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The Tiger's Offer: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 1)

Page 11

by Lila Jean

  The dragon prince spun her around effortlessly, his hardening rod pressing into her lower back. “You left your knife on the bank, so I’m afraid I can’t teach you any new techniques.”

  “You weren’t going to anyway,” she said with a chuckle as his grip tightened on her waist.

  He let out a mock gasp of horror. “Are you besmirching my good name and calling me a liar, woman?”

  “What if I am?”

  “Slander is a crime, boss. I’m afraid I’ll have to punish you.”

  Before she could come up with some witty remark to lob back at him, his hand plunged into the water and pulled aside her underwear. Those expert fingers of his effortlessly pried apart her folds, sliding into her with ease.

  Surprised at how fast he had moved, she gasped and reflexively pressed her back into his chest. The subtle movement brought his cock to full attention, the rod pushing between her thighs. His shaft brushed her entrance, fully erect.

  At that moment, it was as if a switch had flipped in Draven’s brain. His entire demeanor shifted from lighthearted fun to raw, untamed sexual energy.

  He held her neck, the grip gentle but firm, and kissed her shoulder with feral abandon. His wild tongue did something magical to her skin, and she melted into him as she surrendered. She didn’t even want to fight him. He might have been arrogant and a little pushy, but she felt safe with him. He made her feel alive, happy, and wanted. Her eyes fluttered closed. When he kissed her like that, there wasn’t a thing she could do but give herself to him completely.

  At the same time he worked his magic on her neck, two of his fingers plunged into her entrance. Tina arched her back, tensing as he shoved his way inside of her.

  All she wanted was to let him do whatever he pleased. She knew without a doubt that he would make sure she enjoyed every second.

  A moment later, his fingers curled inside of her while his thumb played with her nub. She moaned, completely at his mercy and loving every moment of it.

  With a rumbling growl deep in his chest, Draven spun her around and pressed her back against a smooth boulder protruding from the lake. He pinned her against the cool stone with one hand on her waist, and his expert fingers tilted her hips upward.

  Instead of sliding her underwear off, Draven merely hooked his finger on the elastic hiding her entrance and held it aside. Through the rippling water, his hard cock pressed against her opening.

  Tina was ready for this. She wanted it, wanted to feel more connected to not only Draven, her carefree dragon that drove her wild, but also to her goddess. Damara got her power through sex and physical intimacy, and it was time Tina gave herself over to it.

  She hummed with desire, wishing he would enter her.

  He didn’t.

  She opened her eyes to find him watching her with devilish glee, his handsome face grinning as she craved for him to be inside of her.

  “What?” she asked, breathless with lust.

  “I’m not sure you want this,” he said with a sexy wink.

  You know damn well I want this. He was toying with her. He wanted her to beg for his cock, but he would have to work harder than that.

  She grinned. “You’re right. Maybe we should stop.”

  His eyebrows bunched with worry, no doubt thinking his plan had backfired. To drive her point home, she grabbed his hips and pulled him slowly closer, his cock nudging apart her folds as he neared. She moaned, desperate for more, and his worry instantly melted away.

  A moment later, he frowned with feigned concern. “Hmm. To see if you’re really into this, I think we’ll need to run a few tests.”

  “A few tests? What—”

  The tip of his cock pushed past her folds, pausing barely an inch into her opening. Tina gasped as his massive rod stretched her entrance, teasing her with what was to come. He held himself there, his thumb rubbing her nub as he probed her.

  “Oh God,” she muttered, her brain switching into primal mode as she ached for him to shove into her completely.

  He clicked his tongue as if disappointed. “I’m still not convinced. Perhaps another test.”

  Draven pulled out of her, though her body trembled for him to return. The rest of her ached to feel him fill her, needed to hear the satisfied grunt as he pressed his hips against hers and took her as his own.

  “N-no, don’t,” she stuttered, utterly lost in him.

  “Don’t do what? What is it you want?” Draven rubbed his cock against her opening, the hard shaft forcing its way between her thighs instead of into her.

  Tina grabbed his hair, tugging gently as she moaned with pleasure. “Please, Draven.”

  “Please what?”

  She laughed. “You are so mean.”

  The dragon prince leaned forward, thrusting his cock between her thighs again. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me,” she said breathlessly.

  “Oh, of course. Why didn’t you say so?”

  She laughed, frustrated and horny all at once. “Draven!”

  Without another word, he pulled aside her underwear and thrust roughly into her. As his hips landed hard against hers, Tina gasped with pleasure as her deep longing was finally satiated. Draven grabbed her ass as she curled her legs around him, still moaning from the sheer joy of having his full length inside of her after such a powerful stroke.

  He pulled slowly out of her as the lake splashed against her waist. He lifted her out of the water, still pinning her to the rock as he thrust into her again. She curled into him, high off the exhilarating way he had made her beg for it, the way he had brought her to her knees with need.

  Draven picked up speed until he bucked into her with feral abandon. It was as if he couldn’t have enough, and every thrust brought him more of what he needed most. With one hand still supporting her ass, he rested the other against the rock as he rode her hard.

  Tina lost all sense of time and place. She screamed his name, loving every thrust of his bare cock into her body. Ecstasy built in her navel, the lingering sensation stronger with every passing second. Every time she thought she was close, Draven pushed her further into the building climax than she thought she could go.

  Finally, her orgasm rippled through her. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t talk. She could barely even breathe as she tightened around him, riding out the waves of her orgasm as he continued to pump into her.

  When her ecstasy faded into happy bliss, he sighed and leaned his forehead against hers. A warm stream shot deep into her, sending a current of pleasure through her core as she nearly came again from the simple act. As she opened her eyes, his body glowed white. It took a moment for her to realize her skin was also glowing.

  Without pulling out of her, he kissed her roughly. “Any chance I can get you to choose me right now? I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. I want you to be mine.”

  She laughed. “You men. You’re all so jealous.”

  Draven shrugged. “Shifters aren’t used to sharing. We’re possessive of what we believe is ours.”

  “Think you can manage to share me for now?”

  His eyes wandered her naked body as beads of water trailed down her breasts. “For you, anything.”

  She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her again. Confidence surged through her even as the glowing white light under her skin began to fade.

  She felt absolutely powerful for the first time in her life, even more powerful than she did in the throne room. It amazed Tina that she could both give power and get it through something as beautifully natural as sex, and she would make the most of it.



  Several hours after they’d left the waterfall, Draven sat on the temple’s flat rooftop with Tina at his side. The last rays of the day cast a red and orange glow over the crooked forest on the horizon. As darkness crept over the world, he and Tina stared up at the emerging stars.

  She sat close to him, but not near enough. With every secon
d by her side, he needed more. Every whiff of her perfume and lingering arousal stoked his inner fires until they raged. Only her skin against his could sate them.

  With a happy little sigh, she rested her head on his shoulder. The movement froze him in place. It was soft. Tender. Trusting. Strange. Draven was used to sex and control, not trust.

  A brief flash of concern burned in his core. He and his dragon were physical creatures, driven by sensation and the fires of pleasure. Usually, women would be on their backs screaming his name at this point in the day, not calmly enjoying his presence.

  Tina had disarmed him with nothing more than a touch, and it made him deeply uncomfortable.

  On impulse, he ran one finger down her neck, trailing the hem of her dress and following the curves toward her ample chest. She tensed but didn’t stop him, her head pressing harder against his shoulder as he slowly teased her. He lingered just above her breasts, drawing small circles on her skin.

  He could smell her excitement the second her panties became wet, the sultry fragrance more alluring than any perfume.

  Gently, he lifted her head, the fingers of his right hand wrapping around her neck as his thumb hooked over her jaw. In this position, he controlled her head completely. She wouldn’t be able to move without his permission, and she didn’t seem unhappy about the fact. Her hazel eyes met his, those red lips parting as she studied him, waiting for him to make his move.

  He kissed her, rough and sudden. She leaned into him as his mouth explored hers. His pants tightened, and sparks of need blistered through him. He changed position, climbing on top of her and nudging her legs apart with his knees. He pressed her against the roof as one hand held her waist. With one powerful squeeze, he lifted her hips and set his leg between her thighs. She let out a little moan, her breathy voice betraying what she truly wanted.

  He nibbled on her earlobe. “Don’t get impatient, now. We have all night.”

  “Wait.” It came out more like a gasp, nothing more than a huff of air with the barest hint of a command hidden somewhere in the lust.

  “Why?” He trailed kisses down her neck as his fingers tugged upward on her skirt.

  “Let’s save it for the bedroom,” she said softly.

  Inwardly, his dragon roared with equal parts victory and impatience, and a thin trail of smoke escaped Draven’s nose. His cock ached to be freed immediately, twitching against his zipper, and he gritted his teeth to rein in his own impulses.

  Of course, he would prefer to take her right then. He wanted to take her right there on the temple roof, so every visitor could hear her moan his name. However, she was his goddess, and her word was law. He could wait another hour to take her in her bed.

  “I apologize, boss,” he said with a kiss to the tender part of her neck.

  With his hand around her waist, he pulled her upright. Her back arched as she stared off at the darkening horizon, the angle to her shoulders giving her chest an even more pronounced curve. She lifted a hand to her lips as though she couldn’t quite believe what had just happened.

  While smoothing some of the wayward locks of hair by her ear, he set an arm over her shoulders. If she wanted to sit and watch the stars, he would sit and watch the stars.



  Tina surprised herself and got up at eight in the morning on her day with Flynn, her body humming with energy and life after the time Draven had spent between her legs the day before. He’d left her bedroom at about three in the morning, and she could still imagine the overpowering ecstasy of his hard cock inside her.

  Feeling alive and overjoyed, and with time to kill before she met up with Flynn, she found a stretch of grass in her gardens and laid out in the sun, the rays warming her skin and she breathed in the day. From her limited experience thus far, Bali was truly beautiful. She needed to explore more of it when she got the chance.


  She craned her neck to find Flynn standing on a nearby path. He smiled warmly, all the tense authority she’d seen in the throne room gone. In a loose button down, bare feet, and black slacks, he looked as at home in the garden as she was.

  She patted the grass beside her and closed her eyes. Seconds later, the air beside her shifted, and his sleeve brushed her bare arm. A crackle of excitement shot through her at his proximity, and she drank in the crisp musk of his cologne. Cool and fresh, with a hint of the sea.

  His elbow brushed hers again as he got comfortable on the grass beside her. “I’m surprised to see you awake before ten.”

  “Being here gives me energy. I don’t really understand it.”

  “I’d wager the energy boost is not really about where you are.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Every day, you feel stronger. Right?”

  She nodded.

  “Every day, you feel more and more comfortable in your own skin, correct?” Flynn shifted, inching closer. His warm body was like a magnet, calling her to him. “You’re starting to enjoy the sexual impulses, rather than push them away?”

  “How did you know that?” Her eyes snapped open, and she leaned on one elbow so she could better see him.

  He was already watching her, as calm and relaxed as if they were merely talking about the weather. His massive chest rose and fell with each breath, drawing her eye to his torso and the pecs barely contained by the thin cotton shirt. She wanted to run her fingers along his abs, drink him in and savor the cool and crisp scent that drew her in.

  He mimicked her position, leaning on one elbow until his head hovered near hers. His chocolate brown eyes drew her closer, commanding but gentle. As her gaze darted to his lips, another crackle of desire shot through her.

  “Tina, you’re accepting her,” he said softly.


  Flynn nodded. “You’re allowing her to simply be. To feel. To ask for things. I’m sure you’ve heard that fusing with a goddess is a merging of two souls, but remember, you will always be in charge.”

  He ran a finger along her arm, the sensation shooting crackles of desire through Tina’s core. “However, you will only access the full range of her powers when you trust her enough to let her exist within you. To not hate her for her impulses, but to accept that she knows more about this world and the nature of those who live here than you or I could ever dream of understanding.”

  Tina’s gaze drifted to the grass as she considered what he had said. “That makes so much sense.” In a way, she had already been doing that, but to have it summed up so perfectly brought it into sharp relief in her mind.

  He nodded and gently lifted her chin with his finger. “I’m not saying sleep with every guy you see because, to be honest, that would make me jealous. Just don’t hate yourself if you want to.”

  She laughed, blushing a little with devilish glee at the memory of last night with Draven. “Not every guy. Just the special ones.” Her eyes swept over the demigod in front of her, and a fresh tsunami of desire crashed through her as she ached to explore what was beneath his shirt.

  He grinned, and she reclined again on the grass in an effort to hide the smile creeping over her face. “You’re more relaxed than I thought you’d be.”

  “What do you mean?” His finger traced up her arm again, his touch surprisingly light and gentle as he explored her bare skin.

  She closed her eyes, savoring the tingling sensation of his caress as it calmed her and put her at ease. “You were so authoritative in the throne room, and you seemed pissed at dinner the other day.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Stiff, needing to be in control.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. Tina opened her eyes to find him staring at the grass. His warm chocolate eyes met hers, and his lips curved ever so slightly in a charming little smile. “I slip into a role when decisions need to be made and people need to be protected, Tina,” he said softly. “The other princes are my competitors, and I must always appear infallible. Strong. Undefeatable.”

  “It’s just an act?” she
asked, a little confused.

  He chuckled. “Well, no, not really. I prefer to be calm and at peace, like how I am right now, and I’m grateful I can just be myself with you.” He lifted her hand to his lips and briefly kissed her knuckles, shooting a flurry of desire into her core. “However, I’m going to be king someday, and that means I need to do what’s necessary, and I have killed to protect those I love.”

  His eyes darted again to hers, and her heart melted at his intense gaze as he studied her face. “I would do anything to protect you, Tina. You’re a goddess. As a demigod, it’s my duty and privilege to give you everything you could ever dream of, and nothing less than the best. The other princes, they, well …” he sighed and rubbed his glorious beard, lost in thought. “Not to slander my competition, but they’re not gods. They just don’t get it. They may care about you, they may want you, but they won’t understand what you need. I’m worried for you.”

  Grateful for the demigod’s concern, she smiled and leaned her forehead against his. Energy and desire crackled through her skin as they touched, and she inhaled his cologne. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. As she leaned into his hard chest, she felt completely and truly safe. Protected. Nurtured.

  The other princes were incredible, powerful, and unique. But Flynn was a fellow god, had magic in his veins, and would understand her in ways others simply never could.

  “Can you really teach me to control my magic?” she asked.

  “Of course. I’ll teach you everything I know and find you mentors to teach you the rest.”

  She smiled and let out a happy sigh. “Good. Let’s start now.”

  He chuckled, toying with the ends of her hair. “Impatient, aren’t you?”


  Flynn laughed. “Very well, my goddess. What do you want to know first?”

  Tina frowned, mind racing back to the way she had brought the men in her throne room to their knees. “Back when the kings tried to threaten me, I accessed my powers and could feel their heartbeats.” She hesitated to continue, but she needed to be honest with him. If Flynn was going to help her, she would need to confess what she could and couldn’t do, and that meant sharing with him a few truths she didn’t like to admit. “I could control their hearts, but the ability faded. I couldn’t keep control for long. How do I do that again consistently?”


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