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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

Page 20

by Barbara Svetlick

  “We have reservations for nine.”


  “Of course, how else will they know we’re in town?”

  Dominic picked up Jonathan then turned to Mirisa. “Thank you for sharing the apartment. We were there almost two weeks.”

  “You’re welcome to use it anytime.”

  “We had dinner with your father.” Mirisa looked at Dominic but didn’t ask anything. “I think he’s a little angry.”

  “A little. I would say he’s furious. In fact, I’ve never in my life heard him use the language he used. I don’t know if he was angrier that Dominic married you or that he divorced you but he said if it weren’t for the children he’d just shoot him and that was mild compared to what he was going to do to Meeks.” Garnett lit his cigar and picked up his bags. “I think I need to take a long hot bath. House turned out nice Meeks.”

  Mirisa started laughing and they all looked at her. “I guess I need to see him.”

  “That’s not a problem. He’ll be in New York on Monday and has definite intentions on seeing you.”

  Matthew sat down when they brought out his dinner. Mirisa sat at the table and let Matthew talk about the trip until Maggie crawled into her lap closing her eyes. “Let’s all go look at your rooms.” They went upstairs and Jasmine helped her get them in their nightclothes and then she read them a story.

  When she came downstairs they were all sitting in the library drinking whisky and talking. They stood up when she stepped into the room. You could tell by the cut of the dress that James had a hand in picking it out. He had wired the most expensive dress store with her exact measurements and details having them deliver three dresses in the latest style. It was a shimmering emerald green that emphasized her from the back.

  Dominic looked at her. “Did you bring your jewelry with you?”

  “No.” They all knew that she had put it away the day Dominic divorced her. She took great measures to build a wall between the two marriages. Meeks listened to the slight hesitation in her voice making note that their bragging was having more of an impact on her confidence then she was revealing. Meeks walked over to her and took her in his arms kissing her.

  “You are exceptionally beautiful and I don’t deserve to have you on my arm.” Mirisa put her arms around his neck and he could feel her working hard to maintain her decorum.

  They dismounted as Meeks’ carriage pulled up in front of the restaurant and the doorman stepped to the street to open the carriage door. Meeks descended first then stood to the side and put his hand out for Mirisa. The street in front of the restaurant was crowded with strollers and people coming in and out of the restaurant. The doorman opened the door allowing them to enter. Meeks took off her cape and handed it to the hat girl along with his hat and gloves. James walked up to the maître d’ and spoke to him briefly.

  “James, it’s a pleasure to see you in town again.” Mr. Maters owned the restaurant along with several upscale hotels in New York and New Jersey. “It’s been too long since you gentlemen have graced New York.” He took Mirisa’s hand as Meeks introduced her and he immediately looked at Meeks then smiled at her. “It’s indeed a pleasure. I hope you enjoy our establishment tonight.” He snapped his fingers and they were shown to the best table in the middle of the restaurant.

  To say they caused a stir as they crossed the room would be completely understating the reaction of most of the people who knew the four men. The maitre d' pulled out a chair for Mirisa as she thanked him before looking across the restaurant watching James, Garnett and Dominic socialize as they made their way across the room. Meeks stood behind her chair, bent down to say something to her and when she looked up at him he kissed her.

  “You are currently the hottest gossip in this restaurant and by lunch tomorrow you will be the hottest gossip in New York City.”

  “Is that good or bad?” She watched as the waiter opened a bottle of wine, poured a glass and handed it to Meeks. He tasted it and nodded. The waiter then filled her glass and put the bottle in a bucket to the side of the table.

  “I’m not sure because you have never been exposed to this type of high society. They play hardball with a lot of money thrown in or a lot of money they are going after. If you get in any situation where you feel uneasy just let one of us know.” They all made it to the table and sat down.

  James ordered a bottle of their best whisky before taking his seat. “I love New York society. Well, Mirisa I hope you are ready because you have married the most sought after, eligible New Yorker and the women are not going to be happy with you at all.”

  “Do I have to worry about them trying to steal him?” James broke out laughing at how naïve she was.

  “I think he’s going to be too busy trying to make sure someone doesn’t steal you away from him.” She blushed for the first time in a long time. Meeks reached over and kissed her passionately. “Well, I can see he’s already letting everyone know how he truly feels.”

  This is the way they were when she first met them, aggressive, alive and ready to play. She thought they really needed a big stage to be happy. The dinner was so good and must have been prearranged because no one ever came over to the table except to pick up or put down dishes. The wine and whisky were endless though Meeks didn’t allow her to drink much. As people came in for dinner or got up to leave, they stopped by the table. She listened to all of them with great interest and learned so much.

  “There will be more invitations delivered tomorrow then time to attend.”

  “How will they know you are here to invite? Have you sent out cards?”

  Garnett was kicked back smoking his cigar. “Sweetheart, as soon as James made the reservations the word was out.”

  “Are you that notorious?” They all looked at her at the same time.

  Dominic laughed. “Why do you think your mother hates us?” For once he was glad that he wasn’t married to her though he would still like to have the ability to be with her when he wanted.

  “Well, I have no intention of being ignored by any of you.” She was wondering if she had the ability to handle them in this mood.

  Meeks stood up and when he stood behind her to pull out her chair they all stood. She thought they were always perfect gentlemen in public. “I believe you boys can get home on your own.” They all kissed her goodnight but it was obvious to everyone in the restaurant that none of them had a casual relationship with her. Meeks laid her cape across his arm as he kept his hand on her elbow. The restaurant would be packed for hours but he thought that the braggart persona of the boys was probably too much for her to handle after years being alone with them.

  “Alexander?” The older elegant blonde had just gotten out of a carriage accompanied by a dapper gentleman dressed in a sharp suit and bowler hat.

  “Charisse.” Meeks kissed her cheek and then shook hands with the gentleman. “Please let me introduce my wife, Mirisa.”

  “Wife? That’s a word I didn’t think would ever cross your lips.” She extended her hand to Mirisa. “I’m Alex’s sister.” She then introduced her husband and asked Meeks how long they would be in town, where he was staying and when she could expect him for dinner. He gave her the address which didn’t surprise her at all but she didn’t know the brownstone had been finished. The story of his mother was well known in New York and had always been known by Charisse. “Then can I expect you for dinner on Wednesday?”

  “How many of us are you inviting?”

  “The boys are with you then?”

  “Always but there’s also the children.”

  “Children? You really are a surprise tonight. Pray tell how many children do you have?”

  “We only have one daughter but Mirisa has two sons.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry dear. Did you lose your husband in the war?”

  “No, Dominic’s still alive or at least was a few minutes ago.” With that the three came out of the restaurant.

  “Charisse, isn’t this an unexpected pleasure.” Garnett
took her hand and kissed it with such suggestiveness that she laughed.

  “Well, I see that the four of you are as roguish as ever and spending the winter in New York to what break more hearts? I’m sure that a lot of women tonight are going to bed with high expectations.”

  “Mirisa, it has been a pleasure and the invitation does include everyone though I am sure that the boys have better things to do then attend a stuffy dinner at my home.”

  James smiled at her. “Depends on who you are inviting besides us.”

  “James, I know for a fact that your presence would guarantee any invitation I send out was enthusiastically accepted. Still as good as you always were, I assume?”

  “I believe I am better but you know you can always decide for yourself.”

  Charisse’s husband started laughing and slapped him on the back. “It’s good to have you boys home. I assume you are heading for the Gentlemen’s Club tonight?”

  “That was our intention.” Mirisa didn’t react though she assumed that it was just an extremely upscale card room with more expensive women then you found out West. The carriage pulled up and Meeks helped Mirisa in then told his sister he would let her know but more than likely it would just be the two of them. He kissed Charisse on the cheek and got in the carriage.

  Charisse turned to Dominic. “She’s absolutely beautiful. How did you manage to lose her to my brother?”

  Dominic smiled. “I haven’t lost yet.” They said goodnight and headed to the club as Charisse and her husband went into the restaurant. As she knew she would be Charisse was immediately the center of attention because the gossip was already out of control and who better to feed it then his own sister. She was just glad she ran into him otherwise it would have been catastrophic since the last thing she would have guessed was that he would be married.

  Mirisa climbed up on the bed and straddled him. He reached up and brought her face down to kiss her. “I think I might just keep you up all night.” She had absolutely nothing on except stockings. He ran a finger under the garter and then kissed her again. They fell asleep as the sun was coming through the window. Meeks slipped out of bed, threw on his jeans before closing the door and heading downstairs. The coffee was already made so he poured a cup and went into the library. The house was completely quiet. He was working on the latest documents that Garnett had given him when James walked in with a cup of coffee in his hand and opened the whisky and poured it in his coffee.

  “Rough night James?”

  “Absolutely damn perfect night.” He slouched down in the chair and looked like he needed at least twenty-four hours sleep. “This house is really accommodating.”

  “I hope that doesn’t mean you brought anyone home?” James just sipped his coffee.

  “You don’t look like you got any sleep either.”

  “I didn’t but sometimes it’s just too sweet to let go of for something like sleep.”

  “She was extremely beautiful last night.”

  “She’s feeling insecure at the moment. Are you going shopping with us today?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ve already informed the stores that we’ll be there with no limits on what she wants.”

  Garnett and Dominic both came in with coffee and complimented him on the house. Meeks didn’t bother asking whether it was just one woman or several since it was probably just one. Meeks told all three of them that bringing women back to the brownstone was inappropriate with Mirisa and the children in the house. The stairs were part of the original design that he left intact when they remodeled but he was now sure it was not a smart decision. ”If you have to weigh it, then I will tell you that I want no women brought back to my house. All of you can afford hotels.”

  They heard the kids coming down the stairs and run through the house for the kitchen. Mirisa seemed to be right behind them since she was telling them not to run. She waited until they were served breakfast then poured a cup of coffee and went into the library. She kissed her husband then sat down on his lap. Meeks rolled his chair back but she got up and left the room. She came back a moment later with the coffee and filled everyone’s cup and then took it back into the kitchen.


  “Yes James.”

  “If you pull that sash right there they will bring the coffee to you.”

  “I much prefer servicing you myself.” They all smiled and thought James opened himself up to her every single time. Mirisa curled her legs up and asked when they were going shopping.

  “As soon as you are ready to go.” She reached over on the desk and picked up the dozen envelopes sitting in the center then put them back down. “Would you like to decide which events we attend?”

  “No, I think you will do a far better job of that since you know the people in this town. I just need to know how to dress.”

  James laughed. “Don’t worry we will buy enough today that you won’t have to worry about the impression you make.”

  “Do I appear worried?” Mirisa sipped her coffee as the children came running into the room. She told them again to stop running in the house and took her coffee upstairs to get dressed. Maggie climbed up on her father’s lap and put her arms around him. Meeks kissed her cheek and asked her what she was doing. “Running.” She climbed back down as Jasmine came to the door looking for them and the three ran up the stairs to the nursery. Meeks got up and said if they were going shopping he needed to change.

  “Rough night Meeks.”

  “No rougher than yours.” Meeks lit his cigar and left the library.

  Mirisa was sitting on the bed in her camisole and stockings when he walked in. “You’re awfully quiet this morning? If you are tired, we can go shopping later.”

  She looked up at him and shook her head before standing up to get dressed. He reached out and brought her into his arms. “I love you and if I had wanted my old life I could have just returned home.”

  “But we are here now.”

  “I want to spoil you for a change so please humor me for the winter.”

  “You already spoil me.”

  “Not enough and not what you deserve.”

  The coach let them out at the corner near the most expensive shops. The first place was a dress shop that carried exclusively European clothing. The sales lady came up to them and James handed her his card. She told them to go into the fitting area and have a seat. She had a decanter of whisky put on the table with glasses then looked over Mirisa, turning her around. “I would like to see you without the dress on. You can go through there and I’ll be right in.”

  James got up and started unbuttoning Mirisa’s dress and helped her step out of it and the petticoats so she was only in a dark purple camisole set and dark purple silk stockings. James took her hand and helped her up on the small raised platform.

  The sales lady cleared her throat, took her measurements then disappeared. Mirisa felt very self conscious as several women came in carrying dresses. The sales woman asked if she wanted to use the dressing room and Garnett told her she could try them on right where she was standing. She raised her eyes at that point and Dominic lit a cigar because he didn’t realize how interesting it was to take her shopping.

  Mirisa tried on over a dozen dresses. They made her turn, they adjusted them, they discussed the overall affect and either agreed or rejected the dress. Several were split so they bought them anyway. At that point, James told the fitting girls to accessorize every dress before it was boxed. They were drinking and laughing which caused every woman in the store to ask what was happening.

  The sales lady came back with another dozen dresses that were reserved for her richest clients and hung them on the rack. Dominic was having her retry a dress. Meeks got up and went out into the front of the shop where the women watched him as he picked out at least two dozen camisoles and as many stockings as they had in stock. Meeks then went through the garters picking out a dozen in different colors. After that he picked out silk blouses, a couple of nightgowns in silk an
d several underskirts in silk. The girls were so busy trying to keep up with him that the rest of the customers were ignored.

  Meeks went back into the fitting room and James was straightening out the hemline of an absolutely stunning dress in black. Meeks felt his resolve completely leave him. He’d never be able to make it out of the house with her in that dress. “James, I think that’s too much.” They all looked at him and she turned to face him. “God, that is…” He was speechless.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much the reaction of everyone. This one is definitely going home with us.”

  The woman just stood there convinced now that this must be some high priced mistress. James slid it off of her and at the same time he ran his hand down her hip and talked to her. She stepped away from him which took him by surprise but made all of them smile. As James was helping her button up her dress, Meeks went out front and had everything put on his account and sent to the house. He also told the staff if his wife came back in to put anything she wanted on his account. “You are talking about the young woman with you today?”

  “Yes. I imagine she will eventually want to shop on her own.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll make sure we take good care of her. And may I inquire as to her first name?”

  “Mirisa. There is to be no limits on the account.”

  “I understand completely.”

  James took them to two other very extravagant stores before they came to the jewelry store. She stood back as the four of them discussed the pieces, the stones, the colors but never the price. The jeweler assistant asked Mirisa if she would like a cup of tea and she thanked him then sat down. They spent over an hour in the store and she had absolutely no idea what they bought since they didn’t walk out with anything.


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