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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

Page 24

by Barbara Svetlick

“Let me guess. You were young, inexperienced and he swept you off your feet.”

  Mirisa smiled. “Pretty much.”

  She sighed. “That’s how I married my first husband. I was so impressionable and believed I was old enough to make decisions despite what my parents thought. My second marriage was for love or so I thought. He was so very smooth and so very convincing until he used me for his whipping boy whenever his day was bad. It took a long time for me to cut that tie. I am on my third but to a much older man. I believed that he would offer me a quieter and comfortable life. I shall warn you to never marry an older man even if you believe money will make life better. It never does.”

  “I am fortunate that my father has provided enough for me to be secure. I met Alexander because he was hired to protect me, actually they all were, so our love developed from my closeness to all of them.”

  “Who is your father?”

  “Richard Eppes.”

  Suzette nodded. “Dr. Eppes. Well known in the inner circles but your mother’s wealth is by far more impressive. Your grandmother is well thought of with all of her charity work.” Suzette stood and put out her hand. “I am glad that Alex found someone who loves him for himself and he is worth loving. It has been a pleasure to talk to you though you will be warned to steer clear of me but don’t believe the things that men tell you. They just don’t want you to talk to women they have been intimate with which is a lot of the women you will meet. Just remember that he would not have married if he wasn’t in love.”



  “Why do so many women seem to…”

  Suzette laughed easily and realized she was a very sheltered young lady. “Boredom. Money can buy you a lot but in the end when you get nothing emotionally then you search for it until you realize that you can’t find something you want if you wade in the same pool as you are trying to escape. I think next time I’ll just forgo marriage but for now I will just appease my boredom. And you should know that Alex has turned down every invitation.”

  Mirisa looked down as Suzette stood. “Isn’t that why you left Dominic to marry Alex?” She patted Mirisa’s hand. “Dominic never had the ability for understanding women so don’t fret over it not working and be thankful that he at least provided you with children. I never had the pleasure of bearing children.”

  Suzette checked her hair then kissed Mirisa on the cheek before leaving the powder room as three young women walked in nodding to her before looking at Mirisa. She turned back to the mirror then put her gold compact in her purse walking back into the ballroom looking for her husband. She did not see any of them so she slowly walked toward the bar hoping they would find her. Meeks was standing across the room talking to old friends when he saw her come into the room. The look on her face was close to panic until their eyes met. She was so lost in this world and too shy to break out of her shell. When he reached her, Meeks lifted her chin taking in her eyes then bent down and kissed her. “Mirisa, I worry when I can’t find you.”

  Meeks took Mirisa through the room stopping to talk to couples that he had known for a long time. He was very good at holding conversations on many levels and she was impressed with his ability to relax. He kept his hand on the small of her back and when someone would engage her in the conversation he would allow her to handle it without interjecting anything. Meeks was so in love with her that nothing else really mattered. They said their goodbyes to the host and hostess a little after two and as the coach pulled away Mirisa buried herself into him as they both savored the moment.

  “Alexander, I love you so much.”

  “I hope so. You were absolutely beautiful tonight. I am sorry if anyone was rude to you. The cattiness never used to faze me but tonight I felt overly protective of your feelings.”

  “I think I’m old enough to learn how to handle this life but thank you for trying to protect me.” She kissed his lips then bit his ear.

  “You’re welcome and you have accounts all over town so feel free to shop without assistance though I would prefer you have an escort.”

  “Is that appropriate?”

  “It is for safety reasons. This is a big city with an underbelly that is very dangerous so please always take precautions.”

  “How do I find someone to escort me if you are busy?”

  He laughed. “I’ll hire someone but you won’t know he’s there and he definitely won’t be helping you shop.” The carriage stopped and he stepped out then lifted her down before telling the driver to return and wait for the boys.

  IT CONTINUED to snow on and off through the week and by Thanksgiving week a frigid front moved across the city and the temperatures dropped dangerously low. Both James and Mirisa felt at loose ends since they weren’t doing any of the cooking but she stood her ground when it came to making pies with the children despite the complaints from the staff. She decided on blackberry and pumpkin pies for the Thanksgiving dinner but asked Meeks to buy a cake for Matthews’s birthday. Even though his birthday didn’t always fall on Thanksgiving Day, they celebrated it on that day. She took down a large bowl and began sifting the flour until the bowl was half full. Then she blended in the lard and salt before she poured herself a glass of wine.

  Mirisa loved being home alone with the children. She took down their cups and poured them each a cup of grape juice to go with the hot sugar cookies. Matthew brought her a cup of water and she mixed it in the flour then rolled it into six balls of dough. She unfolded the pastry cloth then spread flour across it before putting a ball in the middle. Matthew powdered the rolling pin and began to methodically roll it out until it was thin. Mirisa handed him the knife and he cut it into a perfect circle, put his arm across it and folded the pastry cloth over sliding it into the pie pan. Jonathan reached up and picked up a piece of the dough placing it in his mouth as he reached for another piece.

  “Jonathan, if you eat all the dough there won’t be any cinnamon rolls.” He gave her a look that he knew the cinnamon rolls were already cooling down on top of the oven and then he put the other piece in his mouth. Mirisa took the sifter with the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkled it over a piece of raw dough which he immediately picked up and ate.

  They made a wonderful mess on the dining room table as they laughed and created the tops for the berry pies. When they were finished, she sent them up to clean up and take a nap. James stood in the doorway watching her. “Mirisa do you ever put any boundaries on the children?”

  “Only when it comes to them doing things like climbing trees or sliding down the banister.”

  “Well, at least I don’t have to clean up the mess this time.” He walked over and poured a cup of coffee and went to the library to finish reading the article in the financial journal. Mirisa took the pies into the big kitchen to be baked before she cleaned up the mess despite being fussed at by the maid. She finally fixed a cup of coffee and went in and sat on the couch closing her eyes. James looked up at her but continued reading.

  It had been so long since she had been alone with him. James put down his journal and stood causing her to look up at him. Without a word, he reached out and pulled her off the couch taking her upstairs closing the door to his room. Each button on her blouse slipped out as he slowly moved his fingers down the silk. Kissing her shoulder softly, James ran his hand down her arm and brought it up and back. He reached around her and unbuttoned her jeans and ran both hands down as she reacted. He brought her back to him and brought his hands out to her hips and slid her jeans down past her thighs as she stepped out of them. James rolled his fingers in the straps of her camisole lowering them then rolled it to her hips.

  James loved when it fell across her hips as he followed the line of the silk. He came around her and kissed her deeply. She was responding to each kiss and each touch. She started to reach for him but he took her wrists in one hand and held them behind her back. James ran his finger slowly around each nipple until they were hard. He was talking to Mirisa in almost a whisper and she begge
d him to let her hands go but he wouldn’t.

  “You know I never relinquish control.”

  He continued to explore every inch of Mirisa’s body for what seemed like eternity always bringing her right to the edge then changing what he was doing. He let go of her hands and removed his clothes. She smiled because he rarely went this far and as good as he was with his hands he was built to have sex. He laid her on the bed and held her hands above her head as he very slowly took her. Mirisa did everything to get her hands released but he refused so she wrapped her legs around him and when she peaked it was with an extreme intensity that didn’t even come close to matching his. He rolled over and held her.

  James fell asleep as she slipped into a long luxurious bath filled with oils from rose petals. She was curled up on the couch in the library reading a book when he came back down. He walked over to her, kissed her and thanked her before he went into the dining room made two cups of coffee and brought her one. James was reading the article when everyone came back after lunch. Meeks took one look at her and just shook his head. He put the papers on his desk and walked over and said something to her then kissed her. He guessed that James had lasted longer then he thought he would. He hit him upside the head as he went by. James just smiled at her and continued to read but she had to suppress a giggle until he left the room then she put a pillow over her face.

  Garnett came in with a cup of coffee and cinnamon rolls and looked at her. “What in the world are you doing?” She took the pillow down and put on her most serious face.


  “Can’t you two be left alone for two minutes without getting into trouble?” She just grinned and picked up her book. “Mirisa, the book is upside down.” She straightened up and turned it right side up but couldn’t stop laughing. Meeks came back in the room with the coffee pot and filled her cup.

  “That is the last time I leave James home alone with you.”

  James winked at her and she struggled to look serious again. Meeks sat down on the couch with her and pulled all the rings off of her toes and massaged her feet. “Well at least you are behaving in public.”

  “How many of those rings are you wearing?” Garnett picked up the newest one and looked at Meeks. “That’s obscene to just hold.” James held out his hand and looked at it.

  “Can you make me one for my finger so I can play with it?” Mirisa broke out laughing and Meeks took it away from James putting it back on the table. “I am dead serious that is absolutely beautiful but how do you get so much detail in that small of a band?”

  “James, you are so damn sick. If you were a woman you would probably sit around playing with yourself all day.” Garnett laughed because they all knew James was serious.

  “I would hope so! Why let something that beautiful just sit there.” Mirisa put her hands over her face to stop from laughing and Meeks hit her with the pillow.

  “What the hell have you two been drinking all morning?”

  The both simultaneously said “coffee” and then started laughing.

  “Maybe it’s because you can’t get in the kitchen. Do you want me to fire the staff so you can go back to cooking together?” He continued to massage her feet when Dominic came in and poured a shot and sat down. Garnett picked up the ring and threw it to him. He looked at it then looked at Mirisa.

  “Do we each get one for Christmas?” Mirisa told him no. He handed it back to Garnett as Meeks helped Mirisa put the rings back on her toes. James came back in and poured a shot but he couldn’t look at her. He picked up the journal and went back to the article. Garnett asked what he was reading and they got into a long discussion over the financial market. Mirisa relaxed as Meeks continued to massage her feet and she fell asleep. Garnett threw the blanket over her without breaking his concentration on their discussion.

  Mirisa woke up alone in the library. She folded the blanket and put it over the back of the chair then went looking for food. They were all sitting at the table when she came in and she curled up on Meeks lap and put her head down. James fixed her a cup of coffee and put it next to her plate. They were so used to her habits that they responded without thinking. She kissed him then moved over and picked up her coffee. He loved her sleepy kisses because they were like a child’s.

  “Did I miss dinner?”

  “No, we were just trying one of your pies.”

  “Mirisa, are you eating at all?” She looked up at Dominic who rarely told her what to do but this was probably one of his biggest problems with her. “You appear to be losing weight?”

  “I’m not losing weight.” She got up and cut a piece of pie and sat back down. “I eat when I’m hungry.”

  “It’s a bad example for the children.”

  “Dominic, Matthew eats just fine as long as you give him vegetables, Jonathan would eat the table if you didn’t watch him and Maggie eats like me and is healthy.” She took a bite and thought it was extremely good pie. She picked a blackberry off her plate and put it between her lips as she looked at him. Dominic knew what she was doing because it was her favorite way to tease him. “Is there any reason you want to fight with me today?”

  “No, I just worry about you.” Dominic poured a shot and sat back as she held his eyes with a thousand thoughts none of which got past him.

  “Sweetheart, you can’t live under the same roof with us and not be constantly watched. It’s what we do best and it’s what we enjoy the most. It’s no different than your constant fussing over the children.”

  “I’m not a child.” She picked up another blackberry with her fingers and put it in her mouth. Garnett thought she was anything but a child and he knew most of the things she did was to just torture them just because she could.

  “Good, then maybe after you quit doing suggestive things with the blackberries we could take the children to the park.” The maid cleared the table but Meeks made her leave Mirisa’s plate because she was going to finish every blackberry before they went to the park even if it was one at a time. She leaned over and put one in his mouth before kissing him.

  When she came down the stairs she was wearing a wool long sleeve dress and boots lined with white rabbit fur. The children were bundled up and excited. Mirisa squatted down in front of her daughter and put cream on her face then on her lips to keep them from chapping before she wrapped the scarf around her and put on her mittens and cap. She took her daughters hand before Meeks picked her up and told her she looked beautiful in her new coat. They walked down to the park pulling the boys on the big sled. Since Garnett and Dominic didn’t ice skate they took the children to the little hills while Mirisa and Meeks strapped on their skates. James was already on the ice making sure it was solid enough to skate.

  James watched as they began to skate and was amazed at how well they glided through and around one another almost like they were dancing. Mirisa was an extremely good skater. She switched to James then would go back to her husband then would circle his waist as he spun her back to James. No wonder she danced so well. They finally took their skates off and found everyone at the bottom of the hill getting warm by the bonfire. She took her daughter from Garnett and they headed back to the house where they had hot cocoa and cookies by the living room fire.

  “Is everyone going out tonight?”

  Garnett looked over at her. “No, we’re staying in the rest of the week.”

  They woke up Thanksgiving morning snowed in but the storm had passed and the sun was out. Mirisa and Meeks spent most of the morning in the nursery with the children drawing and playing games. The kitchen staff couldn’t get to the house so James was in the kitchen fixing dinner and no one had seen Dominic but it was assumed he hadn’t returned after leaving last night. They ate early since they would be celebrating Matt’s birthday later in the day.

  Mirisa was clearing off the table when Dominic came through the back door. He apologized for not making it back in time for dinner and said he had to change his clothes which were soaked from riding through the deep sno

  “Do you want me to fix you a plate?”

  “Thanks but I’ve already eaten.” James came out to help her and asked Dominic if he wanted to eat and he said no. James took the dishes out of her hands and went back in the kitchen.

  “Mirisa, after I change I would like to talk to you. Can you meet me upstairs?”

  Mirisa nodded. She picked up the rest of the dishes and went into the kitchen and Dominic went up to change. James looked at her as she put them down and picked up a towel to dry the ones he had washed. Garnett walked over to her and told her he’d do it. She handed him the towel and left. Meeks was watching her as she went up the stairs.

  “Do you think he’s going to tell her?”

  “Probably. I still think he’s crazy but at least this time he is marrying a woman who knows the side of him that she didn’t.”

  James leaned up against the counter and poured a shot. “I think it’s time to change my habits.”

  “Yeah, I noticed you haven’t been enthusiastic lately. Something bothering you?”

  “Well, I didn’t particularly like when he told us yesterday that he’s marrying the woman we had been with the night before.”


  “I don’t think so. I don’t know what it is but I just don’t think I’ll be participating with Dominic anymore.”

  Garnett poured a shot and passed him the bottle. They both just stood in the kitchen drinking shots not really wanting to discuss anything but both knowing that what they were doing was trying to replace their dangerous lifestyles with too much sex. Maybe what they needed was to go back to work killing. Meeks walked in and took the bottle and sat up on the counter. He took several shots before he gave it back to Garnett.

  “How in the hell did we ever end up here.” He took out his cigar and lit it. James took the bottle and asked if anyone had a cigar. They both nodded so they went into the library to sit and wait.


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