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The Tiger's Offer: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 1)

Page 18

by Lila Jean

  “I’m so lucky to have you all in my life,” she said softly. Eyes shut, she simply simmered in her gratitude for these men.

  “I think that’s about all the feelings I can handle for the day,” Draven said with a chuckle.

  Laughter bubbled among the six of them, and Tina simply nodded. “Fine, no more feelings.”

  Draven winked. “Thanks, boss.”

  Flynn’s gaze shifted out the window, and he nodded toward the glass. “Tina, look.”

  Tina shifted her head as a brilliant flash of light glimmered on the horizon. As the plane raced closer, the details of an intricate city lush with bluffs and forests came into view. Cliffside mansions lined the island’s horseshoe-shaped mountain. A few helicopters hovered over landing pads at the peak, and cars whizzed by on the winding roads cut through the mountainside.

  As the private jet circled the island, the valley at the base of the mountain came into view. A sprawling metropolis filled the center of the horseshoe. From the sky, the city appeared larger than any Tina had ever seen in her life. More towering skyscrapers. More streets. A glimmering blue palace rife with towers inspires sprawled out from the center of the city, a beacon of power and royalty.

  “It’s stunning,” she said, breathless.

  “Welcome to Olympus,” Flynn said in her ear.

  Roughly an hour later, after landing safely and being ushered swiftly to the palace, Tina explored the four-bedroom suite she had been given in one of the topmost towers. Thankfully, the palace had elevators because she would not have wanted to climb forty-three flights stairs several times a day.

  The view, however, would have been worth it.

  She yanked open the double balcony doors and stretched as she took in the beautiful day. A breeze tugged on her hair, warm and wet from the sea. The nostalgic burn of saltwater stung her nose. Before her, the glimmering Pacific Ocean stretched to the horizon. Behind her, the mountain loomed overhead.

  Flynn had suggested she take the day to relax and unwind after their stressful morning, but she buzzed with fitful and nervous energy. Once she had explored every room in her expansive suite, she realized what she needed to do. She needed to get out and get some fresh air.

  After spending the last week cooped up in a temple, the last thing she wanted was to be cooped up in a palace, too.

  Tina threw open the doors to the hallway and ventured out into the palace. It was as beautiful on the inside as the exterior had suggested and twice as large. Anthony and Draven shared rooms in the floor below, while Zane and Killian the floor above hers. For now, though, she wanted to see Flynn.

  She wandered for a bit before a helpful older gentleman, one of the servants on her floor assigned to assist her, guided her through the halls and down into the palace. Ten minutes of elevators, walking, and polite chit-chat brought them out of the towers and to an elaborately carved set of double doors.

  With a gentle knock, the servant opened the gold-painted doors and bowed, gesturing for Tina to enter.

  Inside the office, Flynn stood in front of a wooden desk with a stack of papers in his hand. King Frederick stood at a massive marble fireplace across from the door. As Tina entered, both men shifted their attention toward her. The king paused with his mouth open as if he’d been about to speak, but he abruptly stopped.

  Tina’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the king. His face brought back memories of the throne room and the ultimatum the kings had given her. Though she enjoyed time with his son, she wasn’t too eager to see King Frederick again.

  She froze, her gaze shifting between them. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”

  Flynn shook his head. “Nonsense. We were just finishing.”

  The king frowned and shot a quick glare at his son. Flynn, however, didn’t seem to notice and dropped the papers on his father’s desk. He briefly bowed his head to his father and crossed the room in a few quick strides. With one hand on her back, he thanked the servant that had led Tina there and took her out into the hall.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation,” Tina said again.

  Flynn chuckled. “It’s fine. You didn’t interrupt anything more than a boring debriefing. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company? You had the night off.”

  “I need to get out. Stretch my legs. See the sights.”

  “I’d be happy to take you. In fact, I have a surprise.”

  She smiled, lighting up with excitement. “What kind of a surprise?”

  “A fun one, promise. You’re going to love it. This way.”

  Flynn led Tina down a few flights of steps and out a side door from the palace to a waiting car. He held open the black door for her as she slid inside. A driver already sat in the front and nodded politely to her in the rearview. As soon as Flynn scooted in next to her, the car rumbled to life and darted off onto the city streets.

  The city bustled with life and energy, every sidewalk filled to the brim with beautiful people and every road filled with luxurious cars. Ferrari. Lamborghini. Bugatti. On first view, everyone in Olympus had to be a multi-millionaire.

  To Tina’s disappointment, however, they spent barely any time driving through the city. Their chauffeur quickly sped up a winding hill toward the horseshoe-shaped mountain surrounding the palace.

  “Where are we going?” Tina tried to drink in as much of the lush trees and elaborate gardens as mansions whizzed by the window.

  Flynn set his massive arm around her shoulders. “You really hate surprises, don’t you?”

  She laughed. “I’m just impatient, that’s all.”

  He grinned and ran a gentle hand through her hair. “Fine, since you can’t seem to wait, I’ll tell you. I’m taking you to your temple. The one in Olympus, at least.”

  Tina’s smile fell. She had just spent a week cooped up in her temple Bali. She didn’t really want to do it here, too.

  “And,” he added, studying her face, “Damara’s descendants.”

  Now that caught Tina’s attention. “Really?”

  Flynn nodded. “I told you once that Olympus has the answers to any question you could ever think of asking about your goddess. I meant it. These young ladies have some of Damara’s powers, though they’re not as strong as you. They’ll answer any question you throw at them. Spend as long as you like here, Tina. We’re in no rush at all.”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Flynn.”

  He lifted her chin and tilted her lips toward his, not satisfied with a quick peck on the cheek. He pressed his mouth against hers in a deeper kiss, and she inhaled the relaxing scent that always swirled around him.

  He dragged his fingers gently down her spine. The touch sent shivers of pleasure down her back, and the space between her thighs warmed with need. An overwhelming desire to straddle him overtook her, and she debated showing him just how grateful she really was.

  Before she got the chance, he ended the kiss and stared deep into her eyes. “You’re welcome.”

  The car took a side road, and seconds later a familiar temple appeared through the ferns and wrought iron gate protecting its borders. Though this was smaller than her temple back in Indonesia, it was otherwise identical. An overwhelming sense of nostalgia burned through her.

  Even if it wasn’t safe for her right now, the temple was still her home. She would take it back one day.

  Flynn stepped out of the car and offered her his hand. He led her down the familiar stone pathway lined with lanterns and crossed over the water as they entered the front doors of the temple.

  She had barely walked inside before two women draped in silky white gowns that left little to the imagination appeared around a corner. They squealed with delight and hugged her simultaneously, their thin arms surprisingly strong as they welcomed her.

  “It’s you!” one shouted.

  “I can’t believe it! In the flesh,” the other said.

  Both women had elegant golden curls and bright blue eyes. A dusting of freckles dotted their noses. Tho
ugh the angles of their cheeks and jaws were slightly different, they could’ve passed for twins.

  Flynn gestured toward the young women. “Tina, these lovely ladies are Rose and Lillian. They’re Damara’s descendants.”

  “We have so much to tell you,” Rose said with a broad smile.

  “Let her breathe, goodness,” Lillian chided, smacking the back of Rose’s hand.

  “Shoo, prince, shoo,” Rose said to Flynn, gesturing to the water garden outside the open entryway.

  Tina chuckled as Flynn smirked down at the tiny woman trying to usher her out of the temple. He toyed with her by standing still as a stone. For all intents and purposes, she might as well have been shoving a mountain.

  “Find me whenever you’re ready,” he said with a gentle nod toward Tina.

  She smiled, grateful for his kindness. “I will.”

  With that, Rose slid her hand through one of Tina’s arms and Lillian took the other. They let her out the back of the temple and into the intricate gardens beyond, chatting the whole way.



  Rose and Lillian were a riot. Mischievous. Horny. Fun. Tina didn’t know what else to call them other than kindred spirits.

  She sat in the gardens with her skirts tucked under her as she lifted a very full wine glass to her lips. Several corked bottles lay on the grass in front of them, most of the wines older than Tina herself. She sipped her drink and savored the warmth that radiated through her each time she swallowed.

  “Okay, we’ve talked about ourselves for way too long,” Rose said. “Ask us something. Anything.”

  Tina mulled over the many questions tumbling around in her head before she finally settled on one. “I was given a book on Damara that said she could choose who she fused with. Is that for real?”

  “You bet your tight little butt it’s real.” Lillian snorted. “A goddess and her host need to work well together.” The demigod sipped casually on her wine. “That’s why in the old rituals, the gods and goddesses were always given a selection of possible hosts to fuse with.”

  Tina ran her finger absently over the rim of her glass. “Mine wasn’t a proper ritual, though.” She shuddered at the memory of that terrifying altar room, of the three strippers around Amy’s body, of the way her best friend had opened her mouth in a silent scream.

  “You’re safe now, Tina.” Rose set a comforting hand on Tina’s shoulder, snapping her out of the memory. “Damara isn’t some weak little goddess who needs people to protect her. She’s powerful, beautiful, and kind.” The demigod nudged Tina’s shoulder playfully. “Just like you. You’re peas in a pod.”

  “Thanks.” Tina smiled gratefully, admittedly smitten by the flattery. “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

  “It’s the truth.” Lillian nodded and downed the last of her wine. “We were nervous when we heard Damara had been forced to Earth, but with you, she made the best choice. No question.” Lillian winked, happy and carefree. “You’re perfect for each other.”

  With a wide grin, Tina sucked in a deep breath and leaned back on her palms. “Thanks, girls.”

  “We mean it.”

  “I know,” Tina said with a happy smile.

  “So,” Rose said with a playful grin. “Tell us more about this contest of yours.”

  Tina raised a curious eyebrow, half-wondering if Flynn had put them up to this, but she’d read in one of her books that a demigod was always loyal first to the god or goddess from which they descended. “These are dangerous times,” Tina finally said. “I want a champion, someone to ensure my magic isn’t abused. In exchange, I’ll use my powers for them when I see fit to do so.”

  “That’s so badass,” Rose said with a chuckle.

  “It’s so Damara!” Lillian added.

  “And now you have five sexy princes vying for your hand.” Rose fanned her face. “I’m so envious!”

  “It’s been amazing, I won’t lie.” Tina laughed, a bit of a blush creeping up her cheeks. “I’ve had so much fun.”

  Lillian lowered her voice, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “Well, have you taken any of your suitors to bed yet?”

  Tina shot her a wry smile over the lip of her glass but didn’t answer.

  “She has!” Rose gasped. “You sly thing. Who?”

  “Anthony, Draven, and Zane.”

  “Just three of them?” Lillian asked, mouth gaping with surprise. “You have more restraint than me, then.”

  “Most of the world has more restraint than you,” Rose said, blowing a raspberry at the other demigod.

  Lillian poked Tina’s abdomen. “You know the birth control trick, right?”

  “Yeah, got that covered.”

  “Good.” Lillian examined an empty bottle of wine and opened another. “This early in the game, you don’t need any babies quite yet.”

  “You can’t catch any sexually transmitted diseases either, by the way.” Rose winked over her half-filled glass. “In case you were worried.”

  “Not that the princes have any, of course,” Lillian said with a jealous little pout. “What I wouldn’t give for a taste of one of them …”

  “Hey, now,” Tina said, shooting a playful glare at the demigod. “They’re mine.”

  “Oh, how feisty,” Rose said, giggling. “All of them are yours, huh?”

  “I, well, uh,” Tina stuttered for a moment, silently debating the question.

  “They should be,” Lillian interjected. “Damara never had to pick just one man. Why should you?”

  Tina tilted her head slightly, debating the question. The circumstances of her and Damara’s new life together were unique, and she doubted Damara had ever had the option of choosing between five crown princes.

  Could she have them all?

  “Regardless,” Rose said with a shrug, interrupting Tina’s thoughts. “You’d better get to work on those heirs.” Rose waggled a finger at Tina. “Nothing stirs up a nation’s pride like a royal baby.”

  Tina rolled her eyes. “Let me pick a man first. Jesus.”

  The three of them spent the afternoon chuckling and making jokes at each other’s expense, and Tina felt more and more at home with each passing moment. Within her, Damara swelled with pride and happiness as her descendants spoke, boosting Tina’s own joy.

  Tina felt deeply and truly relaxed. If she did end up choosing Flynn as her Prince, she knew she would be completely at home in Olympus.

  The longer Tina spent there, the more she tapped into the island’s innate power. Every step through the grass made her feel stronger. Every second made her feel safer. And every breeze that slithered up her skirts made her feel more in tune with her body.

  As night fell across her first day in the beautiful city, Flynn walked her back to her room.

  The now deep connection with her goddess made every sensation more pronounced. His hand on her back shot overwhelming ripples of pleasure through her body. Her body hummed with need and hunger. When his bare skin brushed hers, sparks erupted through her veins.

  As they walked down the hall to her bedroom, Tina reached into her core and accessed her magic, curious to see what it would tell her about the demigod at her side.

  As the overpowering sensations erupted within her, cluing her into every breath, every heartbeat, she could feel something unique in him, something she hadn’t felt during their practice sessions in the gardens of Epara: his magic. It thrummed within him like a second pulse, crackling with energy and fire. His magic was so beautiful, so captivating, that she lost herself in it.

  His hand reached for her jaw and lifted her chin until she met his gaze, and when their eyes met, she realized he was totally enraptured. Just as she had enthralled King James and the other royals in her throne room, her magic had ensnared his attention and filled him with insatiable desire for her. She had spent so much time focusing on her connection to others’ bodies, her ability to control their pulse, that she sometimes forgot her powers also ensnared those around her, drawing t
hem to her, making them want her more than anything else in the world.

  “Sorry,” she said, kissing him gently on the cheek. She reined in her power and disconnected from his beautiful magic, feeling a little guilty that she had all but forced him to want her sexually.

  Flynn, however, didn’t move away. He took a step closer, pressing her against the wall as his eyes scanned her face. “It’s not your magic that makes me want you, Tina,” he said softly. His lips brushed hers, tender and sweet, and she leaned into his kiss. He paused, his mouth barely an inch from hers as his warm breath rolled over her. “It’s you, everything you are, everything you’re capable of. You’re magical all on your own.”

  She smiled and pulled him close, her lips crashing into his as she silently agreed. The beautiful pulse of her demigod’s magic returned, brimming beneath his skin as she pulled him close, connected to him by so much more than touch.

  Flynn lifted her into his arms, and she giggled with surprise as her feet left the floor. He carried her into her bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him, their eyes locked, as lost in her as she was in him.

  Fueled by her desire and her goddess’s innate need, Tina grabbed his collar and pulled him to her. She kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue as he cradled the back of her head with his hand. He gently set her on her feet, his other hand reached around her waist, squeezing gently as he pulled her closer.

  Tina yanked his shirt out of his pants and reached her hands up his torso, savoring every dip of the hard muscles in his abdomen. He moaned into her mouth, his kisses more intense the longer her fingers roamed over his warm skin.

  His touch always surprisingly gentle for a man with as much muscle as Flynn had, he pressed his hips against hers. Abandoning her waist, he grabbed her skirts with both hands and tugged upward. The fabric caressed her skin as he hiked up the soft cotton. With one deft motion, he lifted her onto the nearby vanity and spread her legs apart with his strong hands. Her thighs exposed, Tina gasped and arched her back as he pressed his hips against the space between her legs. Only her underwear and his pants separated them. The thick bulge beneath his slacks teased her.


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