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Promise Me: A Novella (Rivers Edge Book 3.5)

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by Lacey Black

  “What?! How am I just now hearing about this?” he exclaims loud enough to draw attention from those standing around us.

  “It was time. She wasn’t into me for anything more than the fame I could contribute to her floundering career. She wanted arm candy and a name attached to hers for the press.”

  “So? She’s fucking Camille Douglas. Freaking swimsuit supermodel. You don’t break up with a fucking supermodel, Jase.”

  “Well, I did. I’m tired of the shallow and the selfish.”

  “How is it that the press hasn’t caught wind of this yet?” Phillip asks as he leans in and whispers so not to draw further attention to our conversation.

  “She thinks I’ll come crawling back to her any day now. She thinks I can’t make it in this world without her. She’s not going to the press because she thinks I’ll be back. Well, she’s wrong. I’m done with all that bullshit. I want normal. I want love.”

  “Love. What the hell do you know about love, Jase? This business doesn’t have room for love. This business is filled with dicks that will better your career and tits that will help make it happen.”

  “Exactly. I’m tired, Phil. I’m not extending the tour again. I want some time off,” I tell him as we make our way to the door. The door separates me from a room full of anxious, screaming fans. I used to love this part of the job. Meeting the fans and spending time with them, with those that bought my records and sing along with my songs. But lately, I’m just about as sick of them as I am the job. Everyone wants something from me. Including Phillip.

  “You’re just feeling down about losing Camille. I’ll grab a couple of girls from the show, and they’ll help you get your mind back on track,” Phillip offers with a big wolfish smile on his face.

  In truth, I haven’t been into groupies in the last couple of years. I haven’t wanted temporary distractions or temporary relief from life in a while. I want more.

  I watch as the band heads through the door to begin the Meet and Greet. I turn my attention towards Philip before I push through the door. “I don’t need groupies, Phil. I’m perfectly capable of finding my own company for the evening if I so choose. And right now, I’m not interested.”

  “Suit yourself, man. Just let me know if you need a few girls to drop to their knees or spread their legs. Hell, they could do both – all together – if you want, Jase. Girls like that are a dime a dozen back here as you very well know,” he says with a huge devilish smile on his charming face. Phillip has been known to take advantage of the never ending train of willing groupies backstage. It comes with the business. Just don’t tell his wife.

  I don’t acknowledge his last comment, but instead push my way through the heavy door leading towards the Meet and Greet. I hear the screams and the hollers, but my eyes remain cast downward. I watch my worn black boots as I step into the room, through the crowd of people, and head towards the front of the room. Snap out of it, man. I give my head a quick little shake and look up at the crowd. Flashbulbs are popping like fireworks. I give the room my full-watt smile. It’s a smile I’ve perfected in the past six years that brings the ladies to their knees. Sometimes literally. It’s a smile that hides the pain that’s within. I know that if I’m smiling, then no one knows the turmoil that’s brewing and rolling like thunder from deep within my gut. No one knows just how lonely and miserable I really am.

  I scan the crowd but don’t register the faces. Blondes, brunettes, redheads. Girls, girls, girls, and more girls. All screaming, snapping pictures, and jumping up and down in their skimpy little outfits with their legs exposed and their tits hanging out. I head to the front and position myself in between my band mates underneath the big banner with our name on it, just like I do every night.

  I skim the crowd one more time, but this time I actually take note of someone in the crowd. My eyes clash into a pair of stunning hazel eyes at the back of the room. My chest tightens and I struggle to gulp air in my lungs. Her eyes meet mine at the exact same time, and she’s stunning. I couldn’t look away from her if I tried, and she seems to have the same reaction to me. She stares back, mouth slightly agape, and I feel the burn of her gaze from all the way up here. My body hums to life for the first time in months. Hell, years.

  “Who’s that?” Phillip asks as he approaches from behind and hands me a Sharpie, taking in the mystery woman in the back of the room that I can’t seem to get my eyes off of.

  “That’s my future wife.”

  Chapter Three


  “Oh my Gawd! Jase Bentley is staring at you,” Avery says just over my left shoulder. I know Jase Bentley is staring at me because I’m staring at him. It’s like I’ve been sucked into some alternative universe where only he and I exist. I feel so connected to him, all the way from the opposite side of the room. We continue to stare at each other until a slightly shorter man walks up behind him and starts talking. He stares for a few more moments before turning his attention to the man behind him, taking the offered marker from his hand.

  With that, the line starts to slowly inch forward towards the five members of Bent. They are on the second leg of their coast to coast tour which includes stops at some of the biggest venues in the country. Bent stormed onto the music scene six years ago with their debut song “Fire”, and they haven’t looked back since. They toured with Katy Perry, Maroon 5, and Daughtry before claiming their own tour three years ago. Three albums and two Grammy’s later, Bent is one of the biggest names in rock music to date. It doesn’t hurt that the lead singer is drop dead gorgeous and has the voice of a God. Deep, throaty, and edgy. Sexy. A voice that makes panties burst into flames with the first word of any song.

  Slowly over the next hour, we make our way towards the front of the line. The opening act, Hassle and Concur, is performing on stage, getting the crowd warmed up and ready for Bent. I’m completely fine with missing the opening act. Especially since I’m about to come face to face with one of the sexiest rockers in all of music.

  I take note of the conversations around me. Avery, Erin, and Josselyn are all talking up a storm about babies, weddings, and the concert in general. I don’t actively participate in their conversations, though. Instead, I people watch mostly, occasionally returning my eyes to the band at the front of the room. I watch as they sign shirts, CD’s, posters, and even the occasional offered body part. Women throw their arms around their necks and grab at any part of their bodies that they can get their hands on. The band poses for countless pictures, their famous smiles never wavering from their faces.

  It takes nearly an hour and ten minutes before we’re finally standing at the front of the line. I didn’t bring anything for them to sign, but I’m eager to get a photo with the band.

  “I can’t believe we’re about to meet Bent,” Josselyn exclaims as she bounces up and down on her sandal covered toes.

  “I know! This is so freaking amazing,” Erin adds.

  Finally, it is our turn. One by one, the band members each turn their attention towards us. Each one has a Sharpie in their hands. Avery is at the front of the line and produces her backstage pass for each member to sign. I watch as she steps up to Jase and gives him a huge, fan-girl smile. He laughs at something she says before wrapping his arm securely over her shoulder. The rest of the band gathers around for a picture taken with her cell phone.

  Erin and Josselyn each go next, securing autographs and photos with the band. I stand back and watch until, finally, it’s my turn. I have no clue what each of the band members say because my eyes are focused on the lead singer. He’s been staring back at me off and on during the entire Meet and Greet, but since I got up near the front of the line, his gaze has been constant.

  I slowly walk towards him, willing my legs to keep me upright and not fail me now. Suddenly, I’m questioning my choice in footwear. Please for the love of all things holy, don’t let me trip!

  “Hi,” he finally says. Those deep timbers of his voice wash over me like a warm shower.

Hi,” I reply because, frankly, it’s the only thing I can get out of my suddenly desert dry mouth, and even then it comes out like sandpaper. I’m like a freshman girl meeting the senior quarterback on the first day of high school. My knees are knocking so damn bad, I’m worried everyone around me will hear them. Please, knees, don’t fail me now.

  “Jase,” he finally says as he extends his hand towards me. I take his large, warm hand within my own and feel the energy immediately. That warm contact is like a shot of tequila. I feel it burn my throat, warm my belly, and makes me tingle all the way down to my toes - including my dormant lady parts. They are definitely taking notice of the fine specimen of man candy standing in front of me holding my hand.

  “Holly,” I finally reply, my tongue darting out to wet my instantly dry lips.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Holly,” he says without letting go of my hand, his eyes diverted to my lips.

  “Can I take a quick picture for you, honey?” the young man whose job it was to snap the dozens and dozens of fan photos asks as he reaches his hand forward for my cell phone.

  “Sure,” I reply, producing my phone from my back pocket.

  I turn to face the guy and feel the strong arm of Jase Bentley reach around my shoulder, pulling me snuggly against his hard body. Cheese and rice, this man is firm in the best possible way and smells amazing. I have to restrain myself from leaning over just a little, inhaling his musky scent, and licking his neck. I uncontrollably shudder at the contact of his body firmly against mine - or from the images dancing through my warped, perverse mind. I wrap my arm securely around his waist and somehow manage to smile for the camera.

  After the photo is taken, I feel his warm breath against the top of my head, warming my already flush face. Neither one of us have let go yet even though the photo was taken several seconds ago, so I slowly turn towards him, still securely in his deep embrace. He’s staring down at me, mouth slightly open as if wanting to say something but not quite sure what to say. His eyes dance with question and maybe - what? Desire? Well, that can’t be it. Could it?

  “Excuse me, but could we take a quick picture of all of us together with the band?” Avery asks the bored guy who was taking pictures.

  “Sure thing, honey,” he replies with an instant smile that borders on creepy.

  Avery, Erin, and Josselyn all weave their way in between the band members. Jase never moves his arm from around my shoulder, nor do I move my arm from around his waist. It feels too good, too secure, too right. Down girl!

  After the photo, the girls all engage in friendly conversation with the band since we were the last ones in line for the Meet and Greet. Jase turns his attention back to me. “So…” he starts.

  “So…” I reply.

  “What brings you here tonight?” he asks but then he seems to register the stupidity of his question. “Sorry. I guess that’s an obvious answer, huh?” he says with a hearty laugh. A beautiful laugh. It seems so real and genuine and lights up his entire face.

  I smile at his ability to poke fun at himself. “My friend, Avery, over there - the blond - it’s her birthday tomorrow. Her husband got us tickets.”

  “Yeah? Nice husband,” he responds with another award-winning smile.

  “Actually, I think he got the tickets from your brother.”

  Jase raises an eyebrow in question. “Which one?”

  “Coy, maybe? He was in the same unit as Maddox and Jake, I guess, in the military,” I reply.

  “Oh yeah. Coy called me a couple of weeks ago for four tickets. Are you married to one of them?” he asks as green, hopeful eyes staring back at me while he awaits my answer.

  “Oh, no. Avery is married to Maddox and Jake is her brother. Jake is engaged to Erin, the redhead over there,” I say as I point to Erin. “And Josselyn is married to Avery’s youngest brother, Travis.”

  “So, married, married, and engaged. What about you? Are you married or engaged?” Jase asks, trying his best to pull off casual, but it comes off slightly overzealous.

  “No,” I manage to respond only a fraction of a second before the man from earlier walks up and interrupts us.

  “Jase, time to go on,” he says with a slap on the back.

  “Thanks, Phil,” Jase responds and turns his attention back to me.

  “Well, we better get out to our seats,” I finally say as I stare back at green eyes.

  “I -” he starts and then stops. “I was wondering if you would come backstage after the show and hang out for a bit,” he finally says in one quick breath. I notice he’s holding his breath as if nervously awaiting my answer.

  “Um, maybe. I’d have to ask my friends,” I reply, looking around for my friends who are making their way towards the exit leading us back the way we came.

  “Just….just don’t leave tonight without seeing me first,” Jase says as he grabs a hold of my hand. It starts to shake as he brings it up to his mouth and places a gentle kiss on the top of my knuckles. “Please. I want to see you again,” he says with one last kiss on my knuckles.

  I inhale quickly at the contact of his lips against my skin, eyes wide as I watch helplessly. I feel his warm breath fan against my hand and wonder what that breath would feel like fanning against my neck, my lips, and maybe even other places. Holy crap! Down girl!

  “Okay,” I finally say, struggling to get the words out over the lump in my throat.

  He gives me a small smile. Not the cocky, arrogant smile that you see in the magazines or on television. But another of those sincere, happy smiles. This smile makes my stomach do a swan dive and start the backstroke.

  He finally releases my hand and slowly backs away towards the door, the same way he entered to room. Our eyes remained locked until the last possible second before he exits the room entirely, leaving me yearning and longing for his return.

  “Wow. You just had some sort of crazy moment with Jase Bentley,” Avery says behind me.

  “Seriously. That was hot. I was waiting for your clothes to magically fall off while observing that,” Josselyn adds with a smile.

  “Definitely. You were having hot eye sex, and now I feel like I need a cigarette just from watching,” Erin says with a giggle.

  I turn towards my girls and give them a dramatic eye roll. We all link arms and head back out into the arena to find our seats. Our seats are front row, dead center. When I leave tonight, I’m giving Maddox Jackson a huge kiss. Seriously, these seats are amazing. Everyone is on their feet, standing and cheering as the lights go dark. Through the minimal lighting on the stage, you see the boots of the band members walking onto the platform, taking their designated places within the stage. The crowd around me is deafeningly loud. Josselyn is jumping up and down, screaming her beautiful little head off next to me. I can’t help but look down at our tightly gripped hands. Her excitement and energy and that of the entire arena around us courses through my fully charged body.

  The lights suddenly flash. Smoke rises from the depths of the stage. Bursts of fire shoot from the cannons. Drumsticks countdown the beat. Guitars strum the first few notes of their first single, “Fire”.

  And, finally, Jase Bentley walks on stage.

  Chapter Four


  I could do without the smoke and the fire, though I understand the significance of it, especially since our lead song is “Fire.” I walk up to the microphone, center stage, and grab the guitar hanging from my neck. I scan the crowd quickly but with the blinding beams of the spotlights, I can’t see past the first few rows. But, I do see the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes staring wide-eyed back at me from the middle of that front row. The screaming fans, the blinding lights, the music around me fades away until it’s just us. Me and her. Holly. Hell, I don’t even know her last name, but I will. By the end of the night, I will know her last name, her phone number, and so much more.

  I belt out the lyrics I’ve known by heart since I wrote them eight years ago. I sing the words that are like second skin to me, singin
g for her and only her. I keep my eyes locked on hers as I belt out the words, line by line. My fingers strum my guitar completely on their own. Hell, they know exactly what to do.

  “I’ll burn it down, I’ll bring you down, down to the ground, until you feel my flames, my burning desire, and you and I will be on fire.”

  The crowd goes wild, singing along with each word that pours from my mouth. But I’m completely lost in one particular mouth. I watch helplessly as I’m pulled into the depths of those hazel eyes, her delicious mouth moving as she sings along. She knows the words. Hell, everyone in the country knows the words to this song, but watching her sing these words is like I’m hearing this song for the first time.

  The dramatic chords fill the arena as the song nears the ending. My eyes still glued on the only eyes I want to see as I sing, “You do this to me, your touch is my desire. There’s no way to save me, I’m burnt by your fire.”

  The lights fade as the electric guitar and the drums finish out the final few notes of the song. The crowd goes wild, eagerly anticipating what song is next. All I want to do is finish this show so I can get backstage. Back to Holly.

  We play a few more of our hit songs before I finally step up to the microphone and acknowledge the crowd. “Evening,” I say as the spotlight drowns me in light. “Everyone havin’ a good time?” I ask and throw them my trademark smirk. The crowd erupts in another ear piercing cheer. “Glad to hear. You know, we’re excited to be here tonight in St. Charles, Missouri.” Again, the crowd goes wild at the acknowledgement of their hometown. “And I have a special friend in the audience tonight who is celebrating her birthday. So, this next song is for Avery and her friends who are together celebrating tonight.” I wink down at the ladies in the front row. Their eyes are all round with shock, mouths hanging open with surprise and excitement. Holly looks absolutely fucking adorable as she stares back at me from the front row. I have a few things I’d like to do to that sexy little mouth of hers. Hell, what I’d do to her mouth is only the beginning. But, right now, I have a show to continue and a few more songs to sing so I just grin down at her like an idiot and pray that she can’t read my dirty mind.


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