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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 35

by Lacoste, G. G.

  Sally arched her back as her sex was becoming wet from his playing. He slipped a hand down between her legs and pushed a finger into her gently. “You’re so wet and ready.”, he whispered to her.

  “Yes, please make love to me.” She moaned into his ear and nipped the lobe. He moaned loudly as she found an erogenous zone.

  Sam removed his pants and hers and got between her legs. He pushed into her slowly about an inch and a half and stopped. He pulled out and then pushed into her a bit deeper this time. Sally moved her hips up as he came forward the next time and drove his member into her deeper.

  They moved together in a slow motion passion play. Sally couldn’t remember sex ever feeling this way with Jack the few times they had done it. Of course those had been times that she had been forced to submit to his probing. It had never been anything slow and sensual like she was experiencing now with Sam. “Oh that’s nice!”, she murmured as he moved up and down inside of her.

  Sam moved a hand down and caressed her He took her between his finger and thumb and lightly rubbed the area. Soon Sally was breathing quickly and her thrusts were going faster.

  “That’s it let it go, just let the feeling flow through your body.”, he encouraged her.

  “Oh my goodness, what the, oh wow, that’s so nice.” Sally moaned as her climax rocked her body. Sam moved in and out of her and made her orgasm last longer. But he could hold back no longer and finally let his climax go and filled her body up with his sperm.

  He kissed her and pulled her close to him as he lay back down beside her. “I will try and last longer next time.”, he said.

  “That was nice; I don’t have any issue with how long you lasted.”, she told him.


  “Hey sunshine how are you this morning?” Sam asked Sally as she woke up.

  She rubbed her belly. “Feeling really fat right now.” She looked down at her stomach that was showing the first signs of her pregnancy.

  “But you have this healthy glow to your skin!”, he complimented her.

  “You’re such a romantic Mr. Beckett.”, she laughed.

  “Only to my wife Mrs. Beckett, because she’s the love of my life.” Sam answered.

  Sally laughed. “It’s still hard to believe we owe all this to your mother, isn’t it?”

  “I know if she wouldn’t have written to you almost a year ago now we would never have met. I wouldn’t have the best wife in the world, who loves being out here with me. Though I’m not sure what we’ll do if the house isn’t built by the time the baby arrives.”, he said.

  They both turned around and looked at the frame of a house they were working on building. It would have them close to each other and the claim. Once they had found out she was pregnant it had been the best plan they could come up with. Sally hadn’t been willing to not enjoy nature and to be around her husband. Sam didn’t want to place her so far away from him either. He loved having her around him.

  “While a few of the guys offered to come and help us work on it so we should be able to finish it!”, he answered. “If not don’t worry we’ll figure something out, we always do!” Sam kissed her.

  “I just want to make sure the baby grows up knowing his father and mother love nature! Plus being in town away from you would make me sad.” Sally admitted.

  “Don’t worry my love it will be done! Now why don’t you go and see if you still have the touch and catch us some fish for lunch!” Sam swatted her behind as she walked away.

  “You know I’ll catch them! The baby loves fish by the way!” Sally said.


  The Tailor’s Bride

  Mail Order Bride Western Romance

  By: Sam Slater

  The Tailor’s Bride

  Patty Sims missed her father. He had recently died and now she was faced with having to move in with her Aunt and Uncle. They had always been mean to her and told her she had been spoiled. Patty didn’t think she was spoiled, but many people kept telling her she was. Instead of moving in with them, she placed a classified in the paper as a mail-order bride.

  Sam Jones had been widowed for five years. He had lost his wife while she was giving birth to their first child. With success in his career, he wanted more. He wanted the family that had been taken from him. He found Patty’s classified and wrote to her.

  Will they make a good couple, or is she too spoiled? Can he move past his late wife and love another woman?

  Patty Sims was tired of her boring life. Not only, that but her father just passed away. She was lost; she didn’t know how to take care of herself. He had always done everything for her. Whatever Patty wanted, he would get for her.

  She had cried many tears in the past few weeks since his passing. Lost wasn’t the only word for Patty though, she was also dead broke. Her choices were to move in with her Aunt Bea and Uncle Harry...or get married.

  The problem was she lived in a small town. The men who were available, well…Patty didn’t have any good words for any of them when she thought of her choices.

  None of them would ever be able to treat her like her father had. She had been his princess. These boys in town, they were barely able to take care of themselves, let alone take her on.

  Her choice was putting a classified in the paper as a mail order bride. She had heard about it from one of the ladies at church.

  “Patty, when will you ever find a nice young man to marry and settle down with?” Mrs. Crab had asked.

  “I don’t know Mrs. Crab. I don’t really think any of the men in town are worthwhile.”, Patty had told the old lady.

  Mrs. Crab had laughed out loud. “Yes dear, most of these men here are not mature enough. They lost their mentors during the war. A lot of good men died and left boys behind who don’t know much.”, she had said.

  Patty had shaken her head and laughed. “I know what you mean.”

  “You should be a mail order bride. You might be able to find a good man out West. I hear a lot of men will pay for your trip out, and well if they are out there, they must be mature.”, Mrs. Crab had said.

  She hadn’t really thought of it before that point. Now she was sitting thinking about doing just that. “What could it hurt? Maybe I’ll find a nice man. I know it’s a big chance to take. But what do I have here? Nothing! Aunt Bea hates me; she always told me how spoiled I was. Living with them would be a fate worse than death.” Patty pumped herself up to think of what to put in the classified.

  I am a 23 year old single female, I have never been married. I would like to find a man who is looking for a bride to pamper. I weigh 120 pounds and am 5’ 4” tall. My hair is blonde and my eyes are green. I hope to hear from some real gentlemen soon.

  She took it and had it posted in several of the papers that would be available to people out in the Western Territories. Patty wondered what place a man would invite her too, what could her life be like out in areas where criminals lived.

  But those were things that she couldn’t think of, not really. If she did she would chicken out when a reply came. Chickening out would also mean that she would have to live with Aunt Bea and Uncle Harry.

  In fact if she didn’t get a reply quickly she still might have to live with them for a while. Her life wouldn’t be quite the same if that happened. She was positive her Aunt would put her to work every day.

  “Clean the house Patty. Go cook dinner for us Patty.” She could hear her Aunt’s Patty's voice already. Patty shivered with the thought.

  Chapter 2

  Sam Jones missed his wife and being married. She had passed away 5 years ago now to the day. She had been the light of his life, and then he had lost her and the child all at once.

  He had gone deep into a depression and had thrown himself into work. It had paid off though; he was doing very well for himself.

  Sam was the premiere tailor in the San Francisco area. Men were even coming to him from New York; his name had gotten so big.

  “You make the best suits. I swear I would order 10 o
f them if I could afford it.” One business man had told him. “Oh wait I do have the money. I want 10.”, he had laughed.

  That sale alone had been a nice deposit on a house. Though he had no one to share it with, he did plan to find a wife one day.

  Today might well be that day he thought as he opened the paper to look for mail-order brides. Sam knew he could find a woman in this area, but most of them were tainted, and spoiled of the California life. They expected more than what he wanted to offer them, mainly his money.

  Not that he was a bad looking man; in fact he wasn’t at all. He was fairly tall at 6’ 1”, especially for the job he did. He had black hair and green eyes. He weighed 200 pounds and thought he was in good shape.

  Sam had dated a few girls here and there since his wife had passed away. Those girls, however, never offered him anything. They all had one thing in common; they wanted him to spend his money on them.

  This was another reason Sam was doing the mail-order bride route. Maybe he could act like he didn’t have much money and see how the woman he picked acted. He didn’t want a gold digger, not like these women in town.

  He wouldn’t mind spoiling the right woman either, but that would come later on in a relationship. “Oh who am I kidding? If I fall for her she will be spoiled right away. I always loved doing that with Valerie.” He admitted out loud.

  Picking up the paper ,he opened it and looked for any of the classifieds that caught his eye. He scanned the paper slowly.

  Finally he saw one that might be promising. The girl was from a small town in Kansas. She was younger than him, but to him age didn’t really matter. The seven years difference shouldn’t matter.

  He would send her a message and see if she was interested in moving out to California. Perhaps he would pay for a train trip for her.

  Sam walked out to send a message via the telegram to Patty Sims. He hoped that she would be the answer to his loneliness.

  He didn’t know how long it would be before she could respond to him. She might have to send a response by mail. Heck, he wasn’t even sure where the nearest telegram office was from her. A little town often had very little in the form of anything.

  Sam was almost positive that she would at least be excited to come to a bigger city. There were so many things here he could show her, if she was the right one for him.

  “What do I do if she isn’t a good match? Do I just suffer through a marriage I’m not happy in? Okay Sam, come on, you shouldn’t think like that. Remember they say that negative thoughts will bring negative things to you. So instead, she will be a good match with me.” Perhaps he could fall in love with her, and even have a child. He could hope for the best.

  Chapter 3

  Patty looked at her Aunt Bea and rolled her eyes. She had just moved in with them a few days before. There was no other choice. It had been a month since she put her classified in the paper, and she still had no response.

  “Don’t you roll your eyes at me missy. We were kind enough to take you in; you know you could be out on the street. You should respect us.’ Her Aunt Bea yelled at her.

  “Oh it’s the door; I’ll go and get it.” Patty stood up to get away from her Aunt.

  “Hello.” The young man at the door said. “I have a message for a Ms. Patty Sims.”, he said.

  “That’s me.”, she said.

  “Here you are.” He handed her the telegram.

  She opened it and read the message.

  Hello, my name is Sam Jones, I’m 30 years old, and have black hair and green eyes. I would like to pay for you to come out to San Francisco. I noticed you live in a small town and thought maybe the bigger city would be appealing to you. If you are interested, I can pay for a train ticket to get you out here. Although I am not sure where the nearest station is to you, so you might have to take a trip to get there. I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience.

  Yours truly,

  Sam Jones

  Patty smiled, it was her way out, and she didn’t have to stay here. At that moment she thought she might settle for just about anyone.

  “Sam Jones, sounds like a decent man, hopefully.”, she sighed to herself.

  “What’s that smile on your face for?”, her Aunt Bea interrupted Patty’s thoughts.

  “I’m leaving; I’ll be gone in a few days.” Patty stated.

  Her Aunt looked at her curiously. “What is that letter you’re holding?”, she asked.

  “It’s a letter from Sam Jones in San Francisco; he is paying for me to go out there. He’s my new husband, well soon will be anyway.” Patty explained.

  “Oh lordy, I always knew you were a problem child. So do you think he’ll take care of you like your father did? He’s a man, he’ll expect you to do more and not be a pampered little girl. You’ll have to be able to cook and clean, and well we know how you are with that type of thing. Maybe I should teach you a few things before you go. After all we don’t want you coming back here.” Her Aunt Bea clicked her teeth together. “Oh child, I’m not sure if this will work for you or not.”, she added.

  “I can learn to cook and I know how to clean. I did that stuff at home, you just never saw it. If daddy were still alive he would tell you I did those things.” Patty pouted.

  “Oh go ahead and pout, I’m sure that new husband of yours will just adore that little girl attitude.” Bea laughed. “You can always just smile at him and look cute; I do have to give that to you.”, she added.

  It was the first time she had ever heard her Aunt compliment her in her entire life. At least that she could remember. Patty was used to the mean words from her Aunt, not these and she was taken aback.

  “Thanks, I think that’s the first nice thing you’ve said to me.” Patty commented.

  Her Aunt looked at her confused. “No, I tell you all the time that you’re beautiful. Well maybe not since you’ve gotten older. But as a younger girl you heard it all the time from me!”, her aunt stated. “Honestly though your father did turn you into a bit of a princess. He spoiled you and made you a woman that few men will want. You’ll be lucky to find one who will put up with your whining and tantrums.”

  Patty laughed; she knew that her aunt wouldn’t be able to be nice for long. “It’s okay Aunt Bea; I’ll be out of your hair soon. I’m going to send this man a message and then he’ll send me a ticket to go out to San Francisco.”, she said.

  “Well by all means go and send your message. I’m sure your Uncle Harry will be quite happy to hear you’ve found a husband.”, her Aunt replied.

  Patty almost ran to the telegram office. She just sent Sam a quick message; the more words the higher the price. She barely had enough to send a quick response.

  Sam, I would love to come as quickly as possible. Patty.

  Patty hoped that he would send a reply and information about her trip soon. She almost waited at the telegram office for his reply, but after about 30 minutes the guy behind the counter was getting nervous. So she instead walked around her hometown. It was small and everyone knew everyone. But to be honest Patty didn’t think she would miss a single person in town.

  Chapter 4

  Sam received a quick reply from Patty and smiled. Well at least she agreed to come to him. He made her arrangements quickly and sent the information back to her. If all went well he would see her the next night, late at night.

  As soon as he had sent the message he got nervous though. His fear of meeting someone who was simply a replica of the women he could find in town worried him. It had been a while since he’d seen a decent woman who didn’t want money from men.

  He thought back to long ago when he was first married. He would have to put those memories on hold; he needed to get ready for a new relationship.

  “Am I really ready?”, he questioned himself. As he wondered he worked mindlessly making the suits that had made him a fortune and a name.

  His suits had been compared to Josef Knize the famous designer from half way around the world. It had been a big privilege the day the ma
n had told him his suits were in the same league as Knize’s.

  “Patty, am I ready for her?”, he questioned again, trying to get his mind focused on the situation that would come up tomorrow. “If she is able to get on the train within the time I gave her. Maybe I should have researched that better.” He wondered. He knew that it had been his sadness that had made him react so quickly and set up the trip for her. Sam wanted her to be here with him as soon as she could be. This way they could see how compatible they were with one another.

  Sam looked in the mirror quickly. His hair was getting a bit long; maybe he should get a haircut. But once again his mind was pulled into the job that had kept him going for all these years.

  “Damn, what am I so nervous about? At least I’m in my own city. She may be worried and scared about her trip out here. I wonder what she feels about this.” He talked out loud to no one in particular, like he often did in his shop.

  He hoped the rest of the time would go quickly. Sam also hoped that she was able to reach the station in time for the trip. He shook his head at how little he had thought this whole thing out. Then he began to wonder if the nervousness was a sign that this was the wrong thing to do. “Too late now isn’t it.” He frowned and hoped he was just being paranoid.

  Sam worked late into the night and fell asleep near sunrise. He woke up unaware of what time it was and feeling like he might be forgetting something. Then it dawned on him. “If she got on the train, she’ll be here tonight.” His stomach felt hollow and empty, his nerves unable to be tamed.

  Chapter 4

  Patty had received the next message from him shortly after she had made it back to her Aunt’s. She had gone on quite a long walk and had to hear her Aunt complain when she walked back in about an hour after she had left.

  “Where have you been?”, her Aunt complained.


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