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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 54

by Lacoste, G. G.

  “Here we are.” Aaron stopped in front of the home. He opened the door and let her in the house. “It doesn’t have a woman’s touch to it. I’ve tried to keep it as clean as I could, but lately it has been hectic at work. I still can’t believe it was so calm today.”, he stated. “I guess I’ll put your stuff in the guest room for now then.”, but there was somewhat of a question in his voice.

  She didn’t say anything, hoping he would know from the silence that was what she wanted. Deanna had never been with a man before, and she didn’t know anything about the other sex. Most of the stories she had read were with the male taking the lead. He would let the girl know how he felt, and she would profess the same to him.

  Now she was left with no clue how to really act. She wanted to be hugged, and kissed, to be touched. But she didn’t know how to let him know. She had no idea how to flirt with him. All of her experience had been through romance stories. She had never been on a date, now here she was with her future husband. “Was it wrong to make him wait?”, she wanted to know, but couldn’t ask him.

  “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m trying to go against the original agreement.”, she told him.

  “No I can understand. You did say something about only contacting you if you were serious about being married. Marriage does include more than just the physical things.” Aaron stated.

  She nodded her head in agreement. “Yes it does. I would like to have more than just a physical relationship with my husband.”, she stated.

  “But after we are married you will agree to that right?”, he ask... his curiosity far too strong.

  Deanna looked at him. She wasn’t sure what to say to him. But then she realized that she would have to agree to that, wouldn’t she? Plus there was a part of her that wanted nothing more than to feel what sex felt like. Not that the books would describe it well, in fact they would skip over those parts completely.

  So her imagination ran wild when it came to thinking about sex. “Yes of course.”, she said.

  He smiled broadly. “So when do you want to get married? “ She looked at him quickly and saw that he was only kidding.

  She couldn’t help but laugh; he had such an innocent look on his face. She smiled and laughed hard.

  Aaron looked at her closely. Her smile really lit up her face, but when she laughed she was transformed even more. He liked the way she looked right now; she looked beautiful and happy at the same time. It was at that moment he noticed that it had been sadness he had seen in her eyes before.

  “So tell me Deanna, what did you do for work? What are your hopes and dreams in life, and what are your thoughts about us?” Aaron asked.

  He hadn’t wanted to ask so much at once. He had hoped to take more time to ask them. But as he began to talk, he wanted to as much about her at once as he could absorb. He tried to convince himself it was simply curiousness on his part. However, he knew much better than that.

  “I was a librarian. I would love to see things I’ve never seen before, to feel things I never thought possible in my life. About us? I don’t know I know nothing about you but your name.”, she said to him. She seemed sad to say the last part of the statement.

  “I know I was just measuring your reaction to me. It isn’t every day you get to go to Arizona. You are from another part of the world. I know this must seem like a whole other planet to you.” Aaron said to her.

  “I can’t even begin to tell you just how different it already is.” Her eyes were wide with wonder and excitement.

  “Were you ever out of Raleigh before?”, he asked her.

  “No we never went out of Raleigh, ever.”, she said. Her voice sounded dejected.

  “Well, here you are in Arizona. If we can afford to travel once in a while, I have no problem with that at all. I have only been here a few months myself now.” Aaron stated.

  “Where did you come from?”, she asked.

  “I come from Tennessee originally. But I’ve been gone from there for several years now. Tombstone wasn’t my first stop.”, he explained.

  “You’ve been other places, please tell me about them.” She looked on her face lighting up with anticipation.

  He laughed, “There aren’t really any good stories. Just various ways I learned more about medicine at different stops along the way. I just have felt the world open up before my very eyes.”, he admitted.

  “I want to experience that.”, she said without even thinking.

  “I like to travel too. So I don’t see a problem with sharing that experience with you.”

  She looked at him for a second, a question in her eyes, but she said nothing. He wondered for a minute what she had wanted to ask him. But he didn’t pursue it for now.

  “Where all would you like to travel?”, he asked her.

  He watched her smile broadly again and her eyes got a faraway look to them. “I would love to go anywhere and everywhere, but I really want to climb to the top of a mountain and look down on the world around it. That has always seemed like it would be amazing.”, she admitted to him. She felt safe telling him the things she had never said out loud to anyone before in her life. Well once she had tried to tell her mom and dad what she had wanted to experience.

  A quick backhand from her mother had shut her up quickly. When she had been telling Aaron her dreams she almost feared that her mother would pop up and hit her again. But she made it through the comment just fine.

  “There’s a mountain not far from here. We can possible go there one day soon.”, he told her with a smile.

  He watched as she smiled even larger. “We can go there? Oh please tell me I’m not dreaming?”

  “No you aren’t dreaming. I’ve wanted to go out there for a while now too. So maybe we can go tomorrow, or tonight even.”, he said as he watched her face. He loved that look he saw right now in her eyes. It made her look completely alive. If just talking about things would make her this happy, how would trying them?

  Aaron had a feeling he had found a real gem right now. He hadn’t realized that he could actually think of her as this special this quickly.

  “We can go tonight?” Is it dangerous at night?”, she asked him.

  “No I mean if you want we can go right now.” Aaron said he hadn’t really known what he had been saying. He just really wanted to always make her happy.

  “But my dress might get dirty.”, she said.

  “We can get it cleaned if it does.”, he said and grabbed her hand and took her out the door. “Have you ever ridden a horse?”, he asked as they walked along the street.

  “Well mother did make me take riding lessons for a bit. But those were different saddles. “She said. “How much different can it be?”.

  “I guess we will find out, but just to be safe, you’ll ride in front of me.” When we have more time you can see how you handle this type of saddle. Is that okay with you?”, he added at the end.

  She nodded in agreement. He helped her get up on the horse. He grabbed her off the ground like she weighed nothing and placed her in front of him. He helped her adjust her dress so she was covered properly.

  He accidentally touched close to her sex and he could feel the heat coming from it. So he wasn’t the only one that was extremely excited right now. He laughed about it to himself, and quickly apologized for touching her in what might be considered an inappropriate way.

  “No you’re fine.”, she said. Her comment sounded like she was breathing a bit hard.

  Aaron would love to just take her back to his house right now and show her how it felt to make love. But he had promised to let her go up the mountain.

  “I know you said you wanted to climb it, but how about for today we ride up?”, he asked.

  She looked up in the sky; the sun was getting lower in the sky. “We don’t have much time until sunset?”, she asked him.

  “No not long at all; right now maybe an hour. It will be enough to ride out there and get to the top. We’ll be able to catch the sun setting, and see the few lights
of the town from above.”, he told her.

  “But you promise I can climb it one day?” She looked back at him.

  Her face was closer to his than he wanted it to be. He almost leaned forward and kissed her without thinking. “Yes I promise that you can climb it another day, more than once if you want. But please always make sure I’m with you. That way if you get hurt I’ll be here to help.” Aaron stated.

  She smiled and nodded her head, and kissed him on the lips. “I promise you that.”, she said and turned around.

  Aaron smiled, he had wanted to turn her around and kiss her more. Instead he adjusted himself in the saddle so that his chest was against her more. He was getting excited down below and didn’t want her to feel it pushing into her back.

  He leaned over and kissed her ear, unable to resist the contact. She lay back against him. He heard her murmur in delight. Aaron would love to do more, but he refocused on the trip up the mountain. He was really looking forward to seeing her face when she saw the landscape from the top.

  Deanna looked around at the scenery. She listened to Aaron as he explained the various animals to be careful of in the dessert. “Watch for scorpions, tarantula and black widows. Be careful, if you get stung by any of them, and I’m at work, come to me right away. Promise me that you’ll do that.” Aaron stated.

  “I will .” Deanna said, as she looked at the amazing cacti, and the one’s that had little flowers on them. “Those are so pretty.”, she said as she pointed at one of them.

  “We can get one to keep at home if you would like.” Aaron said.

  “Maybe we should do that. It’s so different from what I’m used to seeing!”, she smiled widely. “I feel like I’m on another planet, it is all so different.” Deanna stated.

  Aaron laughed. “I had the same sort of adjustment when I first got here too!”

  He liked watching the experience through her appreciation of the area.

  “How long did it take you to get used to it?”,she asked.

  “Honestly, I’m not really completely used to it yet!”, he admitted.

  Deanna shook her head. “So we can experience new things together too!”

  Aaron watched as her face lit up at the idea. He wondered just how much he was falling for her already. Every time she smiled and her face looked that way, he just seemed to be lost in thought. He thought it would be nice to see that look every day for the rest of his life!

  “Here we are, as high as we can get before it gets too dark.”, he stated.

  “How will we get back down?”, she questioned, it was really the first time she had considered that problem.

  “My eyes will adjust enough to the darkness and if need be, I have matches and we can make a little torch that you’ll hold while we ride.” He explained to her.

  “Wow, this is all so new to me.” She looked down on the valley below. She could see the town just a bit by now. The sun was setting fast, and soon, she saw a few lights come on. “It’s so beautiful, I love it. I wish we could live up here!”, she sighed.

  Aaron looked at her. “Well if you want too we can.”, he said.

  Deanna turned around quickly and said. “We can live up here? Wouldn’t you be too far away from the hospital?” ,she asked.

  “Well it didn’t take us too long to get here, but yeah I would think it is a little too far. But perhaps not. You know what, I’ll look into it for us.” Aaron looked at her and thought in his mind if this could work or not. He would love to be able to give her the moon and stars if he could, just to see her happy.

  He had to wonder if he had gone over her classified that one day and it had just drawn his attention because they were perfect together. Well how could that be though? He had to really consider why he was feeling like this, was it the companionship? It could be that, but she is just what I want. He had to admit it. She was so different from any other woman he had met in his life, he liked that about her. He liked the fact that she was, well her.

  “Okay, if we can’t I will understand, but maybe one year in the future though?”, she asked.

  “Okay, it’s a deal; if not now, we will one day live on the side of a mountain. But does that mean you’ll marry me now?”, he asked.

  Deanna studied him and smiled. “I’m scared to say yes, but there is something about you that feels nice to me, like we were met to be.”

  “I know what you mean. I honestly think I felt it through your classified. Something just drew me to your name.”

  “Wow, that’s the most romantic thing I’ve heard in my life. I mean I’ve read some really good stories. But to have those words said to me? I have to admit it makes my heart swell up.”, she admitted to him.

  He didn’t know what to say to her. So instead he kissed her. He lightly placed his lips on hers and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She opened her mouth to allow him into her. Deanna moaned as his tongue wrestled with hers.

  Aaron pulled back. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to seem too forward.” He looked down at the ground.

  Deanna placed her hand on his chin and moved her mouth to his. This time she was the aggressor of the two, and she hoped she was showing him what she felt.

  He grabbed the back of her head and kissed her deeper. He pulled back once again. “We can’t out here in the wild, and I would really love to be married to you before having sex with you. Not to sound prude about it, but, oh hell it doesn’t matter. But we have to go home so I can love you properly. I’ll bring you back to the mountain on another day.” Aaron said.

  “Yes please let’s go.” Deanna said her breathing fast and shallow. He could hear the excitement in her voice and feel the sexual tension bursting from them both.

  He made the trip as quickly as he could. Her arms were burning a pattern into her skin. Aaron didn’t know why the trip back seemed to take ten times longer than going to the mountain. But as they finally got back, he helped her off the horse.

  He tied the horse up front and rushed inside. He pulled Deanna behind him. The door had barely closed and they were in each other’s arms. Their kisses passionate and they both moaned loudly.

  Aaron helped her get her clothes off and admired her naked body. “You have a beautiful body.” He whistled in appreciation.

  Deanna blushed. “Thank you.”, she said as she looked down at the floor.

  He undressed and soon laid her back on the bed. He looked down at her body and tried to decide what he wanted to do to her first. Her mouth was just as inviting as it had been when he first kissed it. But now her pert little breasts were naked in front of him. He saw that her nipples were hard and he wanted to pinch them and kiss them.

  He put his mouth over her nipple and licked the hard little nub. She moaned loudly and grabbed his head. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled lightly. Her hips moved up in the air.

  Aaron lowered his head between her legs. He sniffed her scent and found it to be lovely. He licked her and popped the nublit into his mouth and lightly bit it. Deanna’s hips thrust up and she screamed out in orgasm. He felt the rush of juices as they hit his chin.

  He went up and kissed her, and placed his manhood by her opening. He pushed slowly so he wouldn’t hurt her. Though he wasn’t 100 percent sure before this point, he soon found out she was a virgin. He felt the hymen as it blocked his way to full entry.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, I’ll be gentle.”, he said to her.

  Deanna looked up at him, there was no comprehension showing on her face, all he saw was pleasure. Aaron pushed up into her quickly and sped up his thrusts. She was soon meeting his downward motion by coming up to him.

  He could feel his body wanting to spill its seed, but he wanted to hold back and see that look in her face one more time. The one she got when she had a climax. He had witnessed pure pleasure on her face the first time she had orgasmed.

  Aaron held back as long as he could, when he heard her scream out in climax again though he let go and came. He kept pumping into her until he was done. He m
oved beside her on the bed and hugged her close.

  Deanna snuggled into him closer and smiled. He heard her sigh and smiled. “I take it you didn’t mind that.”, he finally said.

  “No I enjoyed that a lot, all of it!” She looked up and kissed him on the mouth.

  She pushed her tongue inside of his mouth. He opened up his and let her tongue in. He moaned as she pushed on top of him. He was ready and willing, his member rock hard already. He helped her down and watched as she slowly rotated around his member.

  Deanna rocked her body as she tried to get a good rhythm down as she sat on top of Aaron. She had to admit she liked sex a lot. Aaron grabbed her waist and shoved her down harder onto him. He pushed up his hips and loved her as hard as he could.

  She screamed loudly and he released another load of sperm into her. He couldn’t hold back, it had felt far too amazing. She lay down on his chest, his member still inside of her.

  “You are quite the little minx.” He ran his fingers through her hair and laughed.

  “I don’t know what came over me.”, she said looking at him, the honesty showing in her eyes.

  “I don’t mind, don’t get the wrong idea! Anytime you want love, you just let me know. I’ll show you it!”, he said.

  “I like that!”, she said.

  He kissed her. “I can’t help it if I want to make you happy.”, he admitted.

  “Oh you’ve made me happier then you’ll ever know.”, she stated. Deanna had loved the trip to the mountain. She had noticed that Aaron had encouraged her to be herself. He had taken her to the place she had always wanted to be, on top of a mountain. But when he had agreed to live on one, if not soon, someday, she had melted. She didn’t care anymore she knew she wanted to love him. If it wasn’t love she was feeling right now, she didn’t know what it was. “I love you.”

  Aaron looked at her a bit shocked at her admission, but nonetheless happy. “I’m glad you do, I think I loved you from the moment I read you’re classified. I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I swear it is true.”, he told her.


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