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Into the Darkness

Page 37

by Kat T. Masen

  “Yes,” I answered, unsure of where he was going with this.

  He pulled me to the door and turned the handle. It was unlocked. The room was dark of course except for a slight hint of the moon. “Which one is your desk?”

  “The one at the back by the window,” I answered, still baffled.

  He led me to the desk and cupped my face, kissing me hard, our tongues in a frenzy after being apart for a week. I missed him, God I fucking missed everything about him.

  “Charlotte, you look so beautiful tonight but I need to do very dirty things to you right now on your desk.”

  His lips brushed along my neckline arousing every inch of me. Running my tongue along his jaw inhaling his scent, I closed my eyes losing myself in this moment. He lifted me up and placed me on my desk. Spreading my legs wide open he stood between, then tilting his head slightly he placed his mouth on my chest, lavishing it with kisses. Hungrily he unzipped me, exposing my bra that formed no barrier as he pushed it up baring my breast. Taking each nipple into his mouth I groaned. This only added to the intensity as he sucked them harder. I arched my back, begging him to enter me.

  “You want me to slide my cock in right now?” he asked innocently.

  I nodded unable, to speak.

  “No, Charlotte. You’ve made my life a living hell this past week. You sent my mind on the wildest goose chase possible imagining the worst between you and Carter,” he continued, taking my nipples in his mouth harder. I wanted more, his anger was only adding to the pleasure. Sliding my leg up and exposing my ass he grabbed it tight. Leaning forward he opened my drawer fumbling for something. What would he need from my desk?

  A ruler.

  Exposing my ass he gently slapped the ruler against my skin while he tugged on my nipples with his teeth. I arched my back, the balance between pleasure and pain overwhelming me. Holy shit this was so fucking hot, spanking me for being naughty… I secretly got off on shit like this.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again, you understand? You are mine and I will not share you with anyone.”

  I felt the slap of the ruler again, slightly harder but even more pleasurable. It may have been dark but it was impossible to not notice the fire raging in his eyes. This Alex was different, he was possessive, wild and dirty, and I fucking loved it. “Harder,” I moaned.

  The sound echoed through the room and I pulled his mouth onto mine to muffle the groan that I let out. He pulled his cock out with no time to waste and slid it inside me. I ached for him, every part of me ready to explode into a blissful orgasm.

  “Now every time you sit here, I want you to remember us how we are right now. How I’m fucking you, how I’m making you feel. How no one else has ever made you feel this way or will ever have the chance to make you feel this way. Nobody touches you but me, only me…” he faded into a whisper.

  I pulled him into me and bit on his shoulder as I rode it out. His body soon followed me as he shuddered, releasing his cum inside me. Our sweaty bodies held onto each other, unable to comprehend what just happened here, on my desk, in my biology classroom.

  I straightened up my dress and attempted to fix my hair as best I could. Alex zipped up his pants before leaning in, this time kissing me softly.

  “No podemos estar separados, Charlotte, nunca.” There was clear desperation in his voice, pleading with me to feel what he felt. There was no doubt in my mind, I felt exactly how he did. I understood. But I didn’t understand how it could ever be just me and him one day. I nodded before telling him I loved him. This moment was so overwhelming.

  “Charlotte. This dress…your beauty…I can’t believe you are mine.” His eyes never left mine, the emerald green matching the shade of my dress.

  “It’s my favorite color,” I added, still holding his gaze.

  “Why, baby?” he asked, nibbling on my collarbone, distracting me from the question.

  “It’s your eyes, Alex. They do something to me. I can’t explain. It’s almost like they’ve cast a spell on me. You must know that since you use them to lure me in anytime we are within a foot of each other.”

  He lifted his head to face me once again, his face serious. He looked like something was plaguing him, like something he needed to say was on the tip of his tongue. But he didn’t say a word until minutes later. “You’re blonde,” he said, running his fingers through my hair. “I like you as a brunette.”

  “Thought I’d change it up a little. Why, scared you won’t be able tell Samantha and I apart?” Oh my big fat fucking vomit diarrhea mouth!

  His cold stare made me nervous. It didn’t last long before his face softened. “I love you baby…so fucking much I can no longer think straight. I can’t live this shitty double life anymore.”

  He lifted my dress and took me one more time on my desk. This time slower, more agonizing but it was there, staring us both in the face. The love we had for each other. I wanted to ask what that meant. But he was inside me and this wasn’t Q & A time. No, it was time to enjoy my man for a moment, enjoy his touch, the weight of his body on mine.

  Fifteen minutes later we made our way out separately to the gymnasium. It was nearing the end of the night and Kaley and Carter were nowhere to be seen. Thank fuck. The lights dimmed further for the final song of the night. I stood there dateless as Adriana came to me, dragging Alex with her. “Okay, can you guys get along enough just to dance one song? Char, you’ll never forgive yourself for not having that final dance even if it’s not with your Prince Charming.”

  How ironic, I thought. She quickly darted off into the arms of Elijah which thankfully was on the opposite side of the room.

  “Sister’s orders.” He smirked.

  I reached for his hand as he pulled me in, trying his best not to smother me or allow our bodies to touch. The music played allowing me to think too much. About tonight, about us, about our future.

  “Are you okay? You’re kinda limping,” he teased.

  “Nice one. At least you don’t have jizz dripping down your leg.”

  “If I did I’d want you on your knees licking it all up.”

  The thought of licking him clean made my pussy contract. Oh fuck, now it was worse. Why did this feeling not ease? We fucked twice already!

  “Thanks. I think I just squirted more out after that comment.”

  “Wow, you sure know how to make a prom dance romantic.” He chuckled.

  I grinned and kept my mouth shut. It was time to enjoy this moment. This was the end of an era, time to move on and live life as a woman. To new beginnings, I thought. I watched the lights flickering against the Eiffel Tower, my mind lost in the lyrics that consumed me. There couldn’t have been better moment to bring up the question that burned within me, the one question that would make or break us.


  “Sshh…one day, my Charlotte, we will be in Paris dancing with everyone watching. I promise you, one day it will be our turn. I meant what I said in that room. We cannot be apart, Charlotte. Never.”

  And so in that moment he promised me a life together, promised me the world. I closed my eyes, imagining it was now, that people around us meant nothing and we were free. Free to show the world how much we loved each other and that nothing could tear us apart.

  Chapter 30


  This weekend left me questioning everything I believed in, everything I said I wouldn’t fall for again. I know I said nothing’s off limits but I meant sexually. This other attachment that sort of fell into place, well I didn’t expect that. I mean the hand holding, the tender kissing, stroking of the hair type gestures, and the constant questions about marriage. Fuck, it scared the shit out of me. I was drunk when he put that ring on my finger and I was happy to play along with the game but somewhere in the past few hours it went from fantasy to reality. He asked me if the problem was that I didn’t trust him. Did I? Of course he could have anyone he wanted and anyone who had a pussy wanted him. My insecurities were getting the better of me and I didn’t l
ike it one bit.

  As the magic show played in the background, I sat there dazed trying to put my thoughts together. This was a little too much. I watched him intently until he noticed that I was pulling away, that I was distracted by something else. He asked me what was wrong but I couldn't, not now, not this weekend. Instead I put on my best smile and big girl pants and asked him if he wanted to go on the Ferris wheel, just me and him. Nothing better than a slow amusement park ride to distract you from asking yourself ‘What if’.

  We paid for the tickets and jumped on the next carriage that arrived. It was a beautiful night with a clear sky. The moon was shining bright and if you stared long enough, you could catch a glimpse of a shooting star. There were only a few people riding it but no one in the carriages that immediately surrounded us. We sat there silently. He asked again if there was something wrong but I brushed him off and I knew I had to distract myself with something sexual because now was not the time to start chipping away at my walls. It was like he could read my mind.

  He pulled me in close to him and I couldn't help but smell his scent, intoxicating me. I placed my lips on his, kissing him. He returned the kiss and this is what we did until the Ferris wheel stopped because more people were getting on. I wanted more, something dirtier than just kissing on the Ferris wheel.

  I felt his hand graze my thigh but instead of lifting my dress, he slid his hand behind and under my ass. My body shivered in anticipation, the movement of the carriage, the warm breeze and the loud noises that surrounded us. He moved slowly until he found what he was looking for. I could see the turmoil in his eyes as he slowly slid a finger into my pussy. I gasped as he pushed in deeper. Closing my eyes momentarily, feeling the rush. He pulled me in closer so he could whisper in my ear.

  “Another finger?” he asked while nibbling on my ear.

  My thoughts were suddenly incoherent so I just nodded as he slid in another finger. I squeezed my legs tight which only added to the intensity. It wasn’t like he had small fingers, they were your typical man hands but again I wanted more. I wanted to push the boundaries that we never could push before.

  “Should I be a nice husband and make you cum on the Ferris wheel?”

  I turned to look at him, my eyes wild as I was borderline ready to explode. I moaned, my breaths deepening. Of course I wanted to cum, he had been teasing me all day. The carriage swayed as we sat at the top. I couldn’t admire the view, it was all a blur. There was no one around us, no one that could see us anyway.

  “Answer me,” he demanded.

  “Yes, make me cum...please.” I didn’t care that I was begging. I was already sitting in a pool of wetness and just this slight push, that’s all I needed as he thrust his third finger in and I could see it, the light at the end of the vagina tunnel. It was shining bright and it shone brighter and brighter until I was falling. Falling into a beautiful abyss. Struggling to control my body, I buckled in his embrace, bowing my head as I let the feeling take over me. I knew when I opened my eyes it would be over and I didn’t want to face that reality. My body started to gain its composure and slowly I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was his arousal that stood up like an eyesore, a beautiful eyesore mind you. He smiled at me while taking his fingers out and then he asked me to open my mouth. As he grazed my cheek with his other hand, he placed them inside my mouth demanding I suck my cum off his fingers. HOLY MOTHER FUCKING FUCK!!! And now we were back to square one again.

  I attempted to fix my dress so it wasn’t obvious that I got finger-fucked on the Ferris wheel. If anyone could spot that it would be Bull’s. So of course it wasn’t a surprise when Bull’s laughed at me on the way home, pulling me aside asking me if I enjoyed my Mark Wahlberg Reese Witherspoon moment. I swear she had some sex radar, it was frightening.

  It was a little after ten when we decided to head back home as Will looked tired. I felt the same after last night’s poker shenanigans. Of course Will was sugared up but after a few minutes he looked exhausted and started to complain about the long walk home. Lex offered to piggyback him to the house which he gladly accepted. Will went on and on about the magician and how cool it was when the rabbit disappeared. Lex smiled, nodding along with everything Will said.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Bull’s,” I said as she watched them.

  “Go on then, Charlie. What am I thinking?”

  “That I should stop. That he’s no good for me.”

  “I never said that.”

  “But I know that’s what you’re thinking.”

  She remained quiet after I said that. It was unusual for Bull’s to have no opinion. Really unusual. “Charlie... He’s not who I thought he was.”

  “Oh?” That surprised me. I was waiting for the ‘he’s a jerk that will just hurt you again’ speech. “Do you care to elaborate?”

  We were interrupted as Rocky put his arm around Bull’s and whispered something into her ear. She giggled and I knew I didn’t want to ask what he had said. I could have sworn I heard the word strap-on. Again I didn’t want to ask.

  Adriana and Elijah decided to take a walk along the beach while Bull’s and Rocky decided to stay in and watch a movie as Will went to bed. Lex asked me if I wanted to go for a ride on the bike. Of course I agreed, I loved to ride but for once I would be the passenger. I had to admit that would feel weird since I was always the driver but the thought of Lex wearing that helmet and riding a bike was sending my G-spot into a frenzy. God, my vag was such a traitor.

  We placed our helmets on as he started up the engine. He was beaming from the thrill of it all, racing in and out of the streets. I gripped him tight but decided that it would be fun to tease him. As he took on a straight part of the road, I slid my hands down to the top of his jeans. The moment I did I’m sure that it was no coincidence that I felt the engine roar. Slowly I slid them into the front of his jeans till his cock was lying firmly in my hands. I was obsessed with it. I wanted it twenty-four seven, in my mouth, my pussy, my ass…fucking everywhere. It was so hard but his skin so smooth at the same time. I tightened my grip and stroked him. I felt him accelerate on the bike and every time he did I just tightened my grip. Driving up through a windy road we ended up at the top of the cliffs which was a secluded area. He parked the bike so I pulled my hand out of his pants and jumped off, undoing my helmet. He did the same but with a force followed by roughly pulling me into him. He crashed his lips onto mine, thrusting his tongue in my mouth. He never stopped even to take a breath, sucking on my bottom lip as I struggled to breathe. The sheer force of it all took the wind from me and left my lips swollen.

  “You start it, you finish it.” He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed my head down to his cock. There was no waiting. He pushed it into my mouth and I took it all in, sucking greedily on him hard as he leaned against the bike. My saliva building up around him, making sounds as he arched his back. I took him as deep as I could; he tugged my hair, watching me. His eyes were on fire, his body tense as he struggled to hold on. This time I would push him over the edge.

  I pulled him out but continued stroking him. “Should I be a nice wife and make you cum here on the bike?”

  He groaned as I said the words, nodding his head as he was unable to form any type of coherent answer for me. I quickly took him back in knowing I didn’t have any time to spare. It was only seconds later that I felt that warm sweet taste hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed every drop, licking my lips as I finished him off, licking his cock clean.

  “Fuck, Charlotte,” he grunted, still gripping onto my hair.

  I buttoned his jeans up but his wrist caught mine. I looked him in the eye, I knew in true Lex-style this was far from over. A part of him that I absolutely loved, his stamina put porn stars to shame. “I don’t know why you are buttoning my jeans, this is far from over. Get your pussy on this bike and spread your beautiful legs,” he demanded.

  Well of course it would’ve been incredibly rude not to so I followed his instructions. A gorgeous man like Lex
tells you he is going to eat your pussy, you spread your legs faster than the speed of light. I sat there all spread out for him, waiting in anticipation. Waiting for the moment when his tongue touched my clit. He didn’t waste time, tasting me instantly. It didn’t matter that I came only a few hours ago, the intensity and buildup was still there. With every suck, every flick of my clit, I grunted unable to handle the buildup. He took his fingers and shoved them inside me, twisting them then removing them abruptly to suck on them. Watching him taste my pussy all over his fingers was the icing on the fucking sex cake. He tugged it gently pulling it with his teeth. He knew exactly what to do and how much to do to make me cum just right.

  My legs felt like Jelly, I could barely stand up. I turned around so my back was facing him. Leaning my body over the bike, he placed his thumb on my ass hole rubbing it slightly. With no control I felt my body caving again. He placed his cock at the entrance of my pussy, teasing it with the tip. I didn’t know what he was waiting for, so without hesitation I reached behind and forced it inside me. It wasn’t long before he sped up, thrusting hard, murmuring profanities in my ear. He gripped onto my ass cheeks squeezing them hard. He was losing control, and I loved every second of his weakness. It was overwhelming and he just kept fucking me harder and harder.

  “Charlotte, I can’t take this anymore. You are mine, you understand? I need to fuck this pussy whenever I want. This belongs to me and only me.” His words echoed through me. I wanted to be his but I wanted to be the only girl is his life. I needed that promise now more than ever.

  I screamed his name as I felt myself building up again, my legs started to shake and every part of me was covered in goose bumps. One more thrust, deeper and deeper he went until I came undone. He rode the wave out with me, coming inside my pussy. Our bodies slowed down, and the slower we got the more I ached. My muscles tightened, I could barely move. He pulled himself out slowly kissing my back as he did. Buttoning up his jeans, he leaned over and fixed my dress. “Do you need help?”


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