Book Read Free

The Jury

Page 19

by Steve Martini

  “Me?” I look at him as we stride across the lobby. I’m half a step behind.

  “You’re the one Crone has all this confidence in,” he says.

  “What about you? You’re the one who’s dreaming up all this shit to worry about.”

  “That’s probably why he doesn’t have any confidence in me.” Harry smiles.

  Walking fast, we’re at a near jog, down the front steps of the courthouse and around the corner toward the jail. Harry is out front, the two of us angling toward the curb. It’s like one of those surreal dreams. I’m listening to Harry talk, but my brain isn’t in it, as the tumblers of recognition turn, clicking into place.

  It is almost by us before I realize. The driver could have turned around in the middle of the block, pulled a U-y, but he was already committed; it would have been too obvious. The best he can do is lift an elbow to shade his face as he glides past, headed for the larger herd of vehicles on Broadway. The elbow up was a good effort, except that I have seen the move too many times on the basketball court, and it’s hard to be inconspicuous when you’re seven feet two.

  “You see that?” I say.

  “What?” Harry looks up, at me, then at the sky—it’s a bird . . . it’s a plane.

  “The car,” I tell him. “That van.”

  By the time he turns, the vehicle is at the corner sixty yards away.

  “I didn’t see it.”

  “Epperson was behind the wheel.”

  Harry gives me a dull look, then finally stops to turn and get a fix. “What do you think he’s doing down here? A long way from work. And he’s excluded from the courtroom.”

  “Yeah. I know.” But what is most troubling to me is the vehicle itself, the dark blue van with a sizeable dent in the left front fender, its parking light smashed on that side: the same van that was parked in front of my house last night.


  By the time we get to the jail, Crone is waiting, and Harry and I are in no mood for games. We are positioned on the other side of the thick glass that separates us from the jail holding area. Though we can hear every word and see each gesture, we can’t touch Crone, and Harry at this moment is ready to. There are no smiles from either side of the glass.

  Crone is the picture of concern, as anxious as I have seen him from the start of the trial, though this isn’t saying much. What we are getting is mostly denials.

  “I don’t know what she’s talking about. I had a lot of students over the years. I can’t remember them all.”

  “She remembers you,” says Harry.

  “I probably gave her a bad grade.”

  Harry and I have decided not to mention Cybergenomics or questions regarding the grant until we know more. We confine ourselves to Epperson and Tanya Jordan’s testimony.

  “The fact is, Bill and I had a good working relationship,” says Crone. “We got on well. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about him.”

  “Let’s hope the feeling is mutual,” I say, “when they put him on the stand.”

  “From what we’re hearing, I doubt it,” says Harry.

  “There’s nothing that I know of. Believe me.”

  “Where have we heard that before?” Harry is starting to get short with Crone. “We’re not interested in stories about collegial working relationships or academic mutual respect. What we want to know is whether you were working on anything with a racial edge.”

  Crone looks at him over the top of his glasses. “We’re back to that.”

  “We’ve never left that,” says Harry. “Apparently this good working relationship you had with Dr. Epperson included his disclosure of information to Kalista Jordan’s mother that involved some—how do I say it?—‘socially divisive issues.’ ”

  Crone looks at him from beyond the glass.

  “Racial genetics,” says Harry. “And we’re not talking a cure for sickle-cell anemia. Tell us about this racial graying.”

  Crone shakes his head. “There was a misunderstanding back then.”

  “Back when?” says Harry.

  “When I was at Michigan.”

  “We’re not talking about Michigan. We’re talking about now.”

  Crone actually looks mystified, as if he doesn’t understand. “What is she saying, that I’m doing it now?”

  “That seems to be what she’s saying, and according to her, Epperson is prepared to substantiate it on the stand.”

  “No,” says Crone. His eyes suddenly flash toward me. “Paul, you have to believe me. I don’t know what the woman is talking about.” He has both palms laid flat on the countertop in front of him, leaning toward the acrylic partition, staring intently into my eyes as if to emphasize the truth he is telling.

  “Tell us about racial graying,” says Harry. He’s not about to be put off.

  Crone is a bundle of frustration. Eyes darting, looking at everything but us. “Where do I start?”

  “Try the beginning,” says Harry.

  “Fine. Let’s go back to the beginning, back to the Middle Ages when there were dynastic wars, when armies fought under the banner of Christendom to blot religious differences from the map. They butchered in the name of God: a higher calling than what we are about to engage in if we continue heading in the direction we’re drifting.”

  Suddenly his eyes are on us, cutting through me like twin lasers. “Do you have any idea how many people over the ages have lost their lives as a result of religious strife?”

  No answer.

  “You’re wondering what this has to do with genetics?”

  “It crossed my mind,” says Harry.

  “The sectarian wars of religion were merciful compared with the racial and ethnic conflicts that will engulf man if we don’t deal with them now. People could convert to new religions if presented with the sharp blade of a sword or the heat of the flames as an alternative. But how do you change the pigmentation of your skin, the shape of your nose, the texture of your hair?

  “We are already engaged in the new Inquisition; if you don’t believe me, just look at the racial composition of our prisons. We are headed for the new Crusades and if you don’t buy that, witness what is happening in the Balkans.

  “You know,” he says, “the great thinkers, the masters of intellect from the earliest writings, lectured on the equality of the species since long before Christ and yet we have lived through eons of slavery.

  “Here in the Land of the Free it took seventy-five years, a Civil War and six hundred thousand dead before the preamble of Jefferson’s declaration became fact: that all men are created equal. And still there are those who don’t accept it.

  “Yes, that’s what I was working on. Back in Michigan. I admit it.” He looks at Harry.

  “You don’t get it?”

  There is only the sound of silence from our side of the glass. Harry and I are now confronted with the thought, How do we put Crone on the stand to talk about this?

  “No matter how well-intentioned, no matter how much we crave social justice,” he says, “we are never going to be color-blind. Face the fact. We are always going to be cognizant of those differences that mark us physically. And it’s not just racial,” says Crone. “In an age of scientific enlightenment and technological miracles, we judge our leaders on their physical stature and television presence and we select fools and the false priests of corruption to govern us. We embrace diversity but engage in white flight. We want to smile, hug minorities because it makes us feel good. We want to revel in those differences, and yet the very act, the recognition of difference, separates us. Yes, I was working toward erasing those differences. I don’t know that I am proud of that. The very endeavor is a damning admission that our species has failed in the one single act that should have come naturally: the act of accepting one another on faith. The knowledge that we all put our pants on the same way each morning, one leg at a time.

  “It’s a subtle thing,” he says. “The recognition of difference. How do we tell the brain not to form a syst
em of classification that is impressed on us daily by economics, by the neighborhoods in which we live, by the media in which we are immersed and that we seem to absorb almost by osmosis?”

  He looks at me. “Tell me you have no twinge of anxiety when five or six young black men, or a group of macho Mexican teens, walk toward you on the sidewalk. Would you have the same fears if those kids were white?

  “Would they feel compelled to engage in the secret rites of gang graffiti, or don gang garb, clothing that sets them apart? These are tribal instincts as old as man. Archeologists will tell you there is evidence of this on the steppes of Africa dating back nine millennia. But that’s where we’re headed,” says Crone, “back to the tribes, back to the darkness. What I hoped for was a way out.”

  He looks at us, stone-cold from the other side of the glass. “I admit it was controversial. There is no so-called race gene,” he says. “We know that. It is much more subtle. There’s more genetic difference within racial groups than among them. We’re dealing with a hundred, maybe a thousand, genetic differences. Melanin for skin color, but even that is no indicator of race. Some might call it unethical to even be looking at this. But you tell me a better way to deal with the problem, and I’ll change my views.”

  “How about leaving the decision to nature?” says Harry.

  “That’s not going to cut it,” says Crone. “I’m afraid we don’t have a million years to allow evolution to take its course, to blur the distinctions and make us one family. We are very likely to destroy one another in that time. Racial strife is going to devour us.”

  “I like the way I look,” says Harry. “I wouldn’t want you screwing with it.”

  “Future generations,” says Crone. “If it worked, it would only work on them.”

  “Maybe they’d like to be the product of nature, too,” I say.

  “Nice thought,” he says, “but it doesn’t address the problem. As a matter of science, as a genetic factor, race doesn’t exist; it is purely a social concept. Wouldn’t it be nice if society caught up with science? Maybe the race could survive. I’m talking about the human race,” he says. “Instead of filling census forms with meaningless data regarding race and ethnic origins, we should be moving away from that. All we are doing is further ingraining racial stereotypes.”

  He considers for a moment, looks at me, pondering how to get through.

  “Let me give you an example. You’re a pilot in a small plane. You take off and within minutes you find yourself engulfed in clouds. You look out through the windows and all you see is white. You trust your eyes to tell you which way is up. You rely on your inner ear. Two minutes later you fly the plane into the ground. Why? Because your eyes and your inner ear deceived you. That’s how it is with race. We’re trusting our perceptions and ignoring the science. Look at the instruments of science and they will tell you there is no genetic difference, no such thing as racial markers. But people believe what they see. So how do you deal with that?”

  I have no answer for him.

  “People are so stupid,” he says. “It’s like when you ask someone what it takes to be great, the first and most fundamental element of making a mark on human history, they always think about it, though they never think long enough, and then they start rattling off the characteristics of the great, whittling down the list, looking for that one essential common ingredient. They talk about persistence and brilliance, education and eloquence, natural talent and acquired skills; some of them even come close and mention luck. But they never get it right. They always miss the most essential and obvious element of them all. And it’s so simple.

  “In order to be great, in fact in order to achieve anything in this life, first rule—you have to survive.” He smiles. “Bet you didn’t get it.”

  He knows by my look I didn’t.

  “And yet we all take it for granted. Do any of us know? Do we have any idea how many Einsteins or Picassos there might have been but for the fact that they didn’t survive to realize the promise of their greatness? How many Churchills or Roosevelts died in their infancy because of disease, war or famine? We’ll never know. The world will never know who they were. They never made it into the history books because of the simple fact that they failed the first test of greatness. They didn’t survive long enough. And that’s where we’re headed as a species,” he says. “In the race for greatness in the cosmos. Other beings on other planets will never know we existed, because unless we solve the problems here, we’ll never survive long enough.

  “Do you know that in the last five months, since I’ve been in here, I’ve been recruited, at least two dozen times, by Nordic Pride, the Caucasian gang that provides protection?”

  What he is telling me I have already heard from jailers whom I know. Places of incarceration are the modern equivalent of the state of nature. You band together or you die.

  “It’s a caste system constructed on color: brown, black and white. So far, I’ve refrained,” he says. “How much longer I can afford this luxury I’m not sure. If I’m convicted and end up at San Quentin or Folsom, I’m going to have to stop thinking about it and act. My time for commitment will have arrived,” he says. “I will have to join the tribe, or die. You can take it on faith,” he says, “that I am a survivor.”

  These are no longer academic questions for Crone. I can tell that he has considered them at night in the dark on his bunk.

  For a moment there is just silence. Then he looks at us. “Funny, isn’t it?”

  “What?” asks Harry.

  “That the petri dish growing the culture for modern American society is not the schools, or the corporations or even the family. It’s the prisons.” He laughs a little at the thought.

  “Make no mistake,” he says, “the tribes that are growing there aren’t going to stay there. We can’t lock them up fast enough or hold them long enough to isolate the problems and to fix them. We’d better do something, and do it quickly.”

  “And that’s what you were doing,” says Harry. “Dealing with the problem.”

  “Trying to. At least coming up with an option,” says Crone. “In Michigan.”

  “We’re back to that,” says Harry.

  “Because it’s the truth. My views have not changed,” says Crone. “But I was not engaged in racial genetic research at the center. That is a fact. If you don’t believe me, bring Bill Epperson into the courtroom. I’m sure he’ll tell you that I wasn’t working on anything of the kind.”

  “We won’t have to bring him in,” says Harry. “The prosecution is taking care of that.”

  “Then talk to Bill if you don’t believe me.”

  “We’ve tried,” I tell him. “He doesn’t want to talk to us.” Harry had followed up on a meeting with Epperson after our encounter in the elevator. Harry got nowhere. Epperson declined to give him a statement signed under oath and said he couldn’t discuss the matter further. He asked Harry to leave.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “That makes three of us,” says Harry.

  “Why wouldn’t he talk to you? I know Kalista’s death hit him hard. They were close. But I don’t think Bill believes I had anything to do with it. In fact, I know he doesn’t. He told me so.”

  “When was that?”

  Crone thinks for a moment. “A week or so before they arrested me. We were talking in my office. Everybody at the center knew the police were nosing around, that I was a suspect. They let the word out, tried to destroy my reputation. I think they wanted to see if I would run.”

  “And what did you say to Epperson?”

  “I told him I didn’t know why the police kept questioning me.”

  “And what did he say?”

  “He couldn’t figure it out either. He said he couldn’t think why anyone would want to hurt Kalista. He said he knew that we’d had some disagreements, but that he was certain I had nothing to do with her death. He didn’t hold me responsible. I know he didn’t. And believe me, if he had any suspicions he would n
ever have talked to me.”

  “Why not?”

  Crone suddenly looks away as if maybe he’s crossed the line, said something he shouldn’t have.

  “Listen,” I tell him. “If you’re holding something back, now’s not the time. We can’t represent a client who is holding out.”

  “It’s not something that’s important,” says Crone.

  “Let me decide that,” I tell him.

  He thinks about how he’s going to say it, tries to measure his words, then just blurts it out: “Epperson was in love.”

  I don’t say anything, but he knows the question.

  “With Kalista,” he says.

  “Next you’re going to tell me the feelings weren’t mutual?”

  He seesaws his head back and forth on his shoulders as if he’d rather not say, then does. “She liked him. They were friends.”

  “But nothing more.”

  Crone shakes his head.

  “And Epperson was looking for more?”

  “He wanted to marry her.”

  “Did he ever ask her?” says Harry. Something we might confront Epperson with on the stand.

  Crone now gets out of the chair on the other side of the glass. He is in a small, enclosed cubicle, the guard on the other side of a closed door. I can see the uniform through the acrylic partition that separates us and the glass in the door over Crone’s shoulder.

  “Don’t talk with your back to us,” says Harry. “They can read lips.”

  Crone turns around. “He’d tried to give her an engagement ring.”

  “Epperson?” I say.

  He nods.

  “She turned him down.”

  “When?” asks Harry.

  “About three weeks before she disappeared.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell us?” I say.

  “Because it had nothing to do with her murder.”

  “How do you know that?” asks Harry. “It seems to me only two people could be as certain about that as you seem to be: Epperson if he didn’t kill her, and if he didn’t whoever did.”

  Crone ignores him. “Kalista took her troubles to a friend, an older woman at the center; the friend came to me. She told me Kalista didn’t want to ruin a good friendship with Epperson.”


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