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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

Page 15

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Dominic, if you do not withdraw the allegations right now the friendship is over.”

  “Our friendship has been through a lot worse; I seriously doubt that this will end it.”

  Garnett reached down and pulled James’ firearm and slid it in his belt. James started to stop him but changed his mind because he was angry enough to kill and if they had been out on the trail he would have done it five minutes earlier.

  “I’m going to say this for the last time. If you do not withdraw the allegations, there will be nothing left between us.” Dominic realized he was not backing down.

  “What difference does it make what the papers say?”

  “It makes a difference to your children and it makes a difference to your wife. If you attempt to take the boys away from her, I will testify to your abuse.”

  “She won’t be my wife in five minutes.”

  “Are you so damn cold that you would take the last seven years and reduce it to this?”

  Meeks lit a cigar and studied him. Garnett was concerned that Meeks had said nothing and seemed to be extremely relaxed compared to James.

  “What’s the matter James, are you upset that you don’t get her?”

  Meeks fist came out of nowhere landing Dominic ten feet away. Dominic immediately drew his gun but Meeks already had his centered on him with the hammer cocked. “Dominic, I personally don't care whether you withdraw the allegations or if you feel betrayed because, frankly, you don’t deserve Mirisa. You’ve never deserved her. You took advantage of her age and innocence. I don’t care what you do because you have no impact on my life and I would appreciate your moving into your own house since it has been finished for over a week.” He holstered his gun and walked into the courthouse.

  Garnett walked over and helped Dominic up then he handed James his gun back and they all went into the courthouse. The Judge took the bench and looked up at them.

  “Mr. Andrews, Mr. Lanfear what brings you both into my courtroom this morning?” The judge took the paperwork from his clerk, slid his reading glasses down from his forehead and read the pleading. He took them off and looked up at Meeks and James “Did I not just play poker with three of you on Saturday night?”

  “Yes sir.” Garnett was leaning against the table with his legs crossed.

  “You’re all long time friends?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “And Mr. Alexander you are representing the wife in this matter?”

  “Yes sir.”

  He flipped back through the document then put it down. “Did not three of you partake in other activities Saturday night?” He looked directly at Dominic. His attorney started to object. “Save it Sam, I’m well aware of what happens upstairs.”

  “Your honor we are withdrawing the petition and request a divorce on irreconcilable differences.”

  “Sam, are you saying that you cannot prove these allegations?”

  The attorney bent over the table and spoke to Dominic then turned back to the Judge. “My client does not wish to pursue them.”

  “Mr. Alexander, if my memory serves me right you are close friends with Mr. Lanfear?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “And your client is seeking only custody and support of the children?” Garnett had asked for custody of the two children and support for them because Mirisa told him she didn’t want any assets other than her personal things. Garnett thought she should get support so instead he decided to ask for additional expenses.

  “Yes sir. She’s also requesting that the nanny’s salary and expenses be paid for which shouldn’t be an issue since she has been in Mr. Lanfear’s employment for eight years and the salary and expenses of the caretaker of the Texas house be paid for by Mr. Lanfear as long as she owns the house. She additionally requests funds to upkeep the property and for any schooling that the children might require. We are also seeking that he pays for any travel expenses to take the children to see family.”

  “And you expect me to believe as the best friend of the Petitioner that you are serving his wife’s interests?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Why would I believe that? And where is your client?”

  “She’s at home with the children.”

  “You haven’t convinced me that she is willing to give up her rights. Does she want this divorce?”

  “Yes sir.” He was trying hard to stay professional but it was hard when they had been playing poker with the Judge a couple of nights a week.

  “Alright, she will have sole custody of both boys. How old are they? What is her position on Mr. Lanfear’s visitation?”

  “They are five and one years old. She has indicated that he can have liberal visitation but she wants all the children with her for the holidays and birthdays. Both boys are extremely close to their father.”

  “Alright, I am granting the divorce on irreconcilable differences, she gets custody of the two children along with support and expenses. I’m not going to put in an amount because I know that we are dealing with extensive wealth in this case so I’ll just put in here that if she asks for it she better get it and I don’t care what it costs. He will cover all the other expenses she has requested and I am going to additionally order that she be paid a flat amount of $5,000 a year for her support. Is the Texas property in both names?”

  “No, he recently deeded the Texas house to her and she has agreed to give up any part of the Mississippi plantation and Mr. Lanfear has agreed to give up any claim on the Richmond apartment.”

  “Anything else we need to address?” When no one responded, the Judge wrote up the order and signed it. “Mr. Lanfear I assume you understand?”

  “Yes Judge.”

  “Do you have any problems with my ruling?”


  “Now, maybe next time you get married you should either marry an undesirable woman or not leave her alone with your friends while you are committing adultery. Hopefully, I will see you at the tables again but frankly if someone had put my name in that pleading I would have shot him.” He handed the paper to the Clerk and called the next case. Garnett waited for the signed papers from the Clerk and left the courthouse with Dominic. James and Meeks mounted their horses and headed back to the lodge.

  Mirisa took off the wedding ring and put it away with the other things Dominic had given her. She carried the box up to his room and placed it in his drawer as the tears ran down her cheeks and then she took a long bath.

  When Mirisa came out of the nursery, she was wearing a long blue dress and her hair was loose and still damp on the ends. They were all sitting at the bar talking and turned when they heard her. Finding Dominic sitting at the bar as though it was just another day completely threw Mirisa off. She looked at Meeks but she didn’t know whether to turn around or just stand there.

  Dominic stood up and said something to her. Mirisa shook her head trying to pull away from him. Dominic took her by the elbow and they walked out to the porch. She listened as he tried to explain what he did but all she could think of was the fact that she wanted to hit him, she wanted to scream at him but mostly she wanted to shoot him right between the eyes. How could hate be so overwhelming for someone you had loved beyond anything else in the world? Mirisa hated him more at that moment then she ever thought she could hate anyone. Every time he touched her she recoiled and his reaction to her behavior was anger. He finally stood up and walked to the railing sipping on his whisky.

  “My house is finished so I’m moving in. I would like to keep Matthew this week.”

  “Who has custody?”

  “The Judge gave you custody of both boys with unlimited support.” He waited impatiently knowing she held the cards. “I need to put distance between us.”

  “I thought you had already done that.”

  He turned at the tone of her words. “Can you ever just respond without trying to crucify me?”

  She pulled in her breath and wondered why the argument couldn’t die but she knew it was because they never reached
the root of the problem. “I don’t know how I lost the man I loved.” She broke down as he stood helpless. Mirisa turned away from him because they both knew there was no answer that would make her understand.

  Dominic went in to pack and saw her box in the drawer. He opened it and found all the jewelry he had given her including the gold band. He slipped his off, looked at it and put it on his right hand. He closed the box and put it back in the drawer. He needed time away from her and from the physical pain that seemed to fill him because he had been unable to hold onto her. He went into the nursery and told Jasmine to pack enough clothes for Matthew for a few days. He looked at her closed door then left.

  They were all sitting in the great room drinking but not talking. Nothing needed to be said.

  “Is Matthew going with you?”

  James looked up from his game of solitaire at Garnett. “Going where?”

  Dominic downed the shot. “My house is finished and I need time away from her.”

  “She has a name Dominic.”

  “Don’t start James.” His anger was riding right on the edge of his voice and they all knew that it would take very little to push him over. “She didn’t say one way or another but I’m hoping she’ll come out and at least be able to discuss it calmly.”

  “Come out of where?”

  “She’s in her room.”

  Meeks picked up a bottle of whisky and went to find Mirisa. Jasmine told him that she was on the porch. He put the bottle on the table and walked out to her. When he picked up her hands, he realized the only jewelry she was wearing were the pieces he had designed for her. Meeks reached in his pocket and took out a small ring that looked irregular and he slipped it on her finger. Mirisa looked at it and realized it was her daughter’s name.

  “It was designed by my father for my mother when she was pregnant with me. She was a concert pianist from Spain on tour in New York when they met and fell in love. He pursued her relentlessly and when his wife wouldn’t give him a divorce he kept her as his mistress. She was so much younger then my father but obviously she was in love.” He stopped for a moment and struggled with his emotions. “She died in an accident when I was still a baby so he took me home and raised me. His wife naturally hated me from the moment I came through her door because I was a constant reminder of the only person her husband ever loved. As hard as he tried to give me everything, his wife couldn’t get over her anger. It wasn’t until you had Maggie that I really understood my own life. But I also understand that Maggie would always remind Dominic of what we did.”

  She thought there would be no more surprises left in the day but he just proved her wrong. Meeks brought her into his arms. He kissed her and asked if Matthew was going to spend some time with his father. She nodded. “Mirisa, Dominic is heading east with Garnett and he wants to know how you feel about Matthew going with him.”

  “I’m fine with it as long as Matthew wants to go.”

  Meeks woke her up early on Saturday and asked her if she wanted to ride into Denver with him and James. She rolled over and watched him as he was shaving. She got out of bed, walked up behind him and ran her hands over his chest laying her face against his back. His skin was so warm. He continued to shave and waited for her to answer. He finally wiped off his face then turned and pulled her up close to him. “Are you going to answer or just play with my body?”

  “Do I have to wear my gun?”

  “Does a duck have feathers?”


  “What Mirisa?”

  “How old are you?” He laughed at the question.

  “I’m seven years older then you. Do you think maybe you need a younger husband this time around? I think only Garnett is younger than me if you are looking for options.”

  “No, I just never asked.”

  “You actually never ask anything for the simple sake of asking. It’s like you are so busy just living that the rest of the stuff just doesn’t matter in your world.”

  “You were the last one I thought I would fall in love with when I first met all of you.”

  “And what changed your mind?”

  “I love the way you twirl me on the dance floor.” He picked her up and kissed her. “But mostly I think I love you because you are so damn beautiful.”

  “Men are handsome not beautiful.”

  “No, you are past handsome you are beautiful.” They came down the stairs hand in hand and James told them the horses were saddled. It was a beautiful day to ride. They tied their horses to the railing outside the courthouse. James reached up and untied her hair and kissed her neck.

  “Mr. Meeks and Mr. Alcorn, what brings you into town this fine morning?” The judge was in the courtroom though his docket had just concluded and he was getting ready to go to lunch.

  “If you have a moment, we would like to get married.”

  He looked at Meeks and then at Mirisa. “I assume that this is Mrs. Lanfear then? I can now see what the fuss was about. It’s a good thing you didn’t bring her to court because I might have awarded her everyone’s wealth if I had known she was this pretty.” He introduced himself to Mirisa and asked her if she had any questions about her divorce. She told him that Garnett had explained it all to her. He looked at Meeks. “I assume that means the result.”


  “And you feel getting married so soon is the right thing to do?”

  She looked at him and then at Meeks. “I married Dominic after knowing him three weeks; I think seven years is enough time to decide if I want to be married to Alexander.”

  “Alright. Have you taken out a marriage license?” Mirisa looked at him then at Meeks who took it out of his pocket and handed it to the judge. “Looks good. Do you want to get married here or in my chambers? And I assume that James is your witness?”

  “I think in chambers.”

  The judge got up and held the door open that led to his office. He opened his drawer and took out his Bible. “Do you have a ring?”

  Meeks took a small gold band out of his pocket and handed it to the Judge. He went through the ceremony but she didn’t hear a word the Judge said nor did she take her eyes off of Alexander’s. He picked up her hand and slid the ring on it before kissing her. Mirisa smiled and wrapped her arms around him while he swung her around making her laugh. James just shook his head and the judge took out a bottle of whisky and congratulated them. Meeks handed her his glass before she kissed him again then she turned to James hugging him. He held her tightly and told her quietly that he hoped she had finally found the happiness she deserved. The judge now completely understood what would cause four grown men to fight over one woman.

  They spent the evening in the kitchen fixing a very elaborate dinner which James served in front of the fire. When he tried to excuse himself, they both asked him to stay and celebrate with them. They finally brought out the train tickets and burned them while toasting the day. At the end of the evening, Meeks carried her up the stairs and with as much ardor and love as anyone could ever display he convinced her that his love was worth her decision.

  WITH SEPTEMBER came cooler weather and you could actually see the snow moving down from the highest mountains. James and Meeks went out hunting for large game so they could smoke the meat before the snow moved in. Mirisa had spent all morning baking and the house was filled with the smell of cinnamon and apples. Satisfied with her baking, she went into the great room and pulled out her reeds to finish a small basket that she had started before the divorce when the door opened unexpectedly and she turned to find Matthew bounding across the room. She got up off the couch and wrapped him in her arms. His hair was cut shorter and he looked more like Dominic than ever.

  Garnett walked in right behind Matthew and turned her face up kissing her. “Can we talk you into making us something to eat?” He walked over to the bar, got out a fresh cigar and poured a shot before sitting down next to Matthew.

  “How did Matthew ride?

  “I was great, right Garnett

  Dominic watched them and he knew it was going to be hard to be around her and not touch her. James and Meeks returned with a good size buck which they gutted in the field and then hung in the stable to dress. Matthew was so excited to see Meeks and James that he started his stories all over again. Meeks looked into Mirisa eyes and she smiled then kissed him.

  “Matt, I have a deer hung in the shed if you want to help me dress him.” Matt grabbed his jacket and headed out the door with Dog. They all put on their jackets and went out to cut up the deer and talk about the hunting.

  They came back in as Mirisa was putting dinner on the table. James opened a bottle of wine. Mirisa decided to feed the children out on the porch and Jasmine helped her carry the food out. Meeks walked out with the picture of milk and filled the children’s glasses.

  “You’re not feeling social tonight?”

  “I’m not ready.”

  “Then enjoy your dinner with the children and I will be in to kiss Maggie goodnight.”

  Matthew was asleep before she tucked him in. She sat for a moment just watching him and when she got up Dominic was standing in the door watching her.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  Mirisa didn’t know what to say to him. She started to walk past Dominic and he stopped her. He saw the tears in her eyes which were so beautifully green it brought back the memory of her on that first Thanksgiving. He loved her so much.

  “I noticed the ring.” He picked up her hand and she looked up into his eyes. “I haven’t accepted that you are no longer mine and I don’t know if I ever will.”

  Dominic turned and walked out of the nursery. Meeks was standing in the doorway as Dominic passed. Meeks walked over to her, leaned over and picked her up by her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Mirisa, I know this is going to be awkward. Don’t let him upset you.”

  “You are the most wonderful man in the world.”

  “You playing tonight?”


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