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What a Girl Wants

Page 27

by Kristin Billerbeck

  I look over at Chip who is sniffing nervously, like a pig looking for truffles. Most likely, he’s wondering where he can find marijuana to get through the night. “Not in this lifetime. Besides, Brea and John are here,” I say.

  “Like they want you around,” Dave laughs.

  My mother stands beside me. “Ashley, what was so funny?”

  “I’m just happy for Dave, that’s all, Mom.”

  “We all are.” My mom smiles. Dave takes Mei Ling out to the dance floor and the two of them have their first slow dance. Before the first toast. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she, Ashley?”

  “She is,” I agree. My mom has a dreamy look on her face, and I can’t remember the last time I saw her this happy. “You’re happy for them, huh, Mom?”

  She has tears in her gray eyes. “I’m always happy when my children are happy. That’s all I ever want.” She turns and faces me. “That’s why I worry so much about you in that job. I never know if it truly makes you happy or if it is just a way to buy more of those expensive clothes you wear.”

  “I lost my job this week, Mom.” I’m waiting for the inevitable, her extreme disappointment at yet another of my failures. Never mind that she just said that she worried over me at—



  “I’m glad you lost that job. That’s no life, traipsing all over the world and racing to get gadgets on the store shelves. You’re too good for that kind of life, Ashley. If you enjoyed it, that would be one thing, but I think you were just too good at something you didn’t enjoy. That’s always the way it was with you. If you tried anything, you succeeded. You need to make sure the next thing you try is something you like.”

  “You’re not worried about me? Financially or otherwise?”

  She looks me square in the eye. “Did I ever tell you why I named you after Ashley Wilkes?”

  “There’s a reason?”

  “Of course there’s a reason,” my mother says. “Ashley Wilkes always did the right thing. When faced with temptation and trials, he always rose up and did the right thing. Not always the most successful thing, but always the best thing.” She fluffs her corsage a bit. “Some may see him as the weak character, but he was strong because he gave everything of himself for others. Even as a baby, you were so strong-willed. You came out of the womb barking orders, and I’ve always wanted to see that drive put to good use.”

  I knew she wasn’t stupid. But I never knew just how intelligent she really was. Here is proof. There is a legitimate reason behind my ridiculous name. “I think you should have been named Ashley, Mom.” I kiss her on the cheek, and I see a single tear roll down her face.

  “Bless your heart, dear. I was put on earth to raise two wonderful children who find their purpose. And look at you both!” She rubs my cheek with the back of her fingers. She used to do that when I was a child and it brings me immediate peace.

  “Well, my purpose can’t be shopping at Bloomingdale’s, since I’m unemployed,” I joke.

  “You’ll find another job. You’re too smart to do otherwise, but do me a favor and find your passion first.” She winks, and takes off to grab my father for the dance floor.

  The DJ is playing a little swinging Glenn Miller from the ’40s, my absolute favorite. Is there anyone who can hear “In the Mood” and not get happy? I think I was born in the wrong era.

  Suddenly, watching my parents and my brother, the music overtakes me. Remembering how much fun I had at karaoke, I head to the center of the dance floor a la carte and start to swing. “Na na-na, Na na-na, Na-na-nah, whap wha! Sing it with me now!” I’m all over the dance floor relishing in the happy notes, and I don’t care who’s watching. I can see Brea laughing and the DJ just assumes I’m drunk, as so many seem to do these days. I lift my hands high in the air, ’40s style, and grab people’s hands as I dance by.

  This is better than any fantasy scene of my creation. This is living life the way God intended: without fear or trepidation. Mental note: I am Ashley Wilkes Stockingdale, single, unemployed patent attorney, and Reason Extraordinaire!


  I spin around and see Seth. My heart nearly stops. I blink my eyes several times, but the image doesn’t disappear. “Is that you, Seth?”

  “It’s me.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You invited me. So did Brea. She said we had unfinished business.”

  I look over to Brea and tear up immediately. “She said that?”

  Seth looks around. “Is Kevin here?”

  I shake my head. “In the Mood” ends, and “I Love You for Sentimental Reasons” begins. Seth takes me into his arms, and I cuddle into the curve of his neck, sniffing his cologne. Who would have guessed that Seth owned cologne?

  Now I admit this song could make me get cozy with Chip Standish, but my head is happily resting on Seth’s shoulder.

  “Was your layover longer than you expected?” I ask.

  “Ashley, I’m tired of that. I’m not here because of my layover, or my cheap flight. Okay?”

  I pull away. “Why then?”

  “You have the nerve to call me clueless!” Seth says. And then he stops dancing and just stares at me with those brilliant eyes of his. My body is all aquiver, and I know now what John feels when he looks at Brea.

  He reaches down, cupping my face into his hands, and kisses me full on the mouth. My toes curl up, and every part of me feels tingly and alive. “Do that again,” I say, and he presses his lips to mine and we kiss and we kiss and we kiss . . . Then, he looks up and sees my family staring at me like I’m Vegas’ main attraction. I am not Celine Dion. Don’t let the hair fool you.

  Mental note: When four years of stored-up passion bursts forth, make sure your family isn’t there to witness it.

  He presses my head back to his shoulder and continues our dance. “You deserve the right words. The right emotions.”

  You know, I just feel everything with Seth. The words suddenly are not as important to me as they once were. Being next to him is so natural, yet exhilarating, all at once. My heart is pounding in my ears to think what he might say. I look up at him expectantly.

  “I adore you, Ashley Wilkes Stockingdale. When I think about going to Arizona without you, my chest hurts. It would be more than a desert for me.”

  Be still my heart. I’m shaking like a Chihuahua. He’s giving me the words! The Words!

  “I’m staying in Silicon Valley to see where this leads.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not the unemployment office, because right now, we both have a little job issue. A dry spell, if you will.”

  “All the more time to explore what we really feel—and eat out on a coupon.” Seth laughs, then leans down and kisses me again. All is right with the world.

  All is right? I’m unemployed, a bridesmaid again, and in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is nothing like I wanted, and everything I needed. Who would have thought? It’s been right here in front of my nose all along.

  What a girl wants is God’s will for her life.

  Nothing else even compares.




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