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The Jury

Page 27

by Steve Martini

“Where did they go?”

  “Took a few days off. She needed to get away. They went to her mother’s up in Fremont. We had an argument.”

  I don’t know whether to believe him or not.

  “Did she leave tonight?”

  He looks at me as if he can’t quite figure this out. “What day is it?” he asks.

  “It’s Friday night.”

  “Oh.” He thinks for a second. “I guess she left a couple of days ago.”

  “What did you argue about?”

  “The file,” he says.

  “The file from Penny’s project?”

  He nods. I can see him flinch with the mention of his daughter’s name. It’s as if something has rubbed this point raw on his soul.

  “When do you think he’s gonna be home?”


  “Aaron Tash,” he says. “Man whose house this is.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he went away for the weekend.”

  Frank looks at me as if this is not a pleasant thought.

  “He’s not a good person, Paul. He ended the project for Penny. He wanted the money.”

  “He didn’t,” I tell him. I watch his eyes for signs of anger. He looks at me warily.

  “He signed some papers, but he didn’t know what he was signing.”

  “You’re just telling me that because you want to save him.”

  “No. I’m telling you because it’s the truth.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” he says.

  “Dr. Crone was trying to keep Penny’s project together. Other people ordered him to end the funding,” I tell him.


  “I don’t know. They didn’t know what they were doing either.”

  “I don’t believe you,” he says.

  “Do you think Dr. Crone was trying to hurt Penny?”


  “Do you think I was trying to hurt Penny?”

  “No,” he says. “That’s crazy.”

  “Then you can believe that Aaron Tash wasn’t trying to hurt her either.”

  “Then why is she dead?”

  I sigh. “There are no simple answers,” I tell him.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” The muzzle of the gun is going up and down, tapping against his knee in frenetic movement, a kind of weird half-light in his eyes, what I can imagine Kalista Jordan might have seen as she took her last breath.

  “We can’t wait much longer.” He says it as if Tash has stiffed the two of us on a scheduled meeting.

  “Why don’t you go home? Get some sleep. You’ll probably feel a lot better.”

  “I can’t sleep. I tried. Besides, you think I’m stupid? Why didn’t you call the cops?”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  He looks at me, not sure how to answer, as if I’ve asked him to solve one of the deep mysteries of the cosmos.

  “I was hired to represent Dr. Crone. I did my job. Now that’s over.”

  He nods as if this makes perfect sense. Then stops his head in midmotion. “Then why did you come here?”

  “I was looking for Dr. Crone.”

  A dense look. What would Crone be doing at Tash’s house?

  “How did you get outside? Out there?” He points with the barrel of the shotgun toward the sliding door and the balcony.

  “I was out there all the time.”

  “You mean when I came in?”

  I nod. At this point, I’ll try anything. “I didn’t hear you come in,” I tell him.

  “Yeah. Used some tools,” he says.

  “Why don’t you put that down?” I gesture toward the shotgun.

  He looks at it, looks at me; the expression tells me he’s not sure how the two go together. Man on the edge.

  “You’re not going to shoot me, are you?”

  “Oh, no,” he says. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “I didn’t think so. You got scared tonight, didn’t you? At the office.”

  He smiles, nods, his head canted off just a little to one side. “Yeah. You surprised me when you came through the door.”

  “I surprised you?”

  The smile turns to a broad grin; he laughs, middle-aged kid. I look at Frank and wonder what dark and twisted thing got ahold of his mind. Whatever incarnation of the devil it is, we are still struggling. Frank hasn’t put the gun down.

  I take a quick glance at my watch. It’s after ten. If Tash comes through that door, the place is going to turn into a shooting gallery.

  “Frank, you can’t go on like this.”

  “I know.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “How? How can anybody help me?”

  “We can start by ending the violence,” I tell him. “Do you think Penny would want you to do this?”

  The look in his eye tells me he’s never asked himself this question before. What little life is left leaves his face.

  “Why don’t you put the gun down? Let me make some phone calls?”

  Eyes darting. He wants to say yes, but he doesn’t know how.


  Slowly the muzzle of the gun goes toward the floor. His grip loosens. He looks up at me. Gently he lays it on the floor next to his feet.

  I’m afraid to make a play for it, especially now that he’s going in the right direction. I might set him off.

  “Can we call Doris? Maybe you could talk to her?

  “That would be good,” he says.

  “Do you have the number, up in Fremont?”

  “Somewhere,” he says. He’s reaching around, patting his pockets, the front of his shirt, seat of his pants. He stands up and pulls his wallet from his back pocket. He opens it and from the inside he pulls out a slip of paper and steps over the shotgun toward me.

  There are penned notes, some names, probably jobs Frank has worked on and some penciled numbers. He points to one of these, an area code and number. He wants me to place the call, as if killing Tash is all right, but using his phone would be a social violation.

  I take the slip of paper and walk toward the phone in the kitchen. I dial the number and wait. A tired voice, half asleep, answers.

  “Is Doris Boyd there?”

  “Just a moment. I’ll get her.”

  The sigh of relief that rifles through my body in this moment causes my knees to go slack.

  Doris comes on the line. “Hello.”

  “Doris. It’s Paul Madriani.”

  “What is it?”

  “Can you hold just a moment?”


  I step back out into the living room.

  “Frank, she’s on the line.”

  Something’s wrong. The wind from the ocean is filling the room, blinds rattling. The first thing I notice is that the shotgun is gone.

  I look toward the balcony, and from the corner of my eye all I see is a flash of pant leg and two boots as Frank Boyd sails over the railing and into the darkness.


  eight days later, a couple walking along a lonely stretch of beach nearly four miles north of Tash’s apartment stumbled on Frank’s remains, washed up, battered by the rocks, almost unrecognizable.

  Harry and I knew there was no way Frank could have survived the plunge from the balcony. We talked for several minutes, considered the options and in the end I wiped the phone and a few other surfaces for fingerprints, and we left as quietly as we’d arrived. The only evidence that we had ever been there were the two dangling belts left on the balcony between the apartments. No doubt some tenant would find them and wonder where they came from. They would never know.

  We looked for Frank’s floating body from the rocks below the complex for almost an hour and decided there was nothing we could do. It was fruitless to call the police. It would only open new wounds for Doris and the kids, and could accomplish nothing for either Epperson or Kalista Jordan.

  Harry had been right; Tash an
d Crone were out celebrating. They never knew we were at the apartment that night. To this day, we have kept our silence.

  Seven months have now passed, and after a coroner’s inquest, Frank’s death has been ruled an accident. Only the insurance company fought this finding. The million-dollar policy Frank purchased years before contained a double-indemnity clause paying two million dollars on accidental death. Even a suicide guaranteed the face amount of one million since Frank had held the policy long enough to establish that he hadn’t purchased it in contemplation of killing himself. For the carrier it was not a happy scenario, a desperate family in financial need pitted against a Goliath insurance company with its offices in some skyscraper in another city.

  Doris wanted me to represent her at the inquest. I told her I could not, but I didn’t tell her why. My only advice was that she not volunteer information to anyone regarding my telephone call to her that night. It was better that way. She could testify truthfully about what she didn’t know. And no one ever asked. To this day, Doris doesn’t know why I called or how I got the telephone number to her mother’s house. When I went back to the phone that night, after Frank had disappeared over the balcony, I told Doris I was looking for him. It was the best I could do under the circumstances. She didn’t know where he was.

  On the stand they asked her several pointed questions. Yes, her husband was despondent over the death of his daughter. No, he never threatened to take his own life. No, she never found or saw a suicide note. What they don’t know, and could never guess, is that the only suicide note Frank ever wrote was for someone else.

  If the hearing officer at the inquest was in doubt, he came down on the side of the angels. After all, there was no solid evidence of suicide. Even I could not testify with certainty, should some psychic have called me to the stand, whether Frank jumped or fell that night, though the details of what I do know would have caused much pain. I have no difficulty sleeping with my secret, though the visage of Frank’s tortured soul visits me from time to time in my dreams.

  When it was over, David Crone, then back at the center, tested the two surviving Boyd children, Jennifer and Donald, for Huntington’s chorea. They were both negative. Frank would be happy to know, and perhaps he does, that his family has finally found peace.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s Imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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