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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 30

by Lacoste, G. G.

  The inside of Marie's body was as smooth and as warm as the outside, making it easy for the Duke to move himself in and out at his own pace. The moans of the maid filled the manor once again, this time accompanied by the moan's of Edward, who was fast approaching orgasm. He had never been with a woman like Marie before. Her thin build gave her a unique ability to move her body into new positions at a rapid pace, as if she were a Greek goddess, changing form to enhance her pleasure. He continued to move in and out of her, allowing everything but the tip of his penis to exit her before re-entering her with a push and a moan.

  "Faster" begged Marie, her face covered by her own rouge hair, "please, faster." Edward, the unselfish lover that he was, was more than happy to oblige and soon was performing at twice the speed he had been pleasuring Marie just moments prior. The moans of the girl grew louder and louder until they resembled screams more than moans. These screams of pleasure, in which the Duke was also participating, persisted for about thirty seconds before both man and woman felt their bodies drain of the liquids which turned them from Duke and maid to a sexually charged pair of animals. The Duke rolled from Marie's body and lay down beside her, panting and sweating, possibly even still moaning.

  Back in the dining room, still clutching a glass of wine tightly in his hand, Edward was brought back to present time by a clear but at first indistinguishable sound. He glanced around the room and found himself to be alone. The help were all busy with their work and the Duchess was likely still locked away in her chamber, projecting her sorrows onto fictional characters. The noise came again, this time louder and more distinguishable. It was the rumbling of the Duke's own empty stomach. He had been lost in his thoughts for so long that he had completely forgotten to feed himself.

  "I had better have the butler bring me some food" he thought to himself before calling out "Francis! Francis!" No reply came and the Duke was left sitting in silence once again, occasionally interrupted by the sound of his hollow stomach begging to be filled. "Francis!" he called once again, unable to understand why the butler was not answering his yells of starvation. He flung himself back in his chair and sipped from his near empty glass. At this moment, just when he had given up all hope of his butler serving him a platter of hunger-ending snacks, a thought occurred to Edward. He sat straight in his chair and cleared his throat before opening his mouth and echoing throughout the manor "Craig!"


  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2016 by Sam Slater All rights reserved.

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  Love Comes Twice

  Mail Order Bride Romance

  By: Sam Slater

  Love Comes Twice

  Chapter 1

  Sara Adams was older and without a husband. Her husband had died several years before. Now her friend is pleading with her to put a classified in the mail-order bride section of papers. Sara is frightened that she may not find a love like that of her of her past. She hopes though, that the new life she might have is one that will be where she is accepted and not ridiculed.

  Jeb Howard is lonely and widowed. He finds a classified after looking for a certain one for many months. Sending a response, he is unsure if he can ever find someone like his late wife. Perhaps if he simply hopes for the love he can find it.

  Will they find love in a new life together? Or can past ghosts haunt one or the other far too much to move on?

  Sara looked in the mirror, why couldn’t she find a decent man to marry? “I want to find that knight for my life, the one who doesn’t ever change. Not like these other men I’ve dated in the past.”, she said to her friend Mary Ann who sat on the bed behind her.

  “Sara one of your problems is that you keep looking back to the past and trying to compare the new guys to the old guys. We all know how much you loved Jake, but he’s dead. The chances of you finding another man like him are slim to none. He was really one in a lifetime.” Mary Ann said to her.

  “I don’t agree with that. He couldn’t have been the only one for me. Does that mean I’ll live the rest of my life alone? I’m only 27 years old. I have a lot of years to go in my life.” Sara cried.

  “No honey it just means that you’ll most likely have to settle on someone who offers you most things. But to find another one like him, don’t do this to yourself every time you find a new man. They won’t match up to him.” Mary Ann stated.

  “I don’t want to settle though. Not with any of the men I’ve met. You’re happy in your relationship. Why did he have to die so young?” Sara sobbed. “I’m going to harden my heart and move on, but I don’t think it’s fair.”

  “You have to move on, please sweetie. This mail-order bride service may help you find love. You could find a man who is right for you.” Mary Ann said.

  “How will they be able to find a man who is right for me? I mean really we are talking about people who don’t even know me.” Sara complained.

  “They know you enough to match you with someone; you answer their questions and do a few other things. Kimberly at work told me all about it.” Mary Ann said.

  “Did she meet anyone yet? How long has she been on it?” Sara asked.

  “Not yet, but she’s only been with them for about a month now.” Mary Ann stated.

  “Maybe I’ll sign up. But I don’t know.” Sara said.

  “Well there aren’t many men around here anymore, a lot of them died in the war. So you might want to really consider it, or you will grow old and be lonely.” Mary Ann said.

  Sara looked at her quickly. She had never been so forward with her opinions and had never put it quite that way before. “You think I could die alone? Well I guess you are right. Jake died in the war, and so did a lot of other men. I just wish that we would have had more time together before he died.”

  “You know you see him with rose colored glasses. He wasn’t as much of a sweetheart that you think. Remember that he used to be mean to you all the time and call you names?” Mary Ann reminded her.

  “I don’t want to think about that, he never meant those words anyway. He was a nice man.” Sara stuck up for her dead husband.

  “Okay, I’ll let you keep that dream in your mind. But the fact is who is there left here? The older men who didn’t go to war? Most of them are married and too old for you. You’re only 21 you can’t get tied down to some geezer who is 50 or older.” Mary Ann stated. “You wouldn’t be happy in life. But you can settle for at least someone who is your age or closer. It just means you might have to move to another state. We can write back and forth through the mail. But I don’t want to see you become an old maid.” Mary Ann continued.

  “But that means I’ll most likely have to move, right?” Sara asked.

  “That’s okay; it will mean a new life for you. Get away from all this death. The South isn’t the same after the war anyway. Why not take a chance? I’ll help you make the classified and we can find you a decent man.” Mary Ann said.

  “Hopefully he will be a decent man.” Sara said, her mind picturing the worst case scenario possible.

  “Now I know that look, don’t fret. We’ll make him explain why he wants to marry you and why he would be a good choice for you.” Mary Ann stated.

  “What if he lies though, we can never be sure.” Sara continued to point out the worst possible things about this possibility.

  “No, you can’t keep thinking the worst of this; if you do you’ll go into it with a negative at
titude. At least give this a chance.” Mary Ann commented.

  “Alright, fine.” Sara said depressed by the thought of leaving her lifelong friend. “Maybe we’ll find someone from this area?” Sara said hoping beyond hope that some young man would still be willing to marry her in their area.

  “Sara, we already know that the few men who came back from war aren’t available. Most of them were married before they left. The ones who are left aren’t worth a lick. Please stop fighting this. We can still write, and maybe I can convince Tommy to come and visit one day.” Mary Ann tried to lift her spirits.

  “You think he would do it? Maybe you could move too?” Sara said, trying to cling to the one thing that she would consider normal in her life.

  “I don’t know, but let’s get this classified ready so that we can find you a husband before you get too old and no one wants you.” Mary Ann said. “Not that you’re not a sweet girl and all, but you know men get weird when a female is too old.” She added after seeing Sara’s face.

  “I know you don’t have to keep reminding me.” Sara said in a dead voice.

  “Alright so we will write your age, 27 and your hair color of course brown hair, and blue eyes. You are 5’ 6”, and how much do you weigh?” Mary Ann looked at Sara.

  “So we have to put that in? I mean, I’m full-figured, but does everyone need to know?” Sara asked.

  “Well you don’t want them to think your some skinny little woman and then see you. We’ll just put that you’re a bit rubenesque. That way they will know you are a little larger than some women, but you aren’t too fat!” Mary Ann stated.

  “I guess so, but won’t it make men turn away from me? I am trying to find a man to marry.” Sara asked.

  “I don’t think so; there are plenty of men who like them with a little more on the body!” Mary Ann tried to bring Sara’s spirits up again.

  Sometimes Sara didn’t understand Mary Ann though. She would go back and forth between the comments that would make her feel better and things that would make her sad. Thankfully, Sara had known Mary Ann for years and knew that it was simply because her friend believed in being honest. Sure there were times that it would hurt her feelings, but Mary Ann really did have her best interests at heart!

  “Alright here it is, let’s go put it in the classified’s. I think we can pick several papers that will cover a larger area. But we can ask them at the office.” Mary Ann said.

  Sara followed along, feeling that her life might well be ending. She tried to think about it as Mary Ann said she should, a new beginning. No matter how hard she tried though, a part of her life felt like it was escaping from her grasp and quickly.

  “Come on now Sara, it isn’t that bad.” Mary Ann stated. “You may find a really nice man, someone who will appreciate you more than, well anyone ever has.” She added, not putting in Sara’s dead husband into the sentence even though she wanted too. She knew her friend was fragile right now, and most likely would continue to fight this, if she said more about him.

  “I know, I can only hope.” Sara said dejectedly.

  Chapter 2

  Jeb Howard sat with the newest paper in his hands. He was lonely, his wife had died about 5 years ago now and he hadn’t found another woman. Of course that was because there weren’t many who were single out in this territory. He knew the only way to find one was to look in the mail-order bride section of the paper. But that was a chance he wasn’t sure he wanted to take.

  One thing was for sure he didn’t want some young girl, but he also wanted someone who he could possibly have children with in the future. He had been looking for the last several weeks and still hadn’t found a woman who interested him.

  This time though he was stopped by a classified. He read the ad and thought this might be a possibility.

  Sara Adams, age 27, Brown hair, blue eyes, 5’ 6”, Rubenesque in figure. I am a lovely person who would like to have a new life. I desire a decent man who will possibly fall in love with me in the long run. I’ve been married once, but my husband died in the war. There are not many choices in my state anymore for eligible men to marry. I don’t want a man who is mean to women, but one who will treat me as a human being. If you are interested please write to me and tell me why you want to marry me. My address is: 2 Bingham Street, Windham, South Carolina.

  Jeb read the classified once more and thought about why he wanted to marry anyone? Could he love a girl he didn’t know? Was it fair to bring her out her to him only to find no connection? He wasn’t a man who often took chances, but he liked the fact that she had seemed to be pretty honest in her comments. He liked fuller figured women, and she wasn’t too young. She had been married as well, so she knew what was involved in that type of relationship.

  He had to wonder why she had put in her classified about being treated like a human being. Was her husband mean to her? Or perhaps because of her age the men in her area were rude. Jeb wasn’t sure but he decided to take a chance. “Why not, what do I have to lose?”, he said to no one in particular.

  “Hey what did you say there Jeb?” Henry his buddy asked him from the other side of the table.

  “I think I’m going to write to this lady, bring me a wife out.” Jeb stated.

  “Tired of living the single life there?” Henry asked.

  “Yeah I was married for far too long to enjoy single life.” Jeb admitted.

  “Personally I don’t want me no woman. It will cramp my lifestyle!” Henry cackled.

  Jeb looked at his friend and thought; I don’t think you could find a woman to love you. He was a nice enough guy, but as far as looks, Henry hadn’t received any. His teeth were crooked and he was already balding, even though he was only 26 years old. “Well we can’t have that now can we!” Jeb laughed.

  “No sir we cannot. But you Jeb, you’re the type who is better off married.” Henry stated.

  “Oh really, why is that?” Jeb was interested to hear what Henry said.

  “You’re the calm type of guy who loves to be attached to a woman. I don’t know I just haven’t seen you happy in so long really. It’s hard to watch a friend be so depressed, I’m actually shocked it’s taken you this long to look for another wife.” Henry said.

  “Well I’m writing to this Sara Adams today. But I have to explain why I want to marry her. I can’t just say because I’m lonely, how would that sound?” Jeb said. Of course he looked at Henry and didn’t suspect that he would add in anything that would make sense.

  “How about you say something like you was married before and you found the lifestyle suitable, and would like to take a chance again. Or perhaps you can admit that you too are looking for love again.” Henry stated.

  Jeb looked at him. “You might have something on that second part, but is it that obvious?”, he asked.

  “Yeah buddy, you can tell you like to be in love.” Henry shook his head. “Personally I feel it would cloud my head far too much. Make my life something worse than it has ever been. But maybe one day I will change my mind!” Henry added.

  “I didn’t know I was that transparent.” Jeb admitted.

  “You are a bit, but only because I’ve known you for most of my life!” Henry stated.

  Jeb laughed. “Yeah I’ve known you since you were what all of age 4?”

  “Yep you and your late wife were my parent’s first friends. I grew up thinking you were my aunt and uncle. You know you aren’t the only one who misses her right?” Henry added.

  “Yeah I know.” Jeb commented. “Hey Tommy, you got some paper and something to write with?” Jeb called out to the bartender.

  “Sure here you go.” Tommy handed him the paper and a pencil.

  “Thanks, well here goes nothing.” He started to write his response to her. “Do you think I should send her a telegram instead so she gets it quicker?” Jeb looked at Henry and asked.

  “If you have the money, why not, it means less time you have to be alone.” Henry said.

  “Your right Henry, the sooner
she comes out the better!” Jeb stated.

  He wrote the letter and reread it again. Trying to make sure that he didn’t seem desperate either, but serious about this possible marriage. He knew he was taking a huge chance. He’d never met a female from South Carolina, but she, Sara, did sound a bit spunky from the classified. Jeb had to admit he liked his woman spunky; his late wife had been very spunky.

  Finally he was satisfied and he took the letter to be transferred over to a telegram that he could send right away. He paid the man and hoped that she would like his message. He had offered to pay for her way out as soon as she wanted to come. Jeb hoped it made the pot sweeter and he would soon be married once again.


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