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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 8

by Lacoste, G. G.

  “My Lord.” The one twin, he thought it was Terry, stood up straight. The other two followed suit.

  “Hello lads.” Harold began. He laughed in his mind, lads, how often had he heard his father say that in the past, it was such a funny word.

  “What may we do for you today sire?”

  “I have a strange question. First off don’t be too put off here, there is more to the story than you may realize, and there is nothing to fear.” Harold began, he was a bit scared, and after all he wasn’t sure if all three of them were shape shifters or not? Would they fight him? Would he stand a chance if they fought? Three against one was not very good odds, and maybe he should have brought a few of the changed guards. So much for the planning he had done.

  “Yes?” The other twin looked nervous, like he was going to jump out of his skin.

  “Don’t worry, you are not in trouble here, I am simply just trying to figure out a few things.” Harold tried to assure them.

  “She approached us! If she is claiming rape, it is not true.” He finally blurted out.

  Harold began to laugh, that is why he was worried, he thought the young maid had gone to him and claimed the three of them had raped her. “No it’s not that.”

  They all seemed to relax quite a bit at the laughter, and even chuckled lightly themselves.

  “You see we are in the midst of a changing, and need to convert others.” He let his human form shift a bit to show that he was a werebear, giving them a glimpse at the real Duke.

  “Really? Our Duke?” The one twin laughed.

  “I thought she had been a creature? I told you both after she left, there was something odd about her.” The other twin looked at the group.

  “Yes she is a werebear too. But she said that one of you was a creature of some sort that you had changed during sex.” Harold queried.

  Before his eyes the three of them changed, one into an elk, another into a wizard, and the last into a dog.

  “What?” He questioned, he hadn’t expected three different shapes.

  “It’s okay sire, we are all the same, and we are real shape shifters. I don’t know why the other two turned into what they did, we can take any shape we want, it’s nice, but you have nothing to fear from us.” The one twin spoke for the group.

  “Shape shifters? So you guys are real?” Harold was surprised.

  “I could say the same about werebears. You are the first we’ve run into in our lives.”

  The group laughed. Knowing that this would not create a problem had taken a lot of pressure off of the Duke. He was now thinking about sex again, and wanting to figure out where his next conquest should be. Should he go back to the manor house, or maybe go and visit a few of the villagers in their homes?

  “Sire, if you don’t mind me suggesting, there is a lovely family just around the corner. The old lady has three very beautiful daughters, all of them are of age, and all are home right now. The old lady has gone off to the fields.” The twin stated, smiling largely.

  Harold looked back at him, wondering how he knew what he had been thinking. “How?”

  “You can smell it on you, the sex you’ve been having today, and I must say it’s driving me crazy, I think I may need to go find that little maid Cynthia again!”

  Harold took off to the house the twin had pointed him too. He was trying to remember which group of girls this would be. When he got there he knocked on the door.

  “Hello my Lord.” The girl who answered the door bowed deeply. “What may I do for you?” She said stepping aside to let him in.

  “Are your sisters here too?” He asked.

  “Why, yes they are?” She yelled out to call the other two into the room.

  Standing in front of Harold were the triplets McGuire. He knew them well. They were the three loveliest girls in the area, almost as attractive as his own Priscilla. Had he ever wanted for another mate, if Priscilla would have not accepted his hand it would have been one of these three. The real problem would have been deciding which one, and actually trying to keep them straight. He often wondered if they would play tricks on people and tell them they were one of their sisters, just so that no one ever knew which McGuire they were dealing with.

  “Hello sire.” The other two sisters bowed as they entered the room.

  “You all are so lovely. I really am looking forward to this afternoon.” He smiled, it was a lustful smile, and he could tell by the looks on the sister’s faces that they knew what they were in for, but they didn’t run or scream. Instead they smiled back at him.

  “We would be honored my Lord.” One of the sisters stepped forward, lowering her dress over her breasts, revealing the milky white skin that he had dreamt about in the past, before he had met Priscilla.

  “What lovely skin you have.” He sighed as he lowered his mouth to her breast, nibbling lightly. The other two sisters watched, but as the one who was getting the attentions of the Duke began to moan they quickly undressed too, so as not to miss out on the fun.

  Soon Harold had all three of the girls naked in front of him. He didn’t have enough hands to make sure he could satisfy them all quickly, but he was doing his best. He was playing with two breasts with both of his hands, one on each of two of the girls, and had his mouth on the other’s breasts. He was sure that he would soon have to figure out other ways to play, but didn’t doubt his ability to make all three of them have a very satisfying orgasm.

  One of the girls got down on her knees and lowered the Duke’s pants, releasing his pent up hard on, she took it into her mouth. He moaned with pleasure at the soft mouth and tongue that licked up his pre-cum.

  He lowered one of the girls down so that as he was having his dick sucked he could lick her pussy, while his other hand played with the pussy of the third girl. He had to smile, as he was working this well, and could feel their excitement mounting.

  Harold turned over so that one of the girls could mount his mouth, while the other climbed on top of his enormous throbbing penis. He was unsure what to do with the third one, but then noticed her sisters were taking care of her, she was standing in front of the one that was sitting on Harold’s face, and the sisters were licking her.

  It was enough to push him past the point, and he shot his juices up into the one girl.

  That was only the beginning of the night though. The Duke took turns using each girl, filling them all up with his cum. When he walked out of the house later he passed their mother.

  “Good evening sire.” She bowed as he passed.

  “Oh yes it has been.” He went off to find his wife and see just how many conversions they had made in the day.

  Overall, the village was changed almost in one day. The few that were left were the older folks, though some had been changed, because older folks needed love too! The village lost maybe about 10 percent of their population to people who moved off because they felt the morals of the village had taken a turn for the worst. Those are the people who had walked into businesses during the day to find clerks screwing customers, and disappointed that they hadn’t gotten any.


  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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  The Unlikely Maid

  Regency Romance

  By: Rosamund Talbot

  The Unlikely Maid

  Chapter One

  Bonnie was thirty-three years of age when her husband left her for another woman. She had been sitting by the fire in the living room, reading about the bizarre situation with King George and the Prince Regent, when her husband returned from wherever he had been and announced to her that he had been keeping a mistress for the past year and a half. This mistress, her husband explained, was close to a decade younger than her and had recently come into an immense inheritance following the death of her parents. Then, befor
e Bonnie could fully understand what was going on, her husband took his pipe and his second set of clothes and left their home forever. As was to be expected, Bonnie's life went into a downwards spiral in the weeks and months which followed her husband's departure. She turned to alcohol in an attempt to mend her broken heart and soon found herself spending every penny in her possession on whatever sort of intoxicating liquor she could get her hands on. Of course, it was not long before Bonnie lost her home and was forced to live out on the streets, where she encountered a wide variety of angry, delusional and dangerous characters. These characters were usually men in their thirties or forties who had lost their way at some point and had lost their sanity soon afterwards. Unlike Bonnie, they had abandoned all hope of ever getting back on their feet and finding a new home in which to live out the remainder of their days. On occasion, when she was really in need of money, Bonnie would whore herself out to these men in return for small coins and alcohol. However, it was not long before Bonnie's "clients" began to believe that they had some sort of ownership over her and could have access to her body whenever they were in the mood to ejaculate.

  On one winter's evening in 1814, Bonnie sat on the side of a broken and cracked London street, trying to block out the chilling cold by pulling her one blanket tight around her body. She had been doing all she could to climb out of the pit of despair, into which alcohol had thrown her, and was on her third night without any beer, wine or spirits. She was, understandably, quite proud of herself and it seemed that things were finally beginning to look up for her; at least, that was before Big Wallace came barging down the street in a drunken stupor.

  "Bonnie," came his booming voice as those in front of him clamoured to get out of his way, "I've been looking everywhere for you." Bonnie let out a small groan and did her best to pretend she had not heard the burly man of six foot six. Big Wallace was one of the men to whom she had given sexual favours in her darkest hours and was one of the rougher and less pleasant men she had encountered. His gigantic frame on top of her body made her feel as though her bones were going to crumble to dust and his long, ragged hair would hang down in her face, often getting in her mouth. On top of that, Big Wallace always, inexplicably, reeked of onions.

  Bonnie, shivering from the cold and fear, kept her head turned in the opposite direction as Big Wallace approached her. She hoped that by pretending to not notice him, he would realise she did not want anything to do with him and leave her alone. She flinched as she felt his massive shadow engulf her tiny frame and shuddered when his voice came thundering from his lips.

  "Bonnie, it's nice to see you again,” he said before adding "my dear" to create the illusion of politeness. Big Wallace would always start off trying to be as polite as possible, but as soon as he was denied whatever it was he was looking for, all Hell would break loose. Bonnie, still looking the other way, did not reply to the giant.

  "Oh, come on Bonnie; don't ignore me like that. How would you like to earn half a bottle of whiskey?"

  "Leave me alone Wallace, I am free from the clutches of alcohol."

  "Free from the clutches of alcohol?" Big Wallace chuckled, "How dull your life must have become."

  "I asked you to leave me alone."

  "Well, you may be free from the clutches of alcohol, but I am not free from the clutches of you. I have been longing for your body for a whole seven days now and tonight am going to be the night I get my release."

  "No, Wallace. I am no longer serving myself up to the men of London. I am not giving my body to you or anyone else."

  "In that case" began Wallace with a diabolical grin on his face, "I shall simply have to take it."

  Big Wallace placed his massive, filth covered hands on the tiny shoulders of Bonnie and dragged her to her feet.

  "No!" she screamed, "Leave me alone!"

  "Tell you what; you give me one kiss and I'll be out of your sight." The horrid scent of Big Wallace's breath filled Bonnie's nostrils as she wriggled and squirmed and did all that she could to escape his grasp. The odour omitting from his mouth was so foul that there was no way the woman could imagine touching her lips against his; even the thought of such an act made her gag.

  "Oh relax Bonnie, it's just one kiss." Big Wallace leaned closer to her and attempted to steady her head so he could steal the kiss he had been waiting for, but Bonnie refused to give up. She shook and screamed and clawed and just generally made it impossible for Big Wallace to do what he wanted.

  "Calm down" he warned her in his gruff voice as he tried again to hold her head in position. Bonnie, however, refused to calm down and continued to do her very best to free herself from the bearded bastard's grasp.

  "I told you to calm down!" Big Wallace raised his right hand and smacked Bonnie in the face with his extra-large palm, sending her crashing to the cold pavement.

  Bonnie rolled around on the ground, writing in pain and sobbing as Big Wallace began to position himself above her.

  "You brought that on yourself, lass" he told her while he unbuckled his belt (a belt which he really did not need to wear, owing to the size of his stomach). "Now that you're already on the ground, I might as well have my way with you right here."

  Bonnie started sobbing harder than before for she realised that she was totally and utterly helpless. Though there were a number of people passing by on foot and by carriage, none of them would have the courage to challenge Big Wallace to step down. Nobody was going to help her, she was all alone. However, just as Big Wallace was about to drop his trousers, he was stopped by the sound of a man's voice.

  "Wallace," what are you up to now?"

  "Oh... I'm sorry, my lord" replied Big Wallace in a voice that trembled as he spoke. He was clearly intimidated by whoever it was that was speaking to him. "I was just... I was just..."

  "Leave the poor woman alone, Wallace. There is enough violence on the streets of London without you contributing further."

  "Yes, my lord. I beg your pardon."

  "You may leave now, Wallace."

  "Yes, my lord. My apologies once again." With this, Big Wallace bowed and walked backwards away from Bonnie's saviour, keeping his body at a near ninety degree angle until he was well out of sight. Once it was clear that Big Wallace would not be coming back, the mystery man got to his knees and raised Bonnie to a sitting position.

  "My, my, my. Are you quite alright?"

  "He hit me" Bonnie said through tears, "I thought he was about to have his way with me."

  "I know, I know. I assure you, he is gone now, my dear. You have nothing to worry about."

  "What if he comes back?"

  "He would not dare come back after I have told him to leave."

  The man helped Bonnie to her feet and held onto her until she had steadied herself. She wiped the tears away from her eyes with both hands and, for the first time, she was able to take a good look at the man who had rescued her from Big Wallace. He appeared to be in or around the same age as her, though he had clearly lived a far more comfortable life which had allowed him to age more gracefully. His brown hair was parted in the middle and displayed a number of grey hairs which seemed to increase in frequency the more intently one looked at it. He was a well-dressed fellow and his face was adorned with a warm, welcoming smile. His bright red cheeks showed that he did not do too well in winter but his un-chapped lips suggested that he had not been out in the cold for very long. He did not seem like somebody who would have any concern for the well being of a homeless woman, especially one being victimised by a gargantuan aggressor such as Big Wallace. What did this odd man have to gain from helping Bonnie on the street that night?

  "Who are you?" Bonnie asked, "Why did you help me?"

  "Why did I help you? Because I'm a human being, dear. I was riding by in my carriage and I saw a poor, helpless woman being attacked. I had to do something."

  "How did you make Big Wallace go away? What did you do to him?"

  "I didn't do anything to him" laughed Bonnie's knight in armour-less a
rmour, amused by the thought that he could have made Big Wallace back down through the use of physical violence. "Wallace isn't a bad fellow; you just have to know how to talk to him. Now, let us get you home."

  "I... I do not have a home. I live here; on the streets of London."

  "Oh my, that won't do. Come with me and I shall give you a place to stay in my own home."

  The man took Bonnie by the elbow and began to lead her away. However, the woman would not budge; her time on the streets had made her suspicious of all men. She had learned that it was only a foolish woman who allowed herself to be led away by a man whom she did not know.

  "Why, whatever is the matter?" asked the well-dressed man when Bonnie refused to go with him.

  "I'm afraid I cannot go home with a strange man who I do not know. I thank you for coming to my aid, but tonight I shall be staying on the streets."

  "A strange man who you do not know? My dear, I believe you will find you know me quite well if you open a newspaper or journal. I am Edmund, a duke and cousin to the Prince Regent." Bonnie paused for a moment and withdrew into silent thought. Duke Edmund? Yes, she knew that name, but she had never before seen a portrait of the man who held the title. Could she really trust this man based on his claims of who he was?

  "Look, my dear," began the Duke, seeing the concern in the eyes of the woman, "to our left is my carriage. It is adorned with many of the finest available jewels and is pulled by only the most powerful of horses. Now, I am just trying to do something nice for a subject of my cousin's kingdom and if you do not wish to come with me, so be it; but the streets of London are no place for a lone woman to stay out all night and so it would be in your best interests to come with me."


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