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Treat her Right: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 2)

Page 10

by Serenity Woods

  Maisey leaned her forearms on the table and lowered her head as he ran his thumbs across her soft, swollen nipples. When he squeezed them, they hardened like cooled truffles in his fingers.

  “Everything about you reminds me of chocolate,” he said, continuing to stroke her nipples while he kissed around her neck.

  She tipped her head to one side, pushing back with her hips against his erection, her eyes closed. “Ah…Joss…”

  While he continued to play with one nipple, he lowered his other hand and scooped up the silky material of her dress again until he could rest his hand on her thigh. Then he moved it up to her hipbone and around her front, across the slight swell of her stomach to her pubic hair.

  She’d waxed, he thought, because a strip of hair ran between her legs, but the skin either side was as soft as the silk she wore. He groaned. “Jesus.”

  She parted her legs a little, and he slid his fingers down through her hair and into the heart of her. She was already swollen and slippery, and when he moved his fingers inside to collect some of her moisture and then brought it up to smooth over her clit, she lifted up, tipped her head back onto his chest and moaned.

  “Why, Maisey Graham,” he murmured in her ear. “Something tells me you don’t mind me taking charge either.”

  Her teeth clamped on her bottom lip, and she arched her back, pushing her breast into his hand. “God, I want you so badly…”

  “Easy.” He slowed down his fingers, enjoying the feel of her quivering in his arms. “It seems a shame to rush it.”

  She turn her head to offer her lips to him, and he kissed her, long and leisurely, loving the way the warmth and wetness of her mouth and the movement of their tongues mirrored the stroke of his fingers below. Now he was certain of the result, his confidence had returned. The old wicked, naughty Joss rose and overtook the new dull, respectable Joss, and squashed him like a fly.

  He had an image in his head of Clark Kent ripping open his shirt to become Superman, and it almost made him laugh. You’re hardly a superhero, mate. Still, he let the recklessness and passion sweep through him, until eventually he could stand it no more.

  He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, opened it, and took out the lone condom. He ripped the packet open with his teeth. Then, swiftly unbuttoning his jeans, he released himself from his boxers and rolled the condom on.

  “Ready?” he murmured in her ear as he lifted her dress once again.

  “Joss…” She whispered. “Please…”

  He slid his erection beneath her and guided himself into place so the tip of him parted her folds. Last minute doubt made him lean forward again and kiss her neck. “You’re sure? It’s not too late to back out.”

  In response, she pushed back with her hips, and slid onto him. He gasped, shocked by the sensation of her clamped around him, and groaned out loud. She was tight and hot, and even though he’d relieved his sexual tension earlier, it took all his self-control not to come immediately.

  “Fucking hell, Maisey.”

  She leaned back against him, her face lit with a beautiful blush. “I can feel you all the way up… God, it’s marvelous…”

  He slowly pulled back, then pushed into her while he kissed her neck. “We should have done this years ago.”

  She bit her bottom lip as he thrust again, firmer this time. “Oh! Yes. Like that.”

  He cupped one breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers while he started to move with a regular rhythm. She leaned on the table in front of her and met every thrust with an exclamation, the brown silk rustling and rippling around her, giving him the sensation they were having sex in a vat of melted chocolate.

  Joss was beginning to lose it. His self-control might be legendary, but he was only human, and Maisey was far too gorgeous, too wet, and too fucking sexy for him to hold onto it forever. When she let out a moan and said, “Oh yes, harder!” as she spread her legs, he decided enough was enough and let his body take over.

  As he slammed into her, she pushed back with her hips and clamped around him, so tight he thought she might cut off his circulation. Her muscles pulsed, and she cried out, long, heartfelt moans that tipped him over the edge. He thrust, again, and again, and once more, burying himself inside her, then stiffened, heat rushing up through him from his balls to spill into her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maisey leaned her forehead on her arms and let her heartbeat slow.

  Her first coherent thought was Oh my God, I’ve just had sex with Joss Heaven. It almost made her giggle out loud. From the age of thirteen, she and Tasha had mocked the way the boys had tried to pull girls at parties. Most of the time, the girls had laughed or walked off, unimpressed. Occasionally, though, the guys’ chat up lines had worked, and Maisey and Tasha had watched with fascination and some envy as couples wandered off into the dark corners of the dance floor, following which they’d proceeded to try out their kissing skills. Maisey had observed Joss do this with various girls on several occasions through the years. Because he was older than her and had possessed so much confidence as a youth, she’d wondered what it would be like to be one of those girls, even though he’d always been out of her league, as well as out of bounds.

  But now she knew. She felt as if she’d slept with a movie star. At any moment, cameras were going to flash and someone was going to thrust a microphone in her face and demand to know, How was it?

  Behind her, Joss kissed her shoulder. He probably wanted to withdraw. It had been exactly what she’d hoped—fast, furious, erotic, and hot, hot, hot, but now it was over she felt a pang of disappointment.

  Still, she was hardly going to complain. He withdrew carefully, and she let her dress slip down while he disposed of the condom, expecting him to make a joke, to turn and pick up his shirt, or maybe even to apologize awkwardly before beating a hasty retreat. Maisey wouldn’t have blamed him for any of those options, not knowing how to react either. She’d dreamed about this, but she hadn’t given much thought to what would happen afterward.

  But he didn’t move away, and he didn’t apologize. Instead, he turned her to face him, and then he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  Taken aback, Maisey stood stiffly for a moment, but then he kissed her cheek and murmured, “Thank you,” and a flood of emotion washed over her. She melted against him, slid her arms around his waist, breathed in the warm scent of male, and listened to his heartbeat as it slowed.

  He rested his chin on the top of her head and stroked her back. “That was nice.”

  “That’s a vast understatement, Dr. Heaven.”

  “You enjoyed it, then?”

  “Couldn’t you tell?”

  She felt him laugh. “A man can never be sure.”

  “If I could act that well, I’d be winning Oscars all the time.”

  He chuckled again, but still didn’t release her. Her breath stirred the hairs on his chest. He smelled a little of chocolate, and still bore a smudge of it across his collarbone. She lifted her head and licked it.

  “You trying to get me started again?” His lips twisted in a smirk.

  A thrill ran through her. Again? Surely not. Presumably, even the infamous Joss Heaven had to wait a while before he got back in the saddle. His eyes were still hot though, and her heart pounded at the thought.

  She batted her lashes coyly. “Moi?”

  He brought a hand up to hold the back of her head, keeping her in place. Then, his lips curving slightly, he lowered his head and kissed her.

  His first kiss had been like a blowtorch, power and heat blasting through her, ready to melt her in seconds. This one was like a candle, gentle and light, holding just enough heat to warm her through. His mouth moved across hers slowly, lips tasting, tongue stroking, teeth occasionally nibbling at her bottom lip. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she gave herself over to him, conscious of his hand in the small of her back, pulling her a little toward him so she could feel he was already growing interested again.

  A nois
e in the background made her jerk back. She stared at Joss, who looked confused, and she put a finger to her lips. Had she heard anything, or was it just a possum running across the roof?

  But then the front door to the shop gave its unmistakable squeak, and her brother called out, “Maisey?”

  “It’s Kole,” Joss hissed, and they snapped back, his face registering the alarm she was also feeling.

  “I’m in here,” she yelled, knowing Kole would see the light from the makeshift studio shining out from behind the curtain. It would look even more suspicious if she didn’t say anything and he walked in.

  Joss turned away, tucked himself in, and zipped up his jeans. Luckily, Maisey hadn’t taken off her dress, but she made sure it was smooth, tidied up her hair, and then quickly flicked the switch on the camera as Kole pulled back the curtain.

  “Hey,” she said. “What are you doing back? I’m just finishing Joss’s photo. You forgot to take his, you idiot.” Her voice sounded high and breathless to her own ears in spite of her attempt to scold him. Would Kole buy it?

  “Forgot my phone, and Tasha decided to go home—she’s shattered.” He walked past her to the table and retrieved the mobile she’d assumed belonged to one of the girls. He tucked it in his back pocket and turned to face them. “Hey, Joss.”

  “Hey.” To his credit, Joss looked the epitome of calm. “Your sister made me strip naked and covered me in melted chocolate.”

  Kole grinned. “She’s been doing that to unsuspecting males all evening. How did it go?”

  “Dunno yet.” Joss pulled on his shirt and gestured at the camera. “How did it come out, Maisey?”

  Heart hammering, Maisey was all fingers and thumbs as she scrolled through the photos on the camera. When she came to the one she thought she’d use, she turned it to show the guys. “What do you think?”

  Joss faked shock at the result and laughed. “Wow. That looks better than I thought it would.”

  “Actually that’s pretty good.” Kole zoomed in a bit and framed it more centrally. “‘Treats to Tempt You’. Ha! That’s funny. I like the hat. I’m just surprised she didn’t get you completely naked and hang the hat on your dick.”

  They all laughed. Maisey blew out a long breath surreptitiously, and she exchanged a quick relieved look with Joss. Kole didn’t seem suspicious. Presumably, he didn’t think they’d go against his wishes. That made her annoyed, amused, and also guilty she’d rebelled.

  She looked back at the photo she’d taken. It really was very good. “I thought it could be the centerpiece of the poster,” she said. “With all the others around it. What do you think?”

  “Yeah, that could work,” Kole said. “I’ll start planning it out tomorrow.” He gestured at his sister. “Want a lift home?”

  She opened her mouth to protest—she’d hoped Joss would drop her off so they’d have a while longer together to round off the evening.

  But it would look odd if she refused her brother’s offer. So she said, “Yeah, cool, thanks,” grabbed her bag, and followed the guys into the main shop.

  “It was a great evening,” Kole said as she turned off the lights. “You did really well, Maisey.”

  “Thanks.” She punched the code for the security alarm into the keypad.

  Kole opened the front door and went out. Joss held it open for her. “Yes, Maisey, you did really well,” he said.

  Humor had replaced the worry in his eyes. Now he thought they’d got away with it, he was being quite cavalier with his teasing.

  “You weren’t so bad yourself,” she said as she slipped past him, adding over her shoulder, “You could have a career in the service industry.”

  He chuckled and followed her out, closing the door behind him, and she locked it.

  Kole walked off, toward where he’d parked his car in front of the shop.

  Maisey hesitated. Joss stood there, hands jammed in his pockets, and she had a vivid memory of him planting kisses on her neck as he thrust inside her. The look in his eyes suggested a similar memory was also playing on his mind.

  What to say? She couldn’t think of anything that would sum up her feelings. That was fabulous, so much better than I thought it would be. You’re hotter than lava, and I so enjoyed myself. Would you be interested in doing it again?

  But she couldn’t say any of that, not with Kole nearby. Instead, she pressed her lips together and winked at him. “Goodnight, Dr. Heaven.”

  He smiled. “Goodnight, Maisey.”

  “Thanks so much for everything.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He gave a tiny bow. “Thank you too.”

  She walked to the passenger seat of Kole’s car and got in, and Joss walked off in the opposite direction.

  Maisey fought with herself not to turn and look over her shoulder at him. Instead, as Kole started the engine and moved away, she treated herself to a glimpse in the wing mirror, watching Joss’s tight backside as he strolled down the street.

  “Did you enjoy the evening?” Kole asked.

  Maisey glanced over at him. He looked back at her, his face impassive. She couldn’t shake the feeling he knew what had happened between her and Joss, but that had to be a guilty conscience. Surely, if he’d guessed, he wouldn’t be talking so calmly? There would be yelling, and possibly a few things being broken.

  “I had a lovely time,” she said sincerely.

  He smiled and looked back at the road. “I’m glad. You’ve worked hard to get that shop up and running. It’s only what you deserve.”

  She blinked, unused to him paying her a compliment. “All the girls have worked hard,” she said, unwilling to take all the credit. “Including Tasha.”

  “Yeah I know, but she told me you’ve been the brains behind the outfit. Which amazes me, considering I didn’t think you had any.”

  She swatted his arm, and he laughed.

  “Thanks,” she said, genuinely touched.

  “Harry would have been proud of you,” he said.

  Maisey caught her breath. Unbidden, tears formed in her eyes.

  Kole stared at her in alarm. She hardly ever cried in front of him. “Fuck. What did I say?”

  “It’s okay.” Embarrassed, she fished in her bag for a tissue. “Sorry.”

  “What is it, time of the month?”

  She shot him a sarcastic look. “No. It’s been an exhausting evening.”

  His expression softened. “Yeah, I guess. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned Harry. I’ve just been thinking about him a lot lately. I don’t know why.”

  Maisey looked out of the window at the darkened shops and the road covered with circles of gold light from the street lamps. “Me too. Perhaps it’s because we’re both doing quite well, and now you have Tasha too. I always feel guilty when I’m happy, you know?”


  “Also, I realized the other day, on my birthday I’ll be twenty-five, the age he was when he died.”

  Kole nodded. “I can remember feeling the same when I turned twenty-five. I suppose that’s normal.”

  “I know you don’t believe in ghosts, but do you think when we get married he’ll be standing there beside us, watching us?”

  “As long as he’s not there when I go to the bathroom, I’ll be happy if that’s the case.” Kole signaled to turn into her road.

  She laughed. “Yeah. Thanks for bringing me home, anyway.”

  “No worries. Least I could do.”

  “And thanks for all the photographs. I do appreciate it.”

  “I know. You’re in my debt now, mwahaha. I’ll call it in one day.”

  “I’m sure Tasha will be happy to take the punishment for me.”

  He grinned. “Maybe.” He pulled up outside her house, and she kissed him on the cheek and got out of the car. “See you later,” she called, then slammed the door and ran up to the house. Tasha would still be up, and she might have a last glass of wine while they chatted about the evening.

  But she wouldn’t say anything about
Joss. She’d keep that to herself until she went to bed. And as she dozed off to sleep, she would let her brain mull over his words.

  We should have done this years ago.

  Chapter Sixteen

  For the next week, Joss threw himself into his work. He arrived early on Saturday for the emergency surgery and stayed until everyone else had left, and took a heap of referrals home on Sunday to sort through that took him most of the day. On Monday and Tuesday, he saw patients all day then worked on files and emails until it grew dark outside and he went home and collapsed into bed, exhausted.

  Although he was always busy, he worked extra hard with the aim of stopping his brain from mulling over what he’d done with Maisey in the shop after the party. Every time he started thinking about the way his hands had slid over her silky body, he opened another file and concentrated on hip replacements, excess acid indigestion, and the latest outbreak of chickenpox at the primary school.

  Seven p.m. on Wednesday evening saw him sitting at his desk, working studiously, examining some results sent by a specialist regarding a patient referred for back pain. It had just turned seven and the surgery was quiet, the last nurse having put her head around his door half an hour before to say she was going home.

  He’d studiously managed to avoid thinking about the consequences of his actions. He knew it was childish to ignore the repercussions of having sex with one of his closest friends, but Maisey had insisted on “no commitment”, and therefore he had to take her at her word and pretend it didn’t mean anything, and they’d come together only for physical release. “Come together” being the appropriate phrase, he thought, lips curving.

  No, no, no! He pulled another file toward him. Yes, concentrate on infected sputum and possible pneumonia. Don’t think about how she’d begged him to go harder, about her hungry kisses that had driven him crazy, about the delightful gasps she’d given as she came.

  Putting down his pen, he leaned forward and rested his forehead on his desk.


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