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C. S. Lewis

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by A. N. Wilson

  Ford, Paul F. Companion to Narnia. San Francisco, Calif., 1980

  Gibb, Jocelyn (ed.) Light on C. S. Lewis. 1965

  Gibson, Evan K. C. S. Lewis, Spinner of Tales. Washington, DC, 1980

  Gilbert, Douglas and Clyde S. Kilby C. S. Lewis: Images of His World.

  Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1973

  Green, Roger Lancelyn, and Walter Hooper C. 5. Lewis: A Biography. 1974

  Gresham, Douglas H. Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C S. Lewis. New York, 1988

  Griffin, William Clive Staples Lewis: A Dramatic Life. San Francisco, Calif., 1986

  Hannay, Margaret Patterson C. S. Lewis. New York, 1981

  Holmer, Paul L. C. S. Lewis: The Shape of His Faith and Thought. San Francisco, Calif., 1976

  Hooper, Walter Through Joy and Beyond: A Pictorial Biography of C. S. Lewis. New York, 1982

  Howard, Thomas The Achievement of C. S. Lewis: A Reading of His Fiction. Wheaton, Illinois, 1980

  Karkainen, Paul A. Narnia Explored. Old Tappan, New Jersey, 1979

  Kilby, Clyde S. The Christian World of C. S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964

  __, Images of Salvation in the Fiction of C. S. Lewis. Wheaton, Illinois, 1978

  Kreeft, Peter C. S. Lewis: A Critical Essay. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1979

  Lindskoog, Kathryn Ann C. S. Lewis: Mere Christian. Glendale, Calif., 1973

  __, The Lion of Judah in Never-Never Land: The Theology of C. S. Lewis Expressed in His Fantasies for Children. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1973

  __, The C. S. Lewis Hoax. Portland, Oregon, 1988

  Meilander, Gilbert The Taste for the Other: The Social and Ethical Thought of C. S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1978

  Payne, Leanne Real Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Works of C. S. Lewis. Westchester, Illinois, 1979

  Purtill, Richard Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1974

  __, C.S. Lewis’s Case for the Christian Faith. 1981

  Schakel, Peter J. (ed.) The Longing for a Form: Essays in the Fiction of C. S. Lewis. Kent, Ohio, 1977

  __, Reading with the Heart: The Way into Narnia. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1979

  __, Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1979

  Schofield, Stephen (ed.) In Search of C. S. Lewis. South Plainfield, New Jersey, 1984

  Sibley, Brian Shadowlands: The Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman. 1985

  Tolkien, J. R. R. (ed. Humphrey Carpenter and Christopher Tolkien) The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien. 1981

  __, (ed. Christopher Tolkien) The Lost Road and Other Writings. 1987

  Vanauken, Sheldon A Severe Mercy. New York, 1977

  Walsh, Chad C. S. Lewis: Apostle to the Sceptics. New York, 1949

  __, The Literary Legacy of C. S. Lewis. New York, 1979

  White, William Luther The Image of Man in C. S. Lewis. New York, 1969


  CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society. 1969–

  Tbe Chronicle of the Portland C. S. Lewis Society. 1972–

  Tbe Lamp–post of the Southern California C. S. Lewis Society. 1974–

  The Canadian C. S. Lewis Journal (Godalming, Surrey). 1979–

  Seven: An Anglo–American Literary Review. 1980–

  Inklings–Fahrhuch für Literatur und Asthetic (Ludenscheid, W. Germany). 1984–


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  NOTE: Works by C. S. Lewis appear directly under title; works by others under the name of the author

  Abolition of Man, The (CSL), 197–200, 202

  Ackland, Joss, 306–7

  Acton, Harold, 71

  Adam the patriarch, 210

  Adams, Father Walter, 175; death, 238–9

  à Kempis, Thomas: Imitatio Christi, 137

  Albert, Prince Consort, 299

  Aldwinkle, Stella, 182

  Alexander, Samuel: Space, Time and Deity, 107

  Allegory of Love, The (CSL), 88, 93, 143–7, 149–50

  Andrew, Father, 181

  Anscombe, Elizabeth: disputes with CSL, 107, 210–11, 213–14, 218, 220, 225–6, 236

  Aquinas, St Thomas, 213

  Aristotle, 73

  Arlen, Michael, 32–3

  Arnold, Matthew, 156; Sohrab and Rustum, 26–7

  Askins, Dr John Hawkins, 81–3, 109–11

  Aslans, Mary, 82

  Askins, Rob, 82

  Atlantic Monthly, 278

  Attlee, Clement, 215, 227

  Auden, W. H., 16, 71, 148, 156

  Augustine, St, 156

  Ayer, A. J., 86–7, 198–9

  Ayres, Sergeant, 56

  Ballantyne, R. M., 116

  Barfield, Owen: friendship with CSL, 64, 69; beliefs, 80, 83, 87, 108, 125, 137, 149; meets Moores, 81; correspondence with CSL (The Gnat War), 87, 108; admires CSL’s Dymer, 100; and CSL’s spiritual consciousness, 106, 290; teaches CSL to dive, 134; CSL dedicates Allegory of Love to, 146; and CSL’s criticism of Tillyard, 146–7; with CSL on walking holidays, 160; illness, 204; and 1951 Oxford Poetry Chair, 232; CSL praises, 249; and authorship of A Grief Observed, 286; and Walter Hooper, 302; Poetic Diction, 125

  Barrie, J. M.: Peter Pan, 26–7

  Bateson, F. W., 79

  Battle of Maldon, The (poem), 81

  Bayley, Peter, 193, 269

  Baynes, Pauline, 304

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, 284

  Belfast: present conditions in, x-xi; CSL’s boyhood homes in, xi-xii, 1, 8–10, 15

  Benecke, P. V. M., 102

  Bennett, J. A. W., 216, 232

  Bennett, Joan, 253

  Benson, E. F.: The Angel of Pain, 53

  Betjeman, John: CSL and, 98–100, 104; religious speculation, 125; CSL satirizes, 134; ‘Original Sin on the Sussex Downs’, 176; Summoned by Bells, 251

  Beyond Personality (CSL; broadcast talks), 124, 180

  Bide, Rev. Peter, 263

  Blake, Leonard, 186, 266, 299

  Blake, Maureen (nee Moore; later Lady Dunbar of Hempriggs): and CSL’s relations with mother, 52, 56, 64–6, 68, 251; schooling, 74; career, 92; at Royal College of Music, 115; and Warren Lewis, 121, 153; on Whipsnade outing, 127; at The Kilns, 140–1, 143; marriage, 186; cares for Joy’s children, 265–6; and ownership of The Kilns, 266, 300; at CSL’s funeral, 299

  Blake, William, 80, 149

  Bloom, Claire, 306–7

  Blunden, Edmund, 231–2

  Bodley Head, The (publishing house), 155

  Boehme, Jacob: De Signatura Rerum, 123

  Book of Common Prayer, 242

  Bowra, Maurice, 231

  Bradbrook, Muriel, 253

  Braine, John, 275

  Brewer, Derek, 130

  Bridges, Robert, 51

  Brightman, F. E., 102

  Broadcast Talks (CSL), 180

  Bryson, John, 89, 105

  Buchman, Frank, 176n

  Bunyan,John: The Pilgrim’s Progress, 133

  Burton, Richard, 193

  Butler (Campbell College friend), 57

  Butler, Theobald, 74

  Butterfield, William, 3

  Buxton, John, 207

  Calvin, John, 217

  Cambridge University: CSL’s Chair at, 245–6, 253; and literary criticism, 287–9

  Campbell College, Belfast, 13–14, 25–7

  Campbell, Roy, 194–5

  Capron, Rev. Robert, 22–6, 28

  Carpenter, Harry, Bishop of Oxford, 262, 307

  Carpenter, Humphrey, 262

  Carritt, E. F., 74, 84

  Carroll, Lewis, 46

  Cecil, Lord David, 142, 157–8, 207, 232

  Celia (Charles Williams’s secretary), 170

  Chambers, Sir Edmund, 156–8

  Chavasse, Rev. Cl
aude Lionel, 136

  Cherbourg school, near Malvern, 27–8, 30

  Chesterton, G. K., 55, 108, 133; The Everlasting Man, 108

  Christian Behaviour (CSL; broadcast talks), 180

  Clark Lectures, Cambridge, 1944, 241

  Coggan, Donald, Archbishop of York, 286

  Coghill, Nevill: friendship with CSL, 79–81, 103; and CSL’s Dymer, 101; in Tolkien’s Kolbitar group, 105; Christian beliefs, 108; produces Hamlet, 158; in World War II, 169; attends confession, 175; produces Measure for Measure, 192–3; and CSL’s farewell Oxford dinner, 246; and CSL’s love for Joy, 269; and CSL’s osteoporosis, 270; homosexuality, 274

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 87

  Collins (publishers), 222

  Community of St Mary the Virgin, Wantage, 174, 185

  Conrad, Joseph, 288

  Coward, Noël: Cavalcade (film), 160

  Cowley Fathers, The see Society of St John the Evangelist

  Cowrie, Miss (school matron), 28

  Craig, Colonel James, MP, 52, 55

  Cranmer, Thomas, 148

  Cripps, Sir Stafford, 215, 297

  Crowley, Aleister, 148

  C. S. Lewis Society, Oxford, 304

  Dante Alighieri, 156, 193, 200–1, 254; The Divine Comedy, 200–1

  Dark Tower, The (CSL): supposed forgery, xiv

  Davidman, Joy see Lewis, Joy

  Day-Lewis, Cecil, 231–3

  Discarded Image, The (CSL; lectures), 151—3, 162–6

  Dodds, Eric R., 63, 74

  Dorsert, Lyle W., xiv, 304

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Karamazov, ix

  Duke Humfrey’s Library, Oxford, 143

  Dunbar, Nan, 253–5

  Dunbar of Hempriggs, Lady see Blake, Maureen

  Durham, 197

  Dymer (CSL): writing of, 70–1, 83, 100; qualities, 100—1, 133; publication, 102; 1950 reprint, 110

  Dyson, Hugo (i.e. Henry Victor): helps convert CSL to Christianity, xiii, 124–7, 166, 184, 214, 252, 291, 306; on CSL’s love of books, 44; character and background, 124–5; and Havard, 142; attends confession, 175; in World War II, 192; at Charles Williams’s funeral, 204; grave, 207; on CSL’s dispute with Elizabeth Anscombe, 213; antipathy to Tolkien’s writing, 216–17; and CSL’s candidacy for Poetry Chair, 231; on CSL and Mrs Moore, 233; at CSL’s farewell Oxford dinner, 247; and CSL’s marriage, 260, 273; CSL’s demands on, 271

  Elgar, Sir Edward, 35

  Eliot, T. S.: relations and differences with CSL, xiv, 09, 118, 161, 263, 286–7, 289; modernism, 79; and CSL’s Pilgrim’s Regress, 134; on Charles Williams, 148; on Milton, 173; Christian faith, 182; reads and publishes CSL’s A Grief Observed, 285–6; Leavis approves, 288

  Empson, William, 161, 277

  Endicott, Lizzie (nurse), 8–10

  English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama (CSL), xvii, 217–18, 241–3

  Euripides: Bacchae, 35, 62; Hippofytus, 109, 111

  Evans, C. S., 60

  Ewart, Hope, 26

  Ewart, Lily, 75, 136

  Ewart, Sir William and Lady, 13

  Experiment in Criticism, An (CSL), 287–9

  Faber & Faber (publishers), 285–6

  Fairford (Gloucestershire), 204

  Farquharson, Arthur Spenser Loat, 74, 89

  Farrer, Austin, 239, 245n, 259–60, 262, 272, 281, 295

  Farrer, Katherine, 281, 295

  Featherstone, Mrs (of Oxford), 64

  Fisher, Geoffrey F., Archbishop of Canterbury, 262

  Flecker, James Elroy: Hassan, 129

  Flewett, June see Freud, Jill

  Flora (maid), 215

  Four Loves, The (CSL), 269, 272–5

  Fox, Rev. Adam, 142, 156–9, 231

  Franco, General Francisco, 195

  François de Sales, St, 290

  Frazer, Sir James: The Golden Bough, 41–2

  Freud, Clement, 218, 300

  Freud, Jill (née June Flewett): at The Kilns, 186–9, 192–3, 203, 297; leaves for RADA, 203; acting career, 215; marriage, 218; abandons Christianity, 218; and CSL’s children’s stories, 220; gives puppy to CSL, 252; and CSL’s marriage, 271; and Warren Lewis after CSL’s death, 300

  Freud, Sigmund, x, 46, 199

  Gabbitas & Thring (agency), 16, 27

  Galsworthy, John, 60

  Gardner, Helen, 194, 209–10, 244–5

  Garrod, Heathcote William, 103

  Gide, André, 232

  Gladstone, William Ewart, 5

  Glenmachan House (Ireland), 13

  God in the Dark (CSL; posthumous edition of essays), 302

  Gordon, George, 79–81, 105

  Graham, Billy: Answers to Life’s Problems, xiii

  Grahame, Kenneth, 207, 220

  Great Divorce, The (CSL), 72, 200–2

  Great Malvern, 27–8, 160

  Greece: CSL holidays in, 278–80

  Green, June Lancelyn, 278–9, 281

  Green, Roger Lancelyn, 131, 192, 219, 221, 272, 278–9, 281, 301

  Greeves, Arthur: letters from CSL, xv, 38, 43–4, 51, 110, 119, 121, 162, 177, 192, 301; boyhood in Belfast, 18; friendship with CSL, 37–8, 64, 112, 133; religious beliefs, 42, 64, 80, 108, 135, 218; homosexuality, 44, 57–8, 274; and CSL’s sexual thoughts, 44, 49–51, 57, 128–9; and CSL’s father, 57, 67; and end of World War I, 61; meets Moores, 81; and Tolkien, 119; and Warren Lewis, 121; and CSL’s religious faith, 123, 127–8, 135; and natural world, 162; and Charles Williams, 193; and Mrs Moore’s decline, 223; CSL informs of marriage, 261; fondness for Proust, 292; CSL plans to visit, 295; and CSL’s final illness, 296

  Gresham, Bill (Joy’s husband), 237–8, 240–1, 249, 255, 266–8, 280

  Gresham, David (Joy’s son): accompanies mother to England, 237, 249–50; character, 265–6, 270; custody of, 266–8; schooling, 279; and mother’s cancer, 280; attitude to CSL, 283; portrayed in TV play, 306–7

  Gresham, Douglas (Joy’s son): accompanies mother to England, 237, 249–50, 260, 270; with Maureen, 265–6; custody of, 266–8; schooling, 279; and mother’s cancer, 280; attitude to CSL, 283; and mother’s death, 283; plans trip to see Greeves with CSL, 294; at CSL’s funeral, 299; portrayed in TV play, 306–7

  Gresham, Joy see Lewis, Joy

  Grief Observed, A (CSL; originally published as by ‘N. W. Clark’), xvi, xviii, 282–6, 290–1, 307

  Griffin, William: Clive Staples Lewis: A Dramatic Life, 176n

  Griffiths. Alan (later Dom Bede Griffiths), 108, 130, 137, 235

  Guardian, The (journal), 178

  Haines, Pamela, 294

  Haines, Dr Tony, 293–4

  ‘Hamilton, Clive’ (i.e. CSL), 60

  Hamilton, Hugh, Bishop of Ossory (CSL’s great-great-grandfather), 1

  Hamilton, Rev. Thomas (CSL’s maternal grandfather), 1–3, 6, 8

  Hardie, Colin, 142, 271

  Hardy, Thomas: ‘God’s Education’, 284

  Harper, Miss (governess), 16–17

  Harwood, Arthur Cecil, 84, 100

  Havard, Dr Robert E. (‘Humphrey’; ‘U.Q.’): friendship with CSL, 142–3, 271; in World War II, 169; visits Fairford, 204; and 1951 Poetry Chair, 232; witnesses CSL’s marriage, 260; and Joy’s illness, 261, 293; treats CSL, 293

  Hawker, Robert, 66

  Head, Father Ronald Edwin, 299

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 211

  Heinemann, William, 60

  Henry, Major, 304

  Henry, Vera, 127, 215

  Herbert, George, 78

  Hichens, Dr, 82, 111

  Hitler, Adolf, 198

  Hooper, Walter: and CSL’s The Dark Tower, xiv-xv; collects and edits CSL’s works, xv, 301–3; views on CSL, xvi; helps CSL in illness, 296; cares for Warren Lewis, 300–2; rivalry with Kilby, 303; and Pope John Paul II, 308–9; converts to Catholicism, 309

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 49

  Horse and His Boy, The (CSL), 2 20

  Hough, Graham, 253

  Huddleston, Trevor, 286

l, Baron Friedrich von, 238

  Hume, David, 88

  Hunt, Richard, 174

  Huxley, Aldous, 299

  Hypocrites Club, Oxford, 71

  Ing, Katherine: The Elizabethan Lyric, 249

  Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul’s, 123, 137

  Inklings (group): and religion, xii-xiii; self-satisfaction, 159–60; name, 159; in wartime, 192, 194, 202; holiday in Fairford, 204; post-war changes, 216, 222; and Joy, 271

  Irish Home Rule, 5, 10

  Jenkin, A. K. Hamilton, 63

  Jerome, St, 156

  Jesus Christ, 163–6

  John Paul II, Pope, 308–9

  Johnson, Samuel, 146, 207, 209

  Jones, Emrys, 247

  Joyce, James, 78–9, 214

  Jung, C. G., 46

  Kafka, Franz, 161

  Kaufman, Bel, 237, 255, 268–9

  Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 78

  Kennedy, John F., 297, 299

  Kilby, Clyde S., xv, 303

  Kilns, The (house): purchase of, 122; life at, 138–41, 215; wartime evacuee children at, 186; Helen Gardner visits, 209; maids, 215–16; inheritance, 266; sold, 266n; CSL spends final illness at, 296–7; Warren lets, 300

  King Kong (film), 160

  Kirkpatrick, Louise Ashmole, 43–4

  Kirkpatrick, William T. (‘The Great Knock’): teaches and advises CSL’s father, 4, 13–14, 19, 33; tutors CSL, 36, 39–44, 62, 70, 105, 146, 171; marriage, 43; advice on CSL’s career, 47, 75; CSL visits on sick leave, 57; CSL’s later visit to, 67; death, 73; belief in virtue, 87; portrayed by CSL, 190; in Surprised by Joy, 251

  Knox, Monsignor Ronald, 167–8

  Kolbitar (group, Oxford), 105, 117

  Labour Party: CSL’s attitude to, 215, 227, 297

  Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de: Les Liaisons Dangereuses, 292

  Ladborough, Richard William, 292

  Lancaster, Osbert, 232

  Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of Canterbury, 182

  Langland, William, 135

  Last Battle, The (CSL), 120, 220, 227–9

  ‘Late Passenger, The’ (CSL; poem), 219

  Law, William, 290

  Lawlor, John, 130

  Lawrence, D. H., 125, 161, 288

  Lawrence, T. E., 124

  Leavis, F. R., 173, 287–8

  Letters (CSL; ed. W. H. Lewis), 300


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