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For the Love of Music (Sixty Minute Romance)

Page 5

by Naomi Davies

  “It’s much better. I can see over all the other cars.” Said Sandy.

  Anne got into the car and they were off. Anne still didn’t drive which made days like today difficult, but as long as she lived on the outskirts of London and near the tube, it didn’t create too many problems. She handed Sandy forty pounds for petrol and they chatted away about Paulo, Giorgio and Ed and other men from their past. Sandy’s list of men was huge and full of disasters and problems. Paulo had rescued her, from a sad litany of short term boyfriends. They were due to get married in a few months’ time. Anne had only ever had a few boyfriends and only Giorgio had come close to being serious.

  “Paulo said that Giorgio will be coming home soon.” Said Sandy, looking for a reaction from Anne.

  “And how would he know that?” Asked Anne, somewhat suspiciously.

  “I don’t know. He must have got a phone call or something.” Replied Sandy. She never asked the right questions. Anne decided that Giorgio was an inappropriate subject of discussion today and they sat quietly for the last part of the journey.

  It turned out, that Stoke Mandeville Hospital is like the centre of the world, on Sundays. Everyone wants to come and see their loved ones on a Sunday. So it took about half an hour to find a parking space big enough, for Sandy’s giant Toyota 4 X 4. Most of the spaces were way too small. Anne got out, and slowly and nervously, guided Sandy into the space they eventually found.

  As they walked towards the entrance the Colonel came out, now back in full uniform. He saw Anne and came across quickly. Without thinking he hugged her and kissed her on both cheeks before standing back.

  “You are a very lucky girl, Miss Richardson.” He said.

  “I am?” Asked Anne. Blushing at the Colonel’s unusually warm greeting.

  “Sorry, I mean that Ed has pulled through and is out of danger. It’s very good news.” The Colonel was finding it difficult to remain calm, correct and in charge. He obviously had great affection for all his men, including Ed.

  “That’s great; I’ll go and see him then. See you soon Colonel.” Said Anne

  “I like that Colonel, he’s a dish isn’t he?” Said Sandy.

  Anne had left Sandy behind and rushed in through the front doors. She waved to the girl on reception, who was the one she saw on the Friday. Sandy was having problems keeping up with Anne, such was her urgency to see Ed. She wanted to see for herself, that he was well. Anne turned into Ed’s ward and squealed in shock at the site of Giorgio, sat next to Ed chatting. Giorgio jumped up from his chair.

  “It’s not you is it?” He asked seriously.

  “Of course it’s me, what do you mean, why are you here?”

  “I’m here to see my mate Ed.” Said Giorgio.

  “He can’t’ be your mate. Ed, he’s not your mate, is he?” Anne was a bit flushed and frantic.

  “Wow, this is the best crash I’ve ever seen for ages.” Said Ed quietly and almost in awe.

  “Giorgio! What are you doing here?” Sandy had caught up and entered the ward.

  “Just catching up with my old buddy Ed. I had no idea, that the girl he has been talking about all morning was you Anne.” Giorgio was equally stunned. There was a clear ‘penny dropping’ look on his face, as he pieced together Ed’s description of Anne, and realised that she was the musician friend he had been talking about for the last hour.

  Anne looked at Ed as if to ask a question.

  “Don’t look at me; I had no idea that you knew Giorgio. Why would I?” Ed was still smiling and obviously finding the whole situation very funny.

  “Well I can see that you are a whole lot better today Ed.” Said Anne. She meant it to sound bland but it came out much better than that.

  “I was very worried about you Ed.” Said Anne quietly and meaningfully.

  “Yeh well, the doc’s have found out what went wrong. As soon as they changed around the stuff they were pumping into me, I started to get better. I’ll be out in a few days.” Ed was still talking quietly and a bit weakly, but he was obviously out of danger. A nurse popped her head around the door to see what the noise was about.

  “Keep it down a bit, please.” She said to the room and then turned heel and left.

  The next twenty minutes, were some of the strangest that Anne had ever experienced. She mainly spoke with Ed, while Sandy and Giorgio talked about old times and how Paulo was. She was talking on one level to Ed but she wanted to talk about other things. Having Sandy and Giorgio there made that impossible. So they talked about the weather at least three times and even discussed where they liked to go on holiday. It was not a good visit for Anne, but Ed seemed to be enjoying it fully. He had a twinkle in his eyes and seemed unable to stop smiling.

  As they were beginning to run out of conversation, a small but spritely older lady entered the ward. She was surprised to see the room so full of visitors. She spoke quickly and lucidly.

  “I’m so glad my boy has so many friends. It’s lovely to see you all.” It should have been an awkward moment but it was not. Two minutes later Ed’s sister walked in and Anne’s embarrassment was complete. Her name was Fiona and she was a bit younger than Ed. She was quite short and very slim. Her flouncy, red, floral dress was perfect for her. Everyone shook hands and spoke to each other very easily. It was a curious few minutes and Anne could see Ed looked very contented. At one point he caught Anne’s eye, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘this is not a set up, it just happened’.

  Ed’s mum was keen for everyone to stay, but in the end they made their excuses, and the three of them left Ed alone with his mum and Fiona. Giorgio gave Ed a hug and it only seemed natural for Sandy and Anne to give him a hug. Anne was very moved by this parting and confused in her feelings.

  “Thanks for coming.” Ed whispered to Anne as they parted.

  As they walked away from the ward Sandy suggested a coffee at the café.

  “It would be good to catch up on old times.” Said Sandy.

  Anne was not quite so sure that she wanted to do this, but as Sandy was driving she went along with the idea.

  Chapter Six

  Sandy left Anne with Giorgio at the table and went to get the drinks.

  “So how long have you known Ed?” She asked.

  “We trained together in Exmouth, Devon about ten years ago. Paulo was also on the same team as us. It’s where we all met.”

  Sandy came back with a tray of drinks and goodies.

  “So have you kept in contact with Ed all this time?” Sandy asked.

  “Yes, I have. He dropped off the radar about a year ago and I didn’t know why. Paulo found out that he had been smashed about and sent home. It’s pretty shocking to see him now.” Explained Giorgio.

  “How did Paulo find out?” Sandy was getting a bit suspicious of the story being told.

  Giorgio looked up towards Anne and then Sandy.

  “The Colonel keeps us informed of everyone involved with the Afghan drugs supply run. Paulo met up with the Colonel a few weeks ago, to learn that Ed was here.”

  “So Paulo is still working with you? He hasn’t given up his job on the front line?” Asked Sandy hurriedly.

  “I’m sorry Sandy, he has definitely changed jobs. It’s just that there were a lot of loose ends to tie up after the Maldives operation. He couldn’t just walk away.” Giorgio was making a bad show of explaining things.

  “Well excuse me while I make a call and tie up some loose ends of my own.” Sandy almost ran out of the café to phone Paulo.

  “Well you put your foot in it there, didn’t’ you?” Said Anne.

  “It’s actually better that Sandy knows the truth. Paulo has been covering his back for months now, trying to make sure Sandy didn’t know.” Explained Giorgio.

  “And you are a friend of Ed. It couldn’t get any better really.” Said Anne.

  “I had no idea you were the music girl he was talking about. I just didn’t put two and two together and think of you.” Giorgio was beginning to squi

  “You certainly didn’t think of me. You haven’t emailed me or called once since we broke up. That is what I call a clean break.” Anne realised that she had no romantic feelings left for Giorgio, but for some reason wanted to give him a hard time.

  “We broke up, Anne. We agreed not to make contact.” Giorgio was accurate in this, but he was still in the wrong as far as Anne was concerned.

  Sandy returned and plopped herself down in her chair.

  “He’s not answering, wouldn’t you know.” Sandy glanced at Anne. Anne took hold of her hand and they both looked accusingly at Giorgio.

  “Hey! I’m just visiting my mate Ed in hospital, that’s all I’m here for. Nice to catch up with you both.”

  Giorgio stood up and kissed both Anne and Sandy on the cheeks before leaving in a hurry.

  “I can’t believe I went out with him.” Said Anne convincingly.

  “It was just lust mixed with danger, pure and simple.”

  “I think you are right.” Anne shook herself and picked up Sandy’s hand again.

  “What am I going to do with Ed. What did you think about him?” Anne really wanted to know.

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. I know what you think about him. You might as well give it up and go on a date with him. Spend some time with him. You will never know what he is like, unless you spend some decent time with him. The whole one leg thing and the mixed up brain might not matter so much, if you get to know him.” Sandy was right. Anne knew it.

  “I’ll go back and see him for a minute. I saw his mum and Fiona leaving. Is it alright to stay a bit longer?” Asked Anne.

  “I’ll stay here and prepare my ammunition for Paulo.” Replied Sandy.

  “Just remember that you love him and that he is the one for you.” Said Anne.

  “That is precisely why he will get a proper telling off from me. I’m already looking forward to it.” Anne made her way back to the ward and found to her relief that Ed was alone.

  “Hi Ed. You OK?” Anne couldn’t think of anything sensible to say.

  “You and Giorgio, eh? That was a bit of a curve ball.” Said Ed.

  “I’d rather not talk about it.” Said Anne.

  “You and me both.” Ed was recovering fast.

  “So how about a date? That’s why you are here, right?” Asked Ed.

  “How did you work that out?” Asked Anne surprised.

  “It was the love doctor Colonel; he is a real match maker on the quiet. He told me I should ask you out for a date. We’ll see how good he really is.”

  “Hm, I need to reassess that Colonel. He is not quite who he says he is.” Said a smiling Anne.

  “We all love him here, he has helped mend so many messed up guys like me, you wouldn’t believe. It’s such a shame he is retiring in a few weeks’ time. The new guy is good, but the Colonel is the best.” Ed said this so plainly without any edge. Anne had rarely heard such a speech of devotion, man about man. There were a few moments of silence between them. Anne took a deep breath and brought things back to their date.

  “So about this date.” Anne said.

  “My oh my, you are keen.” Said Ed.

  “It’s more about getting it over and done with.” Said Anne in retaliation.

  “Give me your mobile number and I’ll call you as soon as the geeks say I am fit.” Said Ed.

  Anne typed her number into Ed’s smart phone and made to go.

  “I liked it better the last time you left. I got a hug that time.” Said Ed.

  Anne laughed and hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks before walking to the door. She turned around and gave a little wave.

  “I’ll call you! Yes I will! I’ll call you! Yes I will!” Anne could hear Ed shout at the top of his voice as she walked down the corridor. She laughed out loud and then tried to act cool as she made her way to meet Sandy in the Café. A wide grin wouldn’t leave her face and she laughed quietly to herself as she rounded the corner to meet Sandy.

  “I would say looking at your face that your mission is accomplished. You have a date. Right?” Sandy also had a stupid grin on her face.

  “Right! Let’s get out of here.” Anne replied. They walked out arm in arm and giggling like teenagers.

  Chapter Seven

  Ten days later, Ed called Anne and arranged to go out for a meal with her. It felt a bit like an anti-climax, especially after the emotional turmoil of Ed being rushed to hospital and being in intensive care. But it was good to be moving on to the next stage in their possible relationship. Anne had run out of things to do at work and the Kovergirls had no major gigs until the end of the summer, when they would be doing the Replay Festival. So the date with Ed started to take on a huge significance in her thoughts. She spent ages shopping for the perfect outfit and discussing with Sandy how she should look.

  Friday night came and Ed arrived on time in his new car. It was a specially adapted Kia Sorrento. He rang her on the mobile to save him getting out of the car. It could take a few minutes with his new leg to manoeuver himself in and out of the car. Anne came out of her house and jumped into the passenger seat.

  “Hi Ed. This is a lovely car.” Said Anne.

  “It’s great, isn’t it? I feel so much more in control when I have my own wheels. I just have to get used to an automatic. I’ve never had one before. You look great, by the way.” Ed was in a good mood.

  “Just something I threw on.” Said Anne lying.

  Ed was wearing a very smart and expensive looking casual bomber jacket over some cream coloured slacks. His black shoes were highly polished.

  “We look like a pair of kids going to our first prom. I’ve never spent so much time and money on getting ready for a date.” Said Ed.

  “Well let’s make it a good one then.” Laughed Anne.

  “I have more good news. I am now an outpatient from the hospital and have moved back in with my Mum and sister Fiona.”

  “That’s really good news Ed. Well done.”

  “I’m beginning to feel normal again.” He was full of positivity and enthusiasm.

  Ed drove them to an Italian restaurant he knew and parked in the disabled car park round the back.

  “You can’t park here, it’s for…Oh.” Anne was shocked at herself.”

  “Thank you. That’s the nicest thing you have said to me for ages. Certainly better than your ‘Where’s your wheelchair’ line.” Ed was enjoying Anne’s mistake.

  “I’m an idiot Ed. Take me home immediately.” Said Anne feeling really stupid.

  “Not likely, it’s taken months of heartache to get you here. I’m not taking you back now.” Ed helped Anne out of the car and they slowly walked together to the reception area of the restaurant. It was evident that Ed was a regular and knew the owner, Felipe. Ed and Anne were given a royal welcome and taken to their table personally by Felipe.

  “You are most welcome Miss Anne. Ed is one of our honoured customers. It is our honour to have you here with him. You must meet my wife. I will go and get her.”

  “Thank you.” Said Anne, hardly knowing what else to say. She tried to imagine what Felipe’s wife would be like. She got it completely wrong.

  “Felipe knows my family and we come here quite often. His ways are a bit quaint and old fashioned but you wait until you taste the food.” Ed explained. Five minutes later Felipe introduced his wife Maria to Anne. She was definitely not what Anne was expecting. She was dark and tall and looked to have the body of an athlete. She was dressed in a sleek and simple black dress and had bright red high heeled shoes on. Her hair was long and black and immaculately cut and groomed. She could have been an Italian model.

  “She used to be a model.” Ed whispered to Anne.

  “I am going to love you, look at you. We could be sisters.” She compared the length of her hair to Anne’s. Maria’s accent was very thick and strong. Maria seemed to like Anne right away. She pulled her from her seat and, arm in arm; she showed her the kitchens and the backrooms of the restaur
ant. Then they went upstairs to the private flat, to see some photos of Felipe and Maria and their family in Italy. They returned after a good ten minutes tour and Anne sat back down with Ed. The welcome was overwhelming but did serve to put both Ed and Anne at ease. The restaurant was quite small and Felipe and Maria were now needed to welcome other diners as they arrived.

  “Do you trust me to order?” Asked Ed.

  “I don’t know.” Said Anne.

  “You must learn to trust me.” When Felipe came over to give them the menus, Ed said to him.

  “We’ll have your recommendations Felipe.” Felipe’s face glowed in appreciation of an artist being allowed free reign with his palette.

  “You will not be disappointed Miss Anne.” Felipe went about his business and finally Ed and Anne had time to themselves.

  “This is quite a place here.” Said Anne.

  “I love coming here. It’s ridiculously expensive but I always get looked after here. Felipe knew my father and he has always remembered me because of that.”

  “Where is your father now?” Anne asked.

  “Oh, he died a couple of years ago. He was a lot older than my mum who you met the other day.

  “Oh I’m sorry to hear that.” Anne said the right thing.

  “It’s OK. All part of life really.” This evening Ed had no edge to him. He was very relaxed and easy to talk to. They talked nonstop for three hours, while being very well looked after by Felipe and his waiters. It was as if the floodgates had opened and they had a lifetime of things to talk about. Ed found out about how Sandy and Paulo had been set up by Anne and Giorgio in the Maldives. He found it very amusing to imagine Paulo settling down. Ed actually knew both Paulo and Giorgio very well and it was interesting for Anne to hear about them in the past.


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