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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 67

by Lacoste, G. G.

  “We will not. But I must ask you something.” Steve asked.

  “Yes?” Harold answered.

  “Can we make more payments in the future this way?”

  Priscilla and Harold laughed. It was a deep laugh that let them know that there would be no way these three men would share this secret. It would be something they would hold dear and only want to have for themselves.

  “As long as my wife, and perhaps the maid are willing, I don’t see a problem.” Harold stated after he had finished laughing.

  “That’s fine with me.” Priscilla stated.

  Cynthia who was still recovering a bit from her screwing looked up and said. “Gladly!”

  The men went back to the other room, and the final arrangements were made. Priscilla couldn’t wait until later when Harold would thrill her once again.


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  The Perfect Duke

  Regency Romance

  By: G.G. Lacoste

  The Perfect Duke

  Oxford Manor Erotic Romance Novel (Sir Edward, the Duke, Lady Rosamund, the Duchess, and Her Maid, Katherine)

  It was a rather cold, foggy and misty afternoon on the wealthier side of London, where the majority of noses belonging to its population of residents tended to point upwards, towards the cloudy, gray English sky. Duke Edward Wilton - or more formally, the Duke of Oxford - was solemnly standing on the balcony of his home, the Oxford Manor, admiring the view of the lush, green countryside. It was his last night living independently without a Duchess at his side, and tomorrow he was to wed Lady Rosamund Andrews - but not by personal choice, of course. You see his parents, who had the whole thing completely arranged for their long-eligible son, had pushed the Duke into this unwanted matrimony.

  Lady Rosamund came from a well known, respectable, and of course, impeccably wealthy family - the Andrews. Rosamund's father owned a railroad company and had made an impressively astounding fortune off his booming railroad business, which led to him gaining the title of being one of the richest men in all of England. His daughter, Rosamund was 21 years old, and was quite the catch with her attractive appearance, porcelain-fair skin, light blonde hair, and her lovely figure. However, although this young lady was young, wealthy, reputable and attractive, Edward wanted something far more meaningful than merely exterior appearance and status. He had high hopes that his bride and soon-to-be married companion also had an equally attractive personality.

  He hoped that they'd be a good match, and above all, that she would turn out to be the woman of his dreams who he would fall desperately in love with. Duke Edward was a hopeless romantic at heart, and always envisioned his marriage to be the conclusion of him meeting the woman of his dreams, and sharing a mutual burning passion of love with his significant other.

  However, his parents on the other hand, were far from being romantics or dreamers, and only wanted one thing: for their son, the Duke to be married to a wealthy young woman from a respectable and reputable family, who would in turn, become the Duchess of Oxford. They would then live together as the Duke and the Duchess, and start a family together in his family's estate, the Oxford Manor.

  As Duke Edward was standing on his balcony, admiring the view of his family's beautiful countryside estate overlooking the hills, his butler, Geoffrey approached him.

  "Sir, your supper is ready", the butler announced.

  "I'll be there in a minute, Geoffrey", the Duke replied.

  "As you wish, sir." The butler nodded his head and walked back into the manor.

  Shortly afterwards, Edward walked into his dining hall and began to eat his supper, which was a deliciously prepared meal of roast lamb, potato and leak stew. The cook, Beatrice was an excellent cook, and Edward paid her rather handsomely for always providing him with the most delicious meals. Edward washed down his dinner with a glass of rich red wine that had come from the Oxford Vineyard, which he and his family owned.

  The next morning, it was already the day of the wedding, and the day for there to be a brand new Duchess in London.

  The wedding, of course, was a large, festive event, with hundreds of people attending to witness and celebrate the Duke's marriage. It was held at the grandly large, beautiful Williamsburg chapel.

  Rosamund Andrews, the lucky young woman who was to wed Duke Edward Wilton that afternoon was seated in her room, already wearing her tremendously expensive cream-colored silk gown, adorned with glimmering pearls to match, and was now getting primped by her maid, Katherine, for her highly anticipated wedding day. Katherine the maid had followed her mistress's instructions and was now pampering Rosamund's face with luxurious makeup, including a rich facial powder from Paris that was made from donkey milk, just like the soon-to-be Duchess had requested, as well as a buttery-rich red lipstick that was also from Paris.

  Rosamund, who was used to just sitting there and having things done for her, was sitting down in her chair and admiring the reflection of her appearance in the mirror. She had only one goal for her wedding day: to look like the most beautiful bride and Duchess in all of England.

  After Rosamund had been fully primped, it was time for the marriage ceremony, and time for her to officially be given her long anticipated title, "Duchess".

  Less than an hour later, Edward and Rosamund were married. Afterwards, during the reception that was being held at the Oxford Manor ballroom, the guests happily danced, socialized with one another, and guzzled on the champagne being served. Edward and Rosamund were seated at their very own table, sipping on their champagne and eating their dinners of baked salmon, roasted chicken, venison pie, steamed oysters and sautéed mushrooms.

  Edward sat next to his new wife, studying her. Rosamund certainly looked rather lovely in her beautiful gown and veil, and Edward has eager to get to know her better. He had been courting the Duchess for a month, having briefly spent time with her on only two separate occasions, and now that they were married, he wanted to finally have the chance to really get to know her as a person.

  "Well, so I suppose this is it. We're now husband and wife", Edward said to Rosamund.

  "I suppose so", she said - rather blankly. She had a seemingly cold and emotionless approach towards the entire thing.

  He tried sparking up a conversation a few more times, but decided to finally give up after not having any success. This left him with only one option, which was to hope for the best. Maybe after he'd spent more time with his new wife and gotten to know her a bit better, she would turn out to be the woman of his dreams, after all.

  However, much to Edward's disappointment and dismay, Rosamund was the farthest thing from the "woman of his dreams." On the contrary, she was a shrewd, spoiled, self-absorbed and shallow wench of a wife. In addition to this, she was also rather dimwitted, and completely unable to spark up a half-decent, intellectual conversation with Edward, or with anyone else, for that matter. All she was concerned and preoccupied with was her looks, and her dreadful little social circle, with her equally shallow, spoiled and dimwitted friends. In fact, her favorite thing in the world was to invite her awful group of friends to the Oxford manor for "afternoon tea", so they could viciously gossip with each other about everyone and everything underneath the sun.

  Today, she had invited them over yet again for "afternoon tea", and they were bad-mouthing a number of
popular socialites, particularly beautiful woman they were jealous of.

  "Did you see what Anne wore to the debutant last week? I absolutely could not believe she was stupid enough to wear that awfully hideous rag", one woman with an annoying high-pitched voice remarked.

  "What a stupid cow", another woman said.

  Then all of them burst into laughter.

  "Katherine, come here at once!" Duchess Rosamund yelled to her maid.

  Katherine the maid hurried over to her bossy mistress's side.

  "Yes, Madame? You called for me?" Katherine said to the frivolous duchess.

  "Why, don't be foolish, Katherine", Rosamund barked with an overly dramatic, ridiculous tone in her voice. "Where's our tea? I can certainly say that this has been longest pot of tea I have ever been forced to wait on."

  "I'm sorry, Madame", Katherine timidly answered. "I - I was busy preparing lunch for you ladies - cucumber sandwiches, blackened sea bass, and the caviar and cheese plate, just like you requested. I assumed you'd fancy tea and lunch at the same time."

  "Don't assume anything moving forward, Katherine, dear. You obviously lack the necessary wit to do so", Rosamund snapped at the maid, clearly mocking her.

  Duchess Rosamund's circle of friends began to snicker, in a condescending manner, of course.

  Katherine swiftly darted over to the kitchen and fetched the pot of peppermint tea for the Duchess and her god-awful little friends. Sometimes Katherine couldn't stand the Duchess (or her friends, for that matter) - she was the rudest, most condescending and self-absorbed woman that Katherine had ever met, and working for her as a maid certainly wasn't a peaches-and-cream-blissful walk in the old park. On the contrary, it often felt like a horrendous living nightmare in which she was constantly being bullied, belittled, ordered and pushed around. But Katherine couldn't complain - in fact, she considered herself fortunate to have a stable position as the Duchess's maid, which provided her with enough money to feed herself and escape living in poverty. You see, Katherine was an orphan - her parents had died of typhoid fever when she was only 10 years old. Ever since the death of her mother and father, Katherine had been forced to make ends meet and sustain herself - all on her own. Being hired by the duchess as a maid meant that Katherine would no longer be forced to constantly worry about the struggle of making ends meet and finding a way to support and sustain herself. As awful as her mistress was, Katherine considered herself lucky, and viewed her job as a blessing - a ticket out of starvation and destitution - and this certainly made her glad.

  Without further ado, Katherine rushed to the art-room, where Rosamund and her venomous little poison-spewers were seated. However, the maid was in such a tremendous hurry (in an effort to diminish the possibility of getting screamed at again, and forced to endure that god-awful shriek in Rosamund's voice) that she didn't notice Duke Edward passing by ahead of her - heading straight to his favorite place to relax, the balcony on the third floor - and accidentally nudged into him, causing her to clumsily trip to the shiny marble floor, then drop and irreparably shatter the Duchess's prized, cherished golden heirloom teapot into at least a dozen million pieces.

  Rosamund let out a ghastly shriek.

  "OH YOU CLUMSY OLD COW!!" she howled at the poor maid. "What the hell have you done?"

  "My lady, I'm so sorry! I was in such a hurry that I failed to notice your husband, the Duke passing by me!" Katherine apologized in horror.

  "Shut up! You do understand that this will be coming out of your servants' compensation for the following 6 months, don't you?"

  Katherine timidly nodded her head. "Now look what you've done, you stupid idiot" she silently thought to herself.

  "What on earth are you still doing here, standing, as if you're a royal guest we've been expecting? Clean that up!!!" Rosamund barked.

  As Katherine immediately began cleaning the shattered mess that was soon going to cost her quite a fortune, she heard the Duchess snicker as she said to her friends, "I'm happy she broke that awful old thing - I was going to dispose of it regardless." They all burst into laughter, poking fun at Katherine.

  What Katherine didn't know was that the Duchess was only being so nasty towards her was because she was very jealous of the maid's beauty - her refreshingly radiant, youthful and natural beauty, as well as her gorgeous hourglass figure. Katherine was beyond attractive with her striking appearance - she had long, straight golden strawberry blond hair, large piercing green eyes, sexy full lips and a perfect figure; Katherine was slender, but had just the right amount of feminine curves in all of the right places. With that being said, the Duchess was extremely jealous and even angrier that her maid was far more beautiful than she was.

  Duchess Rosamund wasn't the only one who had noticed Katherine's stunning beauty. The Duke, Edward had also admired his selfish, snooty wife’s beautiful maid from afar. He wondered how Katherine was away from her job, working as a maid for the Duchess. He had especially taken a liking for Katherine's beautiful emerald-green eyes, as well as her beautiful, vibrant smile.

  Katherine also had noticed how handsome Duke Edward was, in addition to his kindness, and his friendly, warm attitude. He seemed far too kind, polite, generous and sweet to be married to that god-awful Rosamund woman. Of course, Katherine was aware of the arranged marriage, but it just seemed like they were far too different (to say the least) to be joined together as husband and wife.

  After Katherine had finished cleaning the mess, she noticed that the Duke was suddenly approaching her. He had an apologetic look on his face.

  "I'm sorry you had to endure that. She's rather pushy, isn't she?" The Duke said to Katherine.

  Katherine tried playing it off. "Oh, I'm such a clumsy 'old cow' - like the duchess said - I had it coming. Although I do find it a bit odd that I'm considered an 'old cow' at the age of 19. I suppose it must be royal standards, and I've been considered a spinster since my 16th birthday", Katherine joked.

  The Duke laughed. "In that case, at age 27, I must be considered a fragile old grandfather."

  Katherine laughed.

  "I'm surprised you've lived to reach such a grand age!" She joked.

  Edward couldn't help but admire how Katherine's full, raspberry-colored lips curved into a vibrantly beautiful smile. She reminded him of rays of sunshine.

  "Katherine, will you be attending the Lavender Ball tomorrow evening?" He asked her.

  Katherine shook her head. "Oh no, sir, not me."

  "Why not?" The Duke asked.

  "Well, for one, I'm a maid. Secondly, do you honestly think Lady Rosamund would ever allow me to attend the ball? Either way, I don't have an invitation, so I'm afraid not. Although I'm sure it's going to be quite lovely", Katherine answered him with a dreamy look in her beautiful emerald green eyes. It seemed like she would have really liked to attend the ball.

  The Duke told her to wait inside of his library. Katherine obliged and took a seat on one of the extravagant library's armchairs. As she waited for the Duke to arrive, she admired the beautiful artwork that decorated the library, particularly the dome-shaped ceiling that was covered in a fresco painting that looked strikingly similar to the style of the classically famous artist, Michelangelo.

  After a few short minutes had gone by, the Duke opened the doors and let himself into the library. In his hand, he held a very sophisticated looking envelope that was decorated with lace. He held it out for her to take.

  "What is it?" Katherine asked him, referring to the curiously elegant envelope. It smelled of jasmines and roses, indicating it had been delicately spritzed with a highly expensive perfume from France - the kind of luxury that was only fit for royalty.

  "It is an invitation to the Lavender Ball tomorrow, meaning you will be welcomed as a guest", the Duke said with a smile on his incredibly handsome, chiseled face.

  Katherine gasped. "A thousand thanks, Sir!" She exclaimed, immensely excited at his incredibly amazing gesture. Katherine had only dreamed of what it would be like to attend a gl
amorous, elegant ball that was hosted by the royal family. It was a dream come true. "What an awfully kind gesture!"

  The Duke smiled.

  Katherine then complimented him on his library, letting him know that she had noticed all of the beautiful artwork and thought it was all amazing.

  "I also noticed your selection of books. I must say, you have excellent taste. Emily Bronte is one of my favorite authors, and I'm also fascinated with Shakespeare. I absolutely love reading everything - his comedies, tragedies - just everything! When I was about 15, I was sent to work at a boarding school, and when I discovered the school's library, I spent every minute of my free time sitting against a shelf, going on thousands of incredibly entertaining adventures - each adventure being a fascinating new book that I had become glued to. I've had a passion for reading ever since."

  Edward was very impressed. He had no idea that he and Katherine both shared an unquenchable thirst for good literature. He found it to be rather remarkable that Katherine the maid seemed to be far more intelligent and educated than his wife, the Duchess. Hearing how Katherine also shared his passion for reading wonderful books - including that of Emily Bronte and Shakespeare - sparked a flame of interest in the Duke. He suddenly felt himself becoming more drawn to her, much like a moth was drawn to a flame.


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