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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 93

by Lacoste, G. G.

  "You do love me, don't you?" she asked after seeing how he winced and squirmed upon her using the word. He hesitated, unsure of how to respond. He liked the maid a great deal and, as mentioned before, he did feel himself falling in love with her despite his best efforts. However, the Duke was not ready to commit to another monogamous relationship and did not wish to go through the troubles which falling in love brought on. But he was fond of the maid and cared for her a great deal. He enjoyed the feel of her body against his and truly did not want to see their physical relationship come to an end. For this reason, the Duke made the decision that it was in his best sexual interest to lie and tell the maid that he was, in fact, in love with her. Unfortunately, the several minutes it had taken the Duke to go over all of this in his head was more than enough time for the maid to see that he did not want to profess his love to her and embark on a committed relationship.

  "Oh, I believe I understand the situation" she said with anger growing in her voice, "you do not love me at all."

  "Do not be ridiculous Penny, I never said such a thing."

  "No, you did not say anything at all. If you loved me, professions of your love would be at the tip of your tongue every day and every night but you hesitate to say it even when I ask."

  "But I do love you" protested the Duke in a transparent attempt to cool the woman's wrath. It was clear even to him that his claims to be in love with Penny were void of truth and were in no way convincing. One can lie about a great many things, but not even the finest of actors can lie about being in love. When emitting false claims of love, the voice lacks the passion and warmth of somebody who has truly fallen in love and the Duke was forced to learn this through experience.

  "It is quite clear to me, Geoffrey, that I am nothing more than a young girl who can make you orgasm. You have no love for me."

  "Penny, will you please have some sense and listen to me?" Penny, of course, refused to have sense or to listen to her former partner. She felt betrayed and scorned and was in dire need of some form of relief. This relief she found, as so many do, through throwing the Duke's various priceless ornaments around the living room and watching them shatter as they hit the ground.

  "Penny! What are you doing?" the Duke cried as the broken hearted woman hurled a floral patterned vase at the mantelpiece. He was shocked by the suddenly vengeful mood of the maid. She had always been an incredibly shy and quiet girl who shuddered at the idea of being a burden and now she was destroying the home that she had spent so many of her days cleaning. Heartbreak has a tendency to bring about drastic changes in one's personality and causes them to harm themselves and others around them. The Duke, however, was not aware of this as he had never before experienced heartbreak. His marriage had ended mutually and up to this moment he had avoided causing anybody to fall in love with him.

  "You made me love you!" Penny screamed as she sent yet another vase flying across the room, like a doomed ceramic bird. "You made me love you and you had no intention of loving me back!" At this point, the Duke was forced to swallow his pride and duck behind his chair, spilling his glass of whiskey all over himself in the process. He was, without a doubt a coward. That being said, cowards always live to fight (or not fight) another day.

  Deciding there was no reason for her to remain in that living room, or any other room in the manor for that matter, Penny broke one last ornament for good measure and made her exit. The Duke remained cowering behind his chair for several minutes after the maid had left, fearing her return. When he finally did rise from his trench, he had his first real experience of heartbreak. The living room looked as though it had been the scene of an extremely violent murder. His beloved statues and vases had all been destroyed. They lay in pieces on the ground as if they were part of an intricate, impossibly hard jigsaw puzzle. The fists of the young girl had ruined even the priceless paintings that he was so proud of and a hole had been punched through the face of Christ. Pieces of broken glass and porcelain and a thousand other materials crunched under the feet of the Duke as he made his way across the living room. He did all he could to avoid crushing anything as he crossed the floor but it proved to be an impossible task. The young girl had been so skilled in vandalising his property that the floor was covered in broken ornaments.

  Fearing for his safety, Geoff cracked open the living room door and with one eye surveyed his surroundings. The young girl was nowhere to be found. He could not see her, nor could he hear her sobbing or whaling, which suggested she had left the manor completely. Satisfied that the maid was not lying in wait, the Duke opened the door further and began to call for his chief of staff.

  "Charles! Charles!" He paused and waited for the old man to come running like a dog desperate to please his master. "Charles, come here at once!" He paused again but still did not hear the sound of the butler shuffling to him. "For goodness sake" he muttered to himself, "that blasted old coot is beginning to outstay his welcome at my home." He called for the butler several more times but received no response. The Duke put this down to Charles' advanced age and increasing unprofessionalism, but what he did not know was that the grey haired man was just about to enter the offices of one of the most influential tabloids in the United Kingdom and reveal all the scandalous secrets of his romantic life.

  Chapter Five

  In her chamber, the Duchess was having quite a bit more success with the object of her desires than Geoff had had with the maid. She sat cross-legged on her bed, joined by young Marcus Wilson, sipping wine and sharing humorous tales from her younger years.

  "I remember my father used to have a number of chickens. All, for whatever reason, were incapable of laying eggs!" The Duchess laughed at her own story and slapped her leg in amusement as Marcus Wilson joined her. Unlike the many men who would politely listen to the woman's story and not inform her of how dreadfully boring she was because they still wanted to have sex with her, Marcus was genuinely interested in her tales and anecdotes. He found something charming in the past, especially the past of the Duchess. She was such a delightful and intriguing character that he was fascinated by the events, which helped shape her personality.

  "Of course, my father was not bothered by the fact that they could not lay eggs. He loved them anyway! He treated them as if they were his little babies!" The Duchess laughed a laugh so great that she snorted, which only sent her into further fits of laughter. She felt more relaxed around Marcus Wilson than she had felt around any other human being in years. She certainly did not feel so merry and gay when she was in the company of the man to whom she was married. He had grown bored of her stories many years before they had reached the polygamous agreement. Unlike her husband, the Duchess was not troubled by the knowledge that she was beginning to fall in love with her young lover.

  Marcus was also beginning to fall in love with the Duchess, which did not bother him in the slightest. In fact, he was quite pleased to be falling in love at such a young age for it meant he did not have to endure countless parties arranged by his parents in order to help him find the perfect woman, for he had already found her.

  "Did your father name the chickens?" he asked with a laugh.

  "Of course not! You don't name chickens!" The Duchess slapped her leg again before reaching across the bed and slapping the leg of Marcus. Her hand lingered on his leg for just a moment, which told the young man that it was nearing the time for them to cease their laughter and begin the "urgent meeting" for which he had been summoned.

  "I seem to be running out of wine,” the Duchess declared after removing her hand from the lap of her lover and glancing to her wine glass.

  "Let me" he insisted as he reached for the half empty bottle of red wine which he had placed by the side of the bed. He filled her glass to the brim but neglected to top up his own for he feared alcohol would prohibit him from performing to an standard worthy of the Duchess. He envied the glass as the Duchess raised it to her lips, leaving a smudge of her cherry red lipstick on the rim. He had an incredible longing to feel th
ose lips sealed around the head of his penis and to see the tracks left by her lipstick as her mouth travelled up and down his shaft.

  The young man leaned across the bed and planted a brief but titillating kiss upon the lips of the Duchess. Pulling back, he was pleased to see that the woman's lipstick was not quite as perfect as it had been before he went in for a kiss. He could feel her lipstick on the edges of his mouth and the taste of her kiss was still on his lips. Sharing Marcus' excitement, the Duchess crawled to him and pressed her lips to his in a more passionate, powerful kiss. Her tongue ventured out of her mouth and past his lips, meeting his tongue and instigating something of a wrestling match between the two organs. Marcus and the Duchess clung tightly to each other until the young man grabbed a handful of the woman's hair and turned her head to the side, bringing her left ear right next to his mouth.

  "I cannot wait a second long,” he whispered, his tongue very intentionally washing over her earlobe and pinna, "I must have you." The Duchess shut her eyes and exhaled loudly, allowing herself to become lost in the words of her lover. "I must tear your clothes from your body and see your nude form in all its glory. I must hold your breasts in my hand and take them between my teeth. I long to feel you squirm in delight as I move my hands in and out of your body."

  Still holding the Duchess's hair, Marcus pulled her slowly to the mattress and laid her flat on her back before positioning himself on top of her. His penis was beginning to rise and she could feel it pressing against her as he grabbed her wrists and held her to the bed. He was in control and there was nothing she could do about it, a fact which only served to excite her further. With an insatiable desire for her body, Marcus Wilson kissed the woman's neck and bit down hard on her skin, leaving traces of his teeth on her body as he undid the buttons of her white linen blouse. He pulled the shirt from the woman and was greeted by her sublime breasts. Pale and perfectly formed, they seemed to call out to him and demand he cover them in his saliva, a command that he was more than happy to obey.

  He ran his tongue several times over her naval before tracing slowly upwards, coming to rest only upon reaching her breasts. The right nipple of the Duchess was afforded the attention of Marcus's mouth while the left nipple was pulled and turned and pinched by his hand. She moaned and groaned and struggled not to pass out from the extreme pleasure that she was feeling at the hands (and mouth) of her young lover. He released her nipple from his teeth and rose to his knees. The Duchess followed in anticipation but he quickly shoved her back to the mattress. Squinting his eyes and biting his lower lip, he began to fiddle with the buttons on her purple and black striped slacks. He was not used to removing slacks from the female body, as it was somewhat of a rarity for a woman to wear anything other than dresses and gowns at the time. Of course, the Duchess was quite a rare woman, one in a million, even. Finally, the young man managed to unfasten the pesky buttons and he wasted little time in freeing his lover's legs. He jumped from the mattress, positioned himself at the end of the bed and began to tug and pull and tug again until, finally, the slacks came flying from the body of the Duchess. Marcus had been pulling with such force and determination that the sudden release of pressure served to send him crashing to the chamber floor, clutching the trousers tightly in his hands. Had such a hilarious event occurred in any other circumstances, the Duchess would not have been able to contain her amusement and would likely have laughed until she herself rolled off the bed and came crashing to the ground. However, at this moment she was far too alive with desire and sexual feeling to be concerned about such trivial matters and so she crawled to the end of to end of the bed and joined her youth on the ground.

  Not allowing him a moment to recover or a chance to clamour back to his feet, the Duchess loosened his leather belt and ripped his trousers open without so much as a thought for the garment. The impatience of the Duchess caused several buttons to rip straight out of the trousers and fly across room, filling the chamber with the sound of clanging metal. It was a frustrating noise, nearly infuriating, like the noise one hears upon accidentally dropping a knife or fork but it was soon overpowered by Marcus Wilson's moans and sighs. The very second she rid him of his trousers, the Duchess had taken his penis in her mouth and was staining it with her spit and lipstick, just as he had longed for. She moved her tongue masterfully over the head of his penis before pushing her head forward and taking his throbbing organ on a journey down her throat. In her lifetime, the woman had become quite skilled at dealing out oral sex and the young man was more than happy to benefit from her extensive list of past loves. Finally, she released the penis from her gums and took it tightly in her hand, moving it back and forth and bringing the beginnings of the Duke's cum pouring onto her fingers.

  Knowing her young lover was still a tad on the excitable side and sometimes had trouble prolonging his ejaculation, the Duchess rose into a squatted position and slowly eased his eager member into her. It pushed through the opening to her body and brushed past her glands, causing both the Duchess and the owner of the organ to shake with pleasure. Being on top placed the onus of orgasm upon the Duchess, something that she was more than capable of handling. She moved up and down with Marcus's penis inside her, slowly at first and then at a greater pace. She could feel the young man trembling beneath her, he had never been in such a position before and he was finding it to be rather delightful. She continued to rise and lower with sweat dripping from her forehead and her knees beginning to ache. The wonderful feeling of sexual gratification was more than worth the pain in her joints and drove her to orgasm before her young love could climax himself. This was the first time such an event had occurred in the sex life of the Duchess and Marcus but the experienced woman did not hesitate to take action. Her own lust satisfied, she removed herself from his body and immediately took his penis in her mouth a second time. The impeccable motion of her tongue made the young man rattle and his member twitch before finally drawing out the remainder of his cum in something not unlike an explosion. The Duchess swallowed and lifted her head to make eye contact with the young man. As Marcus looked back at her, seeing her eyes shining bright and a smidgen of his cum dripping down her chin, there was only one thing for him to say.

  "Barbara" he began as he fumbled for his trousers, "I love you."

  An hour or so later, the Duchess escorted Marcus through the manor and to the front door. She had a wonderful time with him and had thoroughly enjoyed his company, but it was time for him to leave as his parents where still not aware of his relationship with the Duke's wife. With a kiss of his hand, she opened the front door. However, instead of being greeted by her driver, dutifully waiting to take the young man to his home, the Duchess saw a gaggle of men with paper and pencil who leaped into action the moment they saw her.

  "Barbara" one called out, "it this the young man with whom you are sleeping?" The Duchess was shocked to hear such a question and immediately denied it.

  "We have heard you are sleeping with a number of men, many of whom are quite young."

  "Is it true that the Duke has been having an affair with a member of the help?" The Duchess gasped and attempted to shut the door but was thwarted by the foot of a journalist. Disturbed from his drinking, the Duke entered the hallway to enquire as to what all the fuss was about. The very second he saw the men with notepads, he knew nothing good was about to transpire. Calls of "My Lord" and "Geoffrey" rang out before the Duke pushed away the reporter with the invincible foot and shut the manor door.

  "My wife, we may be in quite a bit of trouble,” he told the Duchess, not acknowledging the presence of Marcus Wilson.

  "Oh Geoffrey, whatever will we do?"

  "If we are to remain among respectable society and keep our titles and riches, there is only one course of action which we can take."

  "Oh anything, Geoffrey" insisted the Duchess, on the verge of tears.

  "My dear, we must have a child."


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   Copyright 2014 by Rosamund Talbot - All rights reserved.

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  The Duke’s Demand

  Regency Romance

  By: Rosamund Talbot

  The Duke’s Demand

  Chapter One

  Veronica had always been aware of her husband's extramarital affairs. She knew that he was an extremely passionate man and that it would be totally unreasonable of her to expect him to love her and her alone. In the fifteen years they had been married, Veronica's husband had been involved a number of steamy and tempestuous romances with a number of steamy and tempestuous women. His lovers included wealthy women who were recently widowed, lonely wives who could no longer stand the emotional distance of their husbands, women of the street, Veronica's friends and, in some cases, her family. Sometimes, though not often, Veronica was bothered by the thought of her husband's infidelities; it pained her, as it would any woman, to think about the man to whom she was married conducting sexual encounters with other women inside their marital home. However, it was a testament to Veronica's self-confidence and open-mindedness that she was generally able to bear the knowledge that she was being cheated on and go about her daily routine without crumbling under the burden of what some would perceive as unrequited love. Perhaps Veronica was not quite as open-minded as she liked to believe herself to be; after all, it was in her best interests to stay married to her husband. He was a wealthy Duke with strong connections to the higher members of the royal family, right up to the Prince Reagent. In fact, he was so close to some of the more valued sharers of the bloodline that he was one of the first people in the United Kingdom to learn about King George being deemed unfit to rule, an insider's tip which he shared with his wife almost immediately. Learning of important events concerning the throne before the rest of the country made Veronica feel privileged, as did the money and esteem which accompanied being the wife of a duke. Not a single one of her husband's lovers got to experience that. With the exception of a handful of money here and there to keep quiet, those whores and potential home wreckers never lived anything close to the life Veronica lived.


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