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Babysitter's Club Sydney

Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  “Hello Claudia!” I turned up the volume as I put the headphones over my ears and listened to her scream, as my smile grew wider.


  “Are you comfortable in hell Claudia?” I made sure my voice was low even though no one else was on this level. I had five minutes before I had to go down to meet the kids, but I just couldn’t wait to say hello.

  I watched on my computer screen as she stared back at me wide eyed. “Still don’t know what’s going on huh. Makes me wonder, just how many lives have you screwed over that you can’t figure out why karma came knocking at your door?”

  The woman on the screen made futile noises behind the gag in her mouth even as she struggled pointlessly against the ropes and chains that bound her and kept her in place.

  “Oh well, I can’t stay long, I have to go be a nanny for a while. I’ll be sure to wake you for the first part of the show later.” I gave a little finger wave before closing down the screen.

  Now for the next scene in this act. I smoothed my skirt and blouse in place as I made my way out of the room. I didn’t know if anyone was watching, but still staying in character, I pretended to muddle through finding my way.

  I made it downstairs without incident but from the reassuring smile the housekeeper gave me I knew my ploy had worked. “Not to worry dear, you’ll soon learn the ins and outs and every nook and cranny of this place.”

  “I remember when I first came here…” I’m sure she had lots more to say but I tuned her out even though I was still standing there with that same insipid smile on my face as if I were all ears.

  “Well, the children are in their playroom with their father, right through there.” She pointed to a door down the hall and I walked in that direction.

  The children had two playrooms I’d been told. One was upstairs next to the nursery and the other was down here beside their father’s study. He liked having them near so he could keep an eye on them while he worked.

  I guess he’d learned early on that his wife was not the mothering type and this was his way of making up for it. I knocked softly on the door and waited for his silk smooth, cultured voice to tell me to come in. I opened the door and slipped inside, my eyes going directly to the children.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that up close they truly did look like him and not the monster who’d birthed them. I don’t think I could’ve stood to see them for hours on end if they’d had her face.

  My smile this time was genuine as I turned my attention to them. I love children, it’s one of the only things I didn’t lose along with the rest of my own innocence. The love and adoration for babies.

  Before my life was turned upside down I always dreamt I’d grow up and have some of my own. It’s what most little girls dream of I think. Along with the dreams of those knights and prince charming.

  “Hello little ones.” Twin replicas of their father turned to the door at the same time and gave me wary looks. My heart clenched for them, because I knew, even if their daddy didn’t, why two four year olds would know how to be wary.

  He wouldn’t understand, not yet anyway, because he was a loving and devoted father. He cannot as yet understand how or why anyone would want to be anything but kind to them, or any child for that matter.

  He doesn’t exist in a bubble I know. But sometimes those of high moral value find it hard to accept the darkness in others. Since I only know but so much about him, (he wasn’t as easy to hack and manipulate as others), I guess I’ll see with time.

  “Come in Sydney, these are my angels, Cassidy and Courtney. Say hello girls, Sydney is going to be your nanny for the summer.” I got down on my knees and held my hand out to Cassidy who chortled and ran to her daddy’s side.

  Courtney, who seemed to be the braver of the two, and who I could only tell apart from her sister because they both wore barrettes in their hair with their names, came to stand in front of me.

  She was the more serious one I guess. She studied me as if she could see right through me, and then she did the oddest thing. She removed my glasses even before I had a chance to stop her.

  “Courtney that’s not nice give her back her glasses.” His voice reminded me of where I was and why I was here. I played the role very well though, blinking and reaching as if I couldn’t see.

  I had to be careful here though, because part of this act didn’t require glasses. In fact glasses were a big no-no. “It’s okay sir, she’s just curious.” I kept my attention on the child as I spoke to her father.

  “May I?” I held my hand out for the glasses that she grudgingly returned. “Thank you so much Courtney. It’s not that I can’t see without my glasses, I just see much better with them on.”

  I replaced the ugly things on my face before turning on my knees to face the other adult in the room. His impact hadn’t lessened one iota. Cassidy decided to come over to take a look and soon I was being pulled in two different directions at once as each of the little darlings wanted to show me their favorite toys.

  All in all I’ll have to say it was a good first impression with the girls. As their dad sat quietly in his chair looking on, I played the nanny to the hilt. It wasn’t hard, it was the one place I’d allowed myself to be me when I was planning this.

  By the end of our first hour together, I had the little ones eating out of my hands and was equally delighted by them. Thankfully it seems they’d taken after their father.

  I did not worry overly much about what affect my actions would have on them. They were too young to understand much of what was about to happen. Lucky them!

  “Okay girls it’s bath time, let’s go show Sydney where everything is.” He was still dismissing me, not in a rude way, but it was obvious that he had no interest in me as a woman. Not yet!

  “I should warn you, these two love to make a mess at bath time. You’d better wear rain gear.” He said jokingly as we made our way up the stairs, each of us carrying a handful of well behaved little girl.

  “I will remember that in the future sir, thank you.” He showed me to the private bathroom just off the nursery that was almost twice the size of the room I would be staying in. And that was not small.

  There was a tub for two, a shower that the girls were too young to use as yet, a changing corner, vanity, you name it, it was here. I listened as he explained their likes and dislikes during bath time before leaving me alone with them. It showed a side to him that just might add to my dilemma. This was no weekend dad.

  “Okay girls let’s get you bathed and ready for bed shall we?” As with all children they protested, but it wasn’t long before I had them ensconced in the warm bubbly water with a mountain of toys.

  After they’d been scrubbed and dressed for bed, it was time to read them a story. Tomorrow my real duties begin, but I have to say this had gone very well so far.

  Once I had them tucked up in the twin beds next to each other, I sat in the chair between their princess beds and read them a story. They were so easy these two, within ten minutes they were both out.

  I found that other little hole of my making and once again sent a sinister smile to the one I knew was watching. As I stood I ran my hand over first one little head and then the other, all the while my gaze trained on that little hole in the wall. I didn’t smile this time, but let my face show the malice that I did not feel towards the two little angels but was definitely directed at the woman who was awake and watching.

  I made a show of moving around the room, touching their little things as I hummed softly to myself, before silently leaving the room. My mask fell back into place as I made my way downstairs. One of the things the rambling housekeeper had reminded me of was the fact that dinner for the staff was served in their kitchen at a certain hour.

  I was free to take my meals in my room if I so chose, but tonight I wanted to sit in. I listened as they each tried to outdo the other in telling me stories about the wonders of the place. Things I already knew but pretended not to.

  Like how the estate
had been in Mr. Fisher’s family for generations. How Mrs. Fisher wasn’t too fond of the country and that is why she always went away for the first week before coming here to join her husband and children.

  I didn’t miss the looks that passed around the table at the mention of her name, but pretended not to notice. I nibbled on some fruit while the others enjoyed their heavy meal of potatoes and baked chicken. Not that I don’t like to eat, I’m a huge fan of food. But my tummy was already full of nerves, so there wasn’t much room for anything else.

  I made my excuses early and headed back to my side of the house, making my way upstairs to my room. I had to remember to act confused even when no one else was around, just in case. I had my own bathroom, though not in my room, and there is where I headed now after gathering some necessities from my room.

  Time for act three, or is this four? It doesn’t matter, as long as the whole play comes together in the end. I took my time getting to the bathroom, which was just a few doors down from the master suite. Just in case.

  Once behind the closed door, I hummed softly as I removed my clothing and breathed a sigh of relief as I unharnessed my breasts. I had to massage them to get some life back into them after smothering them all evening.

  The water was a welcome relief when I stepped under the warm spray, and I spent a good amount of time washing the gunk out of my hair that I’d used not only to keep it in place, but to dull the natural shine and appeal of my usually white blonde tresses.

  It was another relief to get it out of that bun and I took my time massaging my scalp as the heavy weight of my hair fell down my back to the top of my ass. My hair, like my eyes, is one of my greatest assets.

  In a world where women are prone to chopping off their hair in whatever style was trending, mine had never been cut except for trimming the ends as needed over the years.

  It was something I took great pride in, along with the body I kept well toned for the past few years, ever since this plan began to form in my head.

  Turning off the water, I wrung the excess from my hair before stepping out on the mat and grabbing a fluffy towel off the rack. It barely fit around my chest and I smiled at the possibilities.

  I stood in front of the mirror and brushed my long tresses before using the handheld dryer to finish the job. It shone and crackled under the light. I studied my reflection, appreciating the beauty that looked back at me.

  I didn’t stay too long though, because looking into my face was too much like looking into another’s. I turned and walked away before my thoughts got the better of me.

  Back in my room, I checked in on my captive audience once again. It was obvious from her ravished face that she’d seen it all.

  Well, not all of it. I’d only wired up certain rooms in the house for her viewing pleasure. My room; the nursery, and the master suite. I thought it more fun to leave her guessing the rest of the time.

  “Did you scream yourself hoarse again? Tsk-Tsk. How many times must I tell you, it’s pointless? No one can hear you.” I rubbed moisturizer into my skin as I taunted her.

  I kept up a running conversation with her, teasing her about things to come. I adored watching her pull at her restraints as she yelled behind the gag in her mouth.

  She wasn’t looking as polished and refined these days. The look of haughty anger she’d worn so well that first day had since been replaced with one of utter defeat. It gave me life!

  Outside the night was growing dark and my heart raced slightly at what was about to come. “I think it’s time for Sebastian to be finishing up with his evening swim. Just about time for me to head downstairs for a glass of warm milk.”

  She made a sound like a dying walrus and her eyes, those expressive eyes said much. “How does it feel bitch? Maybe I’ll talk him into my bed tonight, do you think he’d be game? Or will he make me wait until tomorrow?”

  “A little birdie told me that he’s not too pleased with you these days. That maybe he’s thinking of trading you in. What do you think? Have you noticed any strain in your marriage of late?”

  I hope my words brought her immeasurable pain and suffering? I watched her for a little while longer as she pleaded with her eyes once she grew tired of struggling. I had no interest in what they, or her lying lips had to say.

  I turned off the laptop but knew she could still see me through the mini camera in the wall that looked like nothing more than a speck of dust. Thank goodness for the advances in technology.


  I removed the towel and pulled on the semi diaphanous nightgown, one of many that I’d brought with me. It was made in such a way as to not be too obvious, unless I wanted it to be.

  The simple frilly neckline with the little satin ribbon that ran under my breasts in the empire waist style was the most innocent of the gowns I’d brought along.

  The virginal white was a nice touch and was ironically very apt, since I am indeed a virgin. You only saw the true power of the innocent looking gown when I moved.

  In the mirror I watched as the Vee between my thighs peeped through the cloth, or the way the swell of my breasts showed just a little above that ribbon and the bow that tied between my firm high mounds.

  As I moved, the material swayed and clung in all the right places. My nipples, if you looked hard enough, were on full display behind the sheer ruched cloth that did little to conceal them.

  I took my time making my way down the stairs, timing his departure from the swimming pool. My heart picked up speed as I made my way into the dimly lit kitchen and I had to stop and calm myself.

  I knew that the added excitement I felt between my legs had nothing to do with my purpose for being here, and more to do with wanting Sebastian Fisher to see me as a woman, a desirable woman.

  I was thirsty for the look of want and hunger that I imagined coming into his eyes when he first sees me without the props, and my assets, though not on full display, at least no longer hidden.

  I’d barely poured myself the glass of unwanted milk when I felt him enter the room behind me. I knew it had to be him because I’d done my homework and knew that the servants never ventured to this side of the mansion this late at night.

  I didn’t turn as yet even though I wanted to so badly. Instead I stood there breath held, waiting for his next move as I pretended not to have heard him come in. Or feel the heat of his gaze on me.

  “Who are you?” I gave a good impression of being startled by his voice as I turned around clutching the neck of my gown, only making it mold itself to my chest, which of course his eyes followed.

  “Oh I’m so sorry Mr. Fisher it’s me.” His eyes widened in surprise as he took me in.


  “I’m so sorry, I had no idea anyone was down here. I just needed some milk. First night in a strange place and all that you know…I’ll just get out of your way.”

  “No, stay.” He held out a hand as if to keep me in place and I noticed his eyes were eating me up. I could barely contain my triumphant smile.

  I looked down at my feet just in case my eyes had that light of glee in them that they get when I’m overly excited. Didn’t want to give myself away too soon.

  He said nothing for the next few seconds and I imagined he was processing things in his head. The girl he’d met before, both earlier when he picked me up, and when we’d met the day of the interview, was contrastingly different from the bombshell that stood before him now.

  But I was secure enough in my acting abilities to know that he’d never suspect it was purposely done. That I’d gone to such great lengths to hide my natural beauty to land the job.

  No, what he’d believe is that I was a shy, unassuming girl unaware of her assets, and that’s exactly what I want him to think. I’d been very careful after all in setting the stage for him and everyone else to see me in just that way.

  “Where are your glasses?” He sounded a little pissed that I wasn’t wearing them. Maybe it was the shock of my transformation. I took this opportuni
ty to give him his first glance at the real me, but only for a split second.

  I looked at him head on before turning my glance away swiftly. “I don’t really need them all the time, especially not at night when I’m getting ready for bed.” I looked down at the floor, glass clutched firmly to my chest.

  I knew he was baffled and no doubt fighting sudden attraction. I have no doubts about my sexual allure no matter who the man may be. Even the most stalwart of husbands will look, even if they do not touch. And that’s without me even trying.

  As for him, I’d already started sowing the seeds of discord in his mind. A constant barrage in the last few months of his wife’s secret exploits had taken care of that. I’d even allowed him access to her personal emails and online diary

  Everything she thought was secret had been revealed. The only question now was, what did he plan to do with it? Was he thinking divorce, or was he one of those who believed he should stick it out to the bitter end?

  Somehow I don’t think so, this man standing before me with his muscular chest and strapping body did not seem the type to take lightly to being played for a fool.

  I still don’t know how she’d trapped him in her web, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s very good at what she is after all. I know that better than most.

  When he turned and left the room without uttering another word I breathed easy again but did not allow the secret smile to escape. I poured the milk down the sink and took my time heading back upstairs where I could hear him moving around in the room next to mine.

  I couldn’t wait to pull out my diary and add this latest development, bursting with excitement at how well things had gone. Dare I say they were beyond my expectations?

  There’s no real way to predict how someone would act before the fact, people are fickle that way. But I must say from the look in his eyes before he walked away, I’d done better than good.


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