove that I have been unfaithful I could lose my sons. That is the reason Garnett didn’t want Maggie to be registered as your daughter. I am not hesitant I am frightened of losing my sons.” Meeks stood up and raised her chin as she struggled with her emotions. Meeks kissed her then released her and told her he would put Maggie down for her nap. She bent down and kissed her daughter.

  Garnett helped Mirisa into the wagon but Matthew climbed up using the spokes of the wheel and jumped in with Dog jumping in after him. The ride into town was enjoyable but she noticed that there were no other ranches or even indication of another ranch between Denver and the lodge.


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