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The Significant

Page 48

by Kyra Anderson

  But the breath of fresh air did not last long.

  As the war moved into the fifth month, Rayal pulled Kailynn into his office.

  “We have to talk,” he said seriously, locking the door and turning on the scrambler to keep anyone from eavesdropping.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Kailynn asked hurriedly. “Did we not get the support troops from Kreon?”

  “No, no, they showed up late last night,” he assured, sitting across from her and sighing heavily. “You have been on edge for months, so I’m a little worried about talking to you.”

  “We’re at war!” Kailynn hissed. “Am I supposed to be at ease?”

  “No,” Rayal said. “But something’s wrong. Something else is bothering you.”

  Kailynn sighed heavily and rubbed her face, groaning.

  “I’m scared, okay?”

  “About what?”

  “This asshole General Decius.”

  “He hasn’t even entered Tiao territory.”

  “Yeah, but…” Kailynn closed her eyes. “Isa told me…the truth about how Colonel Amori died.”

  Rayal’s eyes widened.

  “She told you?”

  “Yeah…” Kailynn groaned again, rubbing her face, trying to focus her thoughts. “I just…how am I supposed to handle that information? I don’t know what to do with it.”

  “It took me a long time to come to terms with it, as well,” Rayal said with a knowing nod.

  “And she didn’t even shoot him,” Kailynn whispered. “She stabbed him.”

  “Twenty-four times,” Rayal hissed. Kailynn choked hearing the number. “She snapped. Apparently there is a breaking point for Elites, and Colonel Amori found it.”

  “Fuck…” Kailynn breathed. “She said she was worried that General Decius would do worse than kill her. What did she mean?”

  “Probably that he would try to do the same thing Colonel Amori did.”

  “Take over Tiao?”

  Rayal nodded. “Take over Tiao, destroy the Alliance and Venus, enslave half the system…” Rayal sighed heavily. “She’s trying to figure out the best way to deal with the war without bringing him close.” He closed his eyes. “Which is why…”


  “Why the last thing I want is for her to be distracted,” Rayal said slowly.

  “By what?”


  Kailynn blinked in surprise at the former caretaker.

  “What the hell are you saying?”

  “I need you to remain calm,” Rayal started.

  “Are you about to tell me to leave again? Because I’m not going anywhere!”


  “No, I’m not leaving!”

  “Kailynn!” Rayal snapped. “Shut up and listen to me!”

  Kailynn went quiet.

  “I screwed up,” he said slowly.


  “We’ve been working endlessly on this war and monitoring all of our connections and learning what Gihron is doing that I…I fell asleep here last night…as a result of me being unconscious and not paying attention…some footage got into Venus’ mainframe.”

  Kailynn stared at Rayal for a few moments, trying to figure out what he was talking about. He looked at her apologetically.

  “I’m sorry, Kailynn. I really am.”

  Kailynn’s stomach turned violently in her abdomen and her heart fell. Fear consumed her entire being. She leaned forward, her world spinning around her.

  “Venus knows?” she choked. “About Isa and me?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Does Isa know?”

  “I don’t know,” he said honestly.

  Kailynn stood and ran out the door, even as Rayal called to her. However, he did not chase her.

  Kailynn did not bother to find a vehicle to get to the Syndicate Building. She climbed to the surface of the city and ran along the walkways toward the Syndicate Building. She barged into the front door and was immediately stopped by the guards. With the repairs done to the building, the security office of the Syndicate Building had grown and the robots would not let her pass through the doors without providing a retinal scan and a blood sample. Her heart was racing in her chest, making it hard to breathe as she pricked her finger on the reader and looked into the retinal scanner.

  When she was cleared as having access to the building, she ran through the doors, weaving around the robots and operators, startling everyone she passed.

  Ignoring the elevator, Kailynn ran for the stairs, passing Chronus on the way.

  “Kailynn?” he called. She ignored him, slipping into the stairway and climbing the steps two at a time. She made it to Isa’s office and angrily jabbed the button to open the door.

  Isa turned, surprised to see a flushed and flustered Kailynn dart into the room.

  “She knows.”

  “Who knows what?” Isa asked, watching Kailynn pace by the desk, running her hands through her hair quickly, her nails scraping her scalp.

  “Venus knows about us,” Kailynn panted.

  Isa blinked several times, startled by the news.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Rayal said that some footage of us got into her mainframe last night.”


  “Oh?!” Kailynn snapped. “That’s all you can say?!”

  “If it’s already in her mainframe, then she knows,” Isa said simply. “But it’s clearly not an urgent matter to her, because she did not contact me.”

  Kailynn stared at Isa, her mind blank.

  “How can you be so fucking calm?!” She began pacing again. “Shit, shit, shit. This is really bad. This is really fucking bad.”

  “Kailynn,” Isa called, walking to the younger woman.

  “Fuck, this is bad,” Kailynn muttered, stopping when Isa took her wrists, pulling her hands from her hair. “She’s going to have me killed.”

  Isa squeezed her hands and looked her in the eye.

  “No, she won’t,” she said strongly. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Kailynn shook her head.

  “She knows…” she whispered. “She knows, Isa.”

  The Elite leaned forward and kissed Kailynn slowly, holding the younger woman close, trying to keep her still to slow her heartbeat.

  When she pulled away, Kailynn’s terrified tears started falling down her face.

  “Gihron wants you dead, and Venus wants me dead,” Kailynn breathed.

  Isa kissed Kailynn once more, pushing her back until her hips hit the desk. Isa’s lips parted from Kailynn’s, her breath fanning over Kailynn’s heated mouth.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Isa repeated. “I promise.” She captured Kailynn’s lips once more. “Gihron wants me dead, but I’m still alive. We’re going to win this war. If Venus wants you dead, I’ll wage war on her, too.”

  Kailynn closed her eyes and leaned her head against Isa’s.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too,” Isa responded, taking Kailynn’s chin and lifting her head once more to kiss her. Kailynn wrapped her arms around Isa’s neck as they kissed. Isa’s hands dropped to Kailynn’s hips and she picked her up, pushing her back to sit on the desk, knocking files aside. Isa pushed her hips between Kailynn’s legs, her fingers tight on Kailynn’s hips as she held their bodies together,

  Kailynn moaned, breaking the kiss as her head fell back, her body shuddering, Isa’s lips immediately began working over the flesh of Kailynn’s neck, one hand skimming up Kailynn’s body to palm her breast.

  “Isa…” Kailynn gasped. “We’re in your office…”

  The Elite chuckled against Kailynn’s neck.

  “Venus already knows, doesn’t she?”

  Kailynn smiled at Isa’s risky behavior, her body lighting on fire at the danger. Adrenaline was pushing her senses to new heights. Each touch on her body, the gentle tickling of Isa’s breath on her skin, the heat of Isa’s body as is pressed
against her—all of it made Kailynn’s head swim with sensation.

  Isa’s hand dropped down Kailynn’s body and her fingers slipped past the waistband of Kailynn’s pants, pressing into the warm flesh between her legs. Kailynn gasped and her body bowed, sending more files scattering to the floor. She let out a choked moan as Isa’s fingers expertly worked their magic.

  Kailynn grabbed the back of Isa’s neck and forced the Elite to her, crashing their lips together. Isa’s fingers slipped deeper into Kailynn, her thumb pressing into the sensitive clit, slowly moving it under the pad of her finger, varying the pressure.

  Kailynn wailed wantonly into Isa’s mouth, her hips bucking against the Elite’s hand.

  All at once, her body snapped and the overwhelming pleasure wracked her nerves. She let out a choked sound and fell back on the desk, shaking and trembling as her muscles sang in bliss. Isa smiled and leaned over Kailynn as she recovered, peppering kisses to her neck.

  When she felt Kailynn moving, she backed away.

  Kailynn’s arm was extended completely, her middle finger high in the air.

  “What are you doing?” Isa chuckled, confused, watching Kailynn move the insult around in the air.

  “I don’t know where the cameras are in here, but I’m letting Venus know exactly what I think of her,” Kailynn said, continuing to wave the finger to different portions of the room.

  Isa laughed richly, leaning forward and pressing her forehead to Kailynn’s.

  For all her efforts calming Kailynn down, Isa was extremely worried about Venus finding out about their relationship. The computer contacted her late in the night, telling her to report to the audience hall first thing in the morning.

  Isa decided not to tell Kailynn about the upcoming meeting. She spent several hours that evening in her office, working diligently on her computer. Kailynn found her in there past midnight, asking her if she was coming to bed. Isa smiled and said that she would be in shortly, but she was still in her office four hours later.

  Isa caught a few hours of rest, but her mind was too busy to be silenced for a restful sleep.

  She went to the Syndicate Building early in the morning, but was surprised when she approached the doors of the audience hall and saw Remus, waiting for her.

  “You’re here early,” she noted.

  Remus sighed heavily, straightening from leaning against the wall and taking a few steps toward her.

  “Venus contacted me last night,” he said slowly. “She told me to be here early, in case you needed to be contained.”


  “Because she’s going to discuss your current affair,” Remus said. “And, from past experience, she knows how you get when you are ordered to do something you don’t want to do.”

  Isa let out a broken chuckle, her eyes dropping to the ground.

  “She clearly doesn’t know you well enough,” Remus continued. “I don’t know what makes her think you would listen to me.”

  “I often do listen to you,” she murmured.

  Remus pursed his lips.

  “I don’t want you in danger,” he said slowly. “When we were young and stupid, your rebellious spirit was enthralling, but the thought of you gone…it hurts so much I can hardly breathe. I don’t know if I could live if I lost you.” Remus dropped his eyes to the ground. “But I always loved you most when you were being exactly who you were meant to be.”

  Isa stared at Remus, silent for a few seconds.

  “Loved?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Remus said with a nod. “Everyone knows I’m degenerate. There’s no point in trying to pretend like I’m not.” He looked at Isa seriously. “I’ve always loved you, and I still love you. I always will.” He smiled, though there was a painful edge to the grin. “I don’t want you to be any less than who you are, and if that means you declare war on Venus, then you know I’ll stand right beside you.”

  Isa smiled, taking a deep breath.

  “I love you, too, Remus.”

  “I know you do.”

  He began walking away from the door to the audience hall when Isa stopped him.

  “Remus?” He turned back to her. “Do you think, had Colonel Amori not happened, things would have worked out between us?”

  Remus sighed heavily, walking back to her.

  “With all my heart, I want to say yes,” he started. “But no. It wouldn’t have worked.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you were never meant to be tethered,” Remus told her. “What makes you exceptional is your ability to evolve, to grow stronger, no matter the obstacle. You are creative, and innovative, and brilliant beyond compare. I could never keep up with you, and I would never want to hold you back.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Everything in your life has been an upheaval, and the reason you and I worked is because I was the only thing in your life that was constant, that never changed. I saw you moving away from me long before Colonel Amori came along. You had the stability you needed when you needed it. But you needed something to propel you forward, toward something greater, and that was not me. I was part of the foundation to get you to the top, but you need something else to go farther. I knew, eventually, I would have to let you go.”

  Isa lowered her eyes.

  “You are a powerful creature, Isa,” Remus whispered. “You think that Colonel Amori destroyed you, but you took the pieces and you built someone even stronger.” His hands moved from her shoulders to her face, turning her head to look at him. “Don’t change who you are, who you always were meant to be. Fight for what you want, and what you believe in.”

  Isa swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

  Remus leaned forward briefly and his lips brushed over hers.

  The chaste kiss spoke volumes, signifying both the end and the beginning of different stages of their lives.

  Remus’ thumbs brushed over Isa’s cheeks and then slowly left her face.

  “Remus,” Isa said, her voice quiet. She looked at him apologetically. “I wish that things hadn’t ended the way they did between us.”

  Remus pursed his lips and nodded tightly.

  “Me, too.”

  He walked away and Isa took a deep breath, unable to turn to the doors until the Silver Elite was out of sight.

  She performed the proper scans to open the doors and walk into the audience hall.

  As usual, the room was unbearably hot and the single chair in the vastness of the room reminded Isa of how small Venus thought her to be.

  The computer was already depicted in her hologram form, waiting for the Golden Elite to appear.

  Isa walked forward, bowing her head shallowly and sitting in the chair.

  “A-C89072, your rebellion must cease immediately.”

  “My rebellion?”

  “You are in a sexual relationship with the Trid Significant,” Venus stated. “I saw a recording of you engaging in sexual activity two nights previous, and then again, brazenly in your office in the Syndicate Building.”

  “Yes,” Isa said strongly. “I am in a relationship with Kailynn. As much as you may disapprove, I am in love with her.”

  “You cannot comprehend such emotions,” Venus said. “This is a temporary rebellion. You are upset by engaging Gihron once more, and you know that I would order your Silver Elite’s execution if he were to touch you again. While I commend you for choosing someone you could discreetly dispose of, I cannot condone these actions.”

  “I have no intention of disposing of Kailynn,” Isa said darkly. “I love her, and I plan to stay with her as long as she’ll have me.”

  “With the war with Gihron, you should know that they will use her as a means to trap you, just as Colonel Amori used B-X20016 to blackmail you.”

  Isa took a deep breath, but her expression did not change.

  “I will be sure to protect her and keep her safe from all harm,” Isa’s eyes hardened. “Even harm from you. I will rebel against you, Venus, if you order me away from her.”

  The computer was silent for several seconds.

  “You forget who you address,” Venus said. “Your priorities need to be reordered. You created conflict between Tiao and Gihron when you killed Colonel Amori. Once he was gone, you were quiet, which allowed things to progress peacefully to this point. What he did to you made you more compliant. That is something to be commended.”

  Isa blinked at Venus.

  “You’re commending that he tortured me?”

  “You inflicted most of the torture on yourself,” Venus stated. Isa ground her teeth together, biting back the angry words. “You had become compliant. Now, you are rebelling once more. And I know the reason is the Significant.”

  Isa sat back in her chair, straightening, preparing herself.

  “I will not have you creating another situation with Gihron as you did before,” Venus said. “You disobeyed me, you killed thousands of people because you could not be Golden Elite as long as you held irrational attachment to a sexual partner, and you nearly killed yourself in the process while creating the foundation for this war. I will not allow you to fall back into that behavior.”

  “Venus, Colonel Amori killed those people. I was trying—”

  “He would have been unable to do so had you not given him the codes to weaponize my systems.”

  “I did not give them to him!” Isa barked. “He ripped them out of me!”

  “You should have taken measures to protect yourself,” Venus said. “You know the information you hold and how dangerous it is. Since you seem unable to keep yourself safe in such situations, I am ordering the Significant’s arrest. I will determine at a later time if execution is warranted.”

  “I will not let you arrest her.”

  “I am issuing the order now. The Officials will have apprehended her by the time this meeting has concluded.”

  Isa was silent, her hands folded in front of her, waiting.


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