The Monkey's Voyage

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The Monkey's Voyage Page 44

by Alan de Queiroz

  O’Leary, Maureen A., et al. 2013. The placental mammal ancestor and the post-K-Pg radiation of placental mammals. Science 339, 662–667.

  Olmstead, Richard G., and Jeffrey D. Palmer. 1997. Implications for the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of Solanum from cpDNA restriction site variation. Systematic Botany 22, 19–29.

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  Osi, Attila, Richard J. Butler, and David B. Weishampel. 2010. A Late Cretaceous ceratopsian dinosaur from Europe with Asian affinities. Nature 465, 466–468.

  Overbye, Dennis. 2013. Universe as an infant: fatter than expected and kind of lumpy. New York Times, March 21, 2013.

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  Parada, Andrés, Ulyses F. J. Pardiñas, Jorge Salazar-Bravo, Guillermo D’Elía, and R. Eduardo Palma. 2013. Dating an impressive Neotropical radiation: molecular time estimates for the Sigmodontinae (Rodentia) provide insights into its historical biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66, 960–968.

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  Paterson, Adrian, Steve Trewick, Karen Armstrong, Julia Goldberg, and Anthony Mitchell. 2006. Recent and emergent: molecular analysis of the biota supports a young Chatham Islands. Pp. 27–29 in S. Trewick and M. J. Phillips, eds., Geology and Genes III (extended abstracts for papers presented at the Geogenes III Conference, Wellington, July 14, 2006). Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 121.

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  Pennington, R. Toby, Quentin C. B. Cronk, and James A. Richardson. 2004. Introduction and synthesis: plant phylogeny and the origin of major biomes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 359, 1455–1464.

  Pennington, R. Toby, and Christopher W. Dick. 2004. The role of immigrants in the assembly of the South American rainforest tree flora. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 359, 1611–1622.

  Phillips, Matthew J., Gillian C. Gibb, Elizabeth A. Crimp, and David Penny. 2010. Tinamous and moa flock together: mitochondrial genome sequence analysis reveals independent losses of flight among ratites. Systematic Biology 59, 90–107.

  Pillon, Yohan. 2012. Time and tempo of diversification in the flora of New Caledonia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 170, 288–298.

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  Poux, Céline, Pascale Chevret, Dorothée Huchon, Wilfried W. de Jong, and Emmanuel J. P. Douzery. 2006. Arrival and diversification of caviomorph rodents and platyrrhine primates in South America. Systematic Biology 55, 228–244.

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  Pramuk, Jennifer B., Tasia Robertson, Jack W. Sites Jr., and Brice P. Noonan. 2008. Around the world in 10 million years: biogeography of the nearly cosmopolitan true toads (Anura: Bufonidae). Global Ecology and Biogeography 17, 72–83.

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  Price, Jonathan P., and David A. Clague. 2002. How old is the Hawaiian biota? Geology and phylogeny suggest recent divergence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269, 2429–2435.

  Pyron, R. Alexander, and Frank T. Burbrink. 2011. Extinction, ecological opportunity, and the origins of global snake diversity. Evolution 66, 163–178.

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  Renner, Susanne S. 2004a. Plant dispersal across the tropical Atlantic by wind and sea currents. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165, suppl. 4, S23–S33.

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  Renner, Susanne S., G. Clausing, and K. Meyer. 2001. Historical biogeography of Melastomataceae: the roles of Tertiary migration and long-distance dispersal. American Journal of Botany 88, 1290–1300.

  Riba-Hernández, Pablo, and Kathryn E. Stoner. 2005. Massive destruction of Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae) flowers by Central American spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Biotropica 37, 274–278.

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  Rinderknecht, Andrés, and R. Ernesto Blanco. 2008. The largest fossil rodent. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275, 923–928.

  Rivadavia, Fernando, V. F. O. de Miranda, G. Hoogenstrijd, F. Pinheiro, G. Heubl, and A. Fleischmann. 2012. Is Drosera meristocaulis a pygmy sundew? Evidence of a long-distance dispersal between western Australia and northern South America. Annals of Botany 110, 11–21.

  Rivadavia, Fernando, Katsuhiko Kondo, Masahiro Kato, and Mitsuyasu Hasebe. 2003. Phylogeny of the sundews, Drosera (Droseraceae), based on chloroplast rbcL and nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. American Journal of Botany 90, 123–130.

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  Rocha, Sara, Miguel A. Carretero, Miguel Vences, Frank Glaw, and D. James Harris. 2006. Deciphering patterns of transoceanic dispersal: the evolutionary origin and biogeography of coastal lizards (Cryptoblepharus) in the Western Indian Ocean region. Journal of Biogeography 33, 13–22.

  Rodríguez-Trelles, Francisco, Rosa Tarrío, and Francisco J. Ayala. 2004. Molecular clocks: whence and whither? Pp. 5–26 in P. C. J. Donoghue and M. Paul Smith, eds., Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

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  Rossie, James B., and Erik R. Seiffert. 2006. Continental paleobiogeography as phylogenetic evidence. Pp. 469–522 in S. M. Lehman and J. G. Fleagle, eds., Primate Biogeography. Springer, New York.

  Rossin, Maria, Juan T. Timi, and Eric P. Hoberg. 2010. An endemic Taenia from South America: validation of T. talicei Dollfus, 1960 (Cestoda: Taeniidae) with characterization of metacestodes and adults. Zootaxa 2636, 49–58.

  Rowe, Diane L., Katherine A. Dunn, Ronald M. Adkins, and Rodney L. Honeycutt. 2010. Molecular clocks keep dispersal hypotheses afloat: evidence for trans-Atlantic rafting by rodents. Journal of Biogeography 37, 305–324.

  Rubinoff, Daniel, and William P. Haines. 2005. Web-spinning caterpillar stalks snails. Science 309, 575.

  Rubinoff, Daniel, and Patrick Schmitz. 2010. Multiple aquatic invasions by an endemic, terrestrial Hawaiian moth radiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 5903–5906.

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  Samonds, Karen E., Laurie R. Godfrey, Jason R. Ali, Steven M. Goodman, Miguel Vences, Michael R. Sutherland, Mitchell T. Irwin, and David W. Krause. 2012. Spatial and temporal arrival patterns of Madagascar’s vertebrate fauna explained by distance, ocean currents, and ancestor type. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109, 5352–5357.

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  Sanmartín, Isabel, and Fredrik Ronquist. 2004. Southern Hemisphere biogeography inferred by event-based models: plant versus animal patterns. Systematic Biology 53, 216–243.

  Sanmartín, Isabel, Livia Wanntorp, and Richard C. Winkworth. 2007. West Wind Drift revisited: testing for directional dispersal in the Southern Hemisphere using event-based tree fitting. Journal of Biogeography 34, 398–416.

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  Särkinen, Tiina E., Mark F. Newman, Paul J. M. Maas, Hiltje Maas, Axel D. Poulsen, David J. Harris, James E. Richardson, Alexandra Clark, Michelle Hollingsworth, and R. Toby Pennington. 2007. Recent oceanic long-distance dispersal and divergence in the amphi-­Atlantic rain forest genus Renealmia L.f. (Zingiberaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44, 968–980.

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