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The Monkey's Voyage

Page 41

by Alan de Queiroz

  295Plants must have ecological connections: Interactions between animals and plants that are both probably descended from overseas colonists are given here. In each case, the first reference is for the ecological interaction and the second for overwater colonization of South America by the plant taxon in question. Monkeys and Symphonia globulifera, Riba-Hernández and Stoner (2005), Dick et al. (2003); Oecomys rodents and Renealmia alpinia, Bizerril and Gastal (1997), Särkinen et al. (2007); Turdus thrushes and Miconia, Marcondes-Machado (2002), Renner et al. (2001); Turdus thrushes and Ocotea, Francisco and Galetti (2002), Chanderbali et al. (2001).

  297“What if?” scenarios: Gaddis (2002).

  298“Altered by an apparently insignificant jot or tittle . . . ”: Gould (1989), 289.

  301The famous “butterfly effect”: Gleick (1987), describing the work of the meteorologist Edward Lorenz.

  301Chaos theory—a research area: For applications of chaos theory to various population phenomena, see Gleick (1987). An early classic paper in this area is May (1974).


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