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Maddie's Quest (Valentine Mail Order Bride 2)

Page 7

by Trinity Bellingham

  "It's OK dad. I've enjoyed getting to know you. But I've noticed Maddie going off to bed early again... when we were starting to sit and talk after supper. You know, about how to make some improvements to the cabin, things we like and dislike. Just learning about each other I guess."

  "And you're right to do so. The last thing you need is me getting in the way. I thought I was helping getting up early this morning to light the stove and make the coffee, but now I think I might have upset the morning routine you guys were settling into."

  "Could be. Maddie is no slacker that's for sure and I think she likes to make my coffee in the mornings."

  "Well I think the best thing I can do is to take my breakfast and make myself scarce until you and Maddie are ready for my company. I could take on a few chores too, like chopping wood or bringing water from the well."

  "If you want to, I won't say no. Those jobs just never stop needing doing."

  "Well, I'm going to go and have my breakfast before it gets cold and I'll try and keep out of your way today so you can spend some time with Maddie."

  "Thanks for understanding, dad. Maddie, here let me take that for you."

  "I'm fine thanks. John, are you going to eat your breakfast?"

  "Yes. In my tent this morning. See you later."

  Maddie put the bucket of fresh milk on the bench, pleased to have her husband to herself for a while. "How long is your dad going to stay Hank?"

  Hank could tell was was feeling testy but decided honesty was the best policy. "I was thinking of offering to sell him a couple of acres so he can build his own house."

  "I see. And would you have thought to tell me if I hadn't asked?"

  "Eventually. But you know we haven't had much talking time lately."

  "No, and what do you intend to do about that, Hank? Because I feel like a servant at the moment, not a wife."

  "I'm working on it. Come and sit down. Have some toast, bring the teapot over and I'll get your favorite teacup."

  Maddie took a few deep breaths while Hank fetched a few things for the table. The eggs John had cooked were slowly congealing on the edge of the stove and were not something she wanted to see in her kitchen. She brought the plate to the table and put it in front of Hank then sat and waited for him to sit down.

  "Hank, I would prefer to manage the cooking myself. I know your dad meant well but the kitchen is my domain and I would prefer it to remain that way."

  "I understand."

  "I know you understand Hank, but I need your father to understand."

  Hank was starting to feel annoyed now. "I believe he does, and I might just go and join him for breakfast and leave you to your so called domain."

  Maddie poured herself a cup of tea, pleased to have the two men out from under her feet and wondering why on earth she ever thought that marriage was the answer to her problems back in New York.


  Later that afternoon Hank offered to give his father two acres of his choosing upon which to build a house with it's own domestic facilities.

  "I guess I like having you around, dad... but it would suit us both if you had your complete independence."

  "Thanks son, I'd like to take you up on that offer. I've got enough money to build a small house and I'd also like to give you a wedding present by way of some repairs to your cabin."

  "Maddie and I have started talking about that and have a few things planned. She's already saving me money and I've started putting some away for repairs. I wanted to make her a room for washing and bathing, built onto the back of the house and big enough to keep the dirty washing in. Later on, a porch front and back, then a freestanding room where Maddie can make the butter and maybe make cheese. A dairy of sorts."

  "That shouldn't be too difficult to organize, son, but have you thought she might like a timber floor too. She keeps a clean house and it would be easier for her with a new floor. And I was thinking of running a pipe from the well and putting a pump by my sink. Maddie might appreciate one of those too... and a water tank by the washroom window with a tap running into a chip heater to warm the water."

  "All that would make a big difference dad, but it'll cost too much."

  "If I can buy all the materials in one lot it will be cheaper - and if you and I can do a lot of the menial work, like digging the trenches for the water pipes, we'll save on labor as well."

  "I would like Maddie to be in on the planning of all this because she's handy when it comes to saving money. She'll likely have some good ideas."

  "That's fine with me, but you know, son, you need to do something about letting Maddie know you really want her as a wife. I've seen the way she looks at you and I can understand why she's been feeling a bit tetchy of late. Seems to me she's the perfect wife for a farm and you like each other. You need to take the next step. Why don't you take her for a walk, sit down by the creek for a bit and make your intentions clear. And I'll clear off right after supper so you two can be alone."

  "Thanks dad, I will."


  Maddie had spent the day putting the cabin to rights and reclaiming her kitchen before making fresh butter and preparing a tasty pie for supper. She'd also made more bread and a batch of rolls, as well as a batch of cookies. It was more about needing to burn off her cranky mood and it worked. By the time Hank came in she was feeling more reasonable and prepared to be patient with him and his father.

  "Maddie? Would you like to take a walk down to the creek or maybe see some more of the farm? I'd love to take you walking so we can have some time together, just you and me."

  She smiled at him, her frustrations of the morning forgotten. "I'd like that very much. Can we go now so I can be back in time to milk Blossom?"

  "You called the cow Blossom?"

  "Well, yes. You have to give a house cow a name."

  Hank laughed, putting Maddie at ease. "If you say so, but you shouldn't do it with the chickens because it'll be that much harder to put 'em in the pot... if you know what I mean."

  They left by the front door and headed towards the creek that ran through the western side of the property. After a few minutes, Hank took her hand and they were both surprised at how natural the physical contact was. It was as if their hands instinctively reached for each other at the same time. Five minutes later they were by the creek.

  "It's beautiful Hank." Maddie was overcome with the beauty of the fast running stream with its clear water rushing over some river rocks. She didn't know how it happened but when she turned to Hank with her eyes shining, he took her in his arms and held her close. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the warm feeling that washed over her. Her heart started to beat more quickly as she realized that Hank really did want her for his wife and when he nuzzled the side of her neck, she shivered and snuggled closer into his arms.

  "Oh, Hank, I could stay like this forever."

  "Well it would be nice but come supper time, I'd be crazy for some food."

  They both laughed and looked deeply into each others eyes. Ever so slowly their lips met in the gentlest of kisses, before breaking apart and settling into a deeper embrace. Surely God was working a miracle.

  After a time they sat on the bank of the creek, shaded by a leafy tree and Hank told her what he'd discussed with his father about making some improvements to the cabin as a wedding present. As he'd expected, she had some suggestions and they agreed to draw some sketches later in the evening. Now she felt as if her quest to claim her husband was nearing fruition.


  When they arrived back at the cabin Maddie went inside to stoke the stove and put her pie in the oven before heading off to milk Blossom.

  "I'll fill the water barrel for you and bring in some more wood," called Hank, "then I might sit and read for a bit while you finish supper. I love watching you while you're cooking."

  Maddie laughed, surprised at how easy it was to enjoy being with her husband. "You just want to make sure there's going to be something to fill your stomach.

  "True enough, but I do enjoy looking at you. You're prettier than the cow." He left quickly as she threw a dishcloth at him, pleased they were able to enjoy a joke together.

  Supper was a more lighthearted affair than breakfast had been and Hank made a point of holding Maddie's hand whenever he could.

  "I want to thank you for your wedding gift John. It'll make a world of difference to the cabin. I love living here as much as Hank does, but a few improvements will make it even better."

  "It's my pleasure Maddie. I'm guessing spring and summer are busy times for people on the land so I'll see what I can find out about who might be available for some building work. Might be we'll have to wait for autumn. My tent is comfortable though."

  "Richard West might have a few ideas dad... and Cora Paine. She built a house for her mother and sisters right beside Richard and Annie's house."

  "Sounds good son. Now if you two will excuse me, I've got a house to plan out. Goodnight and thanks for supper Maddie."

  John headed out the back to his tent, pleased to see Hank and Maddie finally acting like a couple. He wanted them to be happy and have a good marriage, unlike his own.

  Maddie washed and dried the dishes, then prepared the table for the next morning's breakfast before sitting down with Hank on the old couch. He put his arm around her and drew her into him, delighting in the clean smell of her hair.

  "I know we were going to talk about fixing up the cabin, but do you think we might have an early night?" Hank figured it was now or never.

  "Are you suggesting what I think you are Hank Shelby? Because if you are, I believe we're wasting time the good Lord gave us."

  He stood and pulled her up and into his arms, aware his heart was racing. "Are you sure about this Maddie? I believe I've fallen in love with you and want nothing more than to make you happy." He kissed her gently and she folded herself further into his embrace, allowing the kiss to deepen.

  As she pulled away, Maddie tried to slow the racing of her own heart, but to no avail. "I love you too Hank and I believe the Lord will take care of everything else."

  "That's good because I haven't got a clue what comes next."

  They laughed and came together again, arms linking around each other and set out to explore what God had planned for them.


  About the Author

  Trinity Bellingham has always been fascinated by the often intriguing lives led by frontier women and after discovering her great, great grandmother was wife to a rancher in Nebraska, has had personal reasons for writing about the lives of women of the West. She enjoys the simple things in life and has learned through the Grace of God, the benefits of living by Christian values.

  Trinity loves spending time with her children and grandchildren as well as brightening the world around her by growing flowers. Writing inspirational historical fiction is Trinity's way of showing how lives can change for the better when God is added to the mix, as well as to pay tribute to the brave women who settled the West.


  Thank you for reading Maddie's Quest. This book is part of a series put together by the Sweet & Clean Book Club. The Valentine Mail-Order Bride Series is written in collaboration with the seven authors of the SWEET & CLEAN BOOK CLUB, all women, each of whom write sweet and clean romance, and stories that make you go "aww." The Valentine series consists of seven stand-alone books, one by each author, and connects via young women who attend the same YWCA Bible Study. Will each of them find the love they seek?

  The authors of the Sweet & Clean Book Club love to collaborate on romance and other stories. We share characters, locations, and all sorts of details. You can learn more about the other books in this Valentine's Day series at our Facebook Page and our Amazon Page.

  Other contributing authors to this series are:

  Christina Ward

  Jackie Marie Stephens

  Kate Cambridge

  Faith Parsons

  Lorena Dove

  Annie Boone

  Other Books by Trinity Bellingham

  Mail Order Brides of Hope Springs (Series)

  Tillie: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 1~

  Millie: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 2~

  Abigail: A Clean Mail Order Bride Romance - ~Book 3~

  Mail Order Bride for Christmas: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 4~

  Or pick up the boxed set for best value...

  Wyoming Mail Order Brides (Series)

  Second Chance: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 1~

  Love Him Love His Mother: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 2~

  The Widow and the Widower: A Clean Mail Order Bride Romance - ~Book 3~

  Two Miracles for Christmas: A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance ~Book 4~

  Or pick up the boxed set for best value...

  Bonus chapter...Be sure to check out the entire first chapter of 'Second Chance' at the end of this book....

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  Jewel's Dream by Annie Boone

  Chapter One

  Stitch. Stitch. Stitch. Around the cuffs, across the hemline. She'd been doing these same stitches since she started work here. It felt like decades, though it had only been two years. Jewel sighed, briefly dropping her work to her lap. Sweet mercy, she was so bored.


  Jewel's moment of inaction was interrupted by snapping fingers and a curt reprimand. Mrs. Grant had looked up from her own work at that exact moment and caught her. Hurriedly, Jewel bowed her head and picked up the blouse she'd been altering and continued to sew.

  "Idle hands are the devil's plaything, Jewel. I don't pay you to be idle."

  "Yes, ma'am," Jewel mumbled.

  Mrs. Grant was in charge of all the seamstresses, mostly girls like Jewel stitching by hand in their seats. Only the older, more experienced women were allowed to use the sewing machines. Jewel had often watched the whirring machines enviously. Learning to use one might make this job a little more tolerable. It would at least be something new. She didn't have enough experience, though, and would never even be considered for that kind of a move.

  Jewel had a secret, though. A secret something that made the dreadfully dull hours she was forced to spend in this cave of endless stitching almost bearable. At least for now. She had prayed fervently about this secret decision. She agreed with her friends that this was God's will. There had been no sign from Above that this was not the path they should take.

  So, as soon as her brief lunch break rolled around, Jewel dashed out the door. She ignored all the questions from her coworkers and didn't look back. It was a gray, rainy day, but her destination wasn't far away. She'd brave the rain for a chance to change her life. Today was the day.

  The small storefront that Mae and Caroline had told her about would have what she was looking for. When she got there, she saw the tiny black and white sign in the bottom corner of the window that proclaimed "Ladies of Impeccable Character Interested in Exploring the Courtship Possibilities of the West - All Ages, Maid and Widow Welcome." Yes, this was the place. She could get her copy of The Matrimonial Times here.

  Jewel still couldn't believe she had agreed to do something so out of character. Even thinking about it was daring for her. Actually corresponding with a man she'd never met, on the other side of the country. Surely there was nothing wrong with such a thing, and it sent an impish little shiver up her spine. It was unusual, bold, and she had the cheek to say it, exciting.

  The whole thing had started last night in her YMCA Bible study class. She never missed a chance to study God's Word with her friends. After the lesson was over the girls started their usual conversation. But this day had been more emotional for the girls.

  Valentine's Day. None of them got cards or flowers. None of them even had a shadow of a suitor. Caroline did have that terrible Stuart she worked with chasing her, but that didn't count because he was, well, terrible. The holiday might be meaningless, but it was still depressing.

  They'd all prayed for a proper and loving man to marry. In fact, they'd often prayed together, in a circle holding hands, about that very thing. God had not yet seen fit to bestow the perfect husband on any of them. Even Angie was still single and her father was a minister! Surely her prayers had been heard, hadn't they?

  Maddie finally said what they'd all thought. "But we never get flowers or cards." She blinked back tears. "How are we going to find husbands if we're already old maids?"


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